Yay!! My, you're continuing to look your scary self. Let's see...yes!....Jeeves, here's Chukkles's tab. Put everyone's orders
on this one....Thanks, Chukkles!
Sorry I had to bug out, but I had to go trade in my old camel for a new one with less gas. ...desert falls off barstool...Hey! My barstool is
Ok, Spira, let's sit around this campfire I built in the Lounge, and I'll tell ya the garage story. Oh, don't anyone worry about a fire...I
disabled the sprinkler system, so we don't get all wet. Oh, I can add my broken barstool to keep it going!
whaaa, yes, scars. There's been times I cried so hard over Love, I became only 2% water. And I think that this garage story might start now. Because
maybe my not wanting to rent a storage space has maybe one-third to do with that, the other two thirds divided equally between being frugal and taking
a stance against acquiring too much stuff.
It's true. When a woman secretly rents a storage space, a divorce is imminent. As I transferred my stuff that needed to live on past a divorce, I
began to notice the activities at the storage spaces around me. What were the stories those other renters had to tell. Were they hiding stuff like me,
or just had an overflow of holiday decorations, or living in an apartment, or using the larger space for the garage they didn't have to work in? Was
anything illegal going on? Meth lab? A dead body somewhere?
Now, before you think any less of me, the stuff I was hiding were things that either belonged to me, the only value being sentimental, or things I
felt would otherwise be destroyed by the avenging spouse, things that needed to be passed on to the kids someday.
So when I finally was happily able to clean out the rented space and tell the office I no longer needed it, I knew I never wanted to rent storage ever
How I went from a closet of a space rental to an overflowing condo is really not much of a story. The divorce process gave me the bedroom furniture
and a few assorted pieces, the ex dropped off boxes of stuff he didn't want, I bought whatever else I needed, and then MrD came into my Life and
condo, with a need to blend, not a family, but stuff.
So, one side of the garage has shelves of stuff (half of which is MrD's hardware, and electronic stuff he swears he needs someday to scrounge for
capacitors, etc....who am I to say he doesn't need it? It's today's equivalent of an old barn loaded down with stuff to fix whatever breaks around
the farm.), another side devoted to rv and travel stuff, and the third side provides shelter for a spa we had to rebox, plus misc.
The rest of the floorspace is devoted to off-road toy, car, and boxes of holiday decorations. And it is said of desert, it was always said of her that
she knew how to keep Christmas well if any woman alive possessed the knowledge. (sincere apologies to Dickens)
Oh, one more thing, a temporary thing because of our truck situation, which the Chevy dealer says will have a fortunate ending, soon. Right smack dab
where the cabinets would go is a pile of stuff to be returned to the truck and trailer, where it resides under normal circumstances.
But these have not been the normal times for us, so I finally convinced MrD that the cabinet should at least be assembled, to sit ready in the
downstairs bedroom, to be rolled into its rightful space in the garage, soon, but meanwhile could serve as a repository for some stuff in the bedroom.
Actually, I have no need for another bedroom, so that room downstairs is a cross between a library and Warehouse 13/the Laws railroad town museum/the
Vatican archives (I have a bottle of Lourdes water, which no one else in the family wanted when my Grandmother left her possessions behind to go to
that rest home in another town, before she finally departed this World, when you really can't take anything with you. Really. (There's a lesson in
there I've been thinking about lately, in regards to possessions.)
Jeeves, another hot chocolate, and some s'mores, too. Say, anyone want to hear how I recently acquired a Bigfoot footprint cast...cast from an
original mold? I guess since I ain't dead yet, I can aquire a few more things. Especially now that I have a new cabinet in which to store more
stuff....I'm a slow learner on some of Life's lessons.