....now I'm really confused about these labels
Yesterday, I thought that since I had mentioned about postulates to nick, and now I was a
novice, maybe I had become a nun...Sister Mary Full of Grapes...no, more like Juice of the Grape, and that didn't make any sense...and I know for
darn sure dg ain't no nun!...
Then I noticed some had "gold"...in fact, dg went from bronze to gold overnight!...so maybe it had something to do with points...like in
school...but they must be using some kind of voodoo math, cause now I've become an Apprentice...like the Sorcerer's Apprentice...I'm still confused
at this point
whaaa, you best be staying away from here, all this confusion and whatnot going down...come back when the dust settles, pardner...
Jeeves, we need another statuette for the LN Movie Awards...Yes, a new category...Best Actor in a Speaking Part...Yes, I know whaaa has won all the LN
awards...so put his name on this one, too...
ok, where was I...oh, yes...nerbot, I am always impressed by people like you who can put all those rhyming words together just like that! They tumble
from your brain as the roses tumbled from Juan Diego's pancho. And, Mon Dieu, those pictures are pretty!
dg, I'm fine and well, thank you. Less stressful at work. And we're getting ready to take a little break and head up to a northern coast to join up
with some new made friends. You know, dg, I was told once, that if you can just get through the first three months with a newborn, you'll make it
through the rest. I'm finding out that the same applies to Life. If you can make it through the first 50 years, you can make it through the rest.
We're going to be with some people, whom I probably wouldn't have partied with in my younger days, being polar opposites on a few things. But, you
know what, it doesn't matter now. Heck, here I am saying grace before a meal with them in public, when I hadn't said a prayer like that in years. In
my younger days I was out protesting VietNam, and now we're running around with some great people who have a POW flag on their ATV. Of course, we all
went through some pretty life changing experiences, which knocked some sense into us. Like Life tasers you sometimes, to get your attention. Anyway,
they accept us just as we are, and we accept them just as they are, and we sure have great times together.
enjoies, I took the liberty of ordering enough QVC Food Fest items for all of us here. But...we must be more orderly this time when it
arrives....we're still scraping food off the ceiling from the last Lounge Noir Food Fest.
So gimmefootball400 pops in, too. gimme, sorry to hear about too much water your way. Are people getting the help they need? Californians have no
comprehension about water matters, since what we call a river here qualifies as a creek where you live. Rainfall?...you can get in a week what I get
in a year.