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OP/ED: Cracks in the Facade

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posted on May, 11 2006 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
And yet you're horrified if anyone has the temerity to actually DISCUSS or QUESTION the stuff in this "op/ed piece."

You can't have it both ways, ya know. You cannot pretend to defend your own ideas simply by calling other people names, Dgtempe. And yet that's the substance of your rebuttal---that someone else writes better than you do.


HUH? I do defend this OP/ED piece. If you mean you shouldnt be against it, nope that's not what i meant. What i meant is that some here think that by using very enriched English, they dance their way around all the problems of this administration, hence leaving me, for example, wondering the meaning of their words. It really is a "simple" problem, with a "simple" answer. Mr. Bush is not a competent president.
Now, i could cut and paste, and cite all the reasons, but you do know what they are by now. I dont call names- I simply stated a truth that nobody else maybe did. Sorry to hit a nerve. And no disrespect meant, of course. AND i was not refering to you specifically??? I was generalizing. But you know that.


Mod Edit: Fixed Quote Tags.

[edit on 11/5/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:43 AM
Those Evil Capitalists are at it again.........

What? --- The tax cuts approved again...Oh no...more for the wealthy elites....

Should they be allowed to keep more?.....Evil capitalists...Evil Bush...he doesn't care about the little guy....Yeah...just big oil...Yeah...bush loves big oil...Yeah

The Evil Bush Supporters...Lets make them prove Bush isn't evil...Yeah...Lets make them prove Bush didn't lie...Yeah...We got them...Yeah...Lets make them prove the economiy is strong...Yeah...They can't do it...Yeah...Bush supporters are all liers...Yeah...They're all BLIND POLICITAL LOYALISTS...YEAH...We got them...Yeah...A great new term to use...I like it...Yeah...They can't defend this...Yeah...The're grasping at straws...Yeah...No defense...Yeah...All they can do is call us proof...Yeah...Bush lies...secrets...Yeah

What? --- Eonomic indicators up?...How can that be?...They must be the evil lying Bush people...Yeah...

What?...Is that all Bush supporters can do?...Listing Evil government websites...Let's just ignore them...Yeah...They must be lies...Yeah...Lies perpetrated by the Evil Department of Commerce...Yeah...The Evil Department of Labor...Yeah...The Evil Bush White House...Yeah...Evil conservative websites...All lies...Yeah...They're Evil Bush People...Yeah...That's how we'll dismiss this proof...Yeah...I like it...Yeah...We'll blame Big Oil...Yeah...We'll keep throwing 3.00 a gallon prices in their faces...Yeah...We'll call them Blind political loyalists...Yeah...I like it...We got them on the run...Yeah...The polls are dropping...Yeah...We'll use that...Yeah...Attack...Yeah...Attack...Yeah...Evil...Yeah...Lies...Yeah...Big Oil...Yeah...Haleburton...Yeah... secrets...Yeah...I like it...Yeah...

Hillary's right...Yeah...A big right wing conspiracy...Yeah...That must be the explanation...The right is against her...Yeah...The patriot act...Yeah...You can't debate...Yeah...We'll say they call us unpatriotic...Yeah...I like it...

Meanwhile, back at the batcave...The Media's boy "Rogue" senetor John mclain...Yeah...he disagrees with evil bush...yeah...we'll use him...Yeah... we'll call him the"maverick" senetor...Yeah...I like it...Yeah...every time he disagrees with Evil Bush we'll make him the lead story...yeah...i like it...Wo,Wo,Wo, what happened to him?...He agreed with the evil Bush people...Media response-"Mclain no longer a maverick?"...What's going on with rogue senetor john they hate him...yeah...attack...attack...attack...hungry media vultures...

Agree with Evil Bush...You must be a liar...Yeah...Disagree with Evil Bush...Your a good guy...Yeah...we'll use's works...yeah poll numbers dropping...yeah...we'll run with this...yeah

Meanwhile, Collin Powell...He left Evil Bush...Yeah...He couldn't put up with the lies...Yeah... He's a great guy...Yeah...

Condoliza Rice...She sold out African Americans...Yeah...She has a PHD...Yeah...She's a Bush person...She's a token...Yeah...We'll discredit her...Uncle tom...Yeah...I like it...Yeah...We'll get those evil Bush people...Yeah...

But...on ATS we know the truth...We know Bush lied...UN sanctions...12 Years...We don't need them...Yeah...Bush problem...bush lied...yeah... Mass graves....Bush lied....Chemical weapons...Bush lied...Yeah...

Vallery plane...she's CIA...Bush lied...Yeah...He leaked her name...Yeah...

ATS knows the credentials? do I know?...wheres my evidence?... doesn't matter I post on ATS...I'm anti-bush...I'll get support...Yeah...I like it.......

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by tommy1701

See, that didn't take long. The vultures swarmed in like a piece of roadkill.

Oh, its those evil bush people....those evil capitalists....those evil conservatives. And they'll continue to spew their hate, "bush lied" "he's out for profits". He'e in the pockets of big oil....

You were wright. name calling, "you must be mental" and now a new one, "political blind loyalists". and now conservatives label them as "liberals". (By the way - the classic liberal answer to anything..."the old names aren't working so lets make up a new one...."Yeah...Political Blind Loyalist....Yeah...that sounds good...I like it.....

Maybe we should take a look at some of the economic indicators;

Oh but wait, there put out by the evil bush administration......Backed by the Evil capitalists at the department of commerce......These figures must be lies...... Oh, "Bush Lied". Carl Rove must be behind the lies......Rumsfeld must be behind the lies.....The 3 1/2 million votes were lies.....All manipulated by the evil bush people.....Cheney...he lied...he's covering up something....

All lies by the Evil Bush people.....and those conservative political blind loyalists.....all liers......

No, only those here at ATS must be right....After all, they are on the side of good...only they stand up for the sheeple...Only they can bring America back from the brink of disaster.....Because they know the truth....Bush lied.....Rice she lied......Powell...he's a good guy because he quit the evil Bush party.....

Semperfortis, What do you think is next?

I think you better run man!!!!
They are going to lynch you... OH DARN IT!!! I said LYNCH... Got someplace I can hide in your mansion?

It really is the typical drivel, it never changes. "Bush is a liar." "If you say anything against what I am saying, your repressing." my fav. "The economy is terrible." (What are they looking at???) "Bush the traitor." Bush the war criminal." Did I miss any?
oh yea, sorry, "Our boys over there dieing for oil."

It would not be so bad, but some of the people actually spouting this nonsense, have displayed intelligence at one time. I can not figure that out. My marking points are simple.
1. Why are we in the war. "I do not care! We are and it is one of the most successful wars in history. Do the math." (Soldiers and Marines fight, and die in wars. Thats what WE do. It is the single greatest honor a Marine or soldier can obtain, to die for our country.)
2. Interest rates lowest in decades.
3. Unemployement, Lowest in decades.
4. Dow UP
5. Housing UP
6. Standard of living, UP

Anyone who can not see the obvious connection between President Bush's Rating and the price of Gas at the pumps, is BLIND! Yet the drivebymedia, will give several reasons for the bad numbers prior to mentioning that this may be a small part.
Do you think he cares about the Gallop numbers? HE'S not running again.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:00 AM

My Evil capitalist mansion has many rooms. You are welcome to one of them.

One thing though, like batman, I have a liberal repellant in my utility belt.

Here is a list of my favorite liberals and they're call signs;

Hillary -- my husband didn't sleep with that girl -- Rotten Clinton.
Ted -- I didn't know the girl was in the car when i drove into chapiquidic --Kennedy.
John -- did you know i served in vietnam -- Kerry.
Robert -- I was in the KKK - but don't tell anyone -- Byrd.
Charles -- I have a permit to carry a gun - but I don't want anyone else to -- Schumer.
Cynthia -- do you know I'm Black -- Mckinney.
Patrick -- I don't remember getting behind the wheel -- Kennedy.

But...bush lied...he's incompetant...he's big oil....blah, blah, blah.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:03 AM
You forgot...
Clinton. Oral sex is not sex. President
Clinton. Define the word "is" President
and my all time fav.
I never lied.. HA HA HA HA HA...Clinton again.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:07 AM

Thank you, I'm going to add the Bill Clinton one to my list.

Because i'm an evil capitalist bush supporter.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:14 AM
Clinton got a BJ and lied. Bush?

I think the whole leftvsright argument is a complete waste of energy anyway. Would love to see more actual discussion of real issues instead of people retreating to comfortable stereotypes and repitition of talking head points mixed with biased hate.

Hey, here's an interesting idea - how about the pro-Bush people collaborate and make an editorial refuting the points this article makes and highlights where our government is doing well and use the energy put into knocking the OP into supporting your own feelings in an intelligent manner?

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:20 AM
I think we were just put in our place.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:58 AM

The floor is yours. You make an incredible amount of sense.

We are wrong and you are right.

Take care, Tommy.

Thought you might enjoy this one too, Tommy.'

It only keeps getting better and better, doesnt it???

[edit on 11-5-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:56 AM
Yeah, tommy and semper are right, even though he economic indicators that they post are biased and fudged, that can be excused.
They are right, their links convinced me that Bush is an excellent president after all.

He was right to invade Iraq, and they did not lie to get 'er started.

America is at the pinnacle of it's success, it shows.

They have shown me just how blind and mis-informed I have been, how could I let that happen

I'll never be fooled again!

Thanks guys!

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 01:36 PM

See...the liberal mindset in action...Its swift and intelligent...Yeah...the economic indicators are biased and fudged....Yeah that must be it....The Evil Bush government....Yeah....It's all their fault....Let's tell this guy he's right....Yeah...maybe he'll go away....Yeah...I like it....

So what do they do? They post another thread......The evil Bush is breaking the law...they're listening to me talk to my mommy....Yeah....Illegal wiretaps....Yeah...they're collecting my phone numbers....Yeah....Bush is a dictator...Yeah.....they want to know what my grandmother says about her medication...Yeah...I like it...How can we attack them next....they are evil capitalists....Yeah...Big oil...Yeah...Lets keep on attacking....We'll find something...Yeah...I like it....

Meanwhile back at the batcave.....2 years ago, Hillary "is adamently against illegal immagration"....Well, we all know what she said at the "illegal immagrant rally"...

But, capitalists are evil...we like big oil....we own stocks...Yeah...We like business...Yeah...We are greedy...Yeah...

THE TRUETH...comes from posters ATS...Super(men)posters...they know the trueth...Yeah...Evil Bush....He's responsible....Yeah...Lets keep attacking...Yeah...

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 01:48 PM

But, capitalists are evil...we like big oil....we own stocks...Yeah...We like business...Yeah...We are greedy...Yeah...

Ah ha!
So the truth to your identity comes out, you don't represent the common man!

You represent them! I mean, how can you stand against yourself, lest you fall!

PS, could you make your post a bit more readable, without all the ......and this.... and a bit more of......?
It's distracting to try and read.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 01:53 PM

In response to your last sentence, I give you this,

Howard -- we are the only ones who know what the american people want -- Dean.

If, by all means, this is correct, I give you New Orleans. Run by liberal democrats for the past 40 years. It should have been a utopia. Countles millions in government funds, welfare programs.... Why is it such a failure?

Just a little about the corruption in the Liberal Democratic city of New Orleans.

Be careful...this could be a right wing website.....evil conservatives.....Yeah

[edit on 11-5-2006 by tommy1701]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by tommy1701
Just a little about the corruption in the Liberal Democratic city of New Orleans.

Be careful...this could be a right wing website.....evil conservatives.....Yeah

[edit on 11-5-2006 by tommy1701]

Oh boy, don't even mention that, they are going to come back and continue to "claim" it's all president Bush fault".... Hell, if a butterfly farts, it's got to be president Bush' fault.....

I mean some of these people seem to think president Bush should have taken the power from the governnor of Luisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans, surpassing the power of the State of Luisiana to make sure people were safe...but then again, the same people would have made claims that such a move proves president Bush is an evil dictator....

Oh and if the president of the U.S. makes jokes, oh boy, that really shows how evil he is, yet when people such as "Chavez makes jokes about Condi Rice, and all women in general", even the libel women laugh their butts off even if the joke is on them....
Go figure....

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
What is meant is early on, as in the first STOLEN ELECTION. Then the second, then just when we thought no more could go wrong, Bingo!!!
At least, that is the case for me. because the elections didn't go as you wanted, "it must have been a stolen election"....

Gotcha DG.....

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:19 PM
OK, you people are causing political pollution by obscuring the issues.

I've come to assume that's what Bush supporters do. Get around the issue by burying it in a mountain of Liberal vs. Republican crud.
I think they all stink, just that Bush's party stinks the worst, Hmmm, or is the word 'stench' or 'sewage-like'
Hmmm, yeah.

Did somebody mention something about swarming, or bees, or ganging up, along those lines?

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 03:57 PM
Muaddib, Semperfortis,

Let me start by saying, Toad and the rest have every right to say what they want AGAINST this administration, BUT, I have every right to say what I want in SUPPORT of this administration.

Now Watch;

See the liberal in action....
See the best the liberal can come up with....

I give you economic indicators. This is what we use to measure the economy of the US. They were good to use during the clinton admin, but now...

Now these numbers must be "Fudged" the Evil Bush admin...they can't be true...Evil Bush is in office...see the best the liberal can do?

Then the liberal goes on the defensive..."poluting and obscuring the issues"...

Yes, I'm "poluting" and "obscuring" with economic indicators....

Then see what the liberal does next....the typical liberal whine..."I think they all stink...the Evil Bush party stinks"....

This is the liberal in his true habitat....Attack...Attack...Cut and Run....

See, the liberal wants to twist it around by saying conservatives are the ones slinging mud, conservatives are the ones name calling...but, you mention economic indicators and the numbers have to be "faked".

No plans...No solutions...No ideas...this is the liberal in his true habitat.

Nothing but their hate...."stench" "sewage like"...Thats the liberal in his true habitat.

And when they are exposed for their hate....they cut and run.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by ShazamsChampion
Grover I do not know who these mythical people are that believe these things you think. Yes I am a Bush supporter, voted for him twice in fact. No I don't think Jesus would endorse either party, I rather suspect that if Jesus returned to Earth there would be no need for political parties.

Sir you are entitled to your opinion and I will not attack it...despite what some claim I do indeed respect others viewpoints but when I am attacked for stating what i honestly feel to be true, then I will defend myself.

I will address what I quoted of your post though. I have heard many comments like what I mentioned both in person by hard core fundamentalists, and on blahblahblah radio from the likes of Coulter and Limbraugh and Savage to name three. While I know or at least hope those three idiots do not represent the mainstream conservative republican viewpoint, I have my doubts as well. I have also seen comments in the same vein in the local paper, in fact they appear quite often as southwestern Virginia is a very conservative place. I hope that the majority of conservatives and republicans are more intelligent than some of the stuff I have read (and heard) come out of the mouths of its so called representives I cannot help recall John Stewert Mill's quip..."While it is not true that all conservative people are stupid, it is true most stupid people are conservative. "

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 06:30 PM
Muaddib, Semperfortis,

See...Now the original architect of this post comes back to see what has grown from the seed he planted.

What's the best he can do?

He quotes a "supposed" Bush supporter. This "supporter" claims to have voted for Bush twice. But he will not attack anyone. Only when he's attacked will he go on the offensive.

This "supposed Bush supporter" has to compliment Grover. "Good job buddy, you said something I could not".

But alas, he cannot resist....It is his last sentence that betrays him....
He can't resist but to recall a quip by Mills...who calls conservatives "stupid".
This is so he doesn't have to come out and say it himself....He doesn't want anyone to know his true identity.

But, It is this very point that gives him up for what he really is;

Another trait of the liberal in his true habitat...I want to compliment this guy but, I don't want to be ridiculed in any way.

See how clever the liberal tries to be?

He calls Coulter, Limbaugh and Savage as "hardcore fundamentalists".

Also, he hopes these three "Idiots" don't represent all conservatives.

You see, the liberal can't resist...He has to insult...But he has to be clever about it.

See how clever....he calls Grover "Sir"....while insulting Coulter, Limbaugh and Savage. All three very successfull radio, talk show hosts and authors. Of course, people who don't look at this site and cannot defend themselves. That's what bothers liberals...SUCCESS, Success; in any way shape or form.

See...the big HATE FILLED LIBERAL GROVER can't can't think of anything himself...Yeah...I'll quote this guy...a supposed Bush a supporter....Yeah...conservatives won't go against one of their own.....Yeah....I got him now.....Yeah....No place to hide...He's gonna back down now....this has to shut him up.....Yeah

Come on Grover...everyone knows your a big liberal...I know you can't resist...where's the rest of your hate?...

You see, Grover wants to respond...he's aching to respond...he's burning up inside...he can't sleep until he responds...

BUT, it's got to be clever...he doesn't want to sound like the big liberal he is....

But, this is Grovers real problem. His OP/ED piece is not his own. It's not an original thought. All it is, is a collection of what has already been said by; the anti-bush, george soros, michael moore, alex baldwin, cnn wolf blitzer, msnbc, bob scheefer, new york times, washington compost - richard cohen, ATS conspiracies - "nwo, illumati, reptillian, shadow government", john kerry, hillary, cynthia mckinny, howard dean, and the rest of the left wing crowd.

Think of me as the Evil Emporer...."Ah you want your lite saber young skywalker....Good...I can feel the hate swelling in you.....take it and strike me down with all of your hate".

You see, I CAN ADMIT that I dislike the position Liberals take...I respect their position and their right to spew their hate But...LIBERALS CAN'T ADMIT IT...they try to disguse it with clever sounding OP/ED pieces.

Watch the big libs cut and run.

[edit on 11-5-2006 by tommy1701]

[edit on 11-5-2006 by tommy1701]

[edit on 11-5-2006 by tommy1701]

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 05:14 AM
Well Tommy,
The one economic indicator that I can not fake, is mine. I am making more money, paying less in taxes, buying and selling houses in my spare time and finally realizing the American dream. Something not possible under the Democratic rule.

You hit the nail on the head here time and time again. "They" can say anything, and when you disagree, give them proof, well "YOU" are making it up. "YOU are just a stooge.

I am only confused about one little thing. If the Democratic party is for the "common" man, the "worker", the "low income", then why are all of the Democrats so rich?
Why do they not send some to those poor people they cater to for votes?

I am glad the Republicans I support are rich, makes me want to go out and make more money.

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