"The main problem is that there is no fundamentals differences between EU right & EU left."
i think the bandit covered this quite nicely. take a serious look at the EU - in all its many forms; the EU, the EC, the council - and you'll see
that there are massive differences between right and left within EU politics.
"Italy ? ha ha, let me laugh please....I've many Itlians friends, and for them, their country is in danger. May be you don't know it, but in some
Italians areas, they don't do the Christmas party in their schools anymore. ...... .They removed Christmas, and they have replaced it with a
so-called " multi-cultural " event !!!!!!"
and this puts their country in danger? what are you, some christian-isolationist? so there are muslims, so what? so muslims out-number
christians, so what? so people are actually thinking about other religions and trying to form ties by having multi-cultural events, so what? i think
that's a good thing. it promotes understanding and solidarity, which ultimately is the way to combat fear, agression, and terrorism.
"The EU is pro-USA and pro-Israel ???"
i would not say it is pro or anti the US or israel. that's the point.
"Yes, many of us. When I can speak with common peoples, they're not agree with the medias, the gov'. They are pro-US-Israel. But they can't tell
it, it's not "polliticaly correct " in a country who has to much muslims peoples."
bollocks. i don't know about you, but in the UK we have freedom of speech (well, relative freedom at least ...) and we can say what we like. try
reading 'the sun' (heap of #e that it is) for a nice pro-US stance. or the guardian for a more measured response.
"Auchwitz....Quiet one, one of my 2 grand-fathers is dead in a nazi death-camp.
and yet you speak about the removal of muslims from europe. about the expulsion of certain groups of religions. can you not see the parralells with
nazi germany?
"Did you ever read my posts ? I don't think so, otherwise, you would know that I'm anti-nazis, anti-communists and so on..."
that's your problem: being anti-something creates conflict.
"I stay " ready to fight ". I think we have to fight against the terrorists. I think we don't have to show any mercy. I think we have to be sharp
like a razor. I think if our so many ennemies are unhuman, we have to be more unhuman than them."
being ready to fight, ready to lower yourself to their level, makes you as bad as them. i am willing to say "No! I will not support the deaths of
civilians in the name of fighting terror.", because in that way i can honestly say that i am better than the terrorists.
"When you are weak, you lose. When you are strong, you win. Our ennemies have a strong mind. They know what they want. We have to be like them, or we
will have to surround."
we have to be strong, but we have to stick to the principles we hold dear: peace, human rights, etc. that does not mean launching a war.
- qo.