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'Lost:' Season Three Discussion...

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posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 11:22 PM
My bet is that the "box" or rather Locke's father in the box is a (or the) mistcreature.

We know the mistcreature can take forms of people OFF the island.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Umbrax
My bet is that the "box" or rather Locke's father in the box is a (or the) mistcreature.

We know the mistcreature can take forms of people OFF the island.

i never thought of that

i don't think so, though...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 12:56 PM
here is the trailer for the next episode:


the trailer is a bit all over the place...

i wonder what it will be about (i have an idea)...

i read a while back that charlie will soon have to answer for attempting to kidnap sun in season two...

this episode seems like a good one to put that in...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 08:29 PM
Can I just say....


That was Locke falling 8 stories. I guess its pretty fair to say that his disability wasn't psychosomatic!

And Ben, the master manipulator who plucks at Locke as though he was nothing but a Thunderbird, was back on top form. And the 'box' he is referring to does sound to me like he is speaking about a place that may hold another of the Monsters. The idea of it becoming whatever you want it to be, especially after Eko wanted to see Yemi, Hurley seeing Dave as food arrives, Kate's horse and all those other weird things.

And I still think Danielle know's more than she's letting on. How did she find her way straight to the sub? I'm still leaning towards the possibility of her being an exile (have we seen her lower back yet?)

I can't wait to watch next weeks eppy!

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
That was Locke falling 8 stories. I guess its pretty fair to say that his disability wasn't psychosomatic!

i, too, have wondered if locke's disability was because of what was inside of his head...

but, if this were the case, it would have taken away the greatness of the island's healing power...

And Ben, the master manipulator who plucks at Locke as though he was nothing but a Thunderbird, was back on top form. And the 'box' he is referring to does sound to me like he is speaking about a place that may hold another of the Monsters. The idea of it becoming whatever you want it to be, especially after Eko wanted to see Yemi, Hurley seeing Dave as food arrives, Kate's horse and all those other weird things.

do you think cooper is the smoke monster???

i highly doubt this...

if penelope can find desmond with her money, dharma / the others can find cooper...

i wonder how long they had him for???

And I still think Danielle know's more than she's letting on. How did she find her way straight to the sub? I'm still leaning towards the possibility of her being an exile (have we seen her lower back yet?)

well, danielle was away from the group for a long time (they reached othersville when it way daylight and we last saw her at night by the submarine)...

although this may be a possibility, she had a lot of time to investigate on her own...

hmmm, i wonder if the plan to save jack failed because of locke...

locke didn't cover the place he was supposed to (and this lead to the others being able to rush in jack's house)...

sayid and kate should be pissed...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:06 PM
lookie what i found:

"Stay LOST for Season 4"...

ABC has announced that LOST, amongst other shows, will be picked up for a fourth season. This is not unexpected. Despite a drop in ratings, LOST is still a very good performer for the alphabet network. There has also been discussion about changing the scheduling next year to a shorter season with all new (or almost all new) episodes. Think "24". The season would start in January, and run through May, with no major hiatuses.


ABC is averaging just under 10 million prime-time viewers, down from 11.4 million a year ago. The network argues that some erosion was expected with the departure of “Monday Night Football,” but it has also been hurt by the unexpected decline of “Lost” in its third season.

this shouldn't be news to us...

the producers of 'lost' have had the plan to make it around 4-5 seasons and then end with a movie...

i am shocked that so many people stop watching 'lost'

get the word around that 'lost' is the best show on tv right now!!!

and tell them to view this thread

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:47 PM
did anyone else notice "the line" logo in this episode???

i did

and i was bored enough to add it "lostpedia" myself:


Most recently, the logo was clearly seen in the scene where Locke is eating leftovers from Ben's refrigerator, in the episode 'The Man from Tallahassee' (3x13). It is shown right before Locke puts his plate down on a counter. The logo is on a tin container.

sorry, but i don't have a screencap available at the moment...

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 07:21 PM
The trailer for next's week looks amazing.

I'm especially interested in what Sawyer said...

They were working with the Others

Does he mean DHARMA? Or the third group that some believe exist?
And I think the black and white sections will be a flashback all the way to the 70's when DHARMA were on the Island.

And Sun.... I need to know what's going with "Tokyo Rose"!

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
The trailer for next's week looks amazing.

I'm especially interested in what Sawyer said...

i think it may be paulo and nikki...

Does he mean DHARMA? Or the third group that some believe exist?
And I think the black and white sections will be a flashback all the way to the 70's when DHARMA were on the Island.

this episode is a nikki and paulo centric, you know???

i found that out by accident (usually i don't want to know whose flashback it is)...

in those black and white scenes, you can see what appears to be nikki running in the jungle...

sawyer, sun, jin, and charlie are all looking at nikki lying on the floor (maybe she dies)...

someone finds a bag of crystals in the preview too...

sawyer tells jin they were working with the others (so maybe he was explaining to jin that nikki and paulo were responsible for sun's kidnapping)...

whoever finds those crystals will die because the last shot of the trailer is a body being buried and the body has the bag that contained the crystals...

nice, huh???

watch the preview in my blog and randomly pause it and you will see what i mean...

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 03:27 PM
"It’s Hugo Cup Time!"...

What is the Best LOST Website of the Year? Who should take the 2006-2007 Hugo Cup? We need your help to find out!

The Hugo Cup, named for perennial LOST character Hugo “Hurley” Reyes (played by the awesome Jorge Garcia), recognizes excellence in getting LOST online. This second annual award program once again turns directly to the fans to find the most deserving nominees. Share your favorite LOST site today!

do you experience 'lost' online too???

do you have a favorite 'lost' site???

if so, you should participate in the vote that will determine what site will win the "hugo cup"

"Is Locke The Key To 'Lost'?"...

I was about to give up on ABC's "Lost." I thought I'd reached my end when the show returned on Feb. 7 after a long hiatus with a horribly boring episode about horribly boring Juliet, one of the Others, and followed it up with an equally dull venture about minor character Desmond. Since then, the show has been hit-or-miss. But "Lost" may have saved its spot on my TiVo last night by focusing on one of the show's long-forgotten standbys, the cryptic John Locke. (Warning: spoilers for the March 21 episode follow.)


Will Locke take out his revenge on the man who took his kidney, his legs, and his faith in people? Or will the calm, logical, good side of him win out, leaving the man to his own fate? Who knows, but it's got "Lost" viewers talking again, and that should be a lesson to the show's writers. You went ahead and got fans invested in the lives of your original crashees -- Locke, Sayid, Hurley -- and then you somehow got "Lost" yourselves, focusing on nameless, faceless Others no one cared about. If the show takes a roundtrip back to its core focus again, I may not feel so "Lost" after all.

this guy is a tough critic :shk:

he called juliet's (i finally have the correct spelling for her) episode a "horribly boring" one, he called desmond's an "equally dull venture" about a "minor character" and ended by saying 'lost' is now "focusing on nameless, faceless Others no one care[s] about"...

what a guy, huh

the entire purpose of season three is to tell the story of the others...

i would love if 'lost' had more other-centric episodes...

wouldn't you???

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
did anyone else notice "the line" logo in this episode???

i did

and i was bored enough to add it "lostpedia" myself:


it seems that the information was taken off lostpedia (a couple of times, as i re-added it about three times) as it is being debated...

people are wondering if the logo says "dharma" or if it is, indeed, the mysterious "line" logo...

here is a screencap:


what do you think about it???

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 06:02 PM
What the hell was that guy's problem? It was clear to everyone that Season 3 was going to teach us more about the Others.... and I for one think its a good idea.
It would have been a bad decision if they wanted the Others to just be native, faceless shadows that for no reason kidnap people, but that's not what they are. They are a group of very smart people with heaps of scientific knowledge only taking people who meet certain parameters.


As for the line/Dharma question, I'd have to say DHarma. It looks like it has black intersecting the white which I think may be blurred letters.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 10:13 PM
here is how i can account for ben being on the island for all of his life (i am hooked on this topic right now):

on this mysterious island both the losties and the "others" call home, there lived a group of people that lived on it first...

these people perceived it as home first and were, thus, the original inhabitants of the island...

testaments to their achievements are the statue with four toes and the fact that they have never left the island in search of an outside world...

thus, they know not of anything outside of the island...

these people lived peacefully on their island for many years...

their leader, at this point, was a man named jacob...

jacob had a wife and together they had, at least, one child...

this boy's name was benjamin...

again, benjamin didn't know of anything outside of the island (because his people didn't)...

let's flash-forward a couple of years...

dharma / hanso pick this island for whatever reason (it probably has to do with the black rock and magnus hanso)...

upon discovering the island, dharma / hanso also discover the inhabitants of the island...

dharma / hanso work with the inhabitants of the island and teach them about the outside world...

the stations of dharma and other facilities (the barracks / etc) begin to be built because dharma desires to do what they set out to do (the biggest goal dharma has may have to do with the valenzetti equation)...

for some reason, dharma takes benjamin from his family and teach him about pretty much everything...

think of it like dharma being a tutor for benjamin (who may be in his 20s now, as dharma came to the island in the 80s)...

benjamin's family does not mind because they believe dharma has the best intentions for benjamin...

dharma teaches young benjamin more than they taught the inhabitants of the island (they probably taught him such in-depth topics as the valenzetti equation and how changing the numerical values of any one of the core factors in the equation will give humanity a chance to survive)...

of course, this is a lot to take in (especially if one has lived on a remote island for all of his / her life)...

but benjamin understands...

although dharma may have taught benjamin a huge amount of information, they still may have kept some information from him...

let's again flash-forward a little to the purge...

it seems to me that a group of scientists mass murdering an entire island of people is hard to comprehend (even for 'lost')...

it's possible that the inhabitants of the island got mad at dharma and began to become hostile toward them...

thus, dharma was forced to kill them all off so they could work on the island in peace...

or, maybe even, dharma was about to discover key secrets of the island that only benjamin and his people knew...

if the latter is true, the inhabitants of the became hostile towards dharma because they were about to discover key secrets of the island...

either way, dharma attempted to purge the inhabitants of the island and they failed...

i have this great scene in my head where benjamin kills off the very dharma people that raised him (maybe his dharma father / mother)...

additionally, in this imaginary scene, inhabitants of the island would meet up with benjamin and they would see that he has captured some dharma folks...

they would start to kill off the remaining dharma people but benjamin says that they need them...

this begins the age where benjamin and the inhabitants of the island control dharma...

the inhabitants of the island (benjamin's father, jacob, should be alive at this time) do not hate benjamin, even if he was socialized by dharma...

benjamin explains to his people that dharma was actually doing something great (saving the world) and that they should continue their work...

thus, they work with the remaining dharma members on the island...

in fact, dharma (outside of the island) still supports benjamin and his new dharma by sending food drops and sending recruits to the island...

but, before dharma outside the island fully accepted benjamin and his people, they sent danielle rousseau and her team to attempt to take back the island...

many have speculated rousseau's story and whether she was indeed sent by dharma or whether she just crashed on the island randomly...

evidence may point that she was working for dharma: she spoke in french (why would she send a sos in french if she knew english), her sos was said in a way that seemed as if the listener knew what she was speaking of (she referred to the black rock as a meeting point, she used names, etc)...

assuming dharma sent her to take back the island (she did have guns after all) tells a great story in itself...

so, yes, she travels to the island (and doesn't crash there or anything, as that would be her cover story)...

her team may have worked with benjamin's dharma for a little while up until they tried to take back the island...

of course, her and her team failed...

benjamin took her child and raised the child, alex, himself...

her team may have all been killed by benjamin's dharma or maybe they really did experience a weird sickness and she was forced to kill them all...

either way, her child now belonged to benjamin and she was the sole survivor of her team...

she may have eluded benjamin's dharma for sixteen years, or benjamin may just have not bothered her for whatever reason (maybe as further punishment)...

she, most likely, looked for them, in an effort to try to get alex back...

so, at present time, benjamin and the remaining of his people is working with the remaining dharma members and dharma outside the island...

they believe they are trying to save the world...

and rousseau lies, for whatever reason, about her involvement with dharma and the people the losties call "others" (probably because she believes that she will never see her child again if she doesn't hide the truth)...

here are some other points that i have been pondering:

this jacob character is the leader of benjamin's dharma (he may even be benjamin's father)...

i have no idea about his story (i can't see how anyone would at this point)...

the important thing about him is that he is the leader and he is respected greatly...

of course, benjamin would love nothing more than to control, which may be the most important station of them all, the swan...

but, he has a problem, it is sealed shut from the inside...

the workers in the swan do not know what has happened...

well, they know a little: the blast door map tells of what radzinsky / kelvin knew and kelvin and desmond mentioned "hostiles"...

it is important to note that benjamin knew nothing of desmond's arrival to the island and of his sailboat...

benjamin's dharma gave up on the swan station for a while...

eventually though, desmond would cause a random place crash that drastically changes benjamin's goals...

that's basically it


posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:53 PM
here are some of the titles of the next few episodes (they are very interesting):

#14: 'expose' - nikki and paulo...

* Exposé is French for "exposed".
* Exposé also means a revelation or exposure, often revealed in the print or new media.

#15: 'left behind' (unconfirmed)...

#16: 'one of us' (unconfirmed)...

#17: 'catch-22' (unconfirmed)...


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:11 PM
care to place bets about the next episode of 'lost'

my bet is that nikki will be the next lostie to be killed off (and, look, the actress that played her didn't even have to get a DWI / DUI from the hawaiian police)...

if this is the case, then i see of absolutely no point in her being entered into the show (can you???)...

also, in terms of her sidekick (paulo), the actor that plays him, rodrigo santoro, was (minor spoiler) scheduled not to last past season three...

makes you think about why we have these new characters...

i hope that these two have some meaning given to them in the next episode...

and what about charlie???

my bet is that sun will find out who kidnapped her in season two...

i also have a feeling that we will not see sayid / kate / jack / locke this episode...

what are your thoughts???

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:12 PM
It doesn't really mean anything that he was scheduled to be dropped. If you cast your mind back, Michael Emerson (Ben) was only scheduled to appear for only three episodes and is now the highest ranking baddie on the show.

And not really LOST related but...

Guess whose gonna star in Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars???


[edit on 27/3/07 by JackofBlades]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
It doesn't really mean anything that he was scheduled to be dropped. If you cast your mind back, Michael Emerson (Ben) was only scheduled to appear for only three episodes and is now the highest ranking baddie on the show.

yes, i remember...

and, also, jack was supposed to die in the first episode of season one

on a side note, i just found out that my sociology professor watches 'lost' too

he mentioned that we would be watching a film soon and that it reminded him of the dharma initiative films...

i then raised my hand and added that the swan station could have been a skinner box of sorts...

after class, i actually talked about the show with him...

he, as did i, started watching in season two and then bought the season one dvds to catch up...

he, along with his wife, watched the entire season in one weekend (as did i with both dvd sets when they came out)...

i told him my theory about how the others may fall apart because the illusion of leaving the island has been destroyed...

i am going to send him an e-mail with this thread it in

on another side note, watching an entire season in one weekend is the best way to experience 'lost' (because everything becomes even clearer)...

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 11:52 AM
its a 'lost' night tonight

don't forget

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:59 PM
Naveen Andrews: 'Lost' Should Start Earlier...


Naveen Andrews, who plays Sayid on ABC's hit series, told SciFi Wire that he believes the network may be considering a later start for the fourth season, which would begin in January and run straight without a break, as has been done with "Alias" in the past, and Fox's "24."


"I think they should make it sort of like what it was before," Andrews said. "I liked it when it started a little bit earlier, because a lot of the audience are kids, aren't they? I thought, 'Hmm.'"


Another factor that some fans of the show attribute to the loss of viewers has been the lack of stories about characters other than Jack, Kate and Sawyer. The charismatic former Iraqi intelligence officer, Sayid, has barely been featured in the third season. "It would be nice if he were seen a bit more," Andrews said. "That's a start.

this guy is great on tv and off

i knew that 'lost' might start airing in january of next year for a few days now and, i must say, i think it will definitely feel like a long break in between these two seasons if this is the official plan...

i mean, i thought that the six week hiatus this season was long

i don't think a lot of the fans are kids though, as he believes...

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:51 PM
You know, I never really watched television until I decided to watch the first episode of LOST.

Now I'm sitting here counting down the minutes

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