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The Mormon Church Sex Abuse Conspiracy

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posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:45 PM
I believe the answer to the Mormons, is that they're weird. Their theology is very strange. They claim to be followers of Jesus Christ yet they completely reject the entire Bible and have their own. I have a friend who attends college in Utah and has had opportunity to learn quite a bit about Mormons, and he assures me that they're much stranger than the average person imagines.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
I believe the answer to the Mormons, is that they're weird. Their theology is very strange. They claim to be followers of Jesus Christ yet they completely reject the entire Bible and have their own.

They do not completely reject the Bible. They use the King James Version of the Bible, and they have footnotes at the bottom of some pages for tiny pieces that they changed, but nothing really significant. They do believe the Bible to be the Word of God, and they do worship Jesus Christ, although they believe in some differences than most Christian religions do. They also have a book "translated" by their first prophet and founder from ancient "golden plates" which is called, "The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ". They also have the "Doctrine and Covenants" and "The Pearl of Great Price" which are scriptures written by their modern day prophets. They have 13 "Articles of Faith", one of which is "We believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God. We also believe the Bible to be the Word of God, so far as it translated correctly." (That may not be worded exactly right, I learned it as a song and can't quite remember the exact wording but that's the basic gist of it.)

he assures me that they're much stranger than the average person imagines.

Well this may be true. I'm not the "average person" because I was raised in the Mormon Church and my entire family is still Mormon. I was raised to believe everything that they believe, and only just five years ago stopped believing. They definitely have some beliefs and practices that most mainstream religions do not. I'm not sure how the child abuse fits into that but the Mormons protect their own and their image like the Freemasons do. I wonder, if a Freemason was caught abusing children by brother Masons, if the Masons would protect him like the Mormon Church protects its members...

[edit on 8/12/06 by an3rkist]

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 03:16 AM
Okay, I had to kick in on this one for two reasons.

One of my best friends is Mormon. LDS to the bone. But he wasn't always. He was raised in an LDS household and he and his family went to Temple every Sunday. But he did go through his "rebelious phase" and for a time, fell out of grace in the Church. It happens. Now we've spent lots of time together as bandmates and he's the best drummer I have ever heard play, Simply fantastic! I was with this guy at band practices where we would smoke pot, cigarettes, drink, party and rock! He, at his mother's deathbed request (she had cancer), decided he should return to the Church.
BAM! No more booze. No more cigarrettes. No more drugs. He soon left for TWO years of missionary work on a different continent. He came home, married his Mormon girlfriend in all it's Mormon glory (Pay Lay Ale!) and is STILL one of my best friends. In the 15 years I've known him I've asked a LOT of questions about Mormonism and it's mysteries. There's a lot of real pertinant(?) information he has learned. There is more he hasn't, but tends to just sponge it all up.

My friend is not capable of committing the EVIL that this thread topic concerns.

Another very good friend is gay. Strangely enough, I hung out with this guy five years before I ever knew he was homosexual. I told him this"

"Don't ever hit on me and we're cool."

Ten years later now, I'd still trust him with my life. My wifes life and my daughters life as well as any of my 10 great-nieces and nephews.

My friend is not capable of committing the EVIL that this thread topic concerns.

It's the Evil in the person that decides to commit crimes against children. The lack of will power and straight up goodness to not succum to that evil in every one of us.

Homosexuality isn't evil, it's just an act that has no point. Knock yourself out on that if it's your thang. Just don't come crying to me with complaints about the consequenses of your actions, be it health or religeous problems.

Mormonism isn't evil, but, every Mormon alive is capable of evil actions. So is every Buddist, Protestant, or Atheist for that matter.

People have to fight this evil in themselves, constantly, before pointing at the evils of each other and crying "How!?!?"

It's the choices we make that define our charachter, not any religion or sexual preference.

The Mormon Elders and the Catholic Priests that abused children performed evil acts.
The Franciscan Friar who taught a ten-year-old me how to box over the course of a summer without EVER making an evil against me was completely capable of it the whole time. He chose not to.

It's not the church, it's not the devil, its the person and their ability to not submit to the part of them that whispers "do it anyway".

My $0.02


posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Cuhail
Mormonism isn't evil, but, every Mormon alive is capable of evil actions. So is every Buddist, Protestant, or Atheist for that matter.

Great post Cuhail.

I wonder however, if perhaps the Mormons are more equipped to resolve individual sins against kids? I wonder perhaps if the Catholic church is less able to root out the evil individuals?

What you said was very true, and yet these individuals who have the choice of free will to be evil or good, DO tend to gravitate to churches and large groups. Now my larger question is this: Which larger group is more able to correct evil being done within? I would have to say it is the LDS church, which is family-centered and not cult like. I believe strongly in the power of the LDS family unit because it seems very much like every strong family unit I have seen in my life, regardless of church.

I find that Catholics and others like them (Jehovah Witness) are trained to be united as a family in their allegience to the church leaders which is different from being united as a family and then choosing a church to go to, as a family.

When a church practices 'shunning' or other practices where the church is placed BEFORE the family, then it is indiciative of a core flaw in that church, IMO. I do not see the LDS church shunning people on an official level, so I see it as being more sympathetic to the needs of families and the children whom those families are supposed to protect.

Anyway, I liked your post very much and I agree.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Wow am I an idiot. Please delete this mods, it was posted in the completely wrong thread! Had it open for reference purposes only and hit reply to this one instead of the other one!

[edit on 22/3/08 by an3rkist]

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Black Sword

Doesn't really matter what Plato thought, mother nature is quite clear that sodomy is unnatural. Any MD will verify that.

This thread was brought back to life, so I thought I would touch upon this subject of sodomy. I have asked this question many times on this site and no one has EVER answered it. I feel I must ask it again:

If sodomy is "un-natural" and a sin, etc. (and of course you all are talking about men having sex with other men when you discuss this), is it also a sin for a man and a woman to engage in sodomy? Because, let's face it and be honest, most if not almost all men enjoy oral sex and by definition it is sodomy. So is it a sin? It says in the quote above that even an MD will tell you that sodomy is un-natural.

So, is oral sex un-natural and a sin(if it's a man and a woman)?

If a man and a woman engage in anal sex, is that a sin?

I would love some answers because no one EVER wants to touch this!

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:54 PM
Wanna clear something up....

The problem with Mormonism is that people believe there is only one Mormon group.There are in fact over 20 different groups.The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is by far the largest.

As someone mentioned earlier in the thread,the LDS Church banned the practice of polygamy in the late 1800's.(though the term should be polygyny,which is one man married to several women.polygamy means one man married to several women or one woman married to several men.)

After Utah became the center of the LDS faith,many left the Church when polygamy was banned but they chose to remain in the state.They then formed their own churches,this is why Utah still has a high percentage of plural marriages.And it is also why they have many cases of sexual abuse,mainly against young women.

Some Mormon groups that have bases in Utah and still practice plural marriages are;Apostolic United Brethren./Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints./Latter Day Church of Christ (Kingston Clan]/The United Latter-day Church of Jesus Christ.

[edit on 29-3-2008 by jakyll]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

True, it's the person who commits the evil crime. But the church has also committed an evil, abusive crime. That does not mean Mormons are evil as individuals, there are many good people in the church. The issues in these lawsuits in the State of Washington is that by State Law, the Church has long been mandated to report any instance of child abuse to the police. The issue and why they are losing these lawsuits is that the abuse was reported to the Bishops, sometimes by multiple people, and they did absolutely nothing to protect these children. Nothing. In fact, they swept it under the rug and covered it up, which caused more kids to be abused. They did not even warn parents or take steps to keep the abuser from having contact with kids. Now they deny it happened and refuse to take responsibility. The perpetrator did the act, but the church furthered it and increased the damage done by not obeying the law and turning the perpetrators over to the police - even when the perps admitted to the bishops they were abusing the children! Disgusting.... disgusting.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
reply to post by Black Sword

Doesn't really matter what Plato thought, mother nature is quite clear that sodomy is unnatural. Any MD will verify that.

This thread was brought back to life, so I thought I would touch upon this subject of sodomy. I have asked this question many times on this site and no one has EVER answered it. I feel I must ask it again:

If sodomy is "un-natural" and a sin, etc. (and of course you all are talking about men having sex with other men when you discuss this), is it also a sin for a man and a woman to engage in sodomy? Because, let's face it and be honest, most if not almost all men enjoy oral sex and by definition it is sodomy. So is it a sin? It says in the quote above that even an MD will tell you that sodomy is un-natural.

So, is oral sex un-natural and a sin(if it's a man and a woman)?

If a man and a woman engage in anal sex, is that a sin?

I would love some answers because no one EVER wants to touch this!

I'll get right on this one.

Hebrews 13:4 (King James Version) Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

And, we'll throw in some OT stuff too.

Song of Solomon 2:3 (King James Version)

3As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Song of Solomon 4:16 (King James Version) 16Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

There's PLENTY more in Song of Solomon, those were just the quickest examples I could come up with.

(Edit to add: Song of Solomon is about a man and woman who fall in love and get married.)

[edit on 13-1-2009 by sir_chancealot]

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