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The UK swing Euro Defence, away from US interests!

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posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by DarkSide
Germany had nearly got the nukes when the war ended.If they didn't attack the USSR they would have conquered all Europe including the UK.
And it would then be a matter of time before they'd nuke USA and the Russians would of propably helped.

Russia and the USA were allies. Hitler double-crossed Russia, so it's highly unlikely they'd entertain any such notion, especially in light of the fact that we had nukes and obviously were willing to use them.
There is no way Hitler could've or would've tried to touch the United States. We would have nuked them first.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:14 AM

The likelyhood of Hitler nuking us would have been like me winning the lotto. For one, I doubt he could have pushed into Britain, again, he was busy with Russia. Russia would have consumed him had he kept on. Again, no threat from Europe to the US. Europe would have commanded all his attention, resources, and he would have been fighting an eternal guerilla war, with all the slav he had to figure a way to murder without having them get riled up and revolt, plus there would be no way in hell German troops would have had a moments rest trying to patrol the streets of London or Birmingham.

And East, Leveler is just having one of his moments. He seems to forget economically, the US already WENT to the cleaners for the whole #ing decade, thats why we called it the great depression. Militarily, he would have been lucky to even get a small contigent to toilet paper the white house across the atlantic all in one piece, with all the cimitments and # he was involved in.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

The likelyhood of Hitler nuking us would have been like me winning the lotto. For one, I doubt he could have pushed into Britain, again, he was busy with Russia. Russia would have consumed him had he kept on. Again, no threat from Europe to the US. Europe would have commanded all his attention, resources, and he would have been fighting an eternal guerilla war, with all the slav he had to figure a way to murder without having them get riled up and revolt, plus there would be no way in hell German troops would have had a moments rest trying to patrol the streets of London or Birmingham.

And East, Leveler is just having one of his moments. He seems to forget economically, the US already WENT to the cleaners for the whole #ing decade, thats why we called it the great depression. Militarily, he would have been lucky to even get a small contigent to toilet paper the white house across the atlantic all in one piece, with all the cimitments and # he was involved in.

Skadi for president!
There is no way in hell Hitler could've reached across the ocean and sustained a force against our mainland. If he had even tried America would've cleaned his frockin clock. And who would've been over there to defend ARYANLAND? Hitler didn't have nearly enuff fodder units to even think of sending troops over seas.
Not to mention the fact that his forces couldn't even handle Russia in the winter.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 09:02 AM
Hitlers problem, East, was that he was a politician who fancied himself an Aryan super General, and tried to run the war like he knew more than his almighty Aryan commanders.

Hm....sound familiar?

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Hitlers problem, East, was that he was a politician who fancied himself an Aryan super General, and tried to run the war like he knew more than his almighty Aryan commanders.

Hm....sound familiar?

Totally. It was when he went into the Soviet Union, thinking his army invincible that he spread them way too thin and shot himself in the foot. With the weather and improper planning and supply, his forces simply could not handle the Soviets. I actually believe that this invasion/occupation of Iraq is every bit as catastrophic an error as Hitler's.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:22 AM
I'm just watching in awe. It all seems to fit, but then again it's hard to believe that the UK, EU, and Russia are plotting this ill lil take over. I'm kinda removed from it--every time a bit of news drops that makes the picture clearer I cringe and then shake it off as inconceivable. But, you can't avoid the fact that these events are leading somewhere--if this turns to war don't expect americans to die easy or ever stop fighting because being ruled by anything other than the stars and stripes is unacceptable. Better pray for economic failure because this is a war that could end it all.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:29 AM
Economic collapse in the US, I fear, is imminent and much closer than most can conceive. It will be equally catastrophic for myriad reasons.
And yes, Americans will fight like a rabid muthafrocka. A sign of imminent peril will be the U.S. government moving to confiscate weapons. Registries are for that purpose.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Unless you are completely dependent on the system for your very survival.
Many have no clue as to their true needs for survival because of being provided
with the easy life which is exactly how they have come to be controlled.
Change is good,Dependency is bad.
Preparation for the worst isn't that hard.
Simplify,ride your bicycle instead of driving,store some non perishables for a pinch,find a water source like a natural spring,or buy a water purifier,boiling works too.
Simplify and prosper.

[Edited on 22-10-2003 by uNBaLaNCeD]

[Edited on 27-10-2003 by William]

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
Unless you are completely dependent on the system for your very survival.
Many have no clue as to their true needs for survival because of being provided
with the easy life which is exactly how they have come to be controlled.
Change is good,Dependency is bad.
Preparation for the worst isn't that hard.
Simplify,ride your bicycle instead of driving,store some non perishables for a pinch,find a water source like a natural spring,or buy a water purifier,boiling works too.
Simplify and prosper.

[Edited on 22-10-2003 by uNBaLaNCeD]

Unless you are grizzly adams, you are dependent on the system. For example, I live in a big city, if the economy crashed, it would be a nightmare. No money, no electricity, no food, no gas, no transportation - other than a bike or a horse or a skateboard or the ol' road march. Explain to everyone, please, how it would not be so bad. That thinking shows a complete lack of understanding of the whole structure of our American way of life in this late stage of the game. EVERYTHING is interdependent thanks to NAFTA and GATT. The only folks who aren't gonna be hurting are those who are now largely self-sufficient. Those people live in rural areas. MOST DON'T.

[Edited on 27-10-2003 by William]

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And East, Leveler is just having one of his moments. He seems to forget economically, the US already WENT to the cleaners for the whole #ing decade, thats why we called it the great depression.

I won't pick you up on any of the other bull# that you posted as it's just laughable as usual.
The quote above needs a reply though.

Yet again you can't see past your own nose The depression was worldwide. You didn't suffer half as bad as other countries, but due to your selfish shortsightedness (as usual) you can only think of yourself and let your own ignorance blind you to the facts.

I cry with laughter when I see how "hard done by" you are. You really need to get out and see the rest of the world. Then you will understand pain, fear, poverty, slavery and every other negative aspect that you claim to be subjected to but really have no understanding of.
Poor little rich girls who whine like fools are a joke.

And EastCoast. You obviously have no understanding of money. You claim that Germany could not have subjected USA to a deafeat, yet here you're whining about how Europe is screwing you now? Europe is just Europe - Hitler would have owned the world. If the Europeans can screw you on their own (as you claim) don't you think your logic is a bit off?

By the way. I don't know if any of you insular Yanks have noticed, but the dollar hasn't been the universal currency for centuries. Great Britain's economy didn't implode when the Dollar took over from Sterling.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:44 AM
....The founding fathers of the US,I suppose if the technology you depend on was necessary,they would never have survived long enough to get anything done.
You have to learn to do it yourself,if you don't you are under someone elses control.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:54 AM

Yet again you can't see past your own nose The depression was worldwide. You didn't suffer half as bad as other countries, but due to your selfish shortsightedness (as usual) you can only think of yourself and let your own ignorance blind you to the facts.

Leveler, please stop farting with your brain, buddy, thats why the gods gave you a rectum. Take some Beano, it might help.

Now, since you see that the whole world was in depression, how could Hitler have taken us to the cleaners? When we didnt have much to take? Do you ever bother to think before you post?

Really Leveler, i thought you coudl do better than that. For starters, old boy, If I was rich, Id be a sheep such as yourself enjoying and wallowing in the shallow pleasures of life. But, I have never made an income above the poverty level in my life. I have hit rock bottom before, so I think I know a little more about pain and suffering than your pompous head crammed up the old rectum ever could.

And I have seen PLENTY in the world, odl boy. You forget I have been to third owrld as well as industrialized nations other than my own. I have been to the #box called Saudi Arabia and seen what they do to poor, non Saudi immigrant labor, and what they do to thier own. Women cutting the clits off thier own infant daughters in filthy bathrooms. Afghani oil workers getting dragged off by the #ing civil police, more than likely, to get executed for crimes that Saudi citizens probably get a little fine for. I have been to Mexico and seen brothers elling thier own sisters to any foreigner with money, have seen little kids running the streets picking pckets, begging for money, trying to sell chicklets to tourists. I have seen Russian and Ukrainian women in the middle east who were there as sex slaves, part of the white slave ring, who looked, tired, bruised, unhappy, and desperate. And I have seen the sex slave trade in Amsterdam, have seen poor women from Eastern Europe who come to western Europe to earn a living as hookers for thier #head pimps.

I have seen ALOT of pain and suffering in the world, Leveler, so brush your teeth please after you pull your foot from the old mouth.

And here in the states, i have seen crazy #ers attack and beat the # out of someone as part of an initiation rite, seen bodies blown to shreds from the latest drive by, have seen little kids running in stores, quickly shoplifting items to bring home to mom and dad so they can support thier drug habits.

I am probably more aware of how #ed up the world and its people are.

Your point? Still cant figure that one out. I am supposed to be stomping at all this # and running out to do my part and save humanity from itself? Wrong. The world was a #ed up place LONG before I was ever born, or you, these things have been happening and continue to happen as long as the human race exists. There is nothing you can do about it except smack it when it comes into your own yard. Otherwise, you end up entangled in everyones bull#. MIND THINE OWN BUSINESS< the golden rule.

Selfish? Why. Because I dont think it my responsibility nor desire to go get in other peoples #ed up intrigues and disatsers? Puleeze. The fact that I give a # about the existance of my country makes me far from selfish, and the fact that I dont like my country pissing its life away to strengthen our enemies and bail others oput of problems they themselves started does not make me selfish, it makes me practical, and makes a good citizen. My country first.

I dont believe in this global citizen garbage. I have seen the rest of the world, and know now I want nothing to do with it. Its #ed up, insane, erratic. America is #ed up in its own right, but within limits I can both accept and appreciate, and its an insanity, that should be preserved, within oru own borders, and not imposed on everyone else.

Unlike you, Leveler, I can understand the simple concept that freedom to one person is enslavement to another. Thus, I dont believe in my country enforcing its cincept of "freedom" on anyone it so well pleases. Different strokes for different folks. To each thier own.

And most of all, i dont believe in getting involved in the conflicts of a continent that has spent the past 3000 years in perpetual conflict over stupid reasons. What goes on in Europe should stay in Europe, and bringing outsiders in is a sign of weakness. Keep conflicts within your own borders, and you will do fine.

And if you are going to continue to insult me, at least try and hit something legitimate or something Id actually care about. Being called insular, paranoid, and selfish, especially coming from your withered lips, is actually starting to turn me on.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And East, Leveler is just having one of his moments. He seems to forget economically, the US already WENT to the cleaners for the whole #ing decade, thats why we called it the great depression.

I won't pick you up on any of the other bull# that you posted as it's just laughable as usual.
The quote above needs a reply though.

Yet again you can't see past your own nose The depression was worldwide. You didn't suffer half as bad as other countries, but due to your selfish shortsightedness (as usual) you can only think of yourself and let your own ignorance blind you to the facts.

I cry with laughter when I see how "hard done by" you are. You really need to get out and see the rest of the world. Then you will understand pain, fear, poverty, slavery and every other negative aspect that you claim to be subjected to but really have no understanding of.
Poor little rich girls who whine like fools are a joke.

And EastCoast. You obviously have no understanding of money. You claim that Germany could not have subjected USA to a deafeat, yet here you're whining about how Europe is screwing you now? Europe is just Europe - Hitler would have owned the world. If the Europeans can screw you on their own (as you claim) don't you think your logic is a bit off?

By the way. I don't know if any of you insular Yanks have noticed, but the dollar hasn't been the universal currency for centuries. Great Britain's economy didn't implode when the Dollar took over from Sterling.

Leveller, no offense, but you make blinde assertions based on what you have little or no knowledge on. I remain unimpressed with your "logic."
Let's see, if I remember correctly, we kicked Hitler's ARSE in his own backyard. So, again, you spew nonsense.
sorry, buddy, but you're the one who is lacking understanding on today's currency issues. You might wanna do some more research. And here's a hint, I wouldn't put so much stock in mainstream thinking.
BTW, our government's been involved in some bad shyte, it's true, but we "insular yanks" have done much good for the world as well, so I wouldn't be so quick to bash us.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
....The founding fathers of the US,I suppose if the technology you depend on was necessary,they would never have survived long enough to get anything done.
You have to learn to do it yourself,if you don't you are under someone elses control.

Again, you must remember, that's quite easy to say when you own your own parcel of land and CAN be self-sufficient. City folks will not do nearly as well b/c they are forced to rely on mass interdependence. And the majority of Americans fall into that category.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

And if you are going to continue to insult me, at least try and hit something legitimate or something Id actually care about. Being called insular, paranoid, and selfish, especially coming from your withered lips, is actually starting to turn me on.

Are the men in black still coming to take your blood Skadi? Get real.
You've seen the rest of the world? You've seen nothing. You've travelled in the back of a US Army truck (if even that is true).

By the way. Less of the "old". I'm pretty sure that you're older than me.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

And if you are going to continue to insult me, at least try and hit something legitimate or something Id actually care about. Being called insular, paranoid, and selfish, especially coming from your withered lips, is actually starting to turn me on.

Are the men in black still coming to take your blood Skadi? Get real.
You've seen the rest of the world? You've seen nothing. You've travelled in the back of a US Army truck (if even that is true).

By the way. Less of the "old". I'm pretty sure that you're older than me.

Leveller, you just proved you don't have a clue. Everything SKADI said is true, I ASSURE you. If you are younger than her, than you ABSOLUTELY don't know what you're talking about. I've been to places she mentions also and she is UTTERLY correct, so please, climb out of your soft little fishbowl and go out into the real world and get some REAL EXPERIENCE!

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:59 AM
Leveler, I doubt youre younger then me, seeing how you have a son who can post on here.......

Unless of course, this is Lev Junior posting his drivel once again.......

Anyway, again, take your foot out of your mouth. It was men in green surgical garb, and they came and took my mothers blood, you twinkie. God, if youre gonna pull a paranoia insult at me, at least get the story straight!

An incidentally, no, thankfully, that was the only incident of its kind, and I have stopped wondering about what happened cuz Ill never know, Ill leave the stressing over it to my mom and stepdad, who still wonder......

But, yes, levelr, I have seen the world and from far more than just the back of any army truck. Other than your vacations in Ibiza or Greece, or wherever the hell brit yuppies go to depastify thier flesh, what do you know?

Anyway, back to the point, old boy, or...junior....whichever of the leveler clan i speak with.

I want to hear YOUR wisdom leveler. What YOU think is proper for world policy. WHAT YOUR vision is, since all you do is predictably attempt to belittle others, yet you produce nothing of your own.

What is your solution, of genius?

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Leveler, I doubt youre younger then me, seeing how you have a son who can post on here.......

all you do is predictably attempt to belittle others/quote]

Um. Son? Nope. You've got me mixed up with somebody else. I'm not planning a family for a couple of years yet. I'm waiting 'til I'm older.
Yet again, you've got another fact wrong.

As for belittling you? Who me?

You do a good enough job on yourself to enable me to just point out that you're ignorant. Why belittle somebody who is already doing a good enough job of making themself look foolish?

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 04:57 PM

As for belittling you? Who me?

Precisely my point, old boy. You did not answer my question. You instead decided to divert yourself to this idiot #.

Thus you have lost.
Since you cannot provide a point of view for a plan, I shall say......


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