posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 01:16 PM
Ahhhh, Spira, I am indeed back in the saddle again! I am here from the western Mojave. Hope everyone had a filling Thanksgiving. As usual, Spira, you
were a regular Annie Oakley at the LN traditional Wild Turkey Shoot. Went through three cases of the year's empty bottles set up on the bar, and you
as usual didn't miss a one.
whaaa, Mr.Fuku Oko's demonstration of his finger puppets was exciting! I can hardly wait for the next TSA sponsored night!
Speaking of the TSA, the other day, MrD told me that he was bored. I told MrD that maybe he needed some retraining. Lord knows I tried to train him
myself, but now he needed something new to do.
So I phoned Congressman Nutt Jobbers and asked him if there was any govt money for retraining workers. He started yelling at me about how people need
to be self reliant, and that my hard earned tax dollars needed to go for real true patriots who defend my Freedoms, like Ray Theon, Beck Tell, Haley
Burton, and KB Arr. I think the last two sounded like some millionaire oilmen from Texas, so why would they need my tax dollars?
Anyway, the Honorable Nutt Jobbers said that if I wanted re-education money, I should ask that Marxist Commie Chairman Maobama to put MrD in one of
the re-education camps he's setting up. I ended the call there, and when I came back to MrD, he had already enrolled in a "distance learning"
course. In my day, we called them correspondence courses, and they could be found on the covers of matchbooks found in a bar. We sure have fancified
our society.
MrD signed up for the fun, exciting, get-to-meet-lots-of-people career as a TSA screener. I think it was all a scam, because he had passed the
written part even while misspelling testakulls. Also, there was a trick question...True or False, A scrreener should only masturbate at home to
scanner images and not at work. At least it seemed like a trick, because everyone knows those scanner images are erased right away. Then again, maybe
by images it meant the images one brings home in one's head after a hard day of looking at scanner images. Then, of course, one could masturbate at
home to the images in one's head.
With MrD's tuition, he got to download a bunch of pictures of all kinds of naked people. He was supposed to train himself to not spend too much time
on certain people, but I think he needs more practice. I really think this was all a scam, because for the practical part of the exam, MrD had to pat
me down while standing in front of the computer, while someone in some room somewhere watched and judged his performance. I had to then get naked for
a pat down, then MrD had to get naked while performing a pat down. Weird.
Well, anyway, MrD must have done really well, because he got to download a red-white-blue-gold certificate suitable for framing. Note that it's in
color only if you have colored ink in your printer, otherwise it's still a respectable document. We took the certificate to our local airport, and
the airport manager laughed and said that we were the third certificate he'd seen that day; apparently this is a growing field. He laughed as he
explained that our airport had no passenger service, but then he got real serious and offered to have MrD give him a pat down in his office as he
watched those scanner images on his computer. Weird.
Well, at least MrD does seem to be more excited these days, although he still stays at home and doesn't get to meet all those people he was promised.
And the red-white-blue-gold certificate does look good hanging on our wall.
Gotta head out on the highway, looking for adventure. Love and kisses to you all!