posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 06:54 AM
Sorry if I seem to be the only one to lay down facts which actually do add up, And this information that I will write is from an interview with an
official government employee which most of you probably will of heard of, Bob Lazar. (Obviously, I have not interviewed Lazar, Nor met him so this is
purely what I have read on a site), And to me it makes more sense than what EarthSister's Imagination on Extra Terrestrial life is like.
Lazar worked on one of the UFO Craft, And during the briefings, He was given quite little information on the Beings themselves. Information reguarding
there way of life was not given to Lazar, And I believe that they do not have that information. I will try and answer the guy who started this thread
as best as possible.
Do Alien races have a name for themselves? IE we are Humans or Humanity i presume they wouldnt call them selves "greys"
The name "The Greys" Is simply a slang word some people use for them, Simply because of their colouring, The Official name the government gives to
them in alledged documents is "Reticulans" (Read on as to why they are called this)
What is their native language? does it have a name? is it based on numbers and letters like ours or shapes and lines like the
Chineese/Japaneese alphabet?
The writing Style, I guess you could say, Does have a very odd feel to it, Alot of the symbols represent things that look like eyes, With dots in the
middle of circles etc.
As far as we know, They do not have a native language. They communicate spiritually, And the way that alledged interviews have take place is through
Telepathy (Where a Human is being spoke through by the being).
Animals on their home planet, Selling goods, Relationships, Sports and arts etc etc..
These things have never been information that the Government has been able to get hold of, All the alledged interviews that have taken place are
mainly about the Extra Terrestrial Craft (UFO).
Anything reguarding the way of life on their home planet is something that NO ONE knows for certain, Anything in this thread about that is purely a
matter of imagination/opinion, And I can tell you that as a fact.
What sort of life span do they have? do their bodys get weeker with age like ours? or do they stay in a similar condition most of their
This is something that I can not be sure of, As the alledged information has never been given out, So I wouldnt like to assume anything as it could be
any lifespan, I will leave this open to anyone who wishes to discuss the lifespan.
These beings are allegedly from the Star System, Reticuli (Reason for the name Reticulan). There home planet(s) is one that is being called Zeta 2
Reticuli, There is information reguarding a planet we call Zeta 1 Reticuli but Im not sure if that is populated by the Reticulans, Zeta 2 is the one I
think is the homeplanet.
These interviews with the beings have taken place in different military locations, Most known is the S4 facility, Just south of Groom Lake (Area 51).
S4 was supposedly built for Extra Terrestrial research. It consists of 9 hangars, All camoflauged. The hangars have a sand texture coating to match
with the surroundings and the Hill that S4 is built into.
S4 is where Lazar worked on the craft. Each hangar had a Craft in it. Lazar saw right through the facility one time when the linking doors to the
hangars were all open, And he claims to have seen 8 other craft in the 8 other hangars, All different shapes.
One of Lazars Co workers told a story of an Incident that took place in 1979 between the humans and the E.T's at the base. E.t's were given a part
of the base to operate under, And warned of guards to stay away from the area on one particular experiment they were testing, Guards refused. 44
Guards were found dead at the base All with identical head wounds.
[edit on 7-7-2006 by CTFL]