posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 11:26 PM
I think we've come to a "Dividing Line".
I believe that the Bible is the true word of God. I believe his words of truth and love were placed on the hearts of the men God chose to physically
write them down. These writings, inspired by the Holy Spirit, were kept through time and eventually collected into the book we call the "Bible".
Now, THAT belief is what throws people, do you agree? If you do not believe that God speaks the truth, any debates on the topic are foolish. If you do
believe God's word is truth, then his first words are just as relevant as his latest. I also believe that Jesus will return to earth, as he himself
promises in the gospels and is foretold in the book of Revelation. Based on my belief that God's word stands through all time as a constant truth,
why would he lie? Is the same God who parted the Red Sea and fulfilled prophecies concerning Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection going to lie
about his plans for our future?
There are many people who claim to be "open-minded" (willing to hear out another's ideas, viewpoints, etc.) yet attack people with whom they do not
agree. Any rational, truly open-minded person will see what God says for him or her self, and make a decision after carefully examining what God says.
After all, nobody can force a person to believe a certain way, not even God. Why? Because we have free will. I believe God loves us enough to let us
make our own choices, even when our choices blow up in our face! It is up to every individual to decide for themselves. If you believe that humans
have a spirit (the part of a person that communicates with God and lives although the physical body will die), then choose wisely - eternity is, well,
for forever.