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Stop being a know-it-all

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 01:44 PM
Be a know it all, because that is all you can be here any thing less is second class. To morph a popular adage;
" Know it all, or die trying. "

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 01:50 PM
I've so gotta leave this thread alone.. can't stay away lol.

Yes I feel know it alls don't harm the karma in the forum at all. The only people who do are the ones who insult, make things personal, try to show others up and make themselves look superior and people who force their views onto others. Apart from that the more the merrier!

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:37 PM
I apologize if I gave any offense with my southern colloquialism. I was merely echoing the sentiments of the originator of this thread in my own manner of speaking.

If you considered that to be insulting or that I was engaging in "name-calling", for that, I will apologize. As far as the basic idea that I was attempting to express, I stand by that completely. (That is, of course, only my opinion.)

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:59 PM
"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?" Does that old saying apply here to some degree? Or, maybe it is ok to tell someone if they are seriously off track, as long as people do it in a non snotface, non superior way? Still being nice.

The thing I like to remember is not to take being anywhere too seriously. I am here (on Earth and wherever I happen to land) to learn what I need to grow and then move on. Some of the people who post here and on other websites are remarkable people, and sometimes they change me, and I take a piece of their spirit away, and leave a piece of my spirit behind. But for the most part, a thread is just one thread on one website on an internet full of websites and threads.

I personally don't like to be flamed by any kind of aggresive trolls, whether they are intellects or otherwise, or people of different believe systems. I don't care what ages they are I just don't want to be mocked or ridiculed for telling my bizarre but true experiences. I have not found younger people to be any more critical than older fact I love younger people. I love their energy, intelligence, and enthusiam and open minds and sometimes fresh ideas...I even like a little smart alec long as its not mean...mean people suck, whatever the age. I love older people too with their experiences/insights about historical things/people that sometimes no longer exist. I like listening to their years of wisdom, accumulated knowledge, experience, research (personal or otherwise) and hearing their viewpoints after a lifetime of participation in different areas. And, I have found people here at ATS to be quite generous to me overall in the skepticism department...and you are one of them Yarcofin, because you most likely do not believe in everything I say but you have been courteous to me about it. We approach things differently true, Yarcofin you come from the scientific end of things, and I from the experience side of things, and I have found you in all encounters on the board to be fair and helpful towards me, and to offer me feedback/scientific knowledge (esp about astral projection) when asked to assist me in my endeavours...because I would also like to know the truth. (You are intellectual, but I do not believe you are the aggressive type of intellectual troll that Gemwolf is describing.) So, maybe there are silent pacts/agreements being struck here...between members who do not necessarily agree on everything, but who also do not find it necessary to flame one another. That works for me.

There is almost nothing I will not attempt to explain, or offer some theories about, in a fairly noncritical environment, to the best of my ability or even prove or provide evidence of, if I can do so, without also providing people with my personal information, or videos of myself. Because people need to share experiences and knowledge and learn together.

I really hope that people will just continue telling me in an honest but decent way, their thoughts and opinions, on my posts, so I can explore every posssibility, and then when I discover something then I can share it back with everyone.

As far as giving votes out.. I wish people would give me more (can you see me? I am reaching into my pant pockets and pulling them out). Lol.

Gemwolf you brought up a topic that is on many peoples minds and needs discussion. Well done!

[edit on 1-4-2006 by DeeplyAwake]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:49 PM
The only thing that annoys me on the net is the fact people will just make claims that are completely wrong. On both sides of the argument.
It shows an arrogance that frustrates me.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:49 PM
Way to go Gemwolf. Your statement "I hesitate to post here..." rings absolutely true!

I too have opinions, and I will state them as such. I will not try to make my opinion seem as fact.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 11:01 PM
"The only thing I know, is that I know nothing."

- some stupid old greek dude.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:09 AM
I'll second that Kegs...gnôti sauton

Humility is good for the soul!

ATS's very own desert kook at your service!

Direct experience will never replace Google,
and Google won't make you a renaissance man,
for that takes creativity, talent and involvement.

I remember Eisenhower, does that make me senile
or a soon to be archaeological research project?

Who can know himself well enough to speak for all?
Who is so well founded to hear all?
The sage says 'Shape clay into a vessel;
cut doors and windows for a room;
it is the spaces with which make it useful'.

So we must listen for the spaces between us.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:54 AM
Gemwolf, that was a super post.

But I would also like to add that we have some rookies here who need to go to high school first before posting their looney tunes on ATS.

It takes all types to make this world. But what the heck, do we have to suffer juvenile delinquents and some who haven't reached the ripe age of puberty as yet?

Do we excuse them and allow rank rascism to permeate many a thread on ATS?

It's not only the know-all attitude of this brat pack that gets my goat but also the 'we are the best' syndrome.

To elucidate, nowadays many posts invariably degenerate into... 'My country is better than yours' syndrome. The usual rant is,
'All other countries are full of idiots, beggars, slaves and terrorists, but my country is the epitome of perfection', etc, etc...

Its absulutely sickening. Take the case of the ATSer from Iran. The poor guy has been trashed no end. Why? Because he's from Iran and anything to do with it is evil and needs to be screwed till kingdom come.

Damn! It should have been possible to have a minimum educational qualification/age filter on ATS.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by mikesingh]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Damn! It should have been possible to have a minimum educational qualification/age filter on ATS.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by mikesingh]

After denouncing racism you want to discriminate against those less fortunate (educationally) or those younger. How can you denounce one form of discrimination yet in the same breath advocate another.

I never finished high school because i needed to work on my familys property after my parents divorced, by your reasoning i would have no right to be here because im not college educated. Good thing im in my forty's or id suffer the age barrier as well.

Get real.

If this is to be a true reflection of a community then all must have a voice, it just needs to be monitored. Which i think the Mods do very well here on ATS.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:11 PM
in some instances i see people speaking from experience and being countered by people whom are also speaking from experience. both are the product of their experience, they have just had different experiences, it don't make them wrong.

now, if someone is being a 'google genius' then by all means skin 'em alive cause they annoy me too. just try to notice the difference.

"..a coin and a story both got two sides, pay atttention to both..' M.Twain (?)

[edit on 2-4-2006 by DirtyBoots]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:35 AM
Again I'm left speechless... Me? Speechless? This many times?

After the weekend away I opened ATS this morning with another mother-load of U2U's awaiting me. All congrats, apologies and even more applauses. And a shiny WATS award to wave in front of my opponents' noses.

And those who apologized - no hard feelings. There never were. I'm just glad that we could explain out point of view, even if it was not as clear as we would have liked.

What do I say? Thank you everyone! But I'm still a bit reluctant to accept the praises. All of this feels extremely undeserved. This thread has just about squad to do with conspiracies, yet it won me the popularity contest. Don't get me wrong guys, I'm thankful for each and everyone that supported me in this. I just feel that there are some more deserving threads out there. And how on earth am I going to keep up this kind of standard?

But back to the topic. I see that there isn't much I can add. It looks like everyone (even some of the opposing party) gets it. Well, with the exception of one or two.

Think2much is on exactly the same level as myself - and thank you again think2much - for covering my back.
I couldn't have said it better.

If I can once more take a shot at describing exactly what kind of "Know-it-all" I'm referring to? This is an example. Let's start a thread on Power line communication. Mr Know-It-All knows absolutely nothing about PLC but it sounds like an interesting topic. He needs to say something because he is one of the "big players" on ATS. He does a quick Google search. And this is the part that gets me (and many others)... He makes a post, making it sound like he's been in the PLC business for years. And in the process he looks down on others that tries to take part in the conversation and understand PLC. He then calls another member who has been in the communication business for years, but fails to grasp a certain idea of PLC, an idiot.

See, although Mr Know-it-all took the Fast (Brain)Food road, it doesn't give him the authority on the subject. What he should have done is take part in the conversation and exchanged ideas, and NOT pretend to know everything about PLC. And even worse is - he actually believes that he absolutely understands the topic and that he is right and everyone else is wrong.
In the end. Who wins the debate? The person with the "instant knowledge solution" (Did a quick Google) or the person who has been in communication for ages? Neither. The one who can respectfully explain the facts in such a way that everyone understands and agree.

*** Sigh *** I just repeated what everyone else has been saying in other words. If you still don't get it maybe you should think about that...

Originally posted by Enkidu
Either way, the "problem" isn't with the group. It's with YOU.

That's actually quite funny. You're saying that this problem is ME. Gemwolf. I should pack my bags and leave ATS? But if you look around you, you'll notice that there are a lot of individuals that feels exactly the same way as I do. Now, what do you call a whole lot of individuals? A group? Yes? So you're saying the group should pack their bags and leave. Should I start naming all the mods that gave applauses? Including one of the Three Amigos who gave me several applauses? So you're saying all of us should leave because we're the problem? You can never graduate from ATS. Not unless you know everything, i.e. you Know It All. Oh, the irony.

Sorry to say Enkidu that ATS is stuck with me for a long time to come. There is still much to learn.

Originally posted by think2much
so I do question everything, and I do my own research, and none of this was to ever try to discredit those who use google...I have used google...I have used wikipedia...that is not the main point here you know, it's just when the googleophiles become the subject matter experts in their own minds...then it's gets crazy

Exactly. Google - and other great tools - should serve to better you knowledge base. It shouldn't BE your knowledge base.

Originally posted by toraylin
This post still makes me mad but thats me,I think you guys are being harsh on those who are less aware of the way they treat others,if someone is doing this ,how do you get them to stop?I bet these guys have seen it more than me,though ive seen some bad stuff happen on here. and it usually does happen to those who cant really defend themselves or just dont get into it but get walked all over,kinda like i did to gemwolf,which was not really retaliated.

Thank you for your U2U Toraylin. Hats off to you for saying what you did. I think the purpose of the thread might have been to make some people aware of how they treat others. I guess there is no simple way to stop them. The least you can do is make them think about it. In a month's time this thread will be forgotten and you won't know where you know the names Gemwolf or Think2much from. There will be more new members who show the same dislikeable behaviour. And in 6 months someone else will start this same thread again. But if we in some small way made one person think twice about calling someone else an idiot, we made a difference, no? We saved one person from being called an idiot, and saved him/her from having a bad experience at ATS. Then this thread had some purpose.

Originally posted by invisibleplane
UNITE FOR WHATS RIGHT, not another lame song about who's wrong

Never was a greater truth spoken.

Originally posted by knight
I've so gotta leave this thread alone.. can't stay away lol.

LoL. Tell me about it...

Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
And, I have found people here at ATS to be quite generous to me overall in the skepticism department...and you are one of them Yarcofin, because you most likely do not believe in everything I say but you have been courteous to me about it.
You are intellectual, but I do not believe you are the aggressive type of intellectual troll that Gemwolf is describing.

Thank you. I actually needed to say that, but you said it better!
I think in some cases the wrong people took offence to this thread. Most probably the real I.T.'s never read the thread. And those "I.T.'s" that did are/were on the attack.

Originally posted by DirtyBoots
now, if someone is being a 'google genius' then by all means skin 'em alive cause they annoy me too. just try to notice the difference.

Yay! DirtyBoots for president!

Again, thank you all for your votes and support. My shiny new WATS award feels a bit undeserved, so I'll lend it to everyone who voted for me, for a day each.

[Edit: Grammar]

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Gemwolf]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Landis

I have a question. Hopefully, you won't jump all over me for asking it.

How do you tell the difference between the "Googlers" and the people who know what they're talking about unless you're an expert on any particular subject yourself?

Oh, thank goodness I was gone this weekend so I can just take a deep breathe and find other threads for my attention, but being pulled back here, I will answer.

How do I know the difference between the "Googlers" and those who really know what they're talking about on a subject? I don't. I don't try to. I don't exhort others to try to. I think you are missing the point of this thread entirely. Have you read it entirely?

I'm not sure if you are asking a misunderstood hypothetical question here, or if you trying to imply I must be a hypocritical "know it all" wannabe myself to be implying I could know the difference between "Googlers" and those with expertise on a subject.

I am not jumping down your throat. I just don't understand your intention with your question as it implies either I think we should, or that I can distinguish between "Googlers" and those who may really know what they are talking about... thus making "Googlers" seem as though their threads, or opinions don't count, and/or making me a 'know it all' who presumes I could tell the difference!

Both are in error.

First, I can say I have not intentionally jumped all over anyone for respectfully disagreeing or asking anything. Nor have I said we need to distinguish between the "Googlers" and those who know what they are talking about, or implied I could. I have even said there is nothing wrong with googling for info and I do it myself!

If something interests me, I always question the source and seek their sources too, so I might seek info for myself.

If you feel this thread is just about who REALLY knows it ALL...and only to trust those who REALLY know it all, not anyone who Googles then you are really missing the mark entirely. It's about people that go around calling others idiots and/or trying to prove themselves intellectually, superior by putting others down for their thread's ideas, finds, or their personal opinions, beliefs, etc. and I see alot of it. Things going off topic and the way people get so ugly about it. It makes for a hostile environment and some of us may be more sensitive to it then others, but for me, it's not so much what happens to me, as what happens to others that gets me going. I just feel the injustice of it, and the intimidation of it and I abhor it.

I have only defended gemwolf, (or myself) when I felt he/she (or I) was being attacked or ridiculed here, and the entire purpose of the topic being totally twisted to think it was about one isolated incidence of gemwolf's, or about us getting our feelings hurt somewhere, or that it was EVER about people who "google" for info being "know it alls"!!!

That is simply not the cas, nor what gemwolf was stating...I added my .02 to clarify it wasn't just about google, or "know it all" wannabes ...but about all those who feel they have to insult everyone, other's intelligence, or otherwise intellectually bully on the boards in some way.

Standing behind the theme and topic of this thread, it is about how some people will trash others, call them idiots or try to prove they must be idiots, and twist topics, and do it with intellectual style, so it seems as if they are just "having their say" when it includes bashing another member into the ground...and those who do it at all costs too-even twisting things.

So...that being said, let me pray you are JOKING! Please tell me you are...please tell me you do not think this thread is merely about gemwolf having something against know-it-alls or wannabee know it alls...or that I or gemwolf think we can spot a googler over someone with more knowledge or experience with a subject. Please for the love of ATS tell me you get that.

I am not saying (nor was gemwolf) anyone need judge anyone's credentials as being a certified person of knowledge, vs a googler...the point is, some people-whether they do know all on a subject from formal education, career, life experience etc...or those that google...still find the need to bash others, pick fights, incite confrontations on subjects at and, or otherwise try to point out someone else's weaknesses in intellect, writing style, beliefs, etc. and it should STOP.

I am not perfect, when someone attacks me, or I see them attacking another I am sure I am NOT as civil as I should or could be, but I do not go looking for opportunities to offend as some clearly do.

Hope that answers your question. Best I can do right now...I don't even have time to read the rest of this thread today.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
and thank you again think2much - for covering my back.
I couldn't have said it better.

You bet buddy-as you know- and see by this thread, your u2u box, and new WATS (Congrats!!) this was a topic that needed to be brought up, and your timing was perfect! Well done, it's been my pleasure tyo back you up on this 100%

...and I thank you for brining it up in a serious way, so I could take what bothers me and talk openly about it seriously. This is much better way to bring it up than I would have !
Hopefully it will have/has had a better and broader impact this way.

well done.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:25 PM
I hear you loud and clear. I totaly agree with you.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:26 PM
Please, please, please.. for the love of God can we bury this thread lol!!

Everytime i notice a new post (and I am to blame aswell!
) the conversation seems to be stuck in a loop and 'Gemwolf' and 'think2much' have been repeating the same things over and over.. I think every single pro and con has been mentioned in the previous pages of the thread it's just a simple matter of reading through and trying not to pull at your hair!

At first I admit i was sceptical of the thread but after about the 5th explanation I latched on to the point! Although I don't agree fully, I do feel the general courtesy of mutual respect should be followed by all. At the end of the day we all believe the same things and we are all tied under the banner of ATS, we should initially be a team.

Oh and congrats to Gemwolf on WATS award!

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Knights]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf

Originally posted by Enkidu
Either way, the "problem" isn't with the group. It's with YOU.

That's actually quite funny. You're saying that this problem is ME. Gemwolf. I should pack my bags and leave ATS? But if you look around you, you'll notice that there are a lot of individuals that feels exactly the same way as I do. Now, what do you call a whole lot of individuals? A group? Yes? So you're saying the group should pack their bags and leave. Should I start naming all the mods that gave applauses? Including one of the Three Amigos who gave me several applauses? So you're saying all of us should leave because we're the problem? You can never graduate from ATS. Not unless you know everything, i.e. you Know It All. Oh, the irony.

Sorry to say Enkidu that ATS is stuck with me for a long time to come. There is still much to learn.

Like I said, maybe you've finally graduated. Maybe you've finally evolved past this simple forum, while those who congratulate you are still in its thrall. When what you get from the forum begins to exceed what you put into it, it is perhaps time to go. Just an opinion from someone who has "been there" and "done that."

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 05:19 PM

How do I know the difference between the "Googlers" and those who really know what they're talking about on a subject? I don't. I don't try to. I don't exhort others to try to. I think you are missing the point of this thread entirely. Have you read it entirely

your quote (i'm sure i didn't 'quote' it in the proper ATS fashion, as its not in the little, grey window. oh, well.

to answer your Q. the diffference is experience. for instance, their are several members of this group who have served in the military. if the forum is, say weapons, then i'm gonna pay attention to their answer. they've been there/done that and i haven't. they are speaking from experience, maybe augmented by google, not the other way around.

i hope that explains my position better...

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 03:35 AM
Please don't make this about age. I am 22, and learn a lot of things on the internet. I'm sure you'd agree that many web sources can be reputable. When discussing many of the topics posted on this site (aliens, illuminati, conspiracies) it is pretty impossible to "prove" anything. When it comes to political discussion, all claims should be based on informed thought, not just regurgitation of something you read on a message board.

I mean, that's what we're here for, right? Informed discussion. I guess maybe we all aren't here for that, but age has nothing to do with it. Anyone who believes that the government/media lies... should know to take second-hand information (and that includes reputable news reports) with a grain of salt.

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