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Only idiots believe in UFOs

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posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I find it offensive that Klass infers in his comment that people that report UFO's are dishonest and not intelligent.

To be fair to Klass, I don't think he was implying any such thing.

He was _disagreeing_ with the view that all UFO witnesses are dishonest, crazy or unintelligent.

Note the introduction to the remarks made by Klass:
"Some skeptics dismiss the UFO question without investigation in the belief that reports come only from 'kooks'. This is not so".

This is one of _several_ occasions on which Klass is actually saying something which supports UFO witnesses.

His first book ("UFOs Identified") actually had quite a lot of comments which suggest there is probably a real phenomenon which causes UFO reports (although Klass dismissed any argument that that real phenomenon was related to aliens).

Kind Regards,

Isaac Koi

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 02:03 PM
dont worry when they uncover forms of life on one of those icy moons up there will sit back and laugh.........

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 03:56 PM
Only idiots believe in UFO's.

My response to this statement is:

Only idiots think we're alone in a universe with millions of galaxies.

Live long and prosper, baby.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:09 PM
I am beginning to get frustrated with those who discrimminate others over their beliefs.

If you dont believe in EBE`s etc,thats your choice.If you want to debate,i will debate with you.We can have a fair arguement over a cup of java,whatever.

But when one refers to other as an "idiot" or questions his/hers mental stability because of their belief,this is where my frustration begins.

Many of these people base their claims on pure assumptions.Basically if they dont see it,its "not there".Clearly this type of mindset indicates lack of "openmindedness".

I really question how these people make daily decisions in their lives..

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by TrappedSoul
(Quoting Zeratul)

"Please if you wish to continue, U2U me."
I'm not going to U2U you, I'm going to use this thread to discuss this!

"If I am close minded, then you are too."
What a stupid thing to say...
Is it close minded to believe in aliens now?
I do understand that many out there have absolutely no reason to belive, but I respect and understand that!

"Its stupid because I say so"
Ok, we'll have to trudidnt knewst you then!
It's also stupid to belive in them even if you have seen them with your own eyes and flown in their spaceship!

I just want to have some agruments on why people think it's stupid, I don't want everybody to JUST write that it is stupid.
Even I gave some silly arguments on why I think it's NOT stupid.

You just need something to believe in, you dont want to be like everyone else who believes in god so you believe in UFOs. The way you answered Astyanax clearly shows this.
What happened to your father was surely something entirely normal but your will to believe (AKA faith, that explains my first post in this thread) explains it with aliens(just like religion used to explain things we didnt know).

Originally posted by spidy
Zeratul, if what you say is true about aliens not existing how is it possible that we are the only intelligent lifeforms in the INFINETE universe????? Explain that to me. Also, explain how every thing would be created if God was not real.

Please read my post again, I said "aliens VISITING EARTH".
About god, I dont know, I am pretty sure there are theories about it, havent read but you just explained the existence of the word "God", used to explain things we dont know about.

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
Many of these people base their claims on pure assumptions.Basically if they dont see it,its "not there".Clearly this type of mindset indicates lack of "openmindedness"..

This happens also with those who believe as I said before, blindly believing is not opend minded.

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
I really question how these people make daily decisions in their lives..

Elaborate please, at least with me I cant see what it has to do. I called stupid those who believe in aliens and god and I have no problem at making decisions in my life.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:28 PM
I will be ordering the "Mufon trainning" soon as i can. I'd love to become an investigator.

One of these days somebody is going to blow the lid off this, and it could be me!

There is a test, and they are looking for people who tend to be skeptics when it comes to this.

Of course, i will have to go undercover. If my family ever found out,
I'd be the laughing stock as usual.

BUT, when they have questions, they ask me. Go figure.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Zeratul
You just need something to believe in, you dont want to be like everyone else who believes in god so you believe in UFOs. The way you answered Astyanax clearly shows this.
What happened to your father was surely something entirely normal but your will to believe (AKA faith, that explains my first post in this thread) explains it with aliens(just like religion used to explain things we didnt know).

I'm really insulted by this!
I believe because I have REASONS to believe!!
And you know nothing about what happend to my dad do you? So shutt the hell up!

And btw, how old are you?

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 07:23 PM
UFO's exist! Unfortunately whenever you say UFO, people assume your talking about aliens. IMO this is exactly what our governments want us to think.Rather than question the possibility of secret advanced aircraft we all jump to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is extraterrestrial life forms paying us a visit. Although the latter may be true i wont believe it until i see the little grey men cruising around in their kited up galactic novas with my own eyes. Dont get me wrong im sure there are other life froms in the univerese, but it is just as likely that we are the most advanced "intelligent" species in the universe as the are the dumbest.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 09:42 PM
OK well i may as well add my thoughts.

I went into looking at UFO's open minded but not accepting everything i see. I looked at it critically and i came to two conclusions.

1. UFO's are real, there are numerous photos and videos which are supported by photo and video experts. They aren't fake. There are also incidents like Rendalsham Forest which are incredible. They were well documented by official sources and cannot be explained by any other way than a structured craft. I think there was also one in Belgium which was witnessed by an enormous amount of people and the military tried to intercept it again that is official.

2. I have no idea whether they are piloted by aliens. Abductions and the like are circumstantial. Every case i have read i hav enot found any proof other than the persons word. Sadly this isn't enough so i think it is more likely that the craft we see are from our own planet, government tech.

This is not to say aliens don't exist and that some of these craft aren't theirs but there is no proof so i will stick with the government theory and keep looking at evidence for aliens.

It is amazing that UFO's aren't accepted more. I mean UFO's in the sense of structured craft performing 'exotic' manouveres which cannot be performed by any known craft.

The evidence is truly great for these sorts of things. Nick Pope is a classic example of a scptic who appraoched it very methodically and yet became a 'believer' (i hate that term) in structured UFO's. He went on Radar reports, sightings and photos combined and ruled out everything he possibly could.

Alien or government i don't know but the actual craft are real.

Oh edit to say that i havn't seen a UFO. I once saw lights which i mentioned in another thread but i went out and found what they were (local science club doing something). This should show i am someone who doesn't leap to conclusions, at least i hope so.

Oh and Zeratul

According to mathmatics aliens must exist lol. If someone could provide the name of the mathmatician who came up with the equation i would be grateful because i can't remember. He was very conservative in his estimate and it came out as having a high number of alien life forms existing in the universe. I think it takes a rather large amount of arrogance to say we are the only intelligent life forms in the universe. As i said i don't know if aliens visit earth and i can't find any real evidence for it, until i do i won't believe. However aliens must exist somewhere in this rather large universe simply from mathematics.

I found the equation by a man named Drake, link below.

My apologies to Astyanax

I edited this again to say sorry to Astyanax. I thught i had read every post but i must have missed yours as you already mentioned the drake equation. Sorry dude.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 10:02 PM
I think my first post was very arrogant and last one a little offensive, next time I´ll make sure to state what my beliefs are (wich are very close those of ImaginaryReality1984) before starting a discussion.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Zeratul
dude, the fact that I keep visiting this page tells I am open minded.
Being open minded doesnt mean to believe everything you read/see/hear (altough if thats what you call open minded then I am not, but if you mean it this way, that itself would be close minded).

Open minded people consider all possibilities before reaching a conclussion, so what I posted was the result of an analysis done by myself considering many possibilities.

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Zeratul]

I suggest that you considered possibilities that were attractive to you and tended to ignore evidence that exists too. That is your business but I am not stupid nor an idiot.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by TrappedSoul

Originally posted by spidy
Also, explain how every thing would be created if God was not real.

Are you shure there must be a god for the world to exist?

Why are you using a user name of trappedsoul?

If you only believe in the physical then why refer to the soul? The soul is a realm of higher development and higher potentials. It infers God like qualities to low level things like us as well as unknown potentialities in the universe.

You contradict yourself DUDE.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

Originally posted by TrappedSoul

Originally posted by spidy
Also, explain how every thing would be created if God was not real.

Are you shure there must be a god for the world to exist?

Why are you using a user name of trappedsoul?

If you only believe in the physical then why refer to the soul? The soul is a realm of higher development and higher potentials. It infers God like qualities to low level things like us as well as unknown potentialities in the universe.

You contradict yourself DUDE.

Ok i think that was more of a pointless personal attack there. Look at my screen name, it's just a name doesn't mean anything.

The other day someone i know wasn't very well and i said "oh the poor soul". Now i am not religous and yet i used that word, does this make me a hypocrite? Nope sorry it was a turn of phrase just like usernames are sometimes a joke. Mine is in itself a contradiction if you think about it.

Come on dude stick to the arguement, crack open a beer and calm down.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 11:00 PM
Ok, this has gone far enough already. Stop the personal insults now and stick to the topic! If you want to know what a member´s username means or want to ask someone how old they are, send them a u2u and don´t post it here. Just remember that the Terms & Conditions also applies to u2us!

[edit on 2006/4/15 by Hellmutt]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Zeratul
believing in aliens visiting earth is as stupid as believing in a god

I really feel sorry for you. Hopefully you do believe in a maker. SO what do you believe in your creation?

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Truthforall

Originally posted by Zeratul
believing in aliens visiting earth is as stupid as believing in a god

I really feel sorry for you. Hopefully you do believe in a maker. SO what do you believe in your creation?

This isn't part of this thread. If you want to start a thread on this then go ahead but leave it out of this one please as it has no effect on this discussion.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 12:25 AM
We get these threads every so often...

No more scoffing and ridicule... is all I can say! Bandit said it quite well in this thread...

UFOs do exist, they are reported every month, even if you go by what Bluebook said, 10% of the reported sightings are unknown, sure this doesn't mean they are extra-terrestials, they could be natural phenomena, military projects or something completely unknown.

We all know that the connection between UFO's and Aliens have never been proven however there are reports of objects and unfamiliar, seemingly inteligent beings coming out of it, and the assumption generally is they are Alien, extra-terrestial or an unknown civilization on earth? who knows.

A better name for the thread might be "Flying Saucers don't exist" or "Aliens are not visiting earth" but the name "Only idiots believe in UFOs" is not only ignorant, it's just plain insulting to any serious researchers.

Aliens likely exists, it's likely that some have advanced technology equal or far surpassing ours, it's not in the realm of imposibility that aliens are visiting us and far from idiotic to believe that some reported UFO's are extra-terrestial vehicles.

Why would the government have wasted so much money researching the UFO phenomena? if only idiots believe in it?

If you have nothing to add to the theories and speculations on the UFO phenomena or extra-terrestials, DON'T POST! and most definitly don't RIDICULE, I wouldn't ridicule someone if they came to me and told me they worshipped a different god every different day of the week, it's their believe! and I will respect that...

And quite frankly, there is more evidence that Aliens have and are still visiting us than there is evidence for a god, any god.

so I believe your statement is to make your self feel better so the scary aliens don't exist and you don't have to worry about them...and you are trying to convince everyone else to believe what you believe so it will be out of sight, out of mind...

*Sighs* just believe what you want, but I rather be an "idiot" and stick to what I research and quite frankly believe in...

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 02:16 AM
Elaborate please, at least with me I cant see what it has to do. I called stupid those who believe in aliens and god and I have no problem at making decisions in my life.

you`v clearly made up your mind.

Everybody who believes in the E.T phenomena must be stupid.

Im sorry but thats a pritty blunt conclusion.

You go on life believing that.Good luck trying to get your message through.
I need not explain anymore here.

Southern Guardian.

[edit on 15-4-2006 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
A better name for the thread might be "Flying Saucers don't exist" or "Aliens are not visiting earth" but the name "Only idiots believe in UFOs" is not only ignorant, it's just plain insulting to any serious researchers.

Um, except that such a "better name for the thread" would have _nothing_ to do with the content of the first post in this thread.

That email is _about_ the alleged scoffing and ridiculing of UFO witnesses.

Isaac Koi

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 04:49 AM
I apologize to everyone offended by my first post, shouldnt call you stupid, I let go cause of the thread´s name. Now what I think isn´t true is aliens visiting earth as not true as the belief in a god (we arent discussing this one here tho).

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

Originally posted by Zeratul
dude, the fact that I keep visiting this page tells I am open minded.
Being open minded doesnt mean to believe everything you read/see/hear (altough if thats what you call open minded then I am not, but if you mean it this way, that itself would be close minded).

Open minded people consider all possibilities before reaching a conclussion, so what I posted was the result of an analysis done by myself considering many possibilities.

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Zeratul]

I suggest that you considered possibilities that were attractive to you and tended to ignore evidence that exists too. That is your business but I am not stupid nor an idiot.

I´ve seen a lot of footage/pics/theories , I have even been to UFO (referring to alien UFO) conferences, please tell me what am I missing.

[edit on 15-4-2006 by Zeratul]

[edit on 15-4-2006 by Zeratul]

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