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all drugs are bad i tell you

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posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:12 PM
worksoft, you don't come off as being very sophisticated, neither am I, but I don't go spewing non-sense all about.

What kind of people like to smoke it? And who is hiding the fact that they do?

There is also evidence that suggests pot does not or may even prevent lung cancer (and other cancers)
Take that!
So try on some independent critical thinking skills, there may be room in your head to fit some in.
Just don't believe the hype.

Removed Personal References

2e.) Illegal Activity: Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden

[edit on 4-3-2006 by worldwatcher]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:11 PM
Some drugs are bad like nicotine or w.e...but like the kind that doctors subscribe to you are good for you at the moment...they only are bad for you if you abuse them...thats basically how it is with any abuse it and they are bad.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Don't you love it when stupid people try to dictate how the rest of us are supposed to live?
Here is a great idea......if you think drugs are evil and harmful and of no good use...DON"T DO THEM. Simple!! You do what's best for you and your's and leave the rest of us responsible tax paying recreational drug users to our own devices. I already have a mom...and she doesn't tell me what to do either.

and remember boys and girls ...a joint every now and good for the best of men

friggin pee narc

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:10 PM
Please do remember our Terms and Conditions and behave yourselves. There's no need to discuss your personal habits or encourage others to do the same.

2e.) Illegal Activity: Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden.

Remember the topic, drugs are bad. mmmkay.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:29 PM
There is another point I would like to bring up.

While it can certainly be argued that (some) drugs are harmful, should this be sufficient reason to brand drug users as criminals?

In 2004 alone (link) there were 771,600 arrests for marijuana-related offenses. Of these hundreds of thousands of people, 87% were arrested for simple possession of cannabis.

This is a huge problem-- our prisons are overcrowded to an extreme, and they are a heavy burden on the taxpayers and the governments responsible for their construction, maintenance, and staffing.

So, is the fact that drugs can be bad for you really a sound reason for this?

I don't think so... and until 1937, neither did the federal government.

What about you?

[edit on 3-4-2006 by The Parallelogram]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
There is another point I would like to bring up.

While it can certainly be argued that (some) drugs are harmful, should this be sufficient reason to brand drug users as criminals?

In 2004 alone (link) there were 771,600 arrests for marijuana-related offenses. Of these hundreds of thousands of people, 87% were arrested for simple possession of cannabis.

This is a huge problem-- our prisons are overcrowded to an extreme, and they are a heavy burden on the taxpayers and the governments responsible for their construction, maintenance, and staffing.

So, is the fact that drugs can be bad for you really a sound reason for this?

I don't think so... and until 1937, neither did the federal government.

What about you?

[edit on 3-4-2006 by The Parallelogram]

i have 3 words for you second hand smoke. how do you think a non smoker would feel if a bunch of smokers passed by and a could of smoke smacked em in the face? theyd be pissed and comlpain. that and restaurant complaints is why theyre trying to ban smoking cigs everywhere which i think is a great idea.

ask any doctor, ask 10 doctors if thats what it takes, ask em if smoking weed in moderation is ok. want to know what theyll say? theyll say, smoking any amount of weed is bad, because they too went to school and were taught the dangers of weed.

can you imagine if weed was legal, how completely different and zoned out people would be? it would be a bad thing. and what democratic civilized country would want anything to do with a country which legalized weed?

i could go on and on and on about the dangers and risks of making weed legal but it wont happen in canada with the conservatives anyway so ill leave it at that. if you still think weed in moderation is good explain your reason and ill give you one to counter it.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
can you imagine if weed was legal, how completely different and zoned out people would be? it would be a bad thing. and what democratic civilized country would want anything to do with a country which legalized weed?

If it was made legal, would you start using it?

Your assumption is that if made legal, everyone would suddenly start using it. The only difference is that people who are responsible enough to use it sensibly would no longer be at risk of legal action for a statistically harmless pursuit.

If you are so concerned about health and prolonging life, you've got far bigger fish to fry than bad-mouthing drugs. Why not try saying all cars are bad because they sure kill a hell of a lot more people than drugs. Or is that a bit too much perspective for you?

I don't condone drugs, but I condemn the idiots who abuse them because THEY are the problem, NOT the drugs.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:50 AM
final verdict on weed is that it's actually healthy for you. Maybe the smoking aspect is a little unhealthy but it doesn't come close to tobacco and alcohol which are legal and way more harmful.

If you smoke marijuana through a vapourizer all harmful effects are removed and it's nothing but pure healthy goodness.

Marjiuana expands bloodcells rather then constricting them like tobacco.

The facts don't lie. Marijuana is healthy for you so toke a bowl. It's good for the body and soul.

Information Courtesty of a three year study from the Canadian Senate and Medical Association of Canada. The facts don't lie. Nobody is dying from marijuana.

Ozzy is a bit of a bad example since he's done alot of hard chemical drugs but the fact and the truth is marjiuana is healthy for you. I know some musicians through a music store who are 70-80 and they toke every day, always wreak of weed and they come out of yearly checkups with more then flying colours.

Marijuana has gotten nothing but a bad wrap. All because in the 30's the government lied about the health effects so everybody thought it was the devil.

Marijuana is a blessing not a curse. If you were to discover that yourself rather then listen to ficticious lies then you would understand.

Alright now!
Won't you listen?

When I first met you, didn't realize
I can't forget you or your surprise
You introduced me to my mind
And left me wanting you and your kind

I love you. Oh you know it.

My life was empty forever on a down
Until you took me, showed me around
My life is free now, my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf - though you can't hear,

Come on now - try it out

Straight people don't know what you're about
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief
And soon the world will love you sweet leaf.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:54 AM
I would just like to thank you for this:

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard

even caffein should be avoided... if you drink more than 2 cups a day, you increase your risk of osteoporosis by 82 percent. osteoporosis:abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones. i think thats reason enough for caffein.

I'm always drinking coffee... reading that just instantly made me cut down!

Thank you!

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:59 AM
Interesting point. Whats most interesting about our society is we consume things because we think they are healthy merely because they are legal. Alcohol and tobacco are terribly terribly harmful. Way more harmful then Marjiuana. I've smoked tobacco for a year and then I smoked marjiuana for the next following year as my own personal study and after a few months of smoking marjuana all the unhealthy effects of tobacco were gone. I started developing some really bad lungs through tobacco but marijaua hasn't done anything.

If anything it's expanded my lung capacity because I'm a much better runner then I was when I was a tobacco head. I couldn't run worth squat on tobacco. Doesn't seem to be a problem after my year of marijauan. I'm actually the healthiest I've ever been.

So don't knock what you do not know or haven't tried. Marjiuana is a blessing not a curse. The facts don't lie. Mariajaua isn't killing people.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
how do you think a non smoker would feel if a bunch of smokers passed by and a could of smoke smacked em in the face? theyd be pissed and comlpain.

Not everyone would complain, just people who like to whine. I dont complain about farms when I am by one and smell cow manure. I dont wish to stop people from driving cars because they pollute my air. Alot of people realize the world does not revolve around them. The world is full of things your gonna not like, get over it.

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
ask any doctor, ask 10 doctors if thats what it takes, ask em if smoking weed in moderation is ok. want to know what theyll say? theyll say, smoking any amount of weed is bad, because they too went to school and were taught the dangers of weed.

And that is why they there is medical marijuana and a growing support for it? I would hope these doctors would have a better reason to say its bad then because school told them so.

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
can you imagine if weed was legal, how completely different and zoned out people would be? it would be a bad thing. and what democratic civilized country would want anything to do with a country which legalized weed?

Once upon a time weed was legal and nothing went to hell.
I would imagine that if weed were legalized there would be an age limit similar to alcohol. I dont think it would be the end of the world. There would still be people who dont smoke weed. I could say less people would smoke it with the same credibility you have in saying more people would.

As far as other countrys opinon of us, when did that stop us from past decions? Its absurd to say our diplomatic relations would change because we legalized the plant. For all you know other countries might follow.

For the record, I dont smoke weed, I dont smoke cigarettes, and I dont drink. I think its important to put this here so you realize my stance on this issue isnt forced by defualt.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:11 AM
My my my,

What an interesting thread.

There are many cases where 'drugs' lead to killing people - prescription, illegal or whatnot. But - If used properly, they are MOST useful!!

Take anti-depressants. If used properly, with cognitive therapy, they can aid a patient so as not to commit suicide. Sometimes, unfortunately ther initial impact increases their energy level and they 'do the deed'.

Anything, used too much (including water) can become an overdose and clog the system, resulting in death.

A lot of illegal drugs are illegal because of the terrible side effects they produce.

***"But if you take a drug that has more of a positive than side affect on your body, it is very useful and 'not bad for you'. "***

Would you rather die of heart attack or live for another 20 years and possibly I don't know... go to the toilet more often (just an example - I don't know any real side effects from heart attack medication).

Admittedly there are most likely a lot of ways medication these days interact with our systems that we are unaware of but: - they do prolong life in most cases. How can that be bad?

- Nazgarn

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:20 AM
ON top of that one thing I've discovered in my personal experience is Marijuana is more of an intelligensia thing.

In my personal situation I grew up through highschool hating weed and potheads because I was told it was bad and people who smoked it were bad. But then when I started University my mind was opened up because all the smartest people at the university were tokers. It's an intellect thing I quickly discovered.

Even recently scientists have done studies and discovered that while tobacco and alcohol kill brain cells Marijuana actually stimulates braincell growth.

I'm definately very thankful for taking up marijuana because it made me realize my own material blindness. It enlightened me in a way because I started thinking about things I'd never thought about. The finer things in life. To accept life and be welcoming to other people rather then hating everything and everybody in the world.

The truth is marijuana brings people together.

Weed made me really care for my fellow man. And actually question the lifestyle television dictates to us. I'm forever thankful that I freed my mind of material well-being. It got me to think about things I never even considered. That this material blindness wasn't the be all end all of this world.

So if your trash talking marjiuana simply because you think your the newest biggest expert after reading some marijuana hit piece from fox news I got big news for you friend. You have been lied to. More and more doctors are beginning to change their mind because they are realizing Marijuana isn't killing anyone,. that it doesn't harm lungs.

There have been studies done where people with glacoma have had revitalization of their visual chords after smoking marjiuana. There have been studies done where people with Asthma have been cured after smoking marijuana a few times.

Marijuana is a blessing and not a curse. If you even dare think that it's bad after reading a one sided government article well maybe you should STFU and try it yourself.

Marijuana will make you see the light. IT will introduce you to meditation, it will get you to see the world differently as in more compassion.

In my experience of marjiuana I haven't started seeing little green leprachons. I don't here little people's voices in my head. I'm still the same person I was before, just more enlightened. It doesn't make you see rainbows. All it does is give you euphoria. The very same feeling after one or two beers minus the dead braincells from alcohol.

Marijuana is a blessing and not a curse.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
..if drugs were harmless, they would be legal...

In the EU, cinnamon is regulated due to its coumarin content (very slightly blood liquifiying, considering today's cardiovascular dieases, this should be of therapeuthic value, actually, but it's rather heavily regulated) while Absinthe is legal
go figure.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:42 AM
No, I'm not wishing death on anyone, merely pointing out that if we're to worry about dangerous, habit-forming substances, we'd better start with air.

Air is so habit-forming, the user is hooked from the first breath. And the withdrawal symptoms are pretty extreme: if you stop taking the stuff, you die. In minutes.

It's also dangerous: air contains oxygen, a highly inflammable gas that is known to be a primary cause in all fires. It's also full of nitrogen, which promotes fungal growth, carbon dioxide, a deadly greenhouse gas, and a whole bunch of other poisons, such as carbon monoxide. It is alive with bacteria, pollens and a host of other allergens and pathogens. Most of these components are invisible and odourless, making them very hard or impossible to detect. Thus breathing is one of the most dangerous things a human being can do; every breath is potentially fatal.

Help me, somebody, I'm hooked...

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 07:00 AM
Hehe. This thread has been viewed 420.

Happy 420 everyone.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Astyanax
No, I'm not wishing death on anyone, merely pointing out that if we're to worry about dangerous, habit-forming substances, we'd better start with air.

Air is so habit-forming, the user is hooked from the first breath. And the withdrawal symptoms are pretty extreme: if you stop taking the stuff, you die. In minutes.

It's also dangerous: air contains oxygen, a highly inflammable gas that is known to be a primary cause in all fires. It's also full of nitrogen, which promotes fungal growth, carbon dioxide, a deadly greenhouse gas, and a whole bunch of other poisons, such as carbon monoxide. It is alive with bacteria, pollens and a host of other allergens and pathogens. Most of these components are invisible and odourless, making them very hard or impossible to detect. Thus breathing is one of the most dangerous things a human being can do; every breath is potentially fatal.

Help me, somebody, I'm hooked...

You hit the nail on the head.

Air is a drug,

Let the Initial Poster contradict this! I cannot wait !!

- Nazgarn

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 08:15 AM
Im in the "Pot isnt bad, addiction sucks though camp". I think pot has its place in society , it already does like it or not, so lets not demonize it anymore.
[edit on 4-4-2006 by tommyb98201]

[edit on 4-4-2006 by tommyb98201]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 08:37 AM
I hate it when people try and preach when they have no idea what there going on about.

I'll give you that it makes short term memory poor and well if your a naturally depressive person then it might make you go on a bit of a downer from time to time but honestly if you think Cannabis is worse than Tabbaco or Booze then you really dont have a clue what your talking about.

read this

Anyone here like a UK band called the Streets? Mr mike Skinner on his first album (origonal pirate material track 11) is a great song comparing weed to alcohol.

also you think its only recently that Humans have smoked weed and you think people who smoke it are all lazy wasters......I will name GOEORGE WASHINTON & QUEEN VICTORIA as two regualr weedheads and i cant recall exactly what they did my memory sucks.

even god new it was good Genesis 1:12

" And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good."

that wise old fox

As for saying if you walk down the street and breath it in its bad for you i can only stand in awe of you tomfoolery lets not forget all the cars, airplanes & if your ever stood near a BBQ then omg the amount of toxins your inhaled from that alone is worth 1000 ciggys.

On a side not since they banned smoking on airplanes the air is actually MORE unhealthy for you whys this? because befor they used to purge the air tanks with fresh air from outside and now they just recycle it and it is a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of nastys & guess how much money not changing the air in the tanks saved the qirlaines? oh only a few million.

Also i dont think there was a single recored incident of Air rage befor the no smoking ban.

What i hate about the world today is you have so many moaning whiney do gooders who are so worried about getting cancer or what ever that they think everyone should stop doing somthing thats bad for them just because they worry about it.....tbh im certain i will get cancer because all the radiation im pumped with from my PC,Cell, TV, Microwave, Natural radiation, muck in the air.....but you also shock horror might not get it you think surley everyone who smokes dies of lung cancer dont they....wait wait no they dont.

Im not saying if you aint smoked then go out and do it thats retarded, Just dont sprout BS about somthing your never tried and only know is "bad" because teacher said so......& by the by your teacher propbably smokes the stuff his/her self I know people who work in high profile jobs earning 40-50-60k (£) a year in London city at a number of banks & high profile companys who come weekend will be out clubbing hardcore all weekend smoking,popping & snorting and then go back to work suited and booted on the monday & thats the truth about drugs you have no idea how widely there used till you dive into the murky world itself....It's when people steal to get the money for there hit or when they taking so much they actually depend on the drug thats when its a problem.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 08:42 AM
I would like to know how old you are worksoftplayhard... I think age may play a big role in why you think the way you do.

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