dgtempe, Grover
I thought the theme of this site is "deny ignorance"? Who is denying ignorance here? Me? You? Grover? Mauddib? Scepticoverlord? or ATS?.
Yes, you are correct, these people do work hard to give us a place to post our thoughts. And I whole - heartedly thank them for it.
But, all thoughts should be heard. Should they not? If all thoughts aren't heard then who is really denying ignorance?
All I have done is to point out my case to scepticoverlord. If I am not allowed to make my own argument, to defend my position then who is guilty of
denying ignorance? You? Me? Grover? Scepticoverlord? or ATS?
All I see on this site is how "eveyones views" are being opressed. How our "freedoms" are being taken away.
And now, if our posts are going to be banned without being allowed to be seen, who is doing the oppressing? Who is taking away freedoms? You? Me?
Grover? Mauddib? Semperfortis? Scepticoverlord? or ATS?
You can't have a website and claim to "deny ignorance" then only let one side be heard. That is opression. That is the issue.
I read a post by one of the moderators that discussion here is to be held in a "consipiratorial manner"
I now charge you and ATS with a new conspiracy theory. You are all conspiring against conservatives. My next logical step in the discussion is to
copy or link every ANTI - BUSH thread to prove my theory. Of course that would take days because that is what this site is filled with.
I am in no way trying to offend the moderators. If it is the policy to hold this discussion in PTS then it is the thread should be moved by the
moderators. I don't run this site and I have no Idea how to do this, so I must continue the discussion here.
Now...to your comment on "brainwashing". No. I have my own mind. I hold an associate, bachelors and masters degree all in business. I am not
brainwashed. If I listen to sean, rush, monica, laura, mark, it is to get a break from the biased liberal media such as, the new york times, the
washington post, the LA times, channels 2,4,5,7,9,11 and PBS.
This is the thing liberals don't understand...CONSERVATIVES STAND FOR SOMETHING. I STAND FOR SOMETHING. I can take a stand and I can defend myself.
How I choose to defend myself is my business.
To defend this I give you Howard Dean;
Read the link....The true liberal in action.
The Bush administration does not have to be corrected like the great Howard Dean.
Grover, I bet you thought I forgot about you.....
In response to your comment about my "stupid belittlements"...see, you couldn't resist, you had to insult me. Your HATRED comes out and reveals
what you really are.
I give you the following links for the 3rd time.
This is how we measure success. This is how we measure the economic strength of the United States of America. All indicators are up. If what you
claim is true, then why is the economy in such good shape?
Now, let me address your comments about Bush and his "cronies".
You claim not to care about Bush, but you care about what he is doing to this country. I'll say it again, look at the economic indicators. That's
what he's done to this country.
Now, If you truely didn't care you would not have "written your OP/ED piece. Go back and see how many times you called him and his "cronies"
liars. You have accused them of every crime on the books and others that are not...Here is where I have exposed you for your HATRED.
See...you have tried to be clever...you have tried to hide your HATRED in opinion, you have tried to twist your meaning...you have tried to drum up
support...you have tried to show me a "Bush supporter" who disagrees...but we know what he really is....you have tried to DISGUSE what you really
are..."discuss the issues"
But it is your HATRED that betrays you all the time...HATRED that betrays all liberals. You have to insult..."your stupid belittlements", because
you can't discuss the economic strength of this country. This is where you lose every time.
And when the day is over, all you have left is your HATRED...
Your OP/ED is filled with nothing but attacks and accusations. It offers up no solutions, no ideas, nothing of value.....it is you who started the
Just to let you know, one of your supporters said you should post your OP/ED piece on Hannity.com. I want you to know, I emailed your piece directly
to Sean himself. Don't worry, Sean has my email, home and cell #'s.
You see, I stand behind every word I've written, Yes, even to the moderator. Lets see if you can stand behind what you've written.