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"Global Warming", is false.

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posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 02:01 AM
Global Warming is like a hot apple pie. Most people want a slice and some want more than others. Some people eat with a fork, others with a fork and a knife. Some like to saver their pieces, others gorge. And then some people like to take the pie and fornicate with it.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 06:49 PM
The Globe is warming up, there is no doubt about that. What people are arguing about is whether humans are the main cause, what will happen and if we should act now or wait a while and see if it progresses.

The Earth is very complex so we can't be certain it won't be able to counteract the warming. The melting snow would cause an increase in humidity which could cause snow to fall over the polar regions, counteracting the melting.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by DraconianKing
The Globe is warming up, there is no doubt about that.

There is plenty of doubt depending on who you talk to...

What people are arguing about is whether humans are the main cause,

Actually i believe humans might very well be involved in climatic issues but i believe it's only those who actually operate those select 'scientific instruments' ( like HAARP and the other far more dangerous Russian versions of it) who are to blame. I do not think it's normal human industrial activity and in fact it can be said our activities were responsible for the distinct global cooling we experienced post second world war up to the 70's.

what will happen and if we should act now or wait a while and see if it progresses.

We should act and send the global warming crowd to the cooler ( preferably Siberia but the Antarctic will do) as they really need to 'chill out' and consider if all these 'maybes' are worth wrecking hundreds of millions of lives over. Global warming of many degrees will lead to less deaths each year than what we currently experience so if that turns out to be a fact were doing pretty well if by accident.

The Earth is very complex so we can't be certain it won't be able to counteract the warming.

We have surefire schemes that could turn drive down global temperatures by as much as you require so global warming ( whatever it's reality) is no danger to humanity if our so called leaders acts in our interest and implements these measures. It will certainly kill far less people than the Kyoto treaty will...

The melting snow would cause an increase in humidity which could cause snow to fall over the polar regions, counteracting the melting.

Yes but ...

In a study just published in the Annals of Glaciology, Claire Parkinson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center analyzed the length of the sea ice season throughout the Southern Ocean to obtain trends in sea ice coverage. Parkinson examined 21 years (1979-1999) of Antarctic sea ice satellite records and discovered that, on average, the area where southern sea ice seasons have lengthened by at least one day per year is roughly twice as large as the area where sea ice seasons have shortened by at least one day per year. One day per year equals three weeks over the 21-year period.

Overall, the area of the Antarctic with trends indicating a lengthening of the sea ice season by at least one day per year was 5.6 million square kilometers (2.16 million square miles), about 60 percent the size of the United States. At the same time, the area with sea ice seasons shortening by at least one day per year was 3 million square kilometers (1.16 million square miles).

Regionally, the Ross Sea, on average, had its sea ice seasons getting longer, while most of the Amundsen Sea and almost the entire Bellingshausen Sea had their sea ice seasons getting shorter.

“The Antarctic sea ice changes match up well with regional temperature changes,” Parkinson said. “The one region in the Antarctic where the temperature records have shown prominent warming over this period is the Antarctic Peninsula, and indeed it’s immediately to the west and east of the Antarctic Peninsula, in the Bellingshausen/Amundsen and western Weddell seas, respectively, that the sea ice seasons have been shortening rather than lengthening.”

Observations from repeat-pass airborne laser altimetry, acquired in 1996 and 2002, indicate an anomalous positive ice-surface elevation change for the central accumulation area of the largest ice cap in the Eurasian Arctic; Austfonna, eastern Svalbard. The increase is equivalent to 35% of the long-term annual accumulation rate and coincides with the loss of perennial sea ice in the adjacent Barents Sea, which we conclude is the most likely explanation for the increase. Extrapolation of the observed trends in sea ice decline, over the next 50 years, suggests large perturbations in the mass-balance of other Arctic ice masses may be expected.

Discussion and Conclusions
Draft data from the North Pole, the Beaufort Sea, and
transects between the two areas over a 7-year period from
1991 to 1997 show no evidence of a thinning ice cover. The
Beaufort Sea area shows larger variability, being closer to
the marginal ice zone and sensitive to circulation type and
the location of the Beaufort high. Using a more extensive
data set (6 years compared to 3), the negative trend in ice
thickness found by Rothrock et al. [1999] during the 1990s
is not supported by the present investigation. Combining
the mean drafts derived by McLaren et al. [1992] from 1986
to 1990 with those from the present study, I conclude that
the thickness of the sea ice cover has remained on a nearconstant
level at the North Pole during the 12-year period
from 1986 to 1997. This result is also supported by Wad-
hams and Davis [2000] who concluded that a substantial
part of the thinning between 1976 and 1996 probably took
place during the rst of those two decades.
The Arctic ice cover varies greatly on seasonal, interannual
and longer time scales, both regarding extent and
thickness [e.g., Parkinson et al., 1999; Haas and Eicken,
2000]. This makes the analysis of draft data complicated,
especially when comparing di
erent years and areas. Undergoing
work to digitize and analyze historical submarine data
together with continued monitoring during the next decades
should be encouraged as current draft data only cover a few
discrete years. Annual data with similar spatial coverage,
over a climate-relevant time period (50 years or more), is
needed in order to understand the natural variability of the
ice cover, and to detect possible climate trends of the Arctic
sea ice.

So i'm not worried at all and i suggest we go back to the discussion of issues that will actually affect our lives.


posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 12:07 PM
We should continue to pump oil from the ground and eject it into our atmosphere in the form of toxic gas.We're all winners if we do this.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Global warming is false? Of course it's not. It's as real as the Easter bunny.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Escrotumus
I just don't subscribe to the global warming theory as I think it's a little far fetched that mankind has the ability to do anything to this planet on such a global scale that mother earth can't repair on her own. Even all the nuclear bombs in creation detonated at once still wouldn't come close to the power of the theorized asteroid strike at Chicxulub in the Yucatan Peninsula and it wasn't a total planet killer.

This is the problem. Too many people think that we are far too insignificant to cause any lasting impact on Earth regardless of what we do. Have you noticed how significantly the rainforests have been reduced as a direct result of human impact?

Mother Earth may well be able to repair the damage caused by global warming on her own, but in order to do that, we have to stop working against her and give her the opportunity to do so.

Do you have any sources for that nuclear impact statement?

[edit on 8-4-2007 by speaker]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 10:28 PM
It's been freezing in America for the past week and a half, in April. Doesn't that mean Global Warming must be true?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by aylyan
We should continue to pump oil from the ground and eject it into our atmosphere in the form of toxic gas.We're all winners if we do this.

CO2 is not toxic, other byproducts of combustion are, although everyone wants to get rid of those of course....

another source:

Enthusiasm for the global-warming scare also ensures that heatwaves make headlines, while contrary symptoms, such as this winter’s billion-dollar loss of Californian crops to unusual frost, are relegated to the business pages. The early arrival of migrant birds in spring provides colourful evidence for a recent warming of the northern lands. But did anyone tell you that in east Antarctica the Adélie penguins and Cape petrels are turning up at their spring nesting sites around nine days later than they did 50 years ago? While sea-ice has diminished in the Arctic since 1978, it has grown by 8% in the Southern Ocean.


global warming simply has to be otherwise, you people would reveal that you want everyone to follow your whims at once, like every other run-of-the-mill totalitarian.

totalitarian in views, tolerance level, proposed solutions and inability to handle criticism without resorting to shill-type accusations. iow, disagreement has to be eradicated...

what the GW scare is REALLY doing to us can be found at


[edit on 26.6.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 02:17 AM
Some Science

Here is a link to a series of articles in the New Scientist about global warming. The NS asserts that humans are contributing to climate change, and articles in the series mainly support that position. However, the articles themselves contain links to original articles and papers; there's a mine of hard science on climate change and the putative human contribution to it right here. I suggest that people who are interested in this subject read the articles; we'll be replacing speculation with science, and may return to this debate a lot better informed than some of us appear to be at present.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 11:17 PM
When a new medicine be put on market, there need comprehnsive examinations to prove it is no harmful to the patient.
Here, there have a presupposition that the medicine is harmful to the patient!
Now, "Global Warming" , just like a medicine, may have not harm to human and the earth environment, but we need have all kinds of methods to prevent and check.
May this is the correct attitude to "Global Warming".

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