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Only idiots believe in UFOs

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posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 04:32 AM
Isaac it isn't hard at all. The amount of UFO researchers i have seen that ridicule people is shocking. Ok so finding the quotes is hard because they rarely write them down for obvious reasons. On tv interviews though i have seen it, i have seen the little smirk as they quote some fact about a case. It is amazing how they skip over the facts against there case as much as the crackpots skip over the facts that would ruin there cases.

The fact is that the Belgium UFO is one of the greats, it was admitted by the Belgium government, the fighters were launched, the UFO was spotted by an enormous amount of people, including police and army officials.

What more could you want to prove UFO's? I am not saying they are alien, i am saying they exist. For anyone who makes a statement like "Why would they test it in foreign air space", well i can think of a few reasons. The reasons are flimsy but possible.

1. They did it to test radar cloaking ability. They could do this in there own airspace but maybe they just did it for fun.

2. They did it to prove to other countries that they have such great power and technological advantage. It's like a warning.

3. They did it to test public reaction, to see if the public would hear about it and believe it en masse. Why i have no idea, maybe just to test how gullible the public at large is.

4. Finally, maybe they did it to mess up UFO researchers. Maybe they wanted them to look for aliens instead of it being there own government. Afterall arguements like "Why would they test it where it could be seen" would make UFO researchers look for aliens and not their own people.

You want facts then look into it. UFO's do exist fact, i actually cannot believe that is debated anymore. The reason it is is because anyone who mentions it get ridiculed because when someone mentions UFO they think aliens. The craft exist, the aliens i have no idea about, but i hope they do and i hope they have visited as it gives a future for our species. Just a few thoughts.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:39 AM

Yeah , I got you.

Still nosing around for the more Pithy quotes.

I think that anyone who read that article back in 1954 and was inclined to believe everyone that see's UFO's is crazy or believes in them is "Kooky" , would have came away with that feeling reinforced by Ruppelt's "True" article though.

My personal feeling is that the Ruppelt "True" article falls right in line with the recommendations of the Robertson Panel , that recommended presenting to the public UFO accounts that seemed "Unexplainable" at first and then were reasonably explained by the Air Force. All the while stressing the " Psychological " angle of UFO "Believers " and witness'.

You can still see that mentality in action when you read Dr. Robert Low's August 9, 1966 Memo , before the beginning of the U. of Colorado "Condon Committee " UFO investigation.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Finding quotes probably would be difficult. Most published and televised psuedo-skeptics probably show their negativity using their attitude and very vague comments because specific statements could lead them into a court for libel or slander. I don't know if the major psuedo-skeptics unfairly criticize but I am fairly certain that if they do it will be in a way that would not legally trap them.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by spidy
Zeratul, if what you say is true about aliens not existing how is it possible that we are the only intelligent lifeforms in the INFINETE universe?????

The universe isn't infinite. It's plenty big, but not infinite. Otherwise, we might be just a lucky roll of the dice. A crazy, hugely improbable combination of molecules struck by lightning so that it does this weird replication thing. Space, and the universe, seem generally pretty hostile to life.

Explain that to me. Also, explain how every thing would be created if God was not real.

How about if "everything" has "always" exsisted? (Or more accurately, moves back and forth between existing and not existing, with randomness controlled in a small way by a quantum wave collapsing observer effect?)

Because if everything needs to be created, who created God? And if God is the exception to the rule, then why can't the universe be, too? No God necessary.

The biggest problem people still have is thinking in terms of linear time. Free yourself from the notion of "cause" then "effect," and you'll have a better chance at understanding what's going on.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 07:03 PM
Have you checked Larry Hatchs site. He tends to dismiss sightings without any reason so he may have something.
As for myself......well all you need do is hit the bricks and conduct a thorough field investigation of a sighting and your bound to find a few choice quotes.
Like the first few times I phoned the local city desk and the airports.
"You one of them UFO nuts?'" was a common response. My next door neighbor says I'm "a kook like the rest of em." My parents- " you spend your spare time doing what? Maybe we dropped you on your head when you were young cause only a nut would do that." I've also been told many times that UFOlogists are kooks. And I've heard Bill O'reilly has not been so nice about his characterizations.
Ok so maybe my quotes aren't from well known people or published somewhere but they come from people I know who are part of my life and that makes them significant to me.
Should I find anything else I'll pass it along.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:07 PM
My question for Isaac Koi may be a bit different than others.
Are you running some kind of poll or user response test ?
If so, how many sites are you using ? I have found only
one other so far.

Only Idiots believe in UFO's, same author (IsaacKoi)

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 12:20 AM

its a big lie

paid story writers

see William Lyne's Pentagon Aliens; page 175 Bob Lazar (Lyne
does not mention the History Channel spot for him where he
mentions Element 115 and the web pages that are up) all a big
lie cover for the man made saucer.

Like as if this guy was ever given a clearance and is now talkng about it,
he is just talking about it, according to plan, the cover plan.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:05 AM
I grew up around folks that really knew how to tell good "fishing stories".
But there were a few that never caught on and were never any good at it.

What they didn't understand is that there are limits to credibility that act
to destroy the story quality, render it absolutely worthless.

As in the case of your link, TeslaandLyne, I and most others recognize
immediately that fish simply don't get that big.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by nightwing
My question for Isaac Koi may be a bit different than others.
Are you running some kind of poll or user response test ?
If so, how many sites are you using ? I have found only
one other so far.

Hi Nightwing,

I'm not running a formal user response test, but I am paying attention to the different types of responses on different forums (as well, of course, as paying attention to the content of any response that helps in relation to the specific query I raised).

One of my pet peeves in relation to Ufology is the fragmentation within the field and lack of communication. Many people seem to participate only within one or two Lists, and cross-fertilisation of the more useful ideas and resources is too limited. So, I'm always on the lookout for a better (or merely additional) forum in which to raise questions.

I've been preparing a few projects for the last couple of years. (The main one being a 1,800 page UFO Chronology I recently made available as a free download). The search for quotes along the lines of "only idiots believe in UFOs" is related to a project I've had on the back burner for a while.

I first raised the question as part of a thread on UFO UpDates about a year ago at:

Now that I've circulated my UFO Chronology, the "idiots" project has been moved from a back burner to one of my front burners. So, I've raised the question on a few message boards. In addition to this Forum, as you noted, I've raised it on the Black Vault message board at:

I've also raised it at:

I'll probably end up participating in one out of these three boards (in addition to my current participation on UFO Updates and in the British email List, Ufologyinuk).

Kind Regards,


posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 11:51 PM
"One of my pet peeves in relation to Ufology is the fragmentation within the field and lack of communication." == IsaacKoi

I would call it a curio rather than a peeve, as it attracts my own interest. I would describe it differently than you but its the
same phenomena.

"I'll probably end up participating in one out of these three boards " == IsaacKoi

Thanks for the references. I am curious to see where you are going with this.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 12:01 AM
You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. Your comments or opinions fail to offer any meaningful dialog or information, and are worthless except to pander to emotionalism, and in fact, reveal you to be emotionally insecure with these matters. If you do not like reading about UFO's, why do you frequent this board which clearly has UFO's as one of the purposes for for this discussion board? Why do you refuse to address the issues by use of such disinformation tactics.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 01:24 AM
"You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. Your comments or opinions fail to offer any meaningful dialog or information,
and are worthless except to pander to emotionalism, and in fact, reveal you to be emotionally insecure with these matters. If you do
not like reading about UFO's, why do you frequent this board which clearly has UFO's as one of the purposes for for this discussion
board? Why do you refuse to address the issues by use of such disinformation tactics." == The Time is now

Very well said. With your permission, I would like to post that as a specific example of Disinfo within the UFO community.
Here in fact :

If you are addressing IsaacKoi, how is it that you have not seen the detailed research posts he has made regarding his
interest in these topics ?

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by nightwing

If you are addressing IsaacKoi, how is it that you have not seen the detailed research posts he has made regarding his
interest in these topics ?


I couldn't help but wonder to myself the very same question.

BTW Issac , I downloaded your " UFO and SETI Chronology 1877-2006 " about a month ago and think it will be a very handy reference in the future.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. Your comments or opinions fail to offer any meaningful dialog or information, and are worthless except to pander to emotionalism, and in fact, reveal you to be emotionally insecure with these matters. If you do not like reading about UFO's, why do you frequent this board which clearly has UFO's as one of the purposes for for this discussion board? Why do you refuse to address the issues by use of such disinformation tactics.

Hi The_Time_is_now,

Is your post is addressed to me? (Your post is in a thread started by me and follows one of my emails).

I'm not aware of "avoiding" any issue (whether with "disinformation tactics" or otherwise).

As for not liking reading about UFOs, well, you should see my collection of UFO books...

Care to clarify your remarks?

All the best,


posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by megamanXplosion
Most published and televised psuedo-skeptics probably show their negativity using their attitude and very vague comments because specific statements could lead them into a court for libel or slander.

Hi MegamanXplosion,

Possible, quite possible.

You may be aware that an article in the January 1951 edition of The Cosmopolitan magazine by Bob Considine entitled “The Disgraceful Flying Saucer Hoax” resulted in an unsuccessful libel claim by Nick Mariana. (Which reminds me, I ought to re-read that article since I think it included a few pithy attacks on UFO witnessess).

However, I would have expected to be able to find a couple of juicy quotes by individuals speaking on TV or writing in books or newspapers.

All the best,


posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

BTW Issac , I downloaded your " UFO and SETI Chronology 1877-2006 " about a month ago and think it will be a very handy reference in the future.

Hi Lost_Shaman,

Glad you liked it. In case others on this forum are not familiar with my work on that document, I'll probably post something about the Chronology in a separate thread.

All the best,


posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 01:28 PM
You are stupid if you think ufo's dont exist.. ''UFO'' means undentified flying object.. so it could be an airplane so dont say that ufo's dont exits

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:25 PM

I think that if you read the thread here you'd find that the topic of the thread was to ask if anyone knew of any specific quotes from People , especially Sceptics , that say's in effect ," Only idiots believe in UFOs".

So far they have not been forthcoming.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by 1337nessCas
You are stupid if you think ufo's dont exist.. ''UFO'' means undentified flying object.. so it could be an airplane so dont say that ufo's dont exits

u correct sir

i love it wen some one sees a black circular object flying through the sky its suddenly E.T. and i guess E.T has nothing better to do with his time than fly billions of light years across the galaxy and come to earth for a mabey a couple of minutes and then disappear.

and what i think is kinda funny is how a lot of U.F.O citings accur around the nevada know around that secret base called Area 51...which does test new types of military aircraft..and it is a known fact that there is 10-12 year lag between the U.S. military's technology and the public's so of course people see things in the sky that look and move faster than anything the public has seen but it doesnt mean its a martian.

but dont get me wrong i very well believe that we are not alone in the universe i just highly dout we have made contact.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 12:06 AM
Sorry my excuse, I had to read the hole thread.. but i didnt had much time..

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