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'Lost:' Season Three Discussion...

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posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:19 PM
here is a recap of the first episode courtesy from


Essentially, what happens in the beginning of the episode is a huge love letter to the fans; a pay-off of information and titillation that exceeds anything LOST has done before, yet you would have to be a fan to experience the joy. A lot of fans out there who have heard the rough layout of the episode have expressed some dismay over what follows the beginning, don’t worry; the opening scene is enough to make the summer wait worth it and then some. They could have run a test pattern for the rest of the episode and I STILL would be sitting here recovering from the ecstasy.

Lost returns for its third season the same way it has opened every season, with an opening eye. As a metaphor, it means “pay attention” – open your eyes, and watch… mysterious things are about to happen and if you want to understand, you’ll need to be vigilant.

Abrams on LOST: We Know Where It's Going...

Fans of Abrams will also be pleased to know that he has apparently signed on for the duration of Season Three. Abrams, who mostly sat out Season Two of LOST to direct Mission: Impossible III, indicated that he will be doing more writing and possibly some directing for Season Three of LOST. Abrams told

"For me, writing the first episode with Damon was just an absolute joy, getting to write those characters again and be inside the heads of those characters, as it goes on this season, especially where it goes, I'm looking forward not to just directing an episode down the line but -- we have a structure in place for the remainder of the year, and I think when we get to the end of the season it's such an exciting an unbelievable conclusion ... I would love to be able to work on the finale."

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:34 PM
This show just keeps getting better and better! Lost has got to be the fastest hour on TV. Everytime the show ends I think, "It's over??!!! Nooooo!" As always, the show leaves you with more questions than answers. Seems like it's a big government social experiment, doesn't it?

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Here's another recap of 3-1. Man, I can't wait to watch the episode...just reading this is getting me all worked up.

The Episode begins with a close up of someones eye opening, as have sevral other episodes including the pilot, and second season premier. The eye in question belongs to a caucasian blond woman who has just awoken. She gets up, pops in a CD featuring Petula Clake's "Downtown" and procedes to make some muffins/Cupcakes. The secene shifts to the extior and we see that the house is aparntly part of a typial American sub-urban comunity. The woman later hosts a book club meeting where she and her neighbors are discuss a Stephen King novel, at which point the subject of a person by the name of "Ben" comes up.

3-1 Recap on Wiki....


[edit on 5/10/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
Seems like it's a big government social experiment, doesn't it?

remember, dharma was studying a social utopia of sorts...

maybe this village was the end result???

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:44 PM
It just finished and I have to say i wasn't that impressed.


How cool was that eppy?
I think its pretty obvious now why Jack would possibly switch sides. Juliett can tell him anything he needs to know about his wife.

And is it just me or are all three of them being kept in cages which used to be for animals?
Sawyer was in a bear's cage (the polar bear...)
Jack was in an aquarium (the Shark with the logo on its tail...)
And I think Kate may be in a large birdcage (her cage was taller than Saywer's and we've seen weird birds on the Island, ie the Hurley Bird and the bird that appeared before the Season 1 finale)

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:50 PM
good point jack

glad to see you enjoyed the episode too...

yes, dharma had to keep all those animals somewhere right

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:55 PM
And I was intrigued by what Juliett said when asked if the Others were what DHARMA left over.

She said "Not any more."

I'm kinda guessing that they were subjects in an experiment on creating a social utopia or something. When DHARMA failed they were abandoned and carried on the research.

Also I'm kinda freaked that she likes Carrie so much - especially after Walt just left.

And the whole "good people" thing? Tom put A LOT of emphasis on that kid apologising to Sawyer.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:56 PM
.....lost isnt really that up its own ass with storylines

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 12:57 PM
I'm guessing that maybe the others may be the next generation of the social experiment, and like most government experiments it failed miserably and the children are a bunch of screwed up, twisted people who like to make their own "social" experiments? Maybe the electomagnetic stuff was designed to make the planes crash so they could have their own test specimens? Of course it's all done in the name of science though. LOL

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:01 PM
The Electromagnetism isn't a product of DHARMA. Its created naturally by the Island. That is probably why it can't be seen by anyone (even God).
After the Incident (which we still don't fully know about) the Swan was constructed to release the charge every 108 minutes.

I think that if the station was used to bring planes down, Ben would have been more prepared for it.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
remember, dharma was studying a social utopia of sorts...

maybe this village was the end result???af:

I'm sort of leaning towards that....but the producers said that the "Others" are the original Dharma Initiative scientistm, not children of scientsit or subjects, except for Alex. Maybe it's possible to get to the Island, but not leave the island. That's why they're all sort of stranded, even the "Others". And remember when Henry told Locke (when he was captive) "we can't see them any more than they can see us", or something like that. He could mean that the island is completely cut off from the outside world (as far as he knows)...communication, everything. And somehow it is even blocked from satellites.

I don't think this "social utopia" is the end result though, even though the Initiative was supposively canned. I think the "others" think the are running things, but really they are small players in the whole scheme of things.

Well, I hope this isnt't the end result, with a bunch of rogue scientsit doing their own thing. That'll be a bit disapointing. There needs to be a higher purpose, a greater cause, a master plan still in the works or something.

Whatever, I'll shut-up now

[edit on 5/10/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:11 PM
In the Lost Experience Mittlewerk said that the Initiative had failed.
Maybe it failed because all of the operatives there were there for good. Unable to go back and recieve new orders, and maybe unable to communicate with the outside world.
The Hanso Foundation is obliged to keep them alive seeing as they stuck them there and so ordered a routine supply drop.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
Maybe it failed because all of the operatives there were there for good. Unable to go back and recieve new orders, and maybe unable to communicate with the outside world.

Good point. But I can't stess enough that "LOST" as a show will have millions of pissed off viewers if the "final answer" or whatever is that simple. That is most likely a small part of the whole thing, but there has to be a picture other than just some stranded scientist doing crazy experiments on the losties.

well, I hope there's more to it

I read somewhere that the black smoke is a remote viewing device so people 'back in the rear', Hanso and his boys, can see what all is going on and gather intel on the everyone (even read minds).

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:31 PM
Wow what a great start to the third season!

I’m glad we can now drop the title of Faux Henry Gale and just call the guy “Ben.”
There seems to be a lot of emphasis on leaving your old life behind and discovering who you really are on the island.

When Juliet pulled Jack’s file out it really demonstrated that these people have a lot of power off the island as well.
How was it that she was able to get all that. From what I’ve seen over the last two seasons the others shouldn’t really know more than Jack’s first name.
Does this suggest that they knew 815 would come to the island? Is that possible? Desmond is supposed to be responsible for the crash, and it was an accident.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Wow what a great start to the third season!

I’m glad we can now drop the title of Faux Henry Gale and just call the guy “Ben.”

His name is now, and ever will be, notHenry (which I get is a double negative but IGNORE IT)

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
And I was intrigued by what Juliett said when asked if the Others were what DHARMA left over.

She said "Not any more."

i liked that scene...

she also said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter who we were, it matters who we are"...

maybe they found the error in their ways and changed???

these people were definitely connected to the dharma initiative...

i feel that ben (and some other others like juliett and tom and goodwin and ethan and pickett and miss klough) may even be lying to those people in the other village...

Originally posted by JackofBlades
After the Incident (which we still don't fully know about) the Swan was constructed to release the charge every 108 minutes.

you are wrong, sorry...

the swan was originally constructed to monitor the strange electromagnetic anomalies within that particular sector of the island...

then the incident occurred and the swan was altered (maybe by adding the computer and the countdown clock etc) to fit the 108 minute protocol...

take a quick view at the swan station orientation clip, it will state all this in it...

Originally posted by Umbrax
How was it that she was able to get all that. From what I’ve seen over the last two seasons the others shouldn’t really know more than Jack’s first name.
Does this suggest that they knew 815 would come to the island? Is that possible? Desmond is supposed to be responsible for the crash, and it was an accident.

i believe that ben and the others weren't expecting that plane to come down, but they had a protocol for something to happen eventually...

think about it, ben quickly gave orders to ethan and goodwin and then ousted himself from the book club...

maybe, after getting the lists from ethan and goodwin, ben did his research on the survivors (so yes they have contact with the outside world) and that is how they have exact details on jack and others probably...

but, i have a very hard time believing that the people on flight 815 and the crash happened because of desmond's blunder...

these characters just have too much inter-connections to be a coincidence, you know???

hmmm maybe there were chosen to be on the plane by a third party???

[edit on 5-10-2006 by they see ALL]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:26 PM
The opening scene was great but other than that it was 'meh'. Lots of hints but it's starting to grate a bit now. If they carry on with this prick teasing I wont be tuning in much more (yeah, who am I kidding?

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:57 PM
Did anyone else get that the opening was almost a complete parallel with the opening of Season 2?

We got someone waking up, putting on music, doing their morning routine, before being interrupted by beeping.

I liked that.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 03:43 PM
That is cool JackofBlades. I didn't clue in on that.

Originally posted by they see ALL

maybe, after getting the lists from ethan and goodwin, ben did his research on the survivors (so yes they have contact with the outside world) and that is how they have exact details on jack and others probably...

Would Ethan's list have more than Jack's first name on it? It isn't like Jack made full name introductions with the crash survivors. Everyone knows his name is Jack and he is a doctor. Most of the survivors don't know more than that.
Ethan coulnd't of seen the flight manifest because Hurrly had it in his posetion and that was how they knew Ethan wasn't one of them.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
maybe, after getting the lists from ethan and goodwin, ben did his research on the survivors (so yes they have contact with the outside world) and that is how they have exact details on jack and others probably...

Personally, I don't think Ethan ever completed his list. Remember in Claire's flashback episode, when Ethan spoke to Tom?
Tom said that he should have made the list and got out but Ethan said he didn't have time to and just grabbed Claire.

It seemed to me that he didn't make a list because he still wasn't sure about who was good, and was 'evicted' before he had a chance to.

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