posted on Nov, 1 2002 @ 06:22 PM
Ok, time to be worried. I believe that truth, JM, and stew are the same. So not only does god talk to Truth, truth talks to himself.
blblblblblbbblblblllblblblblb Wack man, like, ou know, totally wacked out man.
I mean, come on, they spell the same, write the same, believe almost the exact same thing, I think that someone here has split personalities, but all
the personalities are the same, just different names.
Ok, first, JD, like truth and stew, say we didn't evolve from monkeys, which is true, we evolved from apes. But, they present no evidence.
Then, truth, a ape stands up can look forward, I don't see why they would just look up, they need to see what is in there way.
And truth, tigers and cats have same common ancestor, they from same family, the feline family. like we have some ancestor that leads to apes. We
are all in Great Ape family. We are animals. Animal kingdom, Mammilia Phylum(dont know the order) and so forth.
And truth, apes have hands for feet and feet for hands? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! They have hands and feet, right where they belong. They have forheads, and
while not promonit(sp?) have a chin. And teeth not aranged in rows? They do to. Just like our mouths are. So far, this is turning into a clam
shell found open disproves evolution. And of course apes don't look exaclly like us, that's why it's called evolution.
Well, Truth I hope you have fun with all of your different personalities. By the way, look at fossils. They show dolphin going from sea to land to
sea here. Hope that works, I never done that before. Also, certain rodents and other small mammals have fossils that show them evolve and so forth.
Then their are those of reptiles, dinosaurs, birds, and fish and other animals. For you see, I have science, you have a 2000 year old book with
monsters and giants and invisible people. Sorry, facts mean more than mythology.
And hi wintermorg and phunky monkey, I can't believe you want proof. I mean, isn't a old book with monsters and one that contradicts itself a few
hundred times isn't proof enough for you? As truth would say, you will meet the wrath of my god. Then his name JM, you go to hell, and last name,
steward, same as first. Lol, sorry, had to do that.