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My Near Death Experience and Ascent to Heaven

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posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Techyo

Do you believe that heaven exists in the same time restrictions as we do on earth?

I 100% believe this story, it's amazing and similar to another story I've heard from a man named Ian McCormick. My husband was blessed enough to hear his story in person - it's changed his life.

God bless you for sharing your story. It's not easy to be public about faith anymore.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

Wow! Your experience is awesome. I sure wish I could go.

God bless & keep you.

Love in Christ.

Sandy L

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 05:46 PM
Kinglizard, thank you for this wonderful testimony, it seriously brought tears to my eyes which doesn't happen very often!! New Jerusalem is in Heaven, it is a great walled city described as being made of pure gold in Rev 21 (And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass) and it sounds like what you saw in your NDE. New Jerusalem will eventually be brought down to earth (And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband) and will be where we live permanently, and God will live among us there. Thank you for the preview

Originally posted by kinglizard
I can't contribute it to anything else because I have never felt such a thing in my life. I mention it today because to be truthful I haven't read or listened to my bible for awhile. Today I am and the hour long continuous chills still happen.

Does this happen to anyone else?

I have had that experience, it's not like regular chills and in my case it's only happened a few times while praying and I felt such a tremendous sense of peace and love when it did.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
I don't think I have shared this before, could be wrong though.

When I was was taken off life support and the ventilator after 12 days (I think) I would watch church sermons on the television in the room. When they read passages from the bible I would get the chills up and down my arms, around my back and through the top of my neck. The chills or "goose bumps" I get aren't the typical ones you feel for just a moment and then disappearing. These chills stay for as long as the reading. It's the most incredible feeling...they just go on and on and on, it's like a gift.

I can't contribute it to anything else because I have never felt such a thing in my life. I mention it today because to be truthful I haven't read or listened to my bible for awhile. Today I am and the hour long continuous chills still happen.

I get the chills and get a VERY heavy feeling in my heart when i go to church, Have not been in a long time. My monther tells me its the holly spiret
Does this happen to anyone else?

I get the chills and get a VERY heavy feeling in my heart when I go to church, have not been in a long time. My mother tells me it’s the Holy Spirit.

Jesus came to me in a dream once.

To sum it up Jesus came to me and I feel to his feet and in my mind told me everything will be ok and he forgave me of my sins. I have not feared death or the unknown ever since.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

Hi. Fantastic story you shared with us. Have never had a near death experience to my knowledge but we
may have come close to it one way or another. I too pulled or further damaged my back and knew very
bad pain..felt like i was going to faint and throw up but did not. I sat around for a few days until I could move
just a tad better. Never went to the hospital for it but months later? had my back exrayed. Did not get any
special meds but my back still hurts and much worse at now. I'm not sure I would come back if
I got that close to heaven but one never knows. There are many scoffers out there and huffy folks who think
the christian beliefs are fooey and all this stuff is nonsense. One wonders what is going to happen once
they step over that line between physical death and the life beyond death.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Incredible Kinglizard. I heard Heaven's beauty is way beyond the average human eye of what we see here on Earth. I'm so glad I read about your near death experience and I'm glad you made it back to tell it to everyone on here.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:27 PM
You said you didn't know if you had a body or not. How could you not know this? I'm laying here typing this and I can clearly see I have a body. Can you go into more detail of why you don't know whether or not you had a body? I mean, what were you seeing with? Did you have eyes? Were they located in a head? Was the head located on a neck? Etc.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard
When they read passages from the bible I would get the chills up and down my arms, around my back and through the top of my neck. The chills or "goose bumps" I get aren't the typical ones you feel for just a moment and then disappearing. These chills stay for as long as the reading. It's the most incredible feeling...they just go on and on and on, it's like a gift.

I can't contribute it to anything else because I have never felt such a thing in my life. I mention it today because to be truthful I haven't read or listened to my bible for awhile. Today I am and the hour long continuous chills still happen.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Brother it is a gift - part of a gift would be a better way to put it
I have had similar effects on and off since I was baptised in 1983
- in my case it can be like gossebumps but most of the time it is a heat tingle, and sometimes feels like mild electric shock, and almost like, while I can see my hand is not vibrating, it certainly feels that way

It usually happens when I pray, or even just think of Yah'shuah or my Father in Heaven, sometimes it just hits me when I am just doing something ordinary, or driving etc, and you know, the immediate thought I have is that He is with me, and He loves me - so I guess you could say it is a reassuring touch as well, with affection, the same way I would just hug one of my wife or kids or mess their hair as a way of quick reminder I love them. So your feeling could be equated with a touch that is purely to remind you "I am here, I love you"

however, we can't just think it's all about lil' ol' me all the time, so can we add another dimension? I believe we can.

You have seen what few of us get to see in this lifetime - then you were healed
- my hypothesis is that you would have been given, amongst other things, the 'gift of healing" as describved in the Word. This feeling you get could be associated with a 'recharge' if you wish to see it that way

If you haven't considered this before, try it out - lay your hand on a sick person in His name and watch what happens. I have done this many times, probably the most 'exciting' was the son of one of my colleagues who was deaf in one ear (not any more hallelujah!)

the biggest hindrance to this is our own mind. I remember seeing a deaf child in a medical centre about 4 years ago, while I was there only for a check up, my heart went out to him and I would have loved to go speak to his mother and ask if I could lay hands on him - the longer I thought of it the more I doubted that in this crowded place I wouldn't make a fool out of them if they said no, and myself if nothing happened - so I did nothing

as I left I was pondering this, and I said in my mnd, "father, would You wanted to have healed him if I laid hands on him?" - and that still small voice said "wrong question - I want to know if you would have laid hands on him if I wanted to heal him"

and then the scripture came to mind straight away - "and he had compassion on them and healed their infirmities" - in other words, He wants to heal, and we are the vessel (or impediment) to manifest His glory

I trust this encourages you. When I get the chance I would like to post my own supernatural story.

Yours is great, very encouraging, and makes me want to get there asap lol

reminds me of a verse in the apocrypha "if a man drank a sip from a mere cup of water from the streams that flow in the Heaven, they would count that water of more value than all the treasures upon this earth:"


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
You said you didn't know if you had a body or not. How could you not know this? I'm laying here typing this and I can clearly see I have a body. Can you go into more detail of why you don't know whether or not you had a body? I mean, what were you seeing with? Did you have eyes? Were they located in a head? Was the head located on a neck? Etc.

Well when I was floating up I felt like myself, I could see, hear, feel emotion but I never looked at my body. When I think of what ascended I don't think of a fleshy watery body that contains the soul, you think of just a soul. So I think about the ascent and like I said I felt like myself but cannot confirm I had limbs or a physical body. Maybe I did but I could have been a point of energy or speck that contained a conscious soul.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Highlander64

That's really interesting friend, that's something I never considered. I will try it sometime and let you know the result.

edit: btw - I would like to read your story if you post it to ATS. I know it's not easy though.
edit on 7/11/2011 by kinglizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard

Well when I was floating up I felt like myself, I could see, hear, feel emotion but I never looked at my body. When I think of what ascended I don't think of a fleshy watery body that contains the soul, you think of just a soul. So I think about the ascent and like I said I felt like myself but cannot confirm I had limbs or a physical body. Maybe I did but I could have been a point of energy or speck that contained a conscious soul.
That doesn't make any sense to me. How could you not see that you had a body? Could you not feel yourself? What were you seeing with? What were you hearing with? While you were floating, could you control the direction in which you went or were you on autopilot? Heaven is upward, as you say you "ascended"? If you look at the sky, which direction did you ascend? It almost seems like this was a dream, imo. Were you a christian before this happened?
edit on 13-7-2011 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Sorry man, that's that best I can explain the feeling. Again I'm not saying I had a body and not saying I didn't.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
Sorry man, that's that best I can explain the feeling. Again I'm not saying I had a body and not saying I didn't.
Do you have a body right now? It's really not that hard to tell.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

I really wish I had faith in God but I am currently in a crisis of belief right now. Some days I ask myself if God exists and others day I question the existence of a being. I really wish I could endure an experience such as yours to actually finally feel at peace again. I have done stupid things in my past, and now that I look back at it, it just feels good to see someone who has found the way for themselves based on an unbelievable experience. I guess I just have to go through one in order to see.

It's great to see that you survived the ordeal! That's the miraculous part.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:44 AM


posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Unvarnished

Thank you friend.

Jut listen to that little almost unperceivable voice in your mind guiding you to faith. It, with time will get louder. Not to say doubt's won't be present but keep the faith and turn from the negative voices if you know what I mean.God is with you,,,,always.....

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 07:01 PM

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 07:06 PM

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard
reply to post by Highlander64

That's really interesting friend, that's something I never considered. I will try it sometime and let you know the result.

edit: btw - I would like to read your story if you post it to ATS. I know it's not easy though.
edit on 7/11/2011 by kinglizard because: (no reason given)

I have started my response (my story)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:35 PM
Is this like a featured article in this forum?

Anyway, hate to put a downer on this thread but there could be other possibilities than your experience being "heaven" - Besides, you don't know if the same will occur when you die, or that it will be eternal.

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