posted on Apr, 14 2017 @ 12:27 PM
Happy Easter to all ATS members, whether your tabs are paid up or not.... although, since it's been brought up, those of you with unpaid tabs must pay
the Easter Sunday bar and buffet tab for the rest of us here. Thank you in advance.
And speaking of buffet, we'll be having the Mother Of All Buffets this year, tasty food accompanied by even more than usual flatulence. However, since
I'm not sure if we're going to be having the usual Easter fare or Korean dishes, I haven't posted the menu yet. Oh, hell, if it's Korean, just stay
home and hug your family.
Some bad news from LN Food Service, our most beautiful chocolate cake will no longer be served here, as it seems to cause itchy trigger fingers. The
good news, we have less health code violations than Mar-a-Largo!
Since this is the first time I've been in charge of the LN Easter Egg Roll, you might be disappointed in how it turns out. I didn't know planning it
could be so complicated!
Sending Love and Light to everyone here! Peace Out!