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Bob Lazar fact or fiction???

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posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

The part that is "me", the part I call "I", is not coming back here. No other entity in this universe has any decision in the matter. I'll grant you there may be some "container", requiring a recharge from time to time, but as far as "me" running through some "karmic" loop?..Nope. (With apologies to Buddha)

Some of you need to find the source for the damage you've done to your psyches and realize the consciousness that is "us" and "we" and "me" and "I", is powerful, unlimited, and certainly not the "cattle" of some supposed alien being.

I agree with your assessment

Reincarnation is a choice and no space aliens, no matter how technologically advanced, are our spiritual masters.

We are the arbiters of our spiritual destiny in The Light.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 08:15 PM
I can appreciate your thought that there equipment might have been broken but I don't think so.

You did make me chuckle, and I needed that, thanks.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

But what first convinced me of this (in this life) is their failure to abduct me and members of my family after directing their white paralysis beam floodlight into our second story bathroom window - late at night in the winter, back in the early 1990s. That light, which stemmed from a completely silent backyard (their probe or craft was probably cloaked), also illuminated the adjoining master bedroom and was far brighter than a police helicopter searchlight. The beams were avoided and no one in our home was paralyzed or abducted.

Okay, so maybe their teleporter, wall-shifter, and mind-reading mechanisms weren't working that night.

[edit on 24-8-2006 by Paul_Richard]

Hi Paul

You were taken you just don't remember---most don't remember.

Pain and paralysis are easy to wipe away.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 11:09 PM
Ok guys is 12 o'clock midnight (ET). At TLC just started a documentary about Area 51.

I hope somebody will read this in time so you won't miss the show. Looks pretty interesting...

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 02:17 AM
Many of you have heard of Bob Lazar's, United Nuclear's, hydrogen fuel system. Although its still in a testing phase, Its currently crap. Until they drop the systems price of $7,000 - $10,000 to 1/6 the price or improve on the generator, It will not save you money. Ive estimated that it will take 6 years for the system to pay for itself in fuel savings if using solar panels. By that time it will most certainly be out of commision.

Theres more information here.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by observe50
I can appreciate your thought that their equipment might have been broken but I don't think so.

You did make me chuckle, and I needed that, thanks.


I think that cultivating a good sense of humor - especially about dire stuff like this - is very important and an excellent stress buster.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

But what first convinced me of this (in this life) is their failure to abduct me and members of my family after directing their white paralysis beam floodlight into our second story bathroom window - late at night in the winter, back in the early 1990s. That light, which stemmed from a completely silent backyard (their probe or craft was probably cloaked), also illuminated the adjoining master bedroom and was far brighter than a police helicopter searchlight. The beams were avoided and no one in our home was paralyzed or abducted.

Okay, so maybe their teleporter, wall-shifter, and mind-reading mechanisms weren't working that night.

Hi Paul

You were taken you just don't remember---most don't remember.

Pain and paralysis are easy to wipe away.

Hi Sleeper,

You are right regarding the point that most do not remember their abduction. However, Zetan brainwashing is not 100% effective. After weeks, months, even years - depending on the person and the extent of the psychological manipulation - memories of the encounter start to emerge in the psyche. Those memories may start popping up in dreams.

In our case, none of the characteristics of a Zetan abduction played out and it has been over a decade since it happened.

No missing time.

No nightmares about aliens.

No feelings of paralysis.

No terror when viewing pictures or illustrations of Greys, Reptilians, Preying Mantises, etc.

No unexplained surgical scars, needle marks, etc.

No unexplained metallic object in the body.

No radiation sickness.

No burns caused from radiation.

Additionally, in that particular incident that you quoted above, I was in another room on the other side of the house. It was my mother who saw the intense white floodlight and, with our handful of small dogs at that time, avoided contact. The dogs, who are usually quite noisy, were eerily silent, obviously spooked by the light, and followed her single file down the stairs.

As she made her way to the family room, she kept looking at the clock to make sure there was no missing time and avoided our sliding glass door to the outside from the kitchen (for obvious reasons) on the first floor.

After less than an hour, her intuition told her that it was safe to go back upstairs, which she did. The paralysis floodlight was gone and no further attempts were made that night.

My mother has the equivalent of two masters degrees and used to be a high school history teacher. Through the years I educated her on the issue of alien abductions so when the classic scenario started to play out she knew exactly what to do.

I submit that if she and I were paralyzed, that we would now both be espousing that the little grey people can walk through walls, read minds, teleport, and are here to further our spirtual evolution.

Outside of a minor incident that happened to me personally years later at the house, no other attempts were made to abduct any of us.

We are considered a poor risk, as we know too much. They seek to target those who are oblivious to their subjugation and who leave themselves open to being kidnapped.

I am also a trained hypnotherapist - received certification for that in 1994 - and am very experienced in meditation, self-awareness, mediumship, and in being able to monitor each and every thought as it arises. As such, I am much more psychically sensitive and aware of my inner self than your typical abductee, and am also a light sleeper. Consequently, I would be able to detect any significant psychological tampering, especially within a period of over ten years

For a time after the episode with the paralysis beams, I kept by my bed at night a loaded Benelli M1 Super 90. A preferred weapon of law enforcement agencies and paramilitary organizations around the world and one of the most powerful firearms that are legally available in the US.

The Zetan-aliens - who monitor forums like this one - are well aware that I will not go gently into the night.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 08:26 AM
Hi Paul

Missing time can only be verified if someone else is present and allowed to witness it without being abducted themselves---rarely happens, except in the case of multiple abductions but those accounts will not stand up in court----few will believe them because they were all abducted and under the same influence.

Even if you didn’t see the light or feel the paralysis they would have either taken you or left you behind, but removed any memory of the incident.

Compared to humans they are perfect and what they do is perfect, whatever they do never wares off unless they intended for it to ware off.

Put your gun away, they are like superman nothing can kill them or hurt them or stop them.

Now as you probably know there are humans who abduct for the purpose of research, they sometimes botch things up, like leaving scars or memory gaps. But even they are not foolhardy enough to get shot.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
Missing time can only be verified if someone else is present and allowed to witness it without being abducted themselves---rarely happens, except in the case of multiple abductions but those accounts will not stand up in court----few will believe them because they were all abducted and under the same influence.

Yes, if it happened, which it did not in this case.

There are a lot of things that don't stand up in court, like polygraph tests for example, but are still valid regardless.

Originally posted by sleeper
Even if you didn’t see the light or feel the paralysis they would have either taken you or left you behind, but removed any memory of the incident.

I already addressed this in my previous post. None of the classic signs were there or are there now.

Originally posted by sleeper
Compared to humans they are perfect and what they do is perfect, whatever they do never wares off unless they intended for it to ware off.

Let's start with the issue of perfection, shall we?

Perfection is a state of being that is unchanging. However, this is illogical since a basic rule of physics and metaphysics is...

The only constant is change.

So by the very definition of perfection, it cannot exist.

There is no perfection, only degrees of spiritual excellence.

What is spiritual excellence?

Spiritual excellence is characterized by selflessness, striving to live by The Golden Rule, and compassion for others.

The aliens based out of the Zeta 2 Reticuli System are Service To Self (STS) oriented (as opposed to Service To Others or STO focused), hostile, deceptive, manipulative, and treat most Terrans like laboratory animals and slaves.

They are clearly not exhibiting the characteristics of spiritual excellence. On the contrary, their acts demonstrate spiritual retardation

Regarding their brainwashing, if one does some investigation, one finds that there are many accounts from abductees who, over a period of weeks, months, or years, start to remember their kidnapping and slowly piece together what actually happened during their missing time.

This indicates that the drug induced, implanted screen memories and amnesia that are common to alien abductions are not fully effective in the long term.

Which is a good thing, don't you think?

Originally posted by sleeper
Put your gun away, they are like superman nothing can kill them or hurt them or stop them.

If that be the case, then we would not be having this discussion. Moreover, ATS would have never been permitted to emerge on the Internet in the first place, along with forums like FTTOUFO and others who have addressed this issue. Total censureship would have occurred.

Certainly, if they are omnipotent as you have been led to believe, any weapon that we have is useless against them.

Fortunately, in truth they are not all powerful:

US Warships Shot Down A UFO During Gulf War In 1991

For those who desire FREEDOM, it is nice to know that the Zetan-aliens have no shielding or teleportation capability whatsoever.

So what is your true motivation behind asking me to disarm?

Originally posted by sleeper
Now as you probably know there are humans who abduct for the purpose of research, they sometimes botch things up, like leaving scars or memory gaps. But even they are not foolhardy enough to get shot.

The ends DO NOT justify the means.

Never have, never will.

Humans who abuse innocents must face those karmic debts on the Other Side. They have absolutely no choice but to account for all their actions and to pay back those they harmed in life. NDE research indicates that no one ever truly gets away with anything. That also applies to your Grey friends.

Advanced technology provides no loop hole in Universal Law on the Other Side.

I don't perform sadistic and self-serving experimentation and "research" on any animals or humanoids and there are MILLIONS of ethical people around the globe - in a number of religions and philosophies - that also avoid doing that. Many here do not agree with abusing innocents of any kind and justifiably find it morally abhorrent that anyone would try to do that to them


And will continue to do so with EVER INCREASING EFFICIENCY.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 10:52 AM

A few weeks ago when I heard that Pluto was no longer going to be classified as a planet I told my grandkids hey we are going down to eight planets.

Two weeks later I hear they are saying they are keeping Pluto as a planet and adding three more to make our Solar System to have twelve planets, I was shocked. I am just amazed when I hear one Scientist say the meaning of a planet meant it had to be round, duh! They talked about the hundreds of drawf planets then all of a sudden I hear NO they are declassifying Pluto and making our Solar System with just the eight Planets.

I really think we need to take this group of Scientist and put them on the unempolyment line.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I really think we need to take this group of Scientist and put them on the unempolyment line.

Yeah scientific debate is worthless.
I prefer the psychics on ATS.
Just tell me what to think and don't confuse me.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 06:33 PM
Hey Sleeper, you say you went on this craft in the military, was it the well documented sport model or a different craft?

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 08:11 PM
Hey guys, go on this and look at the bottom of the screen, Not sure if its fake or not, the film is so blurry.

But just to clarify look at the bottom of the screen and almost invisible.

I think it goes nicley with the greys having almost spirit like abilities.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by chris01621]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 08:15 PM
I think this is also quite a good find.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 08:27 PM
That was interesting wasn't it. Did that open many eyes or did the skeptics rip it apart?

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
I don't perform sadistic and self-serving experimentation and "research" on any animals or humanoids and there are MILLIONS of ethical people around the globe - in a number of religions and philosophies - that also avoid doing that. Many here do not agree with abusing innocents of any kind and justifiably find it morally abhorrent that anyone would try to do that to them

Do you buy products which have been tested on animals? Do you eat animals? Just curious. Personally I think that the way we treat animals & the environment is what is holding our species back the most (even moreso than the corruption in our social systems, and potential 'outside' interference). It ripples through everything we do.

[edit on 26-8-2006 by Shar_Chi]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Do you buy products which have been tested on animals?

There has been a movement in recent decades among conscientious companies to not only avoid having their products tested on animals but to also state such on their labels. I wholeheartedly agree with that and try to avoid purchasing products that entail animal testing.

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Do you eat animals? Just curious.

Most of my meals are vegetarian.

The proper focus is to do the best one can with the financial and health constraints one has to work with. Some people have trouble absorbing B-Vitamins without eating meat. My mother has that problem.

Another issue is that non-organic meat companies inject antibiotics and hormones into their livestock (in part to fatten them up quickly) and this causes all kinds of problems over the long haul for people who eat that - like weight gains, damaged immune systems, and cancer.

Our nutritional doctor told us that we should avoid pork products completely as that is very hard for the body to digest. But there are some people who have no problems with eating pork. One has to know one's body and that takes time, analysis, and experience.

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Personally I think that the way we treat animals & the environment is what is holding our species back the most (even moreso than the corruption in our social systems, and potential 'outside' interference). It ripples through everything we do.

There is a lot of truth to that.

The spiritual ideal is to evolve into becoming a Co-Creator after returning to The Light Of The God Force on the Other Side.

When that happens, one will have the energy available in order to manifest through projected thought and Radiance a Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) or computerized battery of God Force Energy - that maintains itself, is spiritually shielded, and which responds to telepathic commands when one has reincarnated (Post Ascended).

Once one's SGS has been created and an extensive and successful diagnostic test has been conducted on it in the Monad Realms of Light, then one is ready to manifest a superior humanoid body or Avataric Form.

These will be fully-grown, sterile, youthful, fit, beautiful, and ageless, and maintained without the need to eat or drink but with only God Force Light from one's SGS.

This has never been done before and is vehemently opposed by Group Entities in the Mid and Lower Realms who have thwarted many Gifts of Astral Projection from discarnate Saints and progressive angels and who do not want true gods and Gods to emerge that are much more telekinetically powerful than their discarnate collectives that promote false god hierarchies

To Post Ascend into an Avataric Form with powerful Gifts of the Spirit given from one's SGS in the Monad Realms of Light is a goal of all Solist Mystics who evolve - through their Heart Chakra Radiance - to be on the Higher Stages of God Realization.

The discarnate Saints in the Higher Realms (below the Monad Realms) say that there are presently hundreds of new Masters (mainly gods or Magi) who are already prepared to do all of the above when they return to the Primary Reality of Spirit.

This will significantly improve upon the basic human condition and completely amend the problem of having to eat animals in order to be healthy.


[edit on 26-8-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:45 AM
Most nutritional requirements are best sourced from non animal products but I hear ya, not everyone can be 100% vegetarian. Most people could certainly reduce their intake & definitely source it from producers who treat their livestock with some manner of dignity & respect. In fact I urge most people searching for 'bigger picture' to consider taking back control over your consumption / diet as the simplest, most practical & immediate thing you can do to give the PTB the middle finger.

With the whole ascension thing, do you not think it is reward-based Service-To-Self (STS) to want to 'ascend' or 'escape' from the human / earth experience?

A Service-To-Others (STO) philosophy would tend to focus on simply being the best that you can be in this life. Any afterlife judgement / reward / punishment is irrelevant to the job at hand.

The afterlife punishment / reward syndrome is a 'red herring' imo. Screw ascension - we are living here right now! We should be doing what we can to make the most of our current reality, not just for humanity, but for all species & biospheres. The only reason or motivation you should need is that it is simply the right thing to do.

Apologies for going Off Topic somewhat

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 11:27 AM
Animals are here for us to feast on.
Deal with it or be a vegitarian.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
With the whole ascension thing, do you not think it is reward-based Service-To-Self (STS) to want to 'ascend' or 'escape' from the human / earth experience?

The idea is to transcend the basic human experience, not escape from it.

Was The Original Creator, a God, selfish from manifesting The Big Bang with The Light?

Of course not.

In fact, it was quite the opposite since God Realization can only be achieved by cultivating selflessness and the ability to love genuinely and deeply to a high degree.

Those who are not spiritually principled and who have not developed themselves to a rarefied level cannot Ascend - when free of matter - to a Primary Godhead Sun when in the discarnate dimensions.

There is nothing wrong with being justifably rewarded in heaven. The reason why there is a stigma surrounding being compensated is because many "rewards in the flesh" have been achieved unethically.

However, no one can decieve The Light and the Universal Law which governs it.

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
A Service-To-Others (STO) philosophy would tend to focus on simply being the best that you can be in this life. Any afterlife judgement / reward / punishment is irrelevant to the job at hand.

Humility and Purity are important to cultivate for spiritual stability.

There is no higher evolutionary path than striving toward the highest ideal of becoming a Co-Creator and to eventually have the energy on the Other Side to improve upon the basic human condition physically, governmentally, sexually, socially, and environmentally.

We do not have to fool ourselves into believing that we are not mature enough to handle the energy later on in order to make a significant contribution to humanity.

It's okay to desire happiness and a responsible utilization of The Light.

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
The afterlife punishment / reward syndrome is a 'red herring' imo. Screw ascension - we are living here right now! We should be doing what we can to make the most of our current reality, not just for humanity, but for all species & biospheres. The only reason or motivation you should need is that it is simply the right thing to do.

Those who are the wisest - right here and right now - are serving others, striving to live by The Golden Rule, cultivating Humility and Purity, and Radiating Love daily. Our true home is not in the flesh but in the discarnate dimensions.

We are only here for a short time.

All the traditional and "modern" solutions for the ills of society have failed. This world and others are subjugated by a Space Race empire that has the advantages of much greater firepower and a far broader industrial base. Our planet is suffering from overpopulation and our dependence on fuels and energy sources that are damaging to the environment.

We need an unlimited source of energy that everyone can access for free and we need to reverse all the environmental, biological, and societal problems that we face.

To become God Realized and to use The Light to a very high degree IS the solution.

It would take only a handful (if that) of Zetan antimatter weapons - that Bob Lazar illustrates in his documentary - to wipe out the surface populaton of this planet.

The only power in the Universe that is greater than antimatter reactions is The Light Of The God Force on the Other Side, as that is what was utilized to create the Universe in the first place

The energy of love is potentially more powerful than any bomb and more subtle than any herb. We just have not yet learned how to harness this most basic and pure energy. When we do, healing at all levels, individual and planetary, can occur. -- Brian L. Weiss, M.D.

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Learn HCR and use it daily.

In the long run, you will be very glad that you did.

Carpe Diem!

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