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Quakes rocks Indonesia! Thousands killed!!

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posted on May, 28 2006 @ 12:50 AM
Just in USGS is reporting a 6.7 at a depth of 50KM in Tonga link. 6.3 Papua New Guinea, Yikes new quakes! Look at the list for the last week or so...

Victor K.

[edit on 28-5-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 01:00 AM
The death toll is almost at 4,000 now, apparently. Those poor bastards are really getting hit hard out there.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 04:36 AM
I've been wondering what effect the massive three gorges dam project in China

has had on the greater Pacific reigon. The way I see it, if you place a massive weight on any area of continental crust it causes the crust to bend. The water
impounded behind Hoover dam caused micro quakes in the immediate area, but what of the displaced magma below? Anyone got any ideas on what role these
internal forces could play? Or is China just too far away...

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 04:47 AM
I live in Jakarta A.K.A Slums Galore! Well I hope my Relatives are alright the facth that almost no Conventional Structures survived the Quake, It's Weird why would a 6.2 trigger a Tidal wave No way! they have those kinds in Japan but they don't get Tidal waves. Besides it was reported that the Epicenter was not underwater. I guess my cousins are DEAD! I In Java or as the locals call it PUlau jawa the poor people or the people that aint got no mansion like mine use standar mortar and cement for heir houses, the foundations would probably go 6 fett deep using thin Rebar and most house from what i have see and touched ( yeah touched) are pretty weak, comparable that of Iraq's houses.
The country that i live in was already torn down by the recent Tsunami i dont suppose that our CORRUPT leaders and WEAK economy would survive another large scale disaster. P.S the Epicenter is on land No tsunami ok!

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 09:14 AM
4,500 are dead now

expected to keep rising

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 10:50 AM
Latest news is that the hospital are having problems coping now, The figure thats being said over there is 4,600 ,What we also need to think about is the amount of poeple who are left now without homes, the figure being thrown out for that is over

The aftershocks are hitting which can also cause more damage and pretty much hampers alot of the rescue effort, 1 of the aftershocks hit 5.0 which in its self could be classed as a quake,

activity in the volcano is going up, which is something also to keep an eye on,

Java quake survivors plead for aid as thousands die

Also here is a link below on the volcano and earth quake info, just something to brush up your knowledge on it,

[edit on 28-5-2006 by asala]

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 11:10 AM
Here is some of the pics coming from there,


posted on May, 28 2006 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by asala
Latest news is that the hospital are having problems coping now

If you look behind that statement, one can surmise that this news being several, several hours old, the hospitals actually bogged down long ago. I honestly don't know how much of hospital staff keeps doing what they do ......... considering the massive scale of this. Don't know that I could stay and work, as opposed to walking off completely in shock, if not to the point of delusion.

activity in the volcano is going up, which is something also to keep an eye on,

A very big eye.


posted on May, 28 2006 @ 11:46 AM
This is truly horrible... 5,000 now, and it's still expected to rise. Those pictures are frightening...

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 12:12 PM
Has any one mulled over the thought this could all be manmade???

I thought i'd ask if anyone has suspicions.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 12:55 PM
Hi dgtempe. I've mulled that very thing many times. I've even been slagged on these boards for suggesting such as a consideration. I believe some find this an "unthinkable notion". Uh, not me. The one's I find most inetesting are those which occur at "round" depth figures like exactly 10Km or exactly 35Km. and in political hotspots. If your interested u2u me and I'll explain my reasoning in detail.

There has been lots of Ultra-Long Wave research from many nations under many auspices, some say since the times of Tesla in NYC. This cluster of quakes? I don't know but I'm thinkin' "Act of God", as opposed to "volitional action" other quakes? Hmmm. More time and study. Who'd be your pick as potential culprit?


Victor K.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Seems the rain is pounding them now, And forcing people to return to there rubble homes in search of some shelter,

Its just one thing after another,

Rain compounds Java quake misery

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Gembelindo
I live in Jakarta A.K.A Slums Galore! Well I hope my Relatives are alright the facth that almost no Conventional Structures survived the Quake, It's Weird why would a 6.2 trigger a Tidal wave No way! they have those kinds in Japan but they don't get Tidal waves. Besides it was reported that the Epicenter was not underwater. I guess my cousins are DEAD! I In Java or as the locals call it PUlau jawa the poor people or the people that aint got no mansion like mine use standar mortar and cement for heir houses, the foundations would probably go 6 fett deep using thin Rebar and most house from what i have see and touched ( yeah touched) are pretty weak, comparable that of Iraq's houses.
The country that i live in was already torn down by the recent Tsunami i dont suppose that our CORRUPT leaders and WEAK economy would survive another large scale disaster. P.S the Epicenter is on land No tsunami ok!
Salom I usually go there to Indonesia bandung you say youre in Djakarka the city my father is Indonesian

I really miss that place I can't beleive an earthquake destroyed modern cities that I love so much its so peacefull there I hope non eath evens or anything liek that never hit Indonesia again

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by asala
Seems the rain is pounding them now, And forcing people to return to there rubble homes in search of some shelter,

Its just one thing after another,

I had looked at the weather forecast last night for them, and when I saw the rain predicted, I just got sick to my stomach and went to bed before I could post it. I'm so sorry for those people. I have also felt a lot of anger, as I haven't seen the help pouring out like I thought there would. These people donated 100,000 dollars to the US when we went through Katrina here, and though a meager donation (actually I see no donation as meager, this is just in comparison to the other countries' donations), this occurred after everything they went through with the tsunami.

I just know what it feels like to lose everything, and then see others go through it as well. It depresses me no matter how many times I read the thread from start to finish.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 08:18 PM
Yahoo! News

I am feeling major Katrina vibes with this. Major!

Thousands scavenging for food, begging for help, all coming too slow even with big countries pledging aid.

So is this the way they're gonna break us down around the world, make us wait for the first magic trucks to show up at the Indonesian version of the Convention Center???

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 08:39 PM
I'm new here and am not very familiar with this format, so bear with me. I noticed someone raised the possibility that this disaster could be manmade. I don't know if any of you thought of this, or if it's already been discussed, but a few days ago I was reading here that FEMA was having drills of some sort in the the time someone said it might coincide with a comet strike? From what I've read other places, apparently it was a 3 day drill starting either 5/23 or 5/25, I can't remember exactly now. I believe I even read some speculation about what could be about to happen, since FEMA tends to be in just the right place on some occasions. Well, here we are with FEMA having a drill in the Pacific related to tsunamis, and now we've had a major earthquake.
Am I stretching a little too far, or does anyone else think there could be a connection? When I heard about the quake, the first thing that crossed my mind was what I had read about a FEMA drill.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by denise_109
I'm new here and am not very familiar with this format, so bear with me. I noticed someone raised the possibility that this disaster could be manmade. I don't know if any of you thought of this, or if it's already been discussed, but a few days ago I was reading here that FEMA was having drills of some sort in the the time someone said it might coincide with a comet strike? From what I've read other places, apparently it was a 3 day drill starting either 5/23 or 5/25, I can't remember exactly now. I believe I even read some speculation about what could be about to happen, since FEMA tends to be in just the right place on some occasions. Well, here we are with FEMA having a drill in the Pacific related to tsunamis, and now we've had a major earthquake.
Am I stretching a little too far, or does anyone else think there could be a connection? When I heard about the quake, the first thing that crossed my mind was what I had read about a FEMA drill.

Realizing that you are new (btw WELCOME!!!
), could you please provide us with the links to articles that concerned this information, or possibly, if it was in print, tell us where you read it so we can follow up? We're all here to help each other out, and as long as we provide valid sources, you have nothing to worry about. Welcome again!!

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 08:57 PM
>could you please provide us with the links to articles that concerned this information, or possibly, if it was in print, tell us where you read it so we can follow up? <

Thanks for the welcome. I hope I send these links right.
Here's the original post I was referring to:

There's a link there to a site telling about the drill. Here's that link:

I'm still looking through my history to see where else I could have read more.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 11:56 PM
At least 5,115 people died in the quake... Indonesia quake death toll passes 5,000

When this thread was started the reports were "about 5 dead" and now it's over 5,115...

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 05:04 AM
Aid is finally is starting to get through,

Aid was trickling in on Monday for survivors of an earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people on Indonesia's Java island and left tens of thousands of homeless foraging for food and shelter.


As you said helmutt, its shocking how this went from 5 to over 5000, and sadly there are still areas that have not been got to yet,

its a battle of time now, they need to get in there with shelter and water quick to stop another tragedy,

Im just praying that volcano stays still,

Trying to find info to see if the activity is still high there,

[edit on 29-5-2006 by asala]

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