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What are the ailens waiting for?

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posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Toc
I think their main concern is how we prepare to weaponise space.
[edit on 14-8-2006 by Toc]

My sentiments exactly. The only thing "they" seem to be concerned about is our weapons capability. THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT softcover is rife with ET's interest in our nukes.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:54 PM
How people answer the question is usually a reflection of the way they view humanity, and by extension, themselves.

People who feel small and insignificant figure aliens treat us like tagged animals, insects or bacteria.
People who think humanity is too violent and aggressive think aliens are afraid to give us access to superior technology or we'll fight the universe for domination. Or they're waiting for us to destroy ourselves.
People of a more spiritual bent who see humanity as spiritually retarded think aliens are slowly guiding us to greater spiritual enlightenment.

We can only project our own predjuices and insecurities onto the aliens, until they're proven to exist, and are revealed have anything at all like our emotions and motivation. Neither of which is guaranteed.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by DrExtravaganza

i agree with your views, but you must explain somethings.

how come there are different religions ? were they created by different aliens ?

show me some article that proves that inteligence and benevolence are related.

Well it is quite easy to understand actually...

And yet it might have to do with different races of extraterrestrials having the upperhand or democratic victory in deciding what religion we should follow.

It has to do with our unique ability as humans to be complete idiotic and senseless.

As a result it is very hard to keep humans following a moral guideline to insure our prosperity.

We could easy look at the different main themes of religion.

Some faiths are simply created out of our fascination with nature, like Druidism and Shamanism.

Some faiths are founded by a particular individual motivated by extraterrestrials, such as Muhammad, Moses, and Abraham.

Some faiths are founded by a hybrid of human and extraterrestrial such as Yeshua and Krishna.

Some faiths are created by a government trying to bind in old faiths in the pursuit of establishing a unified state, like Constantine.

Actually Christianity is much more similar to Gnosticism.

Gnosticism is a mix of Judaism and themes that came from Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

As Yeshua's mother was a Dravidian Jew that lived in the Cochin area in India.

Jews came to the Southern part of India as far back as 700 BC, Yeshua's faith centers around a whole lot of Buddhist, Jainist, and Hindu ideology so why is it so hard for people to consider the possibility of Yeshua being a Dravidian?

Say hello to people related to the Virgin Mary...

Buddhism and Jainism are practically the same except for a few central beliefs.

Hinduism is basically a mix of Aryan beliefs and Jainism.

The true reason why new religions are made, well some of them, is because of an experiment so to speak. The extraterrestrials are trying to make human society better, but like the government sometimes changes have to be made incase humanity suddenly goes in the wrong direction.

Why was Islam created and why didn't Christianity or Judaism suddenly take over the Arabian Peninsula?

Why was Buddhism created and why didn't Jainism suddenly take hold over most of East Asian countries?

But here is the real question lies in at... why would an extraterrestrial want to stop the people of the Arabian peninsula from fighting each other like they did before the time of Muhammad?

That will tell you the intentions of some of the extraterrestrials.

That will tell you want benevolence is.

That will tell you what intelligence is.

If you are a Buddhist or practice any religion similar to Buddhism or Islam, then you SHOULD already know the connection between intelligence and benevolence.

How can benevolence exist without intelligence?

And how can intelligence exist without benevolence?

Is being non-benevolent more intelligent than being benevolent?

Is it wrong to be benevolent?

Why must one be benevolent and be intelligent?

Can intelligence exist alone?

How can it?

When you think of extraterrestrials, you think of yourself and what you want there to be and you view what would best satisfy yourself and what you believe would best satisfy everyone else. Is that not the connection between benevolence and intelligence?

By the way DrExtravaganza, you wouldn't happen to be an extraterrestrial in disquised as human, now would you?

[edit on 15-8-2006 by Timeseer]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:34 PM
Until we "humans" decide to stop dividing ourselves from each other, we will never be consciencely or spirtually where we need to be. Hence, "they" will still look upon us as primative. They watch us, observe our progress or lack of, and in some cases I believe, steer us in the evolutionary process both physically and spiritually.

We need to drop the religious dogma and move forward. We are individuals yet we are the same. We are humans. We were created this way for what ever reason God, Allah, Budda or whom ever you believe in, wanted. Until we humans get it together though, nothing is going to change. Stop fighting over who is right or wrong. Step back, keep your mouth shut and just observe for awhile. You will be very surprised to find the truths right in front of you.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:35 PM
According to all those crop circles, they're probably just waiting for the show that the third Antichrist will bring just like how they closely observed the London Blitz during World War Two.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by risitar
According to all those crop circles, they're probably just waiting for the show that the third Antichrist will bring just like how they closely observed the London Blitz during World War Two.

The crop circles have nothing to do with predicting or foreseeing future events. They are not signs made by the extraterrestrials, in fact most of them are not even made by extraterrestrials.

The only few that were made by extraterrestrials are those that possess magnetic qualities when investigating the terrain or the whole lot and emit some sort of disturbance that one can detect by movement within that area.

If you dig under the ground, you might understand what is actually there and what the extraterrestrials are doing.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Timeseer

Originally posted by risitar
According to all those crop circles, they're probably just waiting for the show that the third Antichrist will bring just like how they closely observed the London Blitz during World War Two.

The crop circles have nothing to do with predicting or foreseeing future events. They are not signs made by the extraterrestrials, in fact most of them are not even made by extraterrestrials.

And life doesn't exist on other planets.
Crop circles like a great deal of other phenomenon in our solar system are facts and I prefer to go past the mere intrigue of these sort of things and view them exclusively for what they are. The aliens I'm guessing have souls just like how all of the animals have souls as God is the God of the entire universe. They have perhaps too much respect for this very important planet in that they'd prefer to be as polite as possible about future events and opinions even. Haven't you ever watched Contact of which stars Jodie Foster?

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 01:08 AM
Perhaps they enjoy seeing this? Or maybe they are waiting, like others said, for something else to happen. Or maybe they really don't exist (which I extremely doubt, but some people still believe that). Or they could also be in on it somehow. Who knows.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by risitar
And life doesn't exist on other planets.
Crop circles like a great deal of other phenomenon in our solar system are facts and I prefer to go past the mere intrigue of these sort of things and view them exclusively for what they are. The aliens I'm guessing have souls just like how all of the animals have souls as God is the God of the entire universe. They have perhaps too much respect for this very important planet in that they'd prefer to be as polite as possible about future events and opinions even. Haven't you ever watched Contact of which stars Jodie Foster?

Just dig in a crop circle and see if you can find any mushrooms. You'll then know what I'm talking about.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Timeseer

Originally posted by tommy1979
So far God and religion hasn't helped humanity.

Actually Islam helped the Arabian Peninsula much more than you would ever understand. It gave equality between noble family members and commoners. It gave more rights to women and it ended a near endless conflict of people in the Arabian Peninsula.

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Timeseer]

Not to derail the thread, but religion is one of the worst things that has happened to earth and humanity. Islam, Christianity, Judism they are all the same load of horse sht. I believe in god, but not in the meaningless rituals or ideologies that force populations to collide - this is not godly.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 11:49 AM
It's not just that we blow each other up... I mean, that one's painfully obvious. It's also our ignorant manner towards everything else. Honestly, we rape the planet for short term profits. We treat animals like absolute dirt. And we've already started taking our particular blend of greed + arrogance into space.

Let's face facts, humanity could be really really good, but as a whole, we suck pretty hard. Stop waiting for alien messiahs to fix things for you & get busy.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 12:01 PM
Not sure if this is brought up, butttt.....

Do you all realize how far away everything else is? First off, the conditions for life to exist on a planet must be pretty perfect... i.e. distance from the star, size of the planet, rotation, types of gas, etc etc. The closes star is over 4 light years away, which is reeaaallly far. Just from that fact, it seems rather silly for any alien race to come all the way over here just for one planet.

As for the possibility of other intelligent life in our universe, there are hundreds of BILLIONS of galaxies, containing hundreds of BILLIONS of stars each. Just by mathematics, the chances of there NOT being other life is so low, Winning the lottery 7 times in a row is a more probable number.

in the late 70's, the voyager program was launched. Just recently (I forget the exact dates) they got out of the Sun's gravitational pull. almost 30 years after leaving Earth did Voyager I get out of the solar system, travelling a rate of 4.33 AU or 3.44 or something, I forget. For those that don't know what an AU is, its an Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the sun, roughly 93 million miles.

I just can't believe that aliens would come all this way for the pointless little rock that we live on, compared to the amount of resources located not only in our galaxy, but others as well.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 12:06 PM
One more thing, I think the only contact we will see, at least in our lifetime, is maybe some sort of machine that is controlled from far away, landing on our planet. Kind of like what we have done with Mars. Carbon based entities have such difficult times lasting in space, as shown with the condition of astronauts coming home after a month of being in space.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Mouth
Not sure if this is brought up, butttt.....

Do you all realize how far away everything else is? First off, the conditions for life to exist on a planet must be pretty perfect... i.e. distance from the star, size of the planet, rotation, types of gas, etc etc. The closes star is over 4 light years away, which is reeaaallly far. Just from that fact, it seems rather silly for any alien race to come all the way over here just for one planet.

Come on now your obviously a smart person, use some of that brain power to think outside the box. The size and age of our universe leads me to think that if we could evolve to this stage of intelligence having been in this universe for 1/9000th of the universe's age then it is fairly safe to assume this could of happened some where else in the universe.

As for ET's reaching us - well warp speed (or what eve u wanna call it) is already being hypothesised by humans by colliding anti matter and matter is it really that hard to believe that a more intelligent life might of cracked this??

As for the possibility of other intelligent life in our universe, there are hundreds of BILLIONS of galaxies, containing hundreds of BILLIONS of stars each. Just by mathematics, the chances of there NOT being other life is so low, Winning the lottery 7 times in a row is a more probable number.

The size of our universe also leads me to believe that there is a high chance of other life in our universe.

in the late 70's, the voyager program was launched. Just recently (I forget the exact dates) they got out of the Sun's gravitational pull. almost 30 years after leaving Earth did Voyager I get out of the solar system, travelling a rate of 4.33 AU or 3.44 or something, I forget. For those that don't know what an AU is, its an Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the sun, roughly 93 million miles.

I just can't believe that aliens would come all this way for the pointless little rock that we live on, compared to the amount of resources located not only in our galaxy, but others as well.

It depends on there intentions some believe aliens created us gave us religion and will announce themselves one day when we are ready. Some believe they may want resources that only a blue planet can provide (water is one example) they may want to study us historians, sociologists even biologists would be interested if they were out there. Maybe they need our land and there are many other possibilities why they may come here.

Well just my thoughts on what you said.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Argos

Come on now your obviously a smart person, use some of that brain power to think outside the box. The size and age of our universe leads me to think that if we could evolve to this stage of intelligence having been in this universe for 1/9000th of the universe's age then it is fairly safe to assume this could of happened some where else in the universe.

I think outside the box all the time, and it hurts. I think my main point was, that even if the technology was there, why would the come over here? it is just soooo out of the way from everything else. we still have yet to discover a planet that is even close to being habitable for out kind of environment. Maybe the same is true for whatever alien life out there. Maybe oxygen is poisonous for other life forms. Maybe maybe maybe...

As for ET's reaching us - well warp speed (or what eve u wanna call it) is already being hypothesised by humans by colliding anti matter and matter is it really that hard to believe that a more intelligent life might of cracked this??

kind of, since we have yet to see it. You know how when somethinig breaks the sound barrier, there is a sonic boom? Would it not be therefore true that if someone breaks the light barrier, that there is a light boom, or whatever you want to call it? I don't really know alot about that subject.

But again, since there still is absolutely no real evidence of other intelligent life visiting this planet besides fuzzy pics and rods and all that jazz, I am gonna stick to my side of the argument.

The size of our universe also leads me to believe that there is a high chance of other life in our universe.


It depends on there intentions some believe aliens created us gave us religion and will announce themselves one day when we are ready. Some believe they may want resources that only a blue planet can provide (water is one example) they may want to study us historians, sociologists even biologists would be interested if they were out there. Maybe they need our land and there are many other possibilities why they may come here.

Well just my thoughts on what you said.

More maybes.

I mean, what the hell do I know, or you, or anyone? Really nothing. But, I am gonna stick to what I know: physics.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Mouth

As for ET's reaching us - well warp speed (or what eve u wanna call it) is already being hypothesised by humans by colliding anti matter and matter is it really that hard to believe that a more intelligent life might of cracked this??

kind of, since we have yet to see it. You know how when somethinig breaks the sound barrier, there is a sonic boom? Would it not be therefore true that if someone breaks the light barrier, that there is a light boom, or whatever you want to call it? I don't really know alot about that subject.

But again, since there still is absolutely no real evidence of other intelligent life visiting this planet besides fuzzy pics and rods and all that jazz, I am gonna stick to my side of the argument.

No light boom dude... you don't actually travel faster than light speed, you enter into a dimension which doesn't adhere to 3/4d space time physics laws. You appear a few seconds later across space. Watch a Nova video sometime... there are alot of other resources on this. I'll try to find some links later.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 06:28 PM

More maybes.

I mean, what the hell do I know, or you, or anyone? Really nothing. But, I am gonna stick to what I know: physics.

And arguing about what technology they may possess is useless, if you believe then you have to assume they have adequate technology, non believers will say well humans havent even cracked it yet how could make believe aliens be doing it.

I'll never know till something happens but in my head it would be wierd if there werent other intelligent races out there. If they are out there its not hard to think that at least one race could be a bit older than us and cracked some of the theories about warp speed etc needed to get here that humans are working on right now by colliding anti matter and matter.

Based on the above i can make a reasonable assesment according to my beliefs. I think there are all kinds of reasons why aliens, if real would want to come here. It makes scientific sense to study and seek out new creatures, civilisations etc. And thats not a maybe we do the same on this planet right now - if aliens do posses the technology, well they arent exploring space to just fly by planets like ours and not take an interest.

How did they find us? well advanced telescopes, SETI, all the space junk we leave in space, not to mention the signal the electronics on our planet might give off.
Anyway just what i think.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 08:11 PM
They aren't waiting for anything. Why should they?
As long as we dont represent any threat or have anything to trade - there's no point to care. The planet\sol.sys. it self is too far away from the downtown.
In other words it'd be like if we discover another canibal populated island and go "ZOMG!! We gotta establish diplomatic relationship with them! Teach em!" Yeah, rrright.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by krif
They aren't waiting for anything. Why should they?
As long as we dont represent any threat or have anything to trade - there's no point to care. The planet\sol.sys. it self is too far away from the downtown.
In other words it'd be like if we discover another canibal populated island and go "ZOMG!! We gotta establish diplomatic relationship with them! Teach em!" Yeah, rrright.

If thats your opinion then i respect that but i dont agree - we wouldn't go "zomg" and go there but we'd be pretty damn interested to see if they did have any trade to offer.

And as i have said before if aliens do have space ships what else would they do accept explore with them for other civlisations and resources etc and surely there must be a curiosity if they flew past a planet with intelligent life it would make no sense just to fly past it.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 08:32 PM

I pose a simple question. What are the ailens waiting for? By this I mean, if they are the high beings and they see humanity tearing itself apart, why would they not reveal themselves and help humanity. So far God and religion hasn't helped humanity. The gov'ts of the world haven't helped any and Now these craft and beings that people have seen leave no impact, .......what gives?

Why assume their motives are peaceful or to help mankind?

Looking at the evidence, we see...
1. primary interests involved investigating defense installations
2. abduction of citizens
3. a desire for secrecy
4. evasive action when confronted

Given this, we can make many assumptions...sadly, "helping man" isn't one of those logical assumptions.

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