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posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:23 PM
After reading this thread in it's entirety I would have to surmise that it is filled with ostrich. Far too many trusting liberals here.

Hold on a Minute!!! Just Wait, maybe you guys are right. Maybe he never stated anything about Wiping Israel off the map. Maybe he never stated that Israel should be moved to the US or Europe. Perhaps it was all a lie that he denied the holocaust and cursed the Jews. In fact, the very existence of a nuclear program in Iran is merely a hoax perpetrated by the vast governmental conspiracy that we are all victim to, right?
Furthermore, they haven't been engaging in military exercises near the straight of Hormez, nor did they test 3 different types of missiles, which may or may not be able to accomodate nuclear warheads, within the past month. Uranium enrichment is merely a fallacy and the UN has it all wrong despite this crackpot's own words! The IAEA and El Baradei are Kooks imagining a nuclear program that is less than transparent in Iran. And Iran has absolutely NO TIES whatsoever to terrorist organizations.

Yeah, I guess I'm the stupid one here... about as stupid as France before WWII with regard to Hitler and his activities?

Yeah, there are NO DOTS to connect here. Move along everyone, nothing to see here. Pay no attantion to that mushroom cloud rising over the Middle East - it's a hologram put there by President Bush!

Sorry clueless ones... by the time you realize the truth it will be far too late.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by Mehran
sorry but i didnt see any threats what so ever on what he said, notice how we can say what ever we want and nothing can happen to us so i really dont care.

I cannot believe that cannot read what is written

Can you not see what is being done to the MUSLIM and AMERICAN people?

Are you so blind as to label Iran as a threat to your life when Israel has sucked the military "superpower" of the world into a war that accomodates Israel's desires,
and the U.S. military has gone into their country and lauched a military strike against the same people that you have a problem with, because they are trying to obtain the ability to DEFEND THEMSELVES?

I mean, if I were them I would announce to the world as soon as I had something that might keep these blood sucking LEACHES from continuing to do anything they damn well please !

Israel shouldn't be wiped of the map, they need their asses handed to them.
I understand that you feel like you sit on the "good" side of this war, but look at how many people were murdered in retalliation for the 9/11 attack on Americans. Think about how many INNOCENT MUSLIM women and children have been murdered as 'we' make sure JUSTICE is served for what the MUSLIM people did to Americans on 9/11.

Now, maybe you think it would be better if they did NOTHING to defend themeselves and not even mention that they would like to KILL the people who are CLEARLY in the process of SLAUGHTERING them.
Would you just lay there and let them have their way with your people and impose THEIR system of government in this country if ISLAM came over here and started launching a scud missle attack on your community in the middle of the night?
I KNOW you would, because the same people that are after their OIL and the effort to destroy the MUSLIM world by instigating this "civil war" has also taken over the contents of YOUR food.

Let me guess, your probably going to say there is no way they are trying to KILL YOU TOO?? Your on the same side as the "good" guys right?

1 in 2 American men, and 1 in 3 American women will develop some form of cancer in their lifetimes.
And a chemical that has been BANNED throughout the rest of the ENTIRE WORLD is still being injected into the American FOOD supply. It causes cancerous tumors and lymphnomas in EVERY lab-rat exposed to the drug, everybody KNOWS this... but since nobody in this country could PROVE that it does the same things to humans and they only have one customer left, the company that produces it took over the Fright-house so they can DUMP IT IN YOU!

If you have a problem with these people working to develop something that could even pose a THREAT to their enemy, it's because you would like to see children cut wide open and if they cry about it,, they should have their heads chopped off too! ANYBODY that has a problem with Iran or anybody else who CLEARLY is trying to DEFEND themselves feels that way because in their minds, everybody in the world should just lay down quietly just like the American people are doing.

I am just SO happy that this is being done to a people that are willing to fight and die for what they believe in right now, maybe when Americans wake up and realize these hounds of hell are after their lives they will fight back too.
The only bad things, Americans don't know what to believe so when the snot hits the fan all they will be able to do is fight like blind fools. And there won't be any MUSLIMS to blame it on at that point, but you go right ahead and keep on doing it.

I think Americans should just be quiet about it when reality cold cocks theim across the face too. By then, you probably won't have a choice and won't pose a threat because we will be like ZOMBIES from sucking down all the aspartame/formaldehyde in the diet food.

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:32 PM
Edited cause I dont wanna start a fight. Nevermind.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by DaFunk13]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:37 PM
*Post removed and replaced with an instance of....
Kano's Instant Board Rage Solution*

[edit on 14-4-2006 by dbates]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Contentious
1 in 2 American men, and 1 in 3 American women will develop some form of cancer in their lifetimes.
And a chemical that has been BANNED throughout the rest of the ENTIRE WORLD is still being injected into the American FOOD supply. It causes cancerous tumors and lymphnomas in EVERY lab-rat exposed to the drug, everybody KNOWS this... but since nobody in this country could PROVE that it does the same things to humans and they only have one customer left, the company that produces it took over the Fright-house so they can DUMP IT IN YOU!

Cancer rates have risen because a. we're living much longer these days, and b. becuase there are many more of us. It's the law of averages, as the population increases, so does the incidence of such ailments.

I think Americans should just be quiet about it when reality cold cocks theim across the face too. By then, you probably won't have a choice and won't pose a threat because we will be like ZOMBIES from sucking down all the aspartame/formaldehyde in the diet food.

Aspartame is absorbed by the body the same way as protein, you're buying into a internet hoax and the study was badly flawed, AND it was NOT every rat exposed...

Soffritti said the fact that the rats in the study died of natural causes rather than being sacrificed at a specific point in their lives helped the researchers to better identify the cancer links.

But critics contend that this was a big problem with the study. Most cancer study guidelines recommend the sacrifice of research animals at specific ages -- in the case of the rats used in the study around 104 to 110 weeks.

That would be the equivalent of age 60 or so in humans. The last rat in the study died at 159 weeks of age.

"Rats, like people, develop a wide range of cancers in old age, and establishing whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship (at an age when cancers are common) is not possible," says Joe Poulos, a spokesman for Merisant, the company that makes the aspartame sweetener Equal.

"More than 200 toxicological and clinical studies have been conducted over the past 30 years, all of which have confirmed the safety of aspartame," he tells WebMD.

Now they're saying the same thing about Splenda so you'd better jump on that bandwagon as well....

edit to add: I'm sure anybody who's had pet rats can attest that after about two years, they usually develop a tumor and die, most of my pet rats did and they never had aspartame.

On topic, Irans president is probably on Bush's team, he's their best player if they really want to attack Iran...

[edit on 14-4-2006 by 27jd]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
It's political rhetoric aimed at a political regime.

Given, these comments were made during a three day conference about Palestine and surely “anti-west/Zionist/Israel” rhetoric was bountiful, but certainly not all political rhetoric (when purposefully constant) can be ‘pigeon-holed’ as benign political rhetoric targeting a regime…I will agree these statements are more likely designed for localized consumption, however there is a line.

Originally posted by Lysergic
So how many Nukes does Iran have?
and they're going to take out israel?

Apparently the numbers may not matter to some:

December 14, 2001 comment by Rafsanjani: (I used the first source that popped-up, use this link (NTI) for others)

"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world". Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani told the crowd at the traditional Friday prayers in Tehran.

IPS Article


“The use of an atomic bomb would totally destroy Israel, while (the same) against the Islamic world would only cause damage. Such a scenario is not inconceivable”…



posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13Smiley...why do we bother?

- Because it's important that the war-perv element aren't allowed to imagine their view is the only one out there and that the contrary opinion is not just held by a tiny minority, in fact the pro-war crowd are the minority.

Where is a good hole to hide in for the next 20 or 30 years?

- Easy matey, no need to bury them in a hole in the ground!


Originally posted by kozmo
After reading this thread in it's entirety I would have to surmise that it is filled with ostrich. Far too many trusting liberals here.

- Maybe you can explain how wishing to see a functioning system of IAEA monitoring and inspection continuing is "liberal"?

Maybe he never stated anything about Wiping Israel off the map. Maybe he never stated that Israel should be moved to the US or Europe. Perhaps it was all a lie that he denied the holocaust and cursed the Jews.

- .....and maybe his stupid rhetoric to a Palestinian rally is not exactly the government policy of the Iranian government either, hmmmmmm?

In fact, the very existence of a nuclear program in Iran is merely a hoax perpetrated by the vast governmental conspiracy that we are all victim to, right?

- Cor yeah, like that follows anyone's views I ever read here. Of course they have a 'program', a power program under monitoring and inspection. As it should be.

Furthermore, they haven't been engaging in military exercises near the straight of Hormez

- Excuse me?

They dare to exercise in their own 'backyard'.
How outrageous!

......and just how many of the world's army's and navy's are 'parked on their lawn' right now (and have been so for decades) with just how many nucear weapons and delivery systems?

Jeeez talk about viewing life from a twisted reality!

nor did they test 3 different types of missiles, which may or may not be able to accomodate nuclear warheads, within the past month.

- Wooooooo, a whole 3 and still no proof of a nuclear weapon nevermind actual functional warhead, eh?

......and how many missile types have the US got (all tested and plenty capable of carrying nuclear weapons)?

How many have Israel.......with nuclear warheads?

We even know Israel (cos the Israelis said so) have sea-launched nuclear missiles now - so the lame excuse that Iran might just hope to 'knock out' an Israeli retaliatory response is taken out of the equation.

Uranium enrichment is merely a fallacy and the UN has it all wrong despite this crackpot's own words!

- I don't know anyone who said that.

LEU is a perfectly normal element in power production, which is what just happened.
A plant configured for 3.5% LEU made some LEU.
All legal and in accordance with IAEA rules (even if they were 'requested' not to).

No matter how hard you want it to be it still isn't weapons grade and it still isn't a warhead.

The IAEA and El Baradei are Kooks imagining a nuclear program that is less than transparent in Iran.

- Actually the last comments I read from them were that they wanted constructive engagement.
Iran was also said to be in compliance.

It is the likes of Bolton stirring trouble (with his repeated claims about a 'nuclear weapons program' he imagines has been revealed) that are the problem right now.

And Iran has absolutely NO TIES whatsoever to terrorist organizations.

- That'll be like the US then.

Of course when 'we' support them they're called freedom fighters and their 'terrorism' is called a 'righteous struggle', right?

Sorry clueless ones... by the time you realize the truth it will be far too late.

- ......and what "truth" would that be?

That Iran hasn't got nuclear weapons and that even in the unlikely event of them getting them they still could not survive a nuclear war against an Israel backed by the USA?

Wake up and stop trying to scare yourself.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:06 PM
how gullible are you pro-war people? did we not learn our lesson from the 9/11 lies, Iraq WMD lies!? this is all propaganda to start another war and to kill more innocent people! perhaps a start to WWIII!?! someone needs to stop this madness!

[edit on 14-4-2006 by HereticHulk]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:36 PM
I'm glad I was wrong - I guessed/felt that a "Good Friday" strike on Iran was likely - I'm glad when I'm wrong and no one gets dead. Conflict seems unavoidable.
I have paid great attention to ATSer's views from all sides and I'm a little better informed today than I was yesterday, tomorrow? One can hope.
The propaganda "war" as part of the "Full-Spectrum Warfare" doctrine is certainly "hot" at this point and ATSer's are "on it" - who and for whatever motives (disinfo/info/nationalism/peacenik - whatever) seems secondary at this point in time - Thanx LARGE! You folks do "bring-on-the-data" - I like that.
On the diplomatic front, seems folks of all opinions on both, no - all sides, are ready for "something" at any moment. Iran will comply with international pressure at some point or there will no longer be an Iran as we know it today.
Militarily, I offer an analogy, an aweful scene from childhood in Churchill Manitoba; I watched one neighours dog (a female Malamute-Wolf cross - 100lbs or so) get upset with a Chua-hua (named Brutus) that had drawn blood with it's teeth from the loose skin on the big dog's neck while playing. The Malamute named "Nicki" (friendliest, most gentle, biggest,strongest, fun dog I ever saw) bit the little dog's head off and then dropped it at the feet of her master (old Mrs. Pegamagobow) - dead Chua-hua. Nicki died 6 days later of horrible blood poisoning and suffered more than Brutus by far.
No matter what happens this conflict represents potential mortal danger to every human on this planet whether great or insignificant; Brutus or Nicki - I hope for the best, but I'm prepared for and willing to expect and accept the worst.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:47 PM
Very interesting analogy there V Kaminski, I must say.

If that really happened it must have been a bummer for the dogs' owner(s).

Hopefully, neither dog will perish in this scenario, though. But I guess only time will tell...

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Contentious

Are you so blind as to label Iran as a threat to your life when Israel has sucked the military "superpower" of the world into a war that accomodates Israel's desires, and the U.S. military has gone into their country and lauched a military strike against the same people that you have a problem with, because they are trying to obtain the ability to DEFEND THEMSELVES

Excuse me I have not seen Isreal threaten to annilate anyone. You cannot say the same for Iran though can you?

As for the rest of your comments I find them to be racist/bigoted so I will not comment.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:08 PM
I believe the first test of Iranian nuclear weapon will be in / on Israel so they know they have a working bomb and Israel is gone eventhough they will be bombed of the face of our planned the iranian governement thinks that even if faced with a cataclismic retaliation by USA Russia and EU the test will end Israel for the better of all muslims in the regions.

Iran has to be taken down now or sooner than later.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:15 PM
I tend to agree with the above poster...

I almost think the Iranian president is wacky enough to trade Iran for Israel in a nuclear suicide game...

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:16 PM
Might hurt someones feelings so i got rid of my comment sorry.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by DiRtYDeViL]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:53 PM
Wow, I can't believe Iran - they just keeping digging themselves a deeper and deeper hole

I'm sorry, but to anybody trying to spin the Iranian president's words into something less sinister - GET A GRIP! This is a country who is repeatedly calling for the destruction of another country (and they are doing that) and who has just mastered the nuclear fuel cycle. A country that has lied to the IAEA, violated the terms of the NPT and is refusing to listen to the UNSC.

Their refusal to halt enrichment work yesterday, and today's outburst against Israel, has pushed me into a more hardline state of mind. They must be stopped. And soon.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:58 PM
Not to worry. Our beleagered Secretary of War plans to send in an Army of One.

Rumsfeld: Army of One Can Get it Done

In an effort to punish the government of Iran for its nuclear ambitions, the Pentagon announced today that it was preparing to send one troop to Iran.


But Secretary Rumsfeld denied that by sending only one troop to Iran he was fighting the war there “on the cheap.”

“I am fully prepared to send one additional troop to help with the reconstruction,” he said.

Mr. Rumsfeld said that he fully expected his latest military strategy to come under fire from his detractors, but he had stern words of warning for those who would criticize it: “I would ask them to support our troop.”

Ok, that was an attempt at levity...

Seriously, what army?

In jest, Andy even makes the point:

"In the Army’s recruitment ads, they talk about an ‘Army of One,’” Mr. Rumsfeld said. “In the case of Iran, we are taking that literally.

"With U.S. troop levels stretched thin in Iraq and Afghanistan, sending Pvt. Klujian to deal with Iran on his own may have been a necessity, military analysts believe."

Sounds like this govt's going broke?

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 08:56 PM
I'm glad to see that some members had second thoughts about their posts

However, it is necessary to stay ON TOPIC, about the WOT subject at hand: the renewal of Iranian threats.

I'd like to remind everyone in this WOT thread to also avoid personal attacks of any kind.

Please take the time to read this thread by Springer!!
Mod Note: WOT Posting Conduct – Please Review Link.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 09:09 PM
Does anyone still doubt that the Iranian president is a Bush admin operative? He probably has been since at least 1979. How else can you explain his behaviour? He certainly isn't acting in his country's best interest.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 09:39 PM
Its sticks out like a sore thumb...Iran is bent on destroying Isreal and is begging the US to nuke their sorry ass...I think the president of Iran will soon get his wish to start Armageddon, pissing off America is the best you can do...

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
*Post removed and replaced with an instance of....
Kano's Instant Board Rage Solution*

[edit on 14-4-2006 by dbates]

By the time they wake up it will be too late, I know a crack head named Skippy, he ain't worth dropping in a box.

His entire life has been a disgrace to the human existence.

If you took the label from the people you see as "the good guys" holding 20,000 nuclear armed devices that could be launched any second, talking about actually dropping another nuclear weapon on the "bad guys" who can almost put one together now since the 'enemy' is trying to defeat them .... while the "bad guys" are fighting back TOOTH AND NAIL ...and they are brave enough to say "we still want to kill you !! "" .

You would see that the consequences from this situation alone is going to come around and SKULL DRAG U.S. !!

The PEOPLE that are being MURDERED by the 'superpower' of the WORLD , are in fact PEOPLE !!

Whatever is after them just to suck the desert dry and destroy the only thing more powerfull than MONEY destroys them,

guess who's next.

With all the thought put towards the war has anyone stopped to think it might be a good idea to STOP ! And lock this system up just like the system locks up a CRACK HEAD for drug possession?
Or be upset and deal with the situation as if MAN was purposely injecting their DOPE for free into OUR CHILDREN as the #1 nation on this EARTH.
So they can sell more DRUGS to make them feel better as they are dying from THEIR other DRUGS later on in life.

What were you BOYS leading US into ?
I want them NUTS ! OUT ~~

I'm being cool see, I didn't say any names.

It's all applies to PEOPLE

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