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all drugs are bad i tell you

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posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 09:28 AM
The problem with anti-drug laws is that sometimes they cause more problems than they solve. Have you seen some of the ways these drug smugglers have tried to smuggle drugs?

I read an article about how this baby turned up missing in Mexico and the authorities finally found it dead, cut open and with drugs stuffed inside. >.o;

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 09:43 AM

IMO, your post is both narrow minded, ignorant and foolish.

I also believe it may have been worded poorly.

I think, for the most part, you mean "illegal" drugs.

As for pescription medicine (drugs), personally, I would be dead-slowly and painfully-without my medicine.
I am not saying it does not have bad side effects, but not taking it has worse side effects-I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as illegal drugs-have you ever taken any?
If not, how do YOU know they are bad......

What is an illegal drug today, can be legal tomorrow. So once it has been made legal, is it now ok?

Now lets hit the issue of internation law. That is to say, what is illegal in one country IS legal in another.

lets hit additiveness as a sign of a bad drug. Well, all pain killers are, medically prescribed steriods are, alcohol is, nicitine is.

IMO, it is not an issue of what is best for everyone, but a $$$$$$$$$$ issue


posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
if drugs were harmless, they would be legal.

No if politicians weren't making a fortune on them they would be legal. A fine example was the whole “Hunt for bin Laden” deal in Afghanistan as a means to seize the opium trade. The Bush family has a history of making a fortune on opium/heroine. If they were made legal, they would lose the majority of their monetary value.

You could just as easily say that just because a majority of the population are gluttons and weigh in some cases twice and three times what they should that we should put restrictions on how much the public eats and make certain foods illegal.

On that same basis you can also say that alcohol should be illegal because a majority can't enjoy a couple drinks a day or whatever, but rather stay so drunk they can't function in life.

The whole thing boils down to self control not the substance itself. There is just too much money made on the ones dependent on drugs to legalize them.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 12:02 PM

You could just as easily say that just because a majority of the population are gluttons and weigh in some cases twice and three times what they should that we should put restrictions on how much the public eats and make certain foods illegal.

Yes, I think they should actually. Or put restrictions on the lifestyle itself. I actually recently made a podcast on this topic, titled "The War on Fat". I think that if people decide to have that lifestyle, they should have to pay for their own medicare, pay more for insurance, etc.

On that same basis you can also say that alcohol should be illegal because a majority can't enjoy a couple drinks a day or whatever, but rather stay so drunk they can't function in life.

As of yesterday, studies were published that say that not even moderate drinking is good for you, as previously believed to decrease heart disease, etc. So there is now NO REASON for people to be drinking poison at all. Because that's literally what alcohol is, poison.

Put a cork in it
Alcohol may not be so good for you

VICTORIA - People who have been drinking red wine in an attempt to stave off heart disease may be disheartened by the results of a University of Victoria study that suggests alcohol likely offers little protection against illness.

"Apologies. It must be so confusing," Dr. Tim Stockwell, director of the Centre for Addictions Research of B.C., said, referring to a study that contradicts research that says moderate drinking helps prevent heart disease.

Put a cork in it

Source 2

Source 3

A small number of doctor-prescribed drugs are okay when used correctly, as directed by your doctor. We don't need flu shots. And we don't need any drugs or substances that are used for recreational use. If your life is so bad that you have to dope yourself up to make it bearable, that's your problem.

I agree that the FDA and other such organizations are making far too much money to stop any time soon. Drug companies can't make nearly as much money off of natural herbal cures that are proven just as effective and less side-effects than synthetic drugs.

The problem with anti-drug laws is that sometimes they cause more problems than they solve. Have you seen some of the ways these drug smugglers have tried to smuggle drugs?

Why are people so obsessed with purposefully harming themselves anyways? I think the real issue is how so many people are so messed up that they 'have to' take things that are detrimental to their health. There is a heck of a lot more to life than drugs and sex. Why do people have to be so narrow-minded. Enjoy the real good things in life, running around having fun in innocent ways that don't hurt anyone.

Here is a great idea......if you think drugs are evil and harmful and of no good use...DON"T DO THEM. Simple!!

That doesn't help me from having to listen to stoners and alcoholics talk about how high/drunk they are going to get tonight, and being constantly surrounded by second-hand smoke outside of any major building, and having to sit beside them and smell alcohol/smoke all day, and be awkwardly harrassed by people who are drunk/high. Try telling my friend who has heard voices and seen ET (while not high) ever since trying pot that it isn't bad for them, or my uncle who killed himself because of it.

The people who eat too much, drink, smoke, or do anything else stupid and harmful are usually the poor people in society who have nothing else, so thus they pay less tax because they make less income. Then the people who have good paying jobs and are smart enough to NOT do drugs are paying a disproportional amount of tax for when these people get cancer, liver disease, heart disease, mental illness, etc.

In my opinion, bring back prohibition. Make all drugs Schedule I (illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute [sell, trade or give].) People aren't responsible enough to take care of themselves, plus there are NO NEED for these substances anyways.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 12:42 PM

Originallyposted by Yarcofin
The people who eat too much, drink, smoke, or do anything else stupid and harmful are usually the poor people in society who have nothing else, so thus they pay less tax because they make less income. Then the people who have good paying jobs and are smart enough to NOT do drugs are paying a disproportional amount of tax for when these people get cancer, liver disease, heart disease, mental illness, etc.

In my opinion, bring back prohibition. Make all drugs Schedule I (illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute [sell, trade or give].) People aren't responsible enough to take care of themselves, plus there are NO NEED for these substances anyways.

When you say that drug users are usually poor people, that's like saying air breathers are usually poor people. Because of the dispropotionately large number of poor people compared to middle and upper class. That being said, every class has it's vices, as I'm sure you have yours.

To the point of bringing back prohibition, and criminalizing everything...:w:

Why not take away salt and pepper to flavor your meal, it's not NEEDED. While we're at it, lets take away televisions and radio, people aren't responible enough to own a TV and not become a lazy couch potato. I'm also going to take away rediculous ties. They upset me and are an eyesore. I don't need to see those when I'm walking in to work.


posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
As of yesterday, studies were published that say that not even moderate drinking is good for you, as previously believed to decrease heart disease, etc. So there is now NO REASON for people to be drinking poison at all. Because that's literally what alcohol is, poison.

The only beverage that I can speak personally for is low ABV unfiltered beer as in craft or homebrewed beers. I've never found negative facts on comsuming unfiltered beer in moderation. I enjoy a couple of my homebrews a day myself.

Of course one should be wise as to what they consume, but as in certain foods that cause health complications, alot of people (me included) overlook it even after seeing the 'studies'. There again 'moderation' plays a role.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:08 PM
I certainly understand the views that all drugs are bad,but sadly things aren't black and white. There is thick gray area in between. If you are religious,in the bible it doesnt state anywhere about natural/herbal drugs. It mentions alcohol though,as that was made by man,but marijuana,peyote are naturally grown,and undergo no changes by man. I believe those drugs should be used to further expand the boundaries of the human mind. They open up your brain to a slightly alternate perception of reality not noticed without meditation.These drugs become "bad" when used habitually,as with alcohol.I guess what i was just sayting was that as long as they are used for self-exploration,then i have nothing against them.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
if drugs were harmless, they would be legal, and used by the masses. but they are illegal, for a reason too...

I just re-read this thread and this statement jumped out at me, "if drugs were harmless, they would be legal".....?

Alcohol is legal and alcohol certainly isn't harmless. For that matter, there are many, many substances that, although legal, are far from harmless.

I can only assume that there are some people who trust that their governments have their best interests at heart. That a government will be always focused on the good of the society and that it will do everything possible to protect the citizenry from harm.

It's a false belief that a government would ban a substance -- any substance -- in order to protect it's citizens from the wretched harm that a substance can cause. When I read a statement like this, I realize how much people simply accept, without question, the governments' take on things. To simply accept what a government says is to relinquish ones independence of thought. Instead of thinking for themselves, instead of asking questions, researching and learning the truth for themselves, people are simply allowing someone else to think for them. This, my friend is ignorance and, like ATS's motto says, I choose to deny ignorance and embrace knowledge.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Alright well I read like the 1st few post....and to be honest I'm too lazy to finish reading all the rest of you guy's BS.
All I have to say is yeah! Drugs are bad...COME on the obvious has def. been stated...what were you born under a rock or something???
Bad things are fun to do....
And doing drugs when I was teenager taught me so many life lessons.......
If you can learn from it then you can grow....
Life's to short....
Go out there get fu!@ up, have a good time, experience things, live life to it's fullest, experience the bad the, learn, and grow from it.

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.”

[edit on 4-4-2006 by TetraSpace5]

[edit on 4-4-2006 by TetraSpace5]

[edit on 4-4-2006 by TetraSpace5]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:24 PM
Are you sure your not living under a rock?

Scientists and doctors all over the place are finially realizing Marijuana is actually healthy for you. It's simply a problem of people spewing lies about harmful effects when there are no medical facts to actually back it up. Meanwhile marijuana studies are being done allover the place in the medical field and it's coming up time and time again that it's quite healthy for the lungs.

It's a simple fact. Marijuana doesn't kill people like fox news will have you to believe.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:32 PM
children shouldn't do drukqs.

that way more for me.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
So there is now NO REASON for people to be drinking poison at all. Because that's literally what alcohol is, poison.

So dramatic. Obviously you forgot people drink to get drunk. Thats the REASON. Poison that takes over 40 years to kill someone isnt worth worrying about to everyone. To you it is, to others it isnt.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
If your life is so bad that you have to dope yourself up to make it bearable, that's your problem.

Walk a mile in their shoes.
While I do not condone wasting your life like this, I have seen first hand why people choose to do this. You say its their problem yet you are whining about how you have to pay extra taxes. LMAO.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
That doesn't help me from having to listen to stoners and alcoholics talk about how high/drunk they are going to get tonight, and being constantly surrounded by second-hand smoke outside of any major building, and having to sit beside them and smell alcohol/smoke all day, and be awkwardly harrassed by people who are drunk/high.

Stop exaggerating.
Choose where you hang out/who you hang out with a little better.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
Try telling my friend who has heard voices and seen ET (while not high) ever since trying pot that it isn't bad for them

I have seen this before, people get high for their first time and act like it was this wild experience. This would have more credit (not that it does anyway) if he was high when this happened, but thats just BS. Your friend is a liar, weed does not cause you to see things. The voices, maybe, but not when he is sober. If he had a bag that was laced with something strong, then maybe. Or maybe he had what is called salvia, then I would believe it. Salvia(which is legal) looks like weed sorta and it can cause you to trip hard. But weed does not do that. That would be caused by a different drug.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
The people who eat too much, drink, smoke, or do anything else stupid and harmful are usually the poor people in society who have nothing else,

Uh huh. Stop right there, thats also BS. Addicts come in all walks of life, from anywhere and everywhere. Your not convincing anyone with those generalizations.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
so thus they pay less tax because they make less income. Then the people who have good paying jobs and are smart enough to NOT do drugs are paying a disproportional amount of tax for when these people get cancer, liver disease, heart disease, mental illness, etc.

Your complaining about this of all things that your taxes go to? Get over it.
You might not realize this yet, but rich/middle income people do drugs, eat unhealthy, and can be stupid too. These things are in no way limited to poor people. If you honestly believe people with good jobs do not do drugs(and I mean everything from coke to '___') then you need a reality check.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
In my opinion, bring back prohibition. Make all drugs Schedule I (illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute [sell, trade or give].)

So your saying we should create more business for gangs. Great idea. Wanna guess what your taxes are gonna go to next?

You cant stop people from doing what they want, history will repeat itself.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
if drugs were harmless, they would be legal, and used by the masses. but they are illegal, for a reason too...

So can I infer from this that it's your opinion cigarettes and alcohol are not harmful?

I personally don't think the amount of recreational drug users would change significantly if they were all legalized. There would be some fluctuation at first but it would average out and be about the same.

[edit on 043030p://4u10 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
i felt i should warn any people considering taking up drugs, dont matter what your friends said... every drug in the world is bad, yes even weed. if drugs were harmless, they would be legal, and used by the masses. but they are illegal, for a reason too...

They could be but If you avoid al of them your whole life in the end you still die. I am reminded of something Dennis Leary said about quitting smoking." If you enjoy smoking, smoke on. The ten years you gain is the ten you don't want. I actually would enjoy smoking but it makes me feel so bad that I am forced to quit.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:26 PM

I'm definately very thankful for taking up marijuana because it made me realize my own material blindness. It enlightened me in a way because I started thinking about things I'd never thought about. The finer things in life. To accept life and be welcoming to other people rather then hating everything and everybody in the world.

Great quote. If more people opened their minds and shut their mouths and actually found out things for themselves this world would be a much better place to live in.

The one and only reason that a harmless drug like marijuana is still illegal today is because it is grown naturally, hence no large pharmaceutical company is required to make it, which means Uncle Sam aint getting his cut of the $$. The lobby on behalf of drug companies is so gigantic and overwhelming. They pay millions every year to guarantee that they will be the only drug pushers on the block. Instead of smoking pot, which again is entirely natural with few or no side effects (other than the munchies) they would rather you pay $250 for a bottle of pills (poison) that was made in a lab by Merck that contains God knows what, makes you crap your pants with explosive diarhea, leads to irregular heartbeat, causes irratic and manic behavior and renders you impotent. No thanks buddy, I'll pass. Can't smoke pot, but you can slug back a fifth of Wild Turkey and act like a jackass and beat your kids or plow your SUV into a family of five. Great. Awesome. How does one justify that with a straight face? What misguided logic these fools perpetrate.

But I see your point, if the government tells you something is bad, you had best believe them. Because after all, the government would never lie to you, Right? Plus we all know that the government has your well being and best interest in mind at all times, right? Riiiiggghhht

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:44 PM
Some drugs are great. You just gotta do em in moderation.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:15 PM

So dramatic. Obviously you forgot people drink to get drunk. Thats the REASON. Poison that takes over 40 years to kill someone isnt worth worrying about to everyone. To you it is, to others it isnt.

I personally don't see the difference between committing suicide immediately, and knowingly killing yourself over years with substances.

Choose where you hang out/who you hang out with a little better.

You can't when they are in public places like school and work that you have no choice but to be.

Why not take away salt and pepper to flavor your meal, it's not NEEDED. While we're at it, lets take away televisions and radio, people aren't responible enough to own a TV and not become a lazy couch potato. I'm also going to take away rediculous ties. They upset me and are an eyesore. I don't need to see those when I'm walking in to work.

Ironically, I completely agree with your apparent attempt at being overdramatic. Ties are indeed the most nonfunctional, pointless piece of attire ever. I agree with you on that one. I'd also get rid of the constant drone of "The Worst of The 80s" that I have to listen to all day at work. It's like people can't actually just work in silence, or else they'd have to actually think. Anything non-functional or non-productive should be removed. Yes I wouldn't mind taking away pepper and salt (hardly use them anyway), TV, radio, heck... this computer for that matter. Stop making artificial chemicals. Get completely back to basics. Sounds like a good idea to me. If things keep going like they are, we're going to be there before long anyway, whether we want to or not.

Except all of those things are functional, at least to some extent. You can use radio/TV for getting information, you can use computers to make work faster and easier (too bad idiots use them to play solitare all day instead, though). Substance abuse is not functional to anything, and does not help in any way, except to temporarily make you forget problems (while creating even more in the process).

It's easy to wallow in our own crapulence, but it's better to actually do something.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:22 PM
A women I know - xboyfriends mother had glaucoma at young age- was prescribed 4 j's a day, not small one's but huge j's - in order to not go blind!
She had been prescribed by the doctor to do this for the rest of her life, when I met her she had been smoking it for 20years doctors orders, during the last 10 years she obtained her Master's degree & her Doctrine!

She never had ANY problem with memory failing, she sailed through her classes with straight A's. Would it do that for everyone? I don't know, I'm only telling you she was one smart cookie, who toked away, in order to See, and she is forever greatful for every day that she SEE'S the Sun shining & the faces of her children!
But she never lost any short term or long term memory and she still smoking it on Doctor's orders!

[edit on 4-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 07:51 PM
I guess this means i need to give up all fruit and vegetables, not to mention all meats, since drugs are fed to the cattle. I just recently read that Vitamin C really does prevent cancer effectively. Eating raw rat guts cures scurvy too, i guess that is evil too to eat raw rat guts? You know I eat tons of blueberries and I heard recently if you eat large amounts of them they make you feel reaal good and "high". HAHA. I also heard recently that exercising gives you a real good high, all those natural endorphins and hallucinogenics in my own mind, oh but the federal government just said recently that it is evil. Thousands of years of use of hallucinogenics but oh no that was when people were stupid. Of course they also chased after each other and went stir crazy murdering people for the sun gods, hey they still do it today, wow some things never change. It seems to me that William S.Burroughs lived into his late 70's or 80's and was a heroin junkie for 80% of his life. Also, the maker of '___' just recently turned 100. I guess if he dies soon that means people should be wary of the use of drugs the government deems uneeded for the public. If the government demanded you to take prescription drugs to destroy the recptors in your brain so you could never feel good again, I bet that would be good? Of course, you can then take SSRI's so you won't feel so sad you will never be able to get high from exercise or alcohol ever again. Give us your money, stop exercising and eat this government mandated sugar drug, and shut up, Bill Orielly says so. HAHA. Drugs are just chemicals, everday you probably eat all kinds of junk that will kill you and you breath air that is bad for you and you eat rotting corpses, but stay away from the illegal drugs cause the government and me say so. Here, take this clean speed that we call ritalin, here the government mandates your child needs this, but how dare you use "dirty" speed made by some backwoods chemist. How dare you use something that we have not manufactured or approved. How dare you take '___' and not our SSRI's. Are you a commie? Or worse are you an atheist? Don't you love our politicians, they know what's best for your body and mind, they control your body and mind. As, they have said before, "we are your reality", as one of the politicos once said. Take our "food" and our "drugs" and ignore all these almost free ones. Don't grow your own food, just come buy it from our Agricultural Illegal Immigrant slaves, ooops, I meant hard working geniuses. We need more money so we can bring you more sweeteners and cell phones that give you that lovely cancer. Please get in your car, and hopefully you will get hit by one of our sugar junkies on the road, or better sign up for the Army so you can breath depleted uranium and take your cancer vaccine. Don't forget we own your children and hopefully they won't leave our market and hopefully we can get them hooked early and into our $$$ food and drugs. The oxygen we breath is a drug, oh no, maybe we should have a campaign to convince the general public that getting rid of 90% of them is in their best interest, oh I almost forgot that is already happening.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 08:02 PM
Air is necessary to life.
Fruits and vegetables are good for you.

Don't skew the debate with ridiculous references like that.

Yes we need to have meat that isn't pumped full of growth horomones, we can let animals grow naturally for a few weeks instead, and just pay a bit higher.

I see nothing wrong with eating rat guts, but fyi, tea made of pine needles work just as well. That's how the natives helped the American settlers fight it off.

Yes exercise releases endorphins, but definately not hallucinagins. And the government never said it was evil.... people can't detect sarcasm over the internet, so don't list false facts in an attempt to be funny.

You have proven absolutely nothing, and made yourself look like a complete idiot in the process. Yeahhh, score one for the pro-drug side dude.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

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