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An Open Letter to Europe

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posted on Oct, 23 2002 @ 01:41 PM
The architects of this wickedness will find no safe harbor in this world. We will chase our enemies to the furthest corners of this Earth. It must be war without quarter, pursuit without rest, victory without qualification -- Tom Delay

An Open Letter to EuropeBy John HawkinsIt�s becoming increasingly apparent that our friends in Europe do not fully understand the ramifications of Sept 11th. As a favor to our allies, I think I should do my best to present things from the American perspective before the nations of Europe do something that we will all regret.

While Americans do view Europe as our friends, it has been a costly friendship for us. In the 20th century we were dragged kicking and screaming not once, but twice into world wars started by Europeans. 400,000 of our men died in those wars. Had we said enough is enough after that bloody sacrifice I don�t think anyone would of blamed us. Yet, during and after WW2 we poured staggering amounts of aid into Europe via the lend/lease program and Marshall plan. Little of it was ever repaid.

After WW2 a new threat to Europe materialized in the form of an aggressive Soviet Union. Again America came to Europe�s aid. We stationed massive amounts of troops in Europe ostensibly to keep the Soviets out but also to keep the nations of Europe from squabbling amongst themselves once again. After a five-decade long struggle with America, the Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of a futile arms race they couldn�t win. Again, Europe and the rest of the world seemed safe.

Once the Soviet Union was out of the way Europe became increasingly shrill and critical of the United States especially in the year or so leading up to Sept. 11th. Europe went out of its way to insult and belittle America at every opportunity. We were treated as if we were a nation of barbarians because we have a death penalty. Americans were scolded like children throwing a tantrum because we have honest differences with Europe over international treaties. France worked with China and Cuba in order to replace the United States with Sudan on the UN Human Rights Commission. The fact that our ally in Europe supported a nation that practices torture, terrorism, and slavery over us did not go unnoticed.

Then Sept. 11th happened and the show of support for America was nothing short of amazing. After the general disdain we�ve been shown publicly for so many years, many Americans never expected such solidarity and public sorrow across Europe for America�s loss. The kind words, limited military support, and tough legal measures against terrorism were much appreciated at the time and still are today. But there was still a question in the mind of many Americans: �how long would Europe be with us?�

Which leads us to the present. We�re almost 5 months out from the original attacks and the �War on Terrorism� has gone much better than anyone could of possibly expected. Afghanistan has been liberated, the Taliban have been destroyed, and al-Queda is on the run. Pakistan has reversed course and is actively fighting terrorism. Libya and Cuba have for all intents and purposes ended their association with terrorist groups. Sudan and Yemen are becoming much less hospitable environments for terrorists. We�re also helping the governments of the Philippines and Bosnia fight terrorists as we scout out Somalia.

Yet our work is far from over. The governments of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine are still supporting terrorist groups with global reach and we have absolutely no indication that�s going to change in the near future. In a world where terrorists are actively seeking (and have attained) weapons of mass destruction, to allow these states to continue to actively terrorism would be foolish beyond comprehension. Hence George Bush�s words on Sept 20th of 2001: �And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.�

As the months have dragged on, more and more signs of discontent have come from Europe. Many European nations offered troops for Afghan campaign but only Britain�s military made much more than a symbolic contribution. While Israel publicly fretted that they weren�t allowed to help more, Germany�s government was nearly toppled because of the Green parties protest of German support for the US war effort. While unlikely allies like Russia and Pakistan bent over backwards to help the US, France warned the US not to attack Iraq. In recent days Europe has seen fit to strongly back Yassir Arafat and his terrorist-supporting regime instead of Israel. Some European nations have refused to extradite terrorists to the US unless we agree to waive the death penalty for the terrorists in question. Britain�s Jack Straw accused George Bush of merely playing politics when he called North Korea, Iran, and Iraq an �Axis of Evil�. We�ve also seen an almost hysterical condemnation of the US over our supposed mistreatment of captured terrorists in Cuba. Those things make it obvious that Europe doesn�t understand America�s view of this situation.

You see for Americans see the �War on Terrorism� is every bit as serious as WW2. The American public will accept nothing less at this point than the eradication of every terrorist group of global reach and an end to all state supported terrorism. Americans are as just as determined to achieve these goals today as we were to pay Japan back for their attack on Pearl Harbor. Nothing less than total victory is acceptable to us. So how does this impact Europe?

Have you ever heard the expression �To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail?� When you�re avenging 3000 dead Americans and fighting a global war against terrorists and the regimes that back them, all things are seen through that lens. Which brings us back to Europe. Moments of silence while appreciated, don�t count for much in the long run. Americans expect long-term backing in the �War Against Terrorism�. That means WHEN we take on Iraq and if we have to take on Iran, North Korea, Syria, Lebanon, etc. we expect Europe to AT LEAST give us moral support. In the eyes of Americans, that�s the minimum that Europe should do considering everything we�ve done for Europe in the past century. After all, this isn�t some big moral dilemma. The nations we�re going to target will be sponsors of state supported terrorism. The governments of these nations will be giving money, shelter and aid to groups of terrorists who believe in murdering large numbers of civilians to achieve their goals. All these nations have to do to avoid a fight with the United States is stop supporting terrorism, don�t intentionally allow terrorist groups to operate inside of their borders, and don�t seek weapons of mass destruction that could be given to these terrorists. These are not unreasonable demands.

That�s why there is no fence for Europe to straddle on this issue. As far as Americans are concerned either you�re �with us, or with the terrorists.� If Europe chooses not support us when we take on these rogue states, Americans will consider it to not only be cowardice, but to be a betrayal of the worst sort.

We may have stood with Europe in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War, but if Europe turns it�s back on us this time, we will not stand shoulder to shoulder with Europe again. If you think we had trouble hammering out treaties before, you haven�t seen anything yet. Forget about NATO, operations like we ran together in Serbia, and shedding another drop of American blood to protect European interests.

That being said, I would like nothing better than to have our friends in Europe beside us all the way through this war. The journey towards victory will be long and hard and we�d like to have some company along just for the conversation if nothing else. But make no mistake about it, America has chosen it�s path. Either Europe will walk with us, or we will separate for the foreseeable future. I hope Europe chooses wisely for all

posted on Oct, 23 2002 @ 01:52 PM
I think we should ask Europe for repartations for past conflicts. - Bob 'Jesse' 88

All kidding aside. I too would like nothing more than to see more European support for the war on terror which doesn't end with the Talibans destruction in Afghanistan. Destroying terrorists at the root is what we should do and that starts with Saddam. Look what has recently happened in Bali and to the French oil tanker. The terrorist threat isn't just going to go way, it's needs to be stopped.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 07:11 AM
thanks for pointing that one out bob, we're a year in and the end to terrorism is nowhere in sight. let me ask you this, when has armed force EVER stopped terrorism? i can't think of one single example.

instead, take a look at the IRA and similar groups in ireland. for decades the fighting went on and on, with the british government doing little but send troops to the region to try to keep the warring parties apart. now there is at least some progress towards a lasting peace: not through violence, but through diplomacy.

it is this that europeans recognise and worry about. that and america's definition of 'terrorism'. i totally agree with bush's statement that we should pursue terrorism until it is removed from the earth, however i disagree with his definition of the word and his means of attaining that goal.

- qo.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 08:58 AM
Diplomacy with Al Qaida? riiiiight.

When did military stop terrorist attacks? Think of all the al qaida that they rounded up that can't wage terror. Israel claims to have stopped 30 terror attacks in less than a week. (

There are some groups that don't have goals other than our destruction in which there is no diplomatic steps to take. If they want land, power sharing, have some sort of grievance, than diplomacy might work.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 09:03 AM
You can't fight what you can't see, as the American military has learned in Afghanistan.

Diplomacy is the only way forward, and as we are justifying our fight by taking the moral highground, we should always look to talk.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 10:32 AM
I never said we have stopped terrorism,but we are going after them.Frozen accounts,jailed and killed a lot of them.We wil never get rid of terrorism completely,but we can make it a lot harder on em.I do not see how diplomacy with a terrorist will work.They don't talk,they kill.Innocent people most of the time.If talking worked groups like Hamas would be at the peace table.Terrorists do not want peace,the want death.In most cases.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by nyeff
I do not see how diplomacy with a terrorist will work.They don't talk,they kill.

Doesn't that describe the actual U.S. government????

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 02:35 PM

I lose no sleep at night knowing the U.S. is going after terrorists.

[Edited on 01-08-2002 by nyeff]

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 03:07 PM
nyeff, they just don't get it. It's easier to blame the US than to confront the real root of this mess. Seems they would rather appease, or be blackmailed by, the fundamentalists. At what point does multiculturalism become a threat to our way of life. Example (I got this from a 'blog' somewhere):

In Norway, where according to the newspaper Dagbladet, 65 per cent of rapes last year were performed by "non-Western immigrants", a professor at Oslo University told women they must take their share of responsibility for the rapes because Muslim men found their dress provocative. "Norwegian women must realize that we live in a multicultural society and adapt themselves to it," he said.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 03:19 PM
There is a lot of truth in you example Bob88.We are expected to change our way of life,thinking, ideaology.As more culture's come here.Instead of adopting our customs,they try to force theirs on us.And that is such backwards thinking,If I were to move to Mexico,I would be doing my best to pick up on their way of life.Seems like commen sense.

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 03:26 PM
Wasn't that gay mayor in France stabbed by an islamic extremist - cause he didn't like that he was gay? YET, it's the US and our burgers that are evil. I just don't get it. The only thing wrong w/ the US is we're losing the PR war to extremists.

[Edited on 24-10-2002 by Bob88]

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 03:53 PM
I think the main reason we get a hard from other countries,is because we have an open society.With more freedoms than anywhere else.

BTW, how well to you think gay's and people who moan and groan about government would do under Islamic rule?

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 06:14 PM

many thanks for your open letter to the Europeans. I hope many of us will read & understand it.

You are reading in my mind. There will be a day where the USA will say " enough is enough . # the EU. "

This day will be a dark one.

I have found your defence budget and ours. Look :

USA, 280 millions of peoples :1998 budget : 280 US Billions $
2002 budget : 380 US Billions $

EU :400 millions of peoples : 1998 budget : 150 US Billions $
2002 buget : 150 US Billions $.

USA, military R&D for 2002 : 50 US Billions $.

EU, military R&D for 2002 : 10 US Billions $.

See what I mean ?

Let down the EU. May be it will shake the EU, and EU will wake up before her death.

P.S : I wonder why illuminati-NWO didn't do a post on this topic.

[Edited on 24-10-2002 by ThePhoenix01]

posted on Oct, 24 2002 @ 06:58 PM
Terrorism does in deed respond to violence. That has been proven in the past. The Soviets proved that certain and vicious responses will follow an attack, but most western societies are unwilling to carry out such measures. Russia is now having to deal with its shuning of the old way.
Israel has shown that harsh and certain responses will slow the attacks, while the terrorists have likewise shown that any acts of mercy toward them will be viewed as weakness and cowardice.
If we lose this war on terrorism, it will be because we lose our stomachs for what must be done. While nobody (that is sane) wants war and longs for the deaths of others, if this nation refuses to reciprocate when death is delivered at our doorstep, we will not be long a sovereign nation, or at least give the appearance of one.

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 06:55 AM
if you lose the war on terrorism it will be because you have failed to dominate the world. that is the only way that violence can end terror. complete dominance and suppression of freedom. anything else will allow the descendants of terrorists - pissed at the way you dismissed their parents, and still with the same issues that need to be addressed - to rise up and fight for those issues.

america is fighting for freedom, but it will have to destroy freedom to complete its goal of removing world terrorism.

- qo.

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 07:12 AM
My freedoms haven't been impeded by the War on Terror. None of my friends have had freedoms taken away!

[rant]If you ask me, the next nation on our "Axis of Evil" list should be France. Take out the Frogs, and we'll see how long those terrorist scum last. Without the support of a major world power, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Iran will not survive long.

What's the EU gonna do to stop us? The Europeans are soft. They are afraid of war and death. They are unwilling to pay the price of freedom. Well, if they are unwilling to defend their rights, we must still defend our own. We must stand with our allies if possible, but when it comes down to the wire, America must do what is in her own best interests.[/rant]

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 08:28 AM
funny, i usually only hear psychotic militaristic rants like that from old ossama ....

seriously, you sound like a terrorist. compare your rant to the propaganda coming from the moscow theatre. compare it to the forceful rhetoric of the IRA, INLA, etc.

the only reason you haven't had your freedom affected - nor your friends - is that they haven't tried to question your government. they haven't protested at your energy program, you environmental policies, or you militaristic foreign policy. all of those are covered by so-called 'anti-terrorism' laws. which, quite frankly, are bollocks.

if i may quote ice-t: "freedom of speech, just watch what you say."

- qo.

[Edited on 25-10-2002 by quiet one]

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by jesusislord

If you ask me, the next nation on our "Axis of Evil" list should be France. Take out the Frogs, and we'll see how long those terrorist scum last. Without the support of a major world power, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Iran will not survive long.

What's the EU gonna do to stop us? The Europeans are soft. They are afraid of war and death. They are unwilling to pay the price of freedom. Well, if they are unwilling to defend their rights, we must still defend our own. We must stand with our allies if possible, but when it comes down to the wire, America must do what is in her own best interests.

In 2015, muslim faith will be the number one in France. Look by now, how France is managing Moussaoui case.It's already started.

Frenchies & Euros Socialists-Communists-Ecologists need muslims voices if they want to keep their power over France and Europe.That's the big deal with them.

Until they have the power in the EU, don't count on the EU. Now, the EU arr anti-US & anti-Israel, coz there is to many muslims in Europe.

In Europe, many of us think that we need a kind of civil war to remove these Socialists-Communists-Ecologists from power. We need it if we want to kick out from the EU the muslims populations and rebuild the Great Alliance between the USA & the EU.

First step : Fired the Soc-Com-Eco

Second step : All muslims and non-EU citizens ( except US citizens ) must be send back to their country.

Third step : The Holly Alliance with the USA.

It's a long road......but we can do it.

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 11:11 AM

"Frenchies & Euros Socialists-Communists-Ecologists need muslims voices if they want to keep their power over France and Europe.That's the big deal with them."

there is a massive rise in right-wing politics in the EU, and has been for the past 3 years or so. the prominance of the right wing parties in the netherlands (and the assassination of one of their leaders) and the fact that italy has a right wing government, illustrates my point. add to that the fact that, until recently, italy held the presidency of the EU, and i find it hard to take your above assertion seriously.

"Until they have the power in the EU, don't count on the EU. Now, the EU arr anti-US & anti-Israel, coz there is to many muslims in Europe."

what the hell are you talking about? give me one solid piece of evidence that says that the EU is "anti-israel" or even "anti-US". in fact, before you do that, please define those two terms, as i think you will find them to be little more than meaningless buzz-words.

"In Europe, many of us think that we need a kind of civil war to remove these Socialists-Communists-Ecologists from power. We need it if we want to kick out from the EU the muslims populations and rebuild the Great Alliance between the USA & the EU."

really? 'many of us'? have you taken a poll? may i see the results? i'll even run a proper statistically analysis on them if you like ...

"First step : Fired the Soc-Com-Eco

Second step : All muslims and non-EU citizens ( except US citizens ) must be send back to their country.

Third step : The Holly Alliance with the USA."

fourth step: re-build Auschwitz to make sure that none of them will ever want to come back .... sheesh, are you a raving fascist? where's your sense of ~humanity~?

- qo.

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 12:13 PM
Quiet one, stay quiet please.

Ok, let's be serious. First of all, I'm not a nazi. and 2, I hate them ( nazis ).

Massive rise in right-wing politics in the EU or not, it's not the main problem.

The main problem is that there is no fundamentals differences between EU right & EU left.

Italy ? ha ha, let me laugh please....I've many Itlians friends, and for them, their country is in danger. May be you don't know it, but in some Italians areas, they don't do the Christmas party in their schools anymore. Why ? Cuz there is so many foreigns peoples, who are not Christians, that they don't want to " disturb " their non-Christians values & faith. So, like Christmas is Christians, they don't do it anymore.They removed Christmas, and they have replaced it with a so-called " multi-cultural " event !!!!!!

The EU is pro-USA and pro-Israel ???

Woaaaaw, may be we are not looking the same tv channels and we are not readings the sames newspapers.

Yes, many of us. When I can speak with common peoples, they're not agree with the medias, the gov'. They are pro-US-Israel. But they can't tell it, it's not "polliticaly correct " in a country who has to much muslims peoples. Unfortunately, these peoples are from the old generation ( 35-75 ). The young generation ( 8-30 ) is completely blinded by our leftist-media and their pro-Arafat/muslims propanganda.

And no, I didn't do any polls.

Auchwitz....Quiet one, one of my 2 grand-fathers is dead in a nazi death-camp.

Did you ever read my posts ? I don't think so, otherwise, you would know that I'm anti-nazis, anti-communists and so on...

I can't be a fascist ! But sometimes,I can be excessive. May be to much, specialy when I'm feeling in danger.

And for my sens of humanity, I think it took a bad hit last year. It was the september 11 2001 ! For me, this date is a kind of new pearl harbor.

But don't worry, he's not dead. He's just waiting a good reason to do his come back. Until this good reason, I'm still aware. I stay " ready to fight ". I think we have to fight against the terrorists. I think we don't have to show any mercy. I think we have to be sharp like a razor. I think if our so many ennemies are unhuman, we have to be more unhuman than them.

When you are weak, you lose. When you are strong, you win. Our ennemies have a strong mind. They know what they want. We have to be like them, or we will have to surround.

Damn it....I'm starting to be excesive, one more time. I'm sorry Quiet one.

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