"In addition to my thoughts above, skeptics feel free to check out this link:
If you feel the need to scoff at, make fun of, or ridicule a member because he made a post or started a thread that you don't agree with, or that you
think is stupid, crazy, too out there or ridiculous. Do not post anything. -- Please review this link"
No one will follow this rule seriously even mods in other forums here on ATS do not pay attention to this.
I beleive that those posting these outragous stories here need to be told to back up what they say or don't post and claim factual information.
Without the evidence to back up such claims is an insult to serious investigators.
So if I and others ask for the evidence we want well the posters should at least try instead of blowing us off and then telling us we are the sheeple
and that were screwed.
Idiotic responses like "Why don't you experience it for yourself" among other responses is insulting mine and others intellegence here. We are not
stupid people and we demand factual information not BS.
Moronic responses and compulsive liars should be punished not those who ask questions. I think the above is simply a ploy to rid ATS of the
skeptics/investigators and attract the crazies and liars to commit fakery here. It is quite sad actually that these outlandish stories will drive all
serious parties from this website.
I have been witnessing here recently a large attempt to silence the critics on certain issues and those who seek factual information as opposed to
clearly bogus claims and lies. Those who are helping this movement will be resposible for this forums demise. Soon members will start moving to other
forums and websites etc. Only because of all the BS fairy tales and lies.
Speculative theory is one thing because it opens the doors for debate. But when threads go like this one where people are not simply offering a
different perspective, they are claiming factual information with absolutly nothing to back it up. Then problems occur and fights start.
What I would suggest is that those who question stories like the ones told by ES don't stop and refuse to be silenced. Banning members for simply
asking for proof or claiming a story is BS is the really sad thing here.
People are always saying that skeptics and serious investigators are dis-info. But when you think about it the surge of unbeleivable information like
the contents of this thread suggest otherwise. It is in my opinion that those telling all the BS stories are infact the true dis-info agents. They are
good at telling stories and then dividing the UFO community into opposing factions and then the fights start also. By getting the staff on their side
they have begun to dismantle this movement.
It should be a rule here that before someone claims fact that they be required to back it up with some sort of evidence and not their word alone. If
not then this forum and those who really do seek the truth based on factual information are truly loosing the battle of information.
If I said the boogyman was real and then offered nothing to back it would you claim BS? Of course you would. I have also seen threads locked simply
because the mods think they are BS and that should be an insult to everyone here.
I have not attempted to derail the thread i simply voiced my opinion and if members here don't like what i say. Well I will tell you where to go and
how to get there.
By the way it is my opinion that ES is either crazy or just a compulsive liar she has had the oppurtunity to proove me wrong and hasn't so again I
call BS. If some of you here don't like it just suck it up and stop being such a bunch of whining babies who cry foul when someone types something
they don't like.
Those of you who will follow stories like these are just going to be sewing the seeds your own undoing.
But whatever this post will probably get me banned but whatever I can always post somewhere else. As far as I am concerned the crazies can have this
website I will just go elseware where people are a little more sane and less naive. As for the mods who continually do a deplorable job you can
snip *.
To those here making money from ATS be warned once members start leaving and going elseware the ad revenue will stop flowing.
Take this forum and
* snip *..
Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
Mod Note: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.
[edit on 7/7/2006 by 12m8keall2c]