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We were created by God.

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posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by JediMaster
I have seen many people on this sight that do not or are not for God's word. Why?

Listen we did not evolve from monkeys like that nut Darwin said.

We did not just appear on Earth. God created Earth and us.

There was a Jesus and he will come again.

Like it or not this is what is true.

Wow. I'm convinced. Where do I sign up?

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 09:59 PM
i want to see proof of this god person everyone seems so fond of talking about. it may seem odd, but to attribute something to someone, they have to exist.

you can't say the trix rabbit invented the lightbulb, count chocula painted the sistine chapel, micky mouse made the first trip down the mississippi, or santa claus and the tooth fairy baked a cake.

why? because there isn't any proof they exist aside from their likenesses being plastered all over the place.

you must prove someone exists before you give them credit.

posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Well, it seems that few agree with me. Well the Bibel is not crap. It is a holy book. Maybe some of it is not true but most of it is.

I will never give in to science. You can not change what I belive in.

I do belive Jesus will come again. He willl. Just because he died does'nt mean he can't come back from the dead. He is almighty.

so you won't give into logical conclusions based on gathered data?
kinda hard to deny ignorance with that mindset...

Originally posted by Byrd
After watching all the debates on Christianity, I think I'm willling to go along with the notion that life on this planet was started by the Greys.

A bunch of very very schizophrenic Greys.

And if I can find them, I think I'm going to give them some Prozac.

i think they need more than "some" if they created this wacked out planet byrd...

i don't see the conspiracy here, i just see a bunch of people saying that science is wrong and god is right because they say so.


ATS is about arguing using cited evidence, not making statements and saying you disagree because of a religious belief.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 02:10 PM
still have yet to see proof that there was a god to create us...

maybe this belongs in the theology forum, it doesn't seem to pertain to any particular conspiracy.

i would like someone to answer my last post, if it wouldn't be too much trouble.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:55 AM
while the bible may not be crap, it is undecided whether or not the Bible is.

Time will tell.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 09:51 AM
You hit the nail right on the head. Can we say "head" anymore in bible-thumping A Mur A Ka? Jest a wonderin.
Yes jedi Jesus did it all. he made the world and evathang in it jest like the bible written by the English says he done.
Only non-belivin heathens and them godless scientists don believe the In Erant word a god like he done said it wuz.
Don lissen ta them non-believen, child moo lest in, lib-bral heathens. Lissen to Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell and Dobson and a very few other well edumacated true believers what knows all about the bible as the In Earent word a god.
Now, you happy!

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by JediMaster
I have seen many people on this sight that do not or are not for God's word. Why?

Listen we did not evolve from monkeys like that nut Darwin said.

We did not just appear on Earth. God created Earth and us.

There was a Jesus and he will come again.

Like it or not this is what is true.

You may believe this to be true...most unfortunate you are. I do not believe this to be true and jesus will not come, ever. How many times over was the jesus supposed too have arrived? Must have a bad road map and made that wrong turn in Albuquerque. Sorry padewan but I don't believe you.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 11:01 AM
JediMaster said:

Wow I am suprised that this is still around. Just as a testament to how people change when I started this topic I was about three years younger, a supporter of the Republican idealogue, and a somewhat radical Catholic. I'm now three years older, a Libertarian, and an agnostic.

I went throught the same thing somewhat, although I was neither a repub idealogue and I always believed evolution.
But after seriously questioning religion, it got me not closer, but farther away, logic and dogma are mutually exclusive.
I am a full fledged agnostic, I feel safe not taking either side, but I will argue against embedded illogical 'facts'.
I believe the bible was written by common men, it's obvious, not much geared towards women and male dominated, and It seems quite homophobic as well.

The 'ye olde testament' to me does not represent my idea of a god, if there is one.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:40 PM
Yes as a disclaimer since I don't want to edit the original post no idea if I even can. Drum roll....

I Am An Atheist Now!

Ok? I don't believe in any of this creationist crap any more. I am no longer a Bible thumper and I do not intend on going back. That was what three years ago. Things have changed. Thank you and good night.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by HumanBean
Why is that? I personally am agnostic so don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking you in anyway. I'm just interested in the reasons behind the marked difference between your first post and this most recent one. What can change a person that much over 3 years?

I don't really remember why. I began to question a lot of factors in Chirstianity and the answers I was getting did not suffice me. I then began to view "God" in a more critical light and I just could'nt believe any more. I didn't lose faith as some may say more or less my eyes opened and I can't go back now.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 09:04 PM
JediMaster, I totally know what you mean.

When I first joined ATS and started reading conspiracy theory books, I held the same beliefs I had as a child. Roman Catholic upbringing, in spite of being at an age during Vatican II that caused many beliefs to be questioned.

At this point, I still believe in a Creator. We didn't just get here. At some point, there was Creation.
In my mind, religions--especially Christianity--means little to me and I am still deciding what I believe to the the truth of Jesus. There's kernels of truth, much like separating the wheat from the chaff

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 04:36 PM
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "God."
Could you define your terms a little better?

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Yes as a disclaimer since I don't want to edit the original post no idea if I even can. Drum roll....

I Am An Atheist Now!

Ok? I don't believe in any of this creationist crap any more. I am no longer a Bible thumper and I do not intend on going back. That was what three years ago. Things have changed. Thank you and good night.

So what's your current belief concerning?

I would hope that you have gone from being an orthodox christian to an atheist and have rested on some transitory state. Perhaps the ultimate Truth will transcend christianity and atheism..perhaps it will contain elements of both.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by JediMaster
I have seen many people on this sight that do not or are not for God's word. Why?

Listen we did not evolve from monkeys like that nut Darwin said.

First off: SITE

Secondly: Who's 'God'? Is he a giant robot monkey? I don't understand.

When did Darwin say we evolved from monkeys? Some proof plz.

We did not just appear on Earth. God created Earth and us.

Contradiction anyone? If the giant robot monkey 'created us', then we would have thus 'just appeared here'. Criminy

There was a Jesus and he will come again.

Jesus, or Ioses, or Yaheshua, or Joshua...yes. There were many those, still are. And I'm sure there are more to come

Like it or not this is what is true.

Again: Some proof plz.

And no rantigs from that adulterated book you claim to have been written by a giant robot monkey.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 04:16 AM
Arcane Demesne...

Originally posted by JediMaster
Wow I am suprised that this is still around. Just as a testament to how people change when I started this topic I was about three years younger, a supporter of the Republican idealogue, and a somewhat radical Catholic. I'm now three years older, a Libertarian, and an agnostic.

And no longer am a supporter of creationist theories.

Care to elaborate on this Giant Robot Monkey Arcane Demesne? I'd sure like to meet him.

[edit on 042828p://22u39 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Arcane Demesne...

Care to elaborate on this Giant Robot Monkey Arcane Demesne? I'd sure like to meet him.

Me too!!!

I just didn't understand what he meant by "God". It's a generic term. Thus, perhaps somebody's God is a giant robot monkey.

Hell, some are aliens, some are cows, some or snakes. I dunno. Why not?

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 01:13 PM
hail the all mighty Robot monkey...

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 12:52 AM
Some people like to throw around the term "God" as if everybody is in perfect agreement with what it means. I find that the more you try to define it, the less clear it becomes.

The best definition I think I ever came up with was, "That which rectifies paradoxes." Something that allows black and white to be the same thing, something that moves time forward and backward coincidentally. Something that can create a rock so heavy it can't be moved, even by itself.

But I don't see how that ties in with the notion of a universe created and directed by an intelligence of some kind.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 11:39 AM

That's a great description.
And after revieing your avatar...I think Hammer is god.

Seriously though. Are kids not taught critical thinking in school anymore?

Shouldn't it be obvious that the biblical god (in the king james and niv versions at least) is a retarded impossibility. Just due to the contradictions alone?

Meh, I'll give up soon enough.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Are kids not taught critical thinking in school anymore?

I think that's something you have to slowly learn by yourself. School is generally where you're taught to go along with what other people tell you without questioning it.

Anyway, the hard part is not learning how to think logically and critically. The hard part is learning to live with the simple fact that you don't know something. Some people just can't stand admitting their own ignorance. Like not knowing something is somehow a bad thing.

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