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Questions On Aliens For Anyone Who Can Answer

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posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 04:34 PM

so Earthsister.. any way I could be a guest at your house so that I could witness these alien beings for myself? Or do they only show themselves to you? that's unfair if that's the case. Send one my way, I'd like to know more about them first-hand. I live near a wooded area so it would be easy to keep them concealed if they showed up.

The alien races show themselves to their own alien contacts. Sometimes this includes multiple humans who have contact. There have been very few incidents when people have come to our home and seen anything "alien" happening. If you came to my house and had an alien encounter, it would be because it was part of what is going on with you, not with me. And if you told anybody about your own proof you had for yourself, nobody would believe you.

Oh yeah, what type of Alien is that in the ALien Interview documentary? He is real I believe. I don't think he is a 'grey' is he?

I don't recognize the alien being depicted in that documentary. It's a poor replica of anything real.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

The number of visiting races we now have at 218, is the number of those who are our immediate neighbors who are advanced, and have a personal affiliation with people in our race.

In 1990, when I was formally introduced to the alien races, there were 170 visiting. Since then, all of our visiting races have become organized and set up to work together to build a diplomatic relationship with our world. The most advanced of them are in charge of the organization of all of them. Some other worlds in our area were waiting for this to happen before they would also set up here. Also some races who used to visit were told by the organization to leave.

There is a larger organization of five galaxies that is our Union. In the Union are over 5200 worlds of advanced intelligent life. There are a relative few more worlds of intelligent life in the Union area who are not advanced yet, like us, and not counted as active members of the Union yet.

You keep mentioning this 218 number like it's some kind of mantra (is that the word I'm looking for?) It seems that you are the only one mentioning this number. Are you the only one that can contact these 218 races, or can other people contact them too? HEy, I'd like to contact them and ask them if I'm an alien. because sometimes it sure feels like I don't belong on this world.

And how about this scenario? (Not that I would do this). What if someone has a shotgun, comes across an alien, and says, Come along with me. We're going to a TV studio and the entire country... heck, the entire continent will get to see a real life alien.... Well, I suppose these aliens have some kind of mind control trhat prevents people from doing this... or else no one has thought of this yet... or else they don't have a shotgun nearby (Hey, I don't even own one).

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:06 PM

do you live in a populated area, like a city, or out in the country? If you live in a city, do you have neighbors and have they seen these aliens you are on such friendly terms with? I find it hard to believe that they show themselves only to you, and nobody else can see them? Unless, of course, they have the power of invisibility.

I live in a populated area and have been here for 25 years. Jack grew up in this house and many of the same families are still here. Some of my neighbors are alien experiencers, but none like Jack and me. I can't talk about my neighbors, but many more people have alien contact than you might ever guess. And when you "are" one, you have a few ways of finding out about others.

The alien races get in and out without anybody uninvolved seeing them. They have many ways of doing this, even completely invisibly right under your nose.

Many of the people who know me around town have had sightings of crafts, spiritual experiences with "strange" beings, or spirits, or know somebody else who has and they talk to me about it. So we are not entirely unaccepted by our friends and acquaintances. That is not to say they all understand us, or that they even believe we are honest.

The people who know us as a family and whose kids grew up with our kids, know we are a normal family in every way, except for this. Most people are interested and only need to be assured that it's not like in the movies, and that their kids won't get abducted from our house during sleep-overs. Once they know that, all that's left is their interest in the aliens, just like what people show here on ATS.

Other than some of the people on this forum, have you been called crazy by friends, neighbors, relatives?

Jack and I lost some friends when we went public. Our neighbors all like us very much except for one who keeps getting her house blessed and never let her kids play with ours. Our relatives are all supportive of us regardless, and most are interested, and some of them have had encounters with us, but few of them actually understand it.

People who know me, know I'm not crazy. If people don't know me, or only know what they have heard by gossip about me for this stuff, I don't blame them for thinking I must be crazy. But people who CALL me crazy, or worse, or disrespect the members of my family, well, there is something wrong with them, and I just don't care what they think.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 08:34 PM
I call hoax on this whole story i can't beleive some of you just blindly beleive whatever she says it's absolutly ridiculus. By even responing to such ludacris claims you hurt your own movement.

Again the question should be why would aliens contact nobodies as opposed to somebodies it is simply not logical why an advanced species would even attempt to contact a war mongering race of conquerers. It is not logical to contact species that in the end would destroy you.

What makes one question the whole story is the ammount of human element in this story.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 09:55 PM
sorry doctor, but those who experince it know that its real, still we cant prove it on a webpage. maybe this is not subject for you. if you dont beleive it, experience it for yourself, dont just say its false because you think you are smart. sorry dude but you still sleeping, wake up.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 09:59 PM
I dont want to kill aliens. Im sure aliens dont consider Paul McCartney a warmonger bent on destruction. Quit selling humans short. Only a small percentage of the human race kill and are greedy to such an extent. Its hard for me to believe an alien would only look at us as nothing more than a primitive animal when we've had people like Mozart representing us. Maybe theyd think more highly of humans if they listened to Mozart or the Beatles.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 10:04 PM
earthsister you rock. thanks for answering my questions. sorry but I got another for you. what do think about sixto paz?, which he is considered the most famous contactee of world. years ago I met him, he is a really nice person, my mom used to have a friend-relationship with him, he is a good person. I want to know if you know him and what do you think about him.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 11:39 PM
The_Doctor, You seem bent on proving this all a hoax. Earth Sister never offered proof, in fact she said she is not supplying any. Whatever you're waiting for it's not coming. Deal with it.

Earth Sister, I love reading this, very informative stuff, thank you!
Don't let the naysayers get you down. (I really doubt they would anyway)
I personally don't need proof, what Earth Sister says kinda "feels right".
If it feels good, do it.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 12:11 AM
I think the reason I can't telepathically communicate with humans is because they're so reliant on vocal communication that other forms of communication have become second rated. Plus I hate the way monkey noises sound that's why I don't like listening to people talking even if I'm interested in it, I prefer reading.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 01:06 AM
I actually didn't read much of this thread...
But EarthSister claims the she had contact with aliens; then why can't she proove anything, why not have a single picture or movie for us?
But anyway, if she knows about 218 species visiting us then I hope she knows anything about the space club called
if my father remembers correctly.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 01:07 AM
I am an alien soul in a human body. I can only speak for the ETs I am in contact with, which are from the same group as I used to belong to.
We call our planet "Zos-Vos". It is in the star system of Sirius.
We have whitish-gray skin, rather large eyes and DO wear clothes. We have families. Before I became a human, I was a sociologist. I had 3 husbands (polyandry) and they were scientists. They are also in human bodies, now, too. (male)
My website explains it best: MINDBOGGLER
We have training in specific work. Choldren are home-schooled until ready for job training (our version of high school)

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister
If you saw a photograph of an alien being, how would you know it's an authentic one?

It is not at all difficult to tell a real photo from a fake created with photoshop. The easiest way is with a polaroid. And no one is asking that one photo proves everything, just proves at least ONE thing. Like the live photo of the sun rising over earth from the shuttle that I watched a few minutes ago. Now if you think this isn't beautiful and call it a fake... well then I wish you luck chasing your aliens

Originally posted by lost_shaman

Originally posted by zorgon

and that was an awesome sunrise just now

You mean this Sunrise?

You people need to get out more and see whats really happening in space. You might miss some really cool history in the making

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
I call hoax on this whole story i can't beleive some of you just blindly beleive whatever she says it's absolutly ridiculus. By even responing to such ludacris claims you hurt your own movement.

Yes , you have spoken wisely, Herr Doktor [BTW I like this avatar much better]. It is truly amazing that people follow so blindly, but then thats how cults are born! This sounds very familiar... kinda like the Heavens Gate people. They all saw aliens too and got on that ship after the cool aid... Kinda scary really

Again the question should be why would aliens contact nobodies as opposed to somebodies it is simply not logical why an advanced species would even attempt to contact a war mongering race of conquerers. It is not logical to contact species that in the end would destroy you.

I think its something to do with "channeling" So far as I know , world leaders and scientists don't channel to get their information.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:17 AM
"I think its something to do with "channeling" So far as I know , world leaders and scientists don't channel to get their information."

If channeling even works...

There is no proof of this either and people just assume someone like ES would be all knowing. Then claims of the end of the world as we know it comes in to play, and how aliens are going to reshape or destroy us etc.

Some people take it to the extreme like seriously 218 species, advanced craft powered by sunlight and air, no pictures/video, not willing to back up claims or address her critics. Well you can see where I'm going.

What peaks my curiosity even more is how people just blatently follow her word like it factual with out even asking for reassurances. There is clearly some type of underlying psychological anomolies in these people. I am in no way saying ET doesn't exist or that UFO's aren't real i think they are. It's true what they say "The bigger the lie, the bigger the buy". This for those who don't get it to put it simply is why do the most far fetched stories always pull people in.

I think those who actually beleive this should take a step back and think for a second and think about what is being said here. Like seriously why are people so god damn gullable. For those of us who do seek the truth these types of outlandish stories only take away from from the UFO community as a whole. So instead of harming the movement as a whole everyone just be skeptical.

See the way a person properly investigates is by ruling out all Earthly possibilities. Skeptics like myself don't seek to harm the movement we seek proof. When all other possibilities are ruled out then you can say well it must not be from Earth etc.

Everytime I ask for proof I get BS answers and since there are possible explanations for her story like underlying psychological problems it takes away from the credability even more.

Not just with UFO's/aliens either many other topics such as religeons, psychics, political conspiracies etc.. many theories have a lack of proof to back them up and that is where people like me come along. People like me will always question what others say no matter who it is. Not because we always think people are wrong but simply because we want those reassurances. When we don't get the goods to back up stories like these it only opens a whole slew of new questions and holes to your arguments.

It has been my experience that those who can't or are unwilling to back up their claims are ussually lying or just crazy. Also those who blindly follow are either uneducated or way to gullable and naive for their own good.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 02:29 PM

You people need to get out more and see whats really happening in space. - zorgon

Yeah, Sure. LOL.

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6-7-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 04:23 PM

How do their computers compare to ours? I imagine we have excelled in that more than them.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 04:35 PM
doctor: dont go asking others to show you proof or something to satisfy your human instict of beleiving. get out there and do it yourself, after all you are the only who is needing proof. if you dont believe, experience it for yourself. you can, you just got to do it. I dont believe everything earthsister is saying but I take it into consideration because I know my truth, I experience it and thats why I believe in contactee channeling. to me it is truth that people can communicate cause I seen it so go take your chance and do it have to seek for the proof yourself, truth will not come to you. The blindest person is the one who doesnt want to see.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 06:24 PM

I don't recognize the alien being depicted in that documentary. It's a poor replica of anything real.

How is that a poor replica of anything being "real?" It looks just like some of your little cartoon alien drawings on your website lol. I can't stand people who get pleasure from stringing along a bunch of gullible people on a message board. Anyone who can actually use their brain and some logic can read all your crap and come to the conclusion that you are 100% full of sh*t. You need to find a better hobby other than sitting around making up your fantastic alien encounters. And I know what your response will be, something like "Well I am just saying what I know, you can either believe it or not." LOL. You people who believe what this broad is saying should be ashamed of yourselves...

[edit on 6-7-2006 by Diplomat]

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:17 PM

Your comments are offensive and unproductive.

To everyone- thank you for all your "onederful" questions and I only wish I could explain more, and better, to help you understand what I understand. But there is no doubt in my mind that all of you will learn on your own, one way or another, soon enough.

I am always willing to answer whatever I can, but honestly this is exhausting and I just don't have time to keep up because of all the other things I have to do on line and off. I apologize but I have to bow out of the thread. I will still be around, though.

If any of you have remaining or additional pressing questions for me that you need answers to, please u2u or write to my email. If I can help, I will.

Thank you for having me here. It's truly been my pleasure.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 07:24 PM

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6-7-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

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