I hear you gemwolf-loud and clear and ITA.
(and Valhall is also secretly my hero as well
In addition to what you are saying, I'd like to add my .02 here as it's been eating at me to the point I nearly made a podcast just to rant about
it! Thats just crazy! Me podcasting? Ban the thought-but I nearly did! This will save me that embarrassment.
What has been eatting me is I've observed that there seems to be alot of intellectual immatrurity and intellectual trolling abounding on the boards.
Different than the typical ignorant flaming trolls, the intellectual trolls are trolling to make themselves seem intellectually superior and others in
contrast inferior, without even caring about the topics at hand often.
I often see them say nothing about the actual subject, their personal opinion, or back up their personal opinion with fact or belief, but rather
intellectually attack a poster on one particular point, on their beliefs, their writing style, semantics, etc. anything they can just for the sake of
"winning an arguement" on something. Like an intellectual junkie looking for a quick fix.
This is either how they validate thelselves as superior of intellect, or how they validate themselves in some way by ruffling the feathers of others.
Perhaps they are passive agressive and this is their only means of taking out their anger with a society they don't fit into socially? I don't know,
but they, and their tactics, are quite annoying and growing old on me as I keep seeing it.
Sometimes, within a discussion differnt points and side topics come up I realize, but when someone suddenly comes in throwing intellectual punches and
jumps on some bandwagon to either bash one poster, or a particular side of a debate on an off-topic, or subtopic point, without ever addressing the
original topic, this gangbanging style annoys me to no end as well.
Now a *normal* poster or a mod commenting just on sub topics and making one or two posts is different I understand, so I am not saying thus identifies
them as intellectual trolls, I am just saying quite often that is their M.O. to just fly in and intellectually flame on a side-topic or writing style
or belief of a poster. I myself will step up and put in my opinion on a subtopic too, but I do not ever intend to insult or inflame, intellectually or
otherwise. (as if I could
It is and isn't often quite clear who the intellectual trolls are, and as you point out gemwolf, they are also the type to find some facts and try to
"shutdown" a thread or a poster with thier superior intelligence, when really it may just be a superior writing style, and/or expressive nature,
coupled with some well hidden plagerism, making the less expressive, or less prepared (through lack of plagerism) seem less intelligent or their view
less valid.
Not everyone comes here trying to prove their intellectual worth people. Some people are trying to find truth, or learn, or share ideas, concepts,
etc.,...you know...*Deny Ignorance* and look for others with similar ideas, or those with opposing ones so that both sides can be looked at and thus
well rounded opinions made-it is not a battle of witts on most threads-just a battle of facts and opinions.
It gets really old when people want to make every thread and topic and sub topic and side topic into a hot debate. Join the freakin ATS debate team
and have at it there... let others express themselves openly on the other threads without the constant ridicule.
I'll spare you my entire rant on the subject, (yeah, there is more I had begun a *you might be an intellectual troll if...* top 10 list for my
podcast...but I'll let it go for now!
But yeah, gemwolf, I do understand as I too have an *above average* IQ myself, but am terrible at expressing myself, so I would be an easy target for
an intellectual troll I'm sure.
I will quickly add there is also a problem with people failing to "agree to disagree" on subjects. People, it is NOT a concession of your side, or
view, etc to be able to see, understand, or state an opposing view has validity-if you must wait until the end of an arguement, fine, but
puhleese...for the sake of skippy, realize when you are flogging a dead horse... and let the subject die peaceably...
Here is a tip...when it gets to the point you have to go beyond attacking a posters writing style, or how they express themselves, attempting to
negate their view by then assigning your own biases to them and/or attacking someone's religion, faith, sexual preferences, as lending some type of
credible bias to your views, the time to agree to disagree is at hand folks.
*stepping off my soapbox*
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[edit on 28-3-2006 by think2much]