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If US Attacks Iran, Iran Attacks Israel

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posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:26 PM
heckman said:

Its not some kind of card. Look up through the post at the calls to war to destroy America and the statements implying that its ok if Iranians kill Israeli civilians and Americans because they brought it upon themselves.. These are the same kind of things that the Nazis said and the same things radical Muslim terrorist say yet it is supported all over this board!!

Yet it's OK for the US to bomb the crap out of Iran, when Iran did nothing to America?
Seems to me GWB is bringing all this to us, if it weren't for him, Iran wouldn't even be in the news right now.
This all seems like deja vu, Hmmm, yeah, it does.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:26 PM
Low Orbit:

If you are Iraqi do you remember how long it took the US to overthrow Baghdad once we attacked. I believe it was three weeks. If Iran does not back off it will make the Baghdad invasion look like child's play.

Who cares if Iran has a Nuke we have ten thousand off them! If you think Iran can defend itself from an American invasion history will prove you wrong.

WRONG. The Iraqi army was demoralized and relative weak after a decade of sanctions; they had no air force, or any long-range missiles.

Iran, on the other hand, has “Shahab” missiles that can reach targets up to seventeen hundred km. They've also got stealth missiles, and advanced underwater rockets.

You don’t have enough troops to control Iraq (437,000 square kilometers and with a population of 26 million). How do you propose to ALSO control Iran (1.6 MILLION square kilometers and a population of 63 million)? It’s ludicrous. Britain won’t be helping you this time because they’re not who Israel goes crying to when they need protection.

Iran knows it and that’s why they’re being so tough. Read something sometime.

If Iran does choose to attack any country with a Nuke(either offensively or defensively) the country of Iran will not exist the following day, that's a promise!

Who told you that? ...Jesus? Do you have a link to back that up?


"Terrorists were created from years of racism, slavery and atrocities by The foreign policies of US, Israël" (yea of coarse its the US and Israel's fault for radical Muslim terrorist killing civilians it cant be their own fault for being murders .)

The quote is accurate. Your own excuse is, um, that they are terrorists because they are murderers. Yipes. That might work in an elementary school debate but it’s not so good in the adult world. U.S. foreign policy has created more terrorists than anything.

Do you think terrorists don’t have GRIEVANCES? They just kill because, um, they’re pure killers? ?

I'm simply drawing the parallels of ruthless thought made by Anti-Americans and Anti-Semitics and how they are fast becoming mingled into a single blind , jealous hatred for Americans/Israelis by Europeans.

The REALITY is that America and Israel are NOT the shining paragons of good and virtue that you somehow claim them to be (with no corroboration). It’s not anti-American or anti-Semitic. It’s being observant.

If I believe that sex offenders shouldn’t be released into the public, am I anti-human? Anti-man?

I hope that Iran's nuke program is dealt with soon before even more Anti-Americanism mixed with Anti-Semiticm grows into that old beast that could once again gain fascist control and unite much of Europe against the U.S. and Israel.

Did they legalize pot recently where you are? What kind of paranoia is that, exactly? You equate anti-americanism and anti-semitism with fascism?

The current US government has far more in common with Nazi Germany circa 1939 than differences.

It is people like you who do not realize what is happening to their country until they wake up one day and realize they are living in a totalitarian government. Then they go to work and ignore it. So good luck with that.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Jakomo]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:30 PM
coming from an american who is very pro freedom, but anti capitalist, i can say im anti american. and no im not just going to leave. we were founded on freedom and id rather die fighting as a patriot to protect that then leave because i dont like the money corrupt system that its been turned into.

the person who tried to compare this to nazis, thats just ignorant. these people based alot of their actions off the DESTRUCTION of a race. theres no race involved here, this is a government corrupt by money that people are sick of. The nazis were super racists, which was the main flaw in their party.

when i look around i know damn well why im "anti-american" and its not because i hate freedom, its the exact opposite of that. I love freedom, and im watching as people i know never get the chance to experience it because of a capitalistic system. This system works untill the second or third generation of workers comes along. its become a monopoly which has turned into a form of dictatorship. Not a true dictatorship, but our freedoms don't entirely exist anymore. what freedoms i constantly hear? The right to pursue happiness. That is the basis of this country, and it has been without a doubt taken from us.

I love freedom, which is exactly why i have become anti american.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Toadmund
Hmmm, does Bush listen to international law? Who is sanctioning America?
Iran has a right to nuclear power, just like the US does, that's how they see it.

1. We're talking about Iran not the US
2. Then they should have accepted Russia's proposal

If you can't hit the US, Israel is a good enough threat tool.

Are you being serious?

Uh, No, that's not true.

Sure it is.
There were at least 49 countries that were part of the "Coalition of the Willing"

What other countries are you talking about?

You said "History shows that the Bush regime is not tolerant and wants to invade wether the world approves or not"
And since you Afghan and Iraq don't fit that, what other countries that Bush invaded are you talking about?

There is a whole lot of bluffing going on, on both sides, and yes, Iran hates Israel, has something to do with mid-east tensions I suppose, that's a given, but israel good, Iran bad, funny!

Figured you didn't know much about that region and it's history. All I can suggest to you is to read up on it a bit...

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:35 PM
grimreaper said:

war in afganistan, war in iraq, then the third is Iran. I do believe they are going to get Nukes, I do believe they are going to hit Israel with them, and I do believe it will be within the next 10 years.

And GW Bush's rhetoric ain't helping the threat go away, he may as well fight fire with gasoline. Without GW, the threat would not be there at this time.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Iraqi_king
HEY Intelearthling
America and Isreal are biting more then they can chew. The Isrealis think that they are invincible. hahahahaha

You're kidding, right?? Perhaps you don't understand the capability of the US Military. Listen, I am by no means an advocate of the killing of innocent men, women and children. However, do you realize that the US could literally have the entire country of Iran flattened in less than 1 hour after intialization of said attack? Nevermind underground bunkers, safehouses, etc. They will be deemed useless in an all out "shock and awe" campaign. (I am not referring to the "dull and weak" campaign we so grossly exhibited in the Iraq war. I am talking true, jaw dropping, eye popping, shock and awe!)
If this war does happen, which again, I SINCERELY hope it does NOT, I would be forced to take the "no boots" position. In other words, very limited to NO ground troops. Strike massively hard and heavy, totally obliterating everything. Insurgents, I don't think so. Armed militias, I don't think so. Resistance, I don't think so. Al-Queda, i don't think so. Then take the country over including it's oil and bring down the gas prices here in the US and Europe. Remember, the US does not have friends, we have "interests." This would not be Iraq where we were "liberators." This would be IRan and we would be "conquerors."

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:38 PM
I'm just curious to know whether those that dismiss as "logical" Iran's intention to hit Israel in retaliation for American action would also feel that it would be "logical" for Israel to target Iran if hypothetically China attacked Israel. I hope nobody attacks anybody, but some people are so obviously anti-Israel they try and find ways to justify the most horrible acts against Israel while crying a river when Israel blinks wrong. EVERYBODY (governments, corporations, etc.) involved in ALL of this death and destruction we are seeing today is in the wrong. There are no "good guys" anymore, so it just depends on which wrong you choose to defend I guess...

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Christian IX
HAHA! NONE of you who think Iran can be invaded, know anything about strategy!

Please explain why Iran can't be invaded.

I just like to take people down and make them feel like idiots.

So, in other words, you have nothing to contribute to any discussion on ATS?

Yes I do. Read my other posts. But I guess READING is too much WORK for "SOME PEOPLE IN HERE"!!

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:42 PM
thatsjustweird thanks for posting your imfamous face before:
anyway out of your 49 countries, how many of them are nuclear power? i mean thats really what decides if you mean anything in this world. you either have alot of oil or your a nuclear power. so how many were nuclear powers? your telling me the Veto Power nations of the UN all said OK for Iraq? do any of your 49 countries have any huge significance in the world community? did russia go along with it? france? china? india? pakistan? (i know israel would have so i wont ask for them)

i really cant say where we would be now if 9/11 didnt happen and iraq didnt happen. i have no clue what this situation could be like. its so many major differences that the posibilities are really endless.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:44 PM
Grimpreaper, you're so a good guy!
If everyone would be like you, the world would be so greater! It's a compliment, not an adulation.

Iran have a right to own nuclear power but it is a DEFENSE, NOT an ATTACK issue to have nukes because of the US/Israël imperialism. And the quote that every anti-Iran are always bringing here, Israël should be wiped off the map, is totally false. Why there is jews in Iran and they were not killed if Iran want to kill jews?

IRAN doesn't want to kill jews, they want to kill the Israëli zionist racist government and those who supports it because it's the MAIN problem to PEACE in middle-east!

And those who are spreading propaganda against Iran are using an old technique from dictators, including Hitler as deshumanise and diabolise the ennemy to be more easy to kill him.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by ludaChris

As for terrorist actions committed by Iran, what about the holding of US diplomats as hostages for over 400 days? of Hamas.....?

US intelligence agencies have supported their fair share of illegal activities and operations, no one denies that, but the topic is Iran.

AHA! So you remember THAT one!! Well, do you also recall what happened when the USA had to run home ASAP and get clean underwear?

Hamas is AN ELECTED GOVERNMENT! It just has an intelligence agency that does some terrorism on the side, AS YOU JUST ADMITTED THAT NOBODY DENIES THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE SERVICES DO ALSO!


posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:55 PM
This was the original Coalition of the Willing:
Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan.
Don't want to be involved in this crazy thread I just saw it thrown around a lot and thought I would put it here for reference.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:57 PM
Well, it looks like this thread is a non-issue according to this report:

Brig. Gen. Alireza Afshar, deputy to the chief of Iran's military staff, said the statement by Mohammad Ebrahim Dehghani "is his personal view and has no validity as far as the Iranian military officials are concerned," according to the Entekhab News Agency.

Dehghani was quoted by the Iranian Student News Agency on Tuesday as saying: "We have announced that wherever (in Iran) America does make any mischief, the first place we target will be Israel."


posted on May, 3 2006 @ 02:58 PM
the only mention worthy names i saw on that list was japan and united kingdom, but united kingdom i would say is a given. i thought japan isnt allowed to have a military really? other then that and maybe australia, those countries are hardly the support needed for such actions. thats hardly a list worthy of using as "wavering" support when they dont even hold that much importance in world affairs.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:05 PM
And the majority of the countries of the coalition of the willing are there because of US economics pression if they don't cooperate. So they wouldn't be there if the US wouldn't have pushed for it.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Vitchilo]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
thatsjustweird thanks for posting your imfamous face before:


anyway out of your 49 countries, how many of them are nuclear power? i mean thats really what decides if you mean anything in this world. you either have alot of oil or your a nuclear power. so how many were nuclear powers? your telling me the Veto Power nations of the UN all said OK for Iraq? do any of your 49 countries have any huge significance in the world community? did russia go along with it? france? china? india? pakistan? (i know israel would have so i wont ask for them)

Those countries don't make up the majority of the world. THAT'S what we were talking about, not whether the countries had power or not. That's irelevant to what we were talking about.
49 countries were offically part of the coalition
only 10 countries condemned the invasion (and for some of those it was only because the UN wasn't more involved. Had they UN stated something stronger than "serious consequences" they would have been on board).

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:08 PM
The current Iranian government has proven to be an enemy of the United States and of Israel. If we don't take the power away from madmen then we will have powerful madmen to deal with in the very near future. These new people will make Saddam Hussein look like a stuffed animal in comparison.

I tend to have the view of this Iran as Germany during the reign of Hitler.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Bain]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Bain
The current Iranian government has proven to be an enemy of the United States and of Israel. If we don't take the power away from madmen then we will have powerful madmen to deal with in the very near future. These new people will make Saddam Hussein look like a stuffed animal in comparison.

I tend to have the view of this Iran as Germany during the reign of Hitler.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Bain]

Sorry but start with overthrowing the US government and the Israëli government and I'm sure the iranian ``problem`` will solve by himself.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:12 PM
Regardless of what we think it will come down to this, either Iran will give up its effort for Nuclear energy or it will face an attack by the US and allies.

Has G Dubya ever worried about a poll in his life, hell no, the man goes with his gut.(We didn't elect Gore or Kerry after all)

G Dubya doesn't give threats he can't back up, 80% bluff, whoever said that, you are 100% wrong.

Iran supports terrorism, the US is in a war to fight it, what do you thinks going to happen?

As to the real reason why there might be a war check out this thread.'

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Low Orbit]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Originally posted by Bain
The current Iranian government has proven to be an enemy of the United States and of Israel. If we don't take the power away from madmen then we will have powerful madmen to deal with in the very near future. These new people will make Saddam Hussein look like a stuffed animal in comparison.

I tend to have the view of this Iran as Germany during the reign of Hitler.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Bain]

Sorry but start with overthrowing the US government and the Israëli government and I'm sure the iranian ``problem`` will solve by himself.

Typical Iranian blabber! Do you see any B2's overhead yet?

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