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"Global Warming", is false.

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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:06 PM

I have a question...

Why are people so up in arms about "global warming", is just because of people like Alo Gore trying to make-up this issue for political gains?

Many times people downplay any evidence against global warming, and hype any evidence for it. Odd, no?

Here are some facts about "global warming" (or lack there of) that you didn't here in Mr. Gore's "hit" movie.

About Antarctica, University of Virginia climate scientist Patrick J. Michaels is direct: “What has happened is that Antarctica has been gaining ice.”

He explains that there has been a cooling trend over most of Antarctica for decades. At the same time, one tiny portion of the continent — the Antarctic Peninsula — has been warming, and its ice has been melting.

The peninsula constitutes only about 2 percent of Antarctica’s total area, but almost every study of melting Antarctic ice you’ve heard of focuses on it.


And more...

How much ice has Antarctica gained? In a 2005 study published in Science, Curt Davis used satellite measurements to calculate changes in the ice sheet’s elevation, and found that it gained 45 billion tons of ice per year between 1992 and 2003. Far from flooding the coasts, that’s enough to lower sea levels by roughly 0.12 millimeters annually.

I hope more people can take part in looking at both sides of the "global warming" debate and not just drone on about "evil George Bush..."

-- Boat

[edit on 2-8-2006 by Boatphone]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:08 PM
Santa Clause is real you know.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Gools
Santa Clause is real you know.

Wow! Thanks so much for your wonderful post, I can see why you were choosen as a "mod"!

Keep up the great work, and your open mind...

-- Boat

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:17 PM
Here is some more information that doesn't fit the doomsday predictions of the "global warming" fan club:

Add all the numbers from Greenland and Antarctica up, and you get a rather piddling total.

In 2005, Jay Zwally of NASA published a study in the Journal of Glaciology that looked at the ice-mass changes for both Greenland and Antarctica from 1992 to 2002. He concluded that the total ice loss was equivalent to a sea-level rise of just 0.05 millimeters per year.

At that rate, it would take the oceans a millennium to gain 5 centimeters, and a full 20,000 years to rise by a meter. To the hills, anyone?


Will you claim its false jusr because its not evidence for "global warming"? Is so you are fooling yourself...

Gools: Is the Easter Bunny in danger due to "global warming"? I'm worried.

-- Boat

[edit on 2-8-2006 by Boatphone]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Why has this been moved out of ATS? This is about the cover-up of the truth about "global warming", and there are many threads about the view on fragile earth on ATS!!!

Your bias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:38 PM





posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:49 PM
Weather is wacked out for sure that much is real. I think it's the sun though, as it is really the only thing with the power to change the earth's weather on such a drastic scale. I think something is happening to the sun, perhaps another planet tugging on it from the other side that we can't see, or maybe something else cyclical that we haven't dealt with as an "intelligent" species yet. I just don't subscribe to the global warming theory as I think it's a little far fetched that mankind has the ability to do anything to this planet on such a global scale that mother earth can't repair on her own. Even all the nuclear bombs in creation detonated at once still wouldn't come close to the power of the theorized asteroid strike at Chicxulub in the Yucatan Peninsula and it wasn't a total planet killer.

Also, I agree the santa claus comment was a little on the weak side for a mod...

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:50 PM
Boatphone you have already made us aware via the complaints, So instead of trying to drum up drama you should wait for your complaint to be reviewed,

PTS is not a punishment?


Back on Topic,

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 01:01 PM
That's all.

Weather patterns have cycles. The "Global Warming" scare tactic is just that.

We have hot cycles & cold cycles. Strong storm cycles & mild ones.

People get all freaked out that carbon dioxide is killing the Earth... yet the green plants depend on Carbon Dioxide to survive, along with water & sunlight. The green plants actually TAKE IN Carbon Dioxide, & give off Oxygen in return.

Can we just shrug off air pollution altogether? No, but it's not the CO2 that's causing this Warm Weather Cycle. It's the nature of.... well.... Nature!

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by alex1981

Just because it has been getting "hotter and hotter" in one area over a period of a few years, is not evidence of global warming.

-- Boat

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:21 PM

If you've ever read my posts on this subject, I think you'll find I likely fall in the camp that global fluctuations in temperature are natural, but that man may be the cause of it's current acceleration or intensity. Could we have nothing to do with it? Maybe. But the "evidence" seems to indicate otherwise.

What I do NOT see as "evidence" is the National Review article you cite for your position.

Originally posted by Boatphone
Here are some facts about "global warming" (or lack there of) that you didn't here in Mr. Gore's "hit" movie.

About Antarctica, University of Virginia climate scientist Patrick J. Michaels is direct: “What has happened is that Antarctica has been gaining ice.”

He explains that there has been a cooling trend over most of Antarctica for decades. At the same time, one tiny portion of the continent — the Antarctic Peninsula — has been warming, and its ice has been melting.

The peninsula constitutes only about 2 percent of Antarctica’s total area, but almost every study of melting Antarctic ice you’ve heard of focuses on it.


And more...

How much ice has Antarctica gained? In a 2005 study published in Science, Curt Davis used satellite measurements to calculate changes in the ice sheet’s elevation, and found that it gained 45 billion tons of ice per year between 1992 and 2003. Far from flooding the coasts, that’s enough to lower sea levels by roughly 0.12 millimeters annually.

I hope more people can take part in looking at both sides of the "global warming" debate and not just drone on about "evil George Bush..."

That article is so packed with nonsense, I'm surprised you so readily allow yourself to be spoon fed by it.

First, Patrick J. Michaels is an example of the worse kind of "arm-chair" scientist... Kindly explain to me what real science he has conducted? All I see from him is opinion...laden with political agenda...who merely has text-book credentialing.

Tell me what REAL field scientists are saying!, Jay Zwally of NASA, which you deceptively cite here as evidence to support the position that Global Warming is all hype:

Originally posted by Boatphone
Here is some more information that doesn't fit the doomsday predictions of the "global warming" fan club:

Add all the numbers from Greenland and Antarctica up, and you get a rather piddling total.

In 2005, Jay Zwally of NASA published a study in the Journal of Glaciology that looked at the ice-mass changes for both Greenland and Antarctica from 1992 to 2002. He concluded that the total ice loss was equivalent to a sea-level rise of just 0.05 millimeters per year.

At that rate, it would take the oceans a millennium to gain 5 centimeters, and a full 20,000 years to rise by a meter. To the hills, anyone?


Will you claim its false jusr because its not evidence for "global warming"? Is so you are fooling yourself...

But let's see what Jay Zwally of NASA REALLY has to say about the issue:

Gripping a bottle of Jack Daniel's between his knees, Jay Zwally savored the warmth inside the tiny plane as it flew low across Greenland's biggest and fastest-moving outlet glacier.

Mile upon mile of the steep fjord was choked with icy rubble from the glacier's disintegrated leading edge. More than six miles of the Jakobshavn had simply crumbled into open water.

"My God!" Zwally shouted over the hornet whine of the engines.

Greenland's Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away

The article continues:

...From satellite sensors and seasons in the field, Zwally, 67, knew the ice sheet below in a way that few could match. Even after a lifetime of study, the raffish NASA glaciologist with a silver dolphin in one pierced ear was dismayed by how quickly the breakup had occurred...

Somber now, Zwally and Rial shared a drink in silence as the shadow of the plane slipped across azure meltwater lakes, rust-red tundra and silver tongues of ice...

I suggest you read the rest of the article for the REAL science Zwally found there.

See also: Greenland Ice Melt: See if this don't scare you!

Oh, and here is an interview with Zwally just a few days ago.

You were saying what about "the cover-up of the truth" and "bias"????

[edit on 2-8-2006 by loam]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:24 PM
OMG - 30 years and still folks think "hoax". B. Hornsby and The Range - "Some things'll never change - that's just the way it is", "But don't you believe it." OK global warming is an all Al Gore deal... I won't argue. Television the drug of a Nation...

Victor K.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:26 PM
I think it doesn't take a genius on an expert for regular people to notice that our weather is changing . . .

Yes is getting warmer, waters in the ocean are warmer.

But the truth about is that many will exploit this to further agendas.

Cycles of the earth are not nothing new and they will not be the last.

This no about human causing the problem but just a natural event.

Too bad that when the next ice age come a lot of people will die, due to the fact that earth is more populated that during the last time this event happen.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:33 PM
The Earth is warming up slightly, mostly recovering from a "little Ice Age" that happened in the 17th Century. We're still not as hot as we were in the 12th Century, where the average temperature was a good 7-9 degrees hotter than it is now.

There are certainly many political (as in $$$) reasons to promote the notion of global warming, as well as the idea that we are either responsible or can do anything about it (neither of which have been conclusively proven). Many of the same people who are all up in arms about global warming were making just as much noise in the 1970's about the Earth cooling down and creating another Ice Age.

I personally don't care, because I'm not reproducing and don't have any offspring to worry about continuing into the future. Overheat, cool down, whatever. I'll be long dead before it gets bad enough for me to be worried about it.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:42 PM
AL goes movie was based on the opinion of 5 trained pros out of 19. He chose the 5 which he thought was best. He is an attention whore, so nothing he says will be true because he has alternative motives....his ego.

That being said.

You may want to tell the 17,000 people (in europe) that died becuase of global warming that its not real...oh wait a minute you cant there dead.

Dont know if its man or nature, dont think we have been around to make that 100%. But it is real.

BTW: did you know that global warming might actually cause an ice age ? Ironic isnt it !

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:49 PM
him - "there is no such thing as wind"

rdns - "what's wrong with you? we can feel wind, when its hot or warm we feel the wind heats up. and when its cold the wind is cooler"

him - "whatever, theres this guy i know,but i don't really know him, i only read his stuff online and he says wind isn't real, he says it's just people saying it's real so they can get people to follow in the way of the machine"

rdns - "..uhh are you okay dude? so you believe that some nutcase thats probably full of himself and trying to get attention by denying what been said and done as true?"

him - "WHATEVER! your just trying to mess with my mind because your with the government and don't want me knowing the truth, the TRUTH! you guys are just trying to cover it up!"

rdns - "sure.
Been out much lately?
what is the key to flying a kite?
what do people definately need to fly a kite?"

him - " PSH! a kite duh!"

rdns - "oh dear..."

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:50 PM
It is real how can you say that come.

Anyway if it wasn't real then should run on other stuff than oil anyway. Why? Cause are you tried off buying from a terrizeo country???????????

Hmmmmmm are you???

[edit on 2-8-2006 by El Che]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Gools
Santa Clause is real you know.

Thats nearly a one liner, isn't it?
And a smart alec answer too..
But I laughed, so it's ok!

Of course global warming is real.
Otherwise I'd be sitting on a glacier right about now.

But there are so many variables, it's really hard to pin the blame on any one thing.

Then, there is the problem of everyone arguing about who/what is causing it, when
the mental energy should be expended on ways to deal with the reality that our climate has never been stable, and never will be. The real problem is HOW DO WE ADJUST TO IT, when it comes again.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Then, there is the problem of everyone arguing about who/what is causing it, when
the mental energy should be expended on ways to deal with the reality that our climate has never been stable, and never will be. The real problem is HOW DO WE ADJUST TO IT, when it comes again.

I couldn't agree more.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:59 PM
Well I can't say if it's real or not, never looked into the subject besides reading here on ATS, but I do know the weather is messed up.

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