posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:07 AM
So this is going to sound somewhat crazy but this happened to you was meant to prepare you and other souls who are part of what I'm calling the so
called Rapture (NOT at all what people think it is or how it's described in any religious text). So to understand what I'm saying here it's important
to understand how incarnations of souls work. This is a
video I made explaining how incarnations work, soul swaps that have taken place and will take finish taking place by
the end of 2033. The slightly messed up part about this is that the souls who are taking place in the bodies these souls are currently
incarnated in will be essentially "copies" of ourselves who won't know the original soul is gone. Same memories but in all cases there will be minor
or even dramatic changes of some kind in either personality, viewpoints, habits, preferences in food, decor, etc. This process of "crossing over"
usually happens over the course of a couple years, or what some call "soul braiding".
You stated you weren't ready to go on just yet at the time due to family and such. In your case, I spoke to my guides through divination and they
stated fortunately in your case your family is also going with in the same group that's being swapped out. However, for a lot of people they will wake
up in "heaven" and will wonder where their family members, friends, etc. are at, traumatizing transition because reality is most people wouldn't
believe it if they were told they're going to wake up on another planet (and almost no one knows how to directly talk to their guides consciously and
consistently). I asked why in some cases they're coming later or not at all (well the not at all is self explanatory, as it means they're just not
coming). In some cases, their higher self is stuck somewhere and needs someone to pass away in order to move on, the incarnation needs to finish some
business first before leaving, things like that.
I don't know exactly when you and your family will be crossing over or where to ("heaven" is not just 1 planet but collectively many utopian planets).
I do know this: many of the messages in the Bible and all other religious texts were tampered with and full of half or well hidden truths. I can say
that it's not a good thing for those who are not being swapped out. Some of the souls who will be entering incarnations selected for the Rapture/Big
soul swap are also "returning home". The truth behind what happens and will happen is far more terrifying than what these texts say. It's also a lot
easier for people to lose their shot at Redemption and/or to become condemned (don't make me tell you what happens to the condemned, holy crap no
religious text talking about it comes even close to the truth is all I can say... o.o ).
I likely won't be believed by most people. I can certainly tell you I've physically seen 1 place called "heaven" wide awake and was there for several
minutes on a day it was lightly raining. I've also seen the spiritual/astral planes wide awake, and have been there many times (air there is very
toxic and physical beings move weirdly there just as astral beings like demons move weirdly here). It all very much exists but no religious text, no
book, no piece of literature out there has the full truth in it regarding "the other side"...