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Illegal Immigrants:What can we do?

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posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:29 PM
They are the same thing.
Allowing millions of uneducated illegal aliens, basically whoever wants to come, across the border and now giving away citizenship, will only lead to disaster. It will encourage more to come.
And amounts to "outsourcing" in every sense of the word.
Cheap exploitable labor.

Nobody is against immigration. The country was founded upon it.
But there is only so many people that can be absorbed at a time.
When you have a massive relocation, Reconquista, as some have called it,
it fractures the culture. Like somebody said, they want an extra-territorial pan-national mixing zone of countries. Just today, my 60 something year old friend told me how many people in the community of Mexican-Americans are just as displeased as I am. These people are not coming over for any loyalty to the United States. They don't want to join our society. They are impoverished and just want a job.

The Mexican Govt is complicit.
What a corrupt system.
If they didn't have the US as a relief valve for their unemployment problem,
there would be a revolucion within 20 years.
It needs to happen. We have to stop enabling foreign despotic govt's to exploit their own people. The only people benefiting, from illegal immigration are at the top. The govt has to step in and provide social and medical services that the immigrants can't afford themselves due to the low wages and lack of benefits. Meanwhile, the average person in this country's annual salary is reduced $1700 because of a surplus of cheap illegal labor and they pay billions in extra taxes for social services.
This is over 200 billion a year that is not spent by consumers.
Which in turn effects, the money multiplier and the entire demand side of the equation. Our economy is dependant on consumer spending.

I'm sick of politicians saying they take jobs Americans won't do.
No. They take jobs that Americans won't do for below fair market wage.
No American is going to scrub toilets for 5 bucks an hour.
But many would for 10. Janitors use to make a living wage and did ok for meanial labor. Walmart and other businesses are driving this. In construction, everyone is breaking the law, so you have to hire illegal aliens for cheaper than Americans are willing to work to compete.

The wave of illegal Hispanic immigrants to the US in the last few decades is without precedent. There isn't a country on this Earth that would allow it besides the US.

We had the population under control as recently as the 1980s. 2 kids per family is the ideal. Immigrants average 7 ! The country is on track to hit 1 BILLION people by 2100. And who knows how many on the planet - Geography is destiny. The quality of life will go down compared to a sustainable population.

The Catholic Church is one of the root causes of Latin American poverty.
Outlawing birth control amongst poor ignorant people is dooming them to a life of servitude to just stay alive. Tithe tithe tithe ! Keep those pews full.

The only way to fix this problem is come down HARD on businesses that hire illegal aliens. $10,000 fine per head and prison time for repeat offenses along with vigorous enforcment by the authorities would take care of this really fast. The illegals would willingly go back because their motivation to come, a job, is not available.
Meanwhile do everything possible to streamline the legal wait to get in.
We allow more legal immigrants than any other country in the world. We have the 3rd largest population. America is a generous country but this will break her back.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Schaden
They are the same thing.
Allowing millions of uneducated illegal aliens, basically whoever wants to come, across the border and now giving away citizenship, will only lead to disaster. It will encourage more to come.
And amounts to "outsourcing" in every sense of the word.
Cheap exploitable labor.

Wrong...if we do indeed allow most to stay, and grant citizenship, we won't be exploiting anyone. We will be giving them a level playing field. They wont have to wash your toilets for 5 bucks. You gotta pay em minimum wage. It will force them to conform a wee bit. Learn a little more english. Blend a bit more. Its win/win. We get our taxes, and security, and whatever else. They get to live here, without fear, without ridicule (or as much anyway), and earn a decent living. Who doesnt want more people to enjoy the American standard of living? That is sadistic. I wish it on the world. People are so caught up in hate for one thing or another, they forget the positive...these people are breaking laws, doing crappy/hard jobs for change, and are treated like dirt...and they still come here! Its America! Everything else sucks, but you gotta try hard to starve. Thats all that matters to them, and its all that should matter to you too.

These people are not coming over for any loyalty to the United States. They don't want to join our society. They are impoverished and just want a job.

No loyalty? I have to try hard to be loyal here man, and I don't have to wash toilets, or hang drywall for $5.50 an hour. What reason do they have to be loyal? We are exploiting them now...

The Mexican Govt is complicit.
What a corrupt system.
If they didn't have the US as a relief valve for their unemployment problem,
there would be a revolucion within 20 years.

You got that right. They arguably are on the brink right now. There are a lot of groups running around Mexico stockpiling just waiting for the spark.

There isn't a country on this Earth that would allow it besides the US.

Isn't that part of what makes us great? 'Member that big silver lady outside of New York? They only do it illegally because the legal way is paved with so much red tape and bureaucratic junk that its almost silly. I have a couple friends here from Columbia since 6th grade. American educated, including bachelors degrees, and they still aren't citizens. Its more than a test I guess.

The Catholic Church is one of the root causes of Latin American poverty.
Outlawing birth control amongst poor ignorant people is dooming them to a life of servitude to just stay alive. Tithe tithe tithe ! Keep those pews full.

A very likely conspiracy...but see any above post mentioning US "interests" in South America. Would you think me commie if I called it Imperialism? I know plenty of white families churning out hordes of little jesus freaks. Same for all races. Relax that one.

The only way to fix this problem is come down HARD on businesses that hire illegal aliens.

Probably will play a big role...gotta force people not to be greedy little pigs, huh?

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:51 AM
I would think all you really need to do is figure out a way to tax them. Thats the real issue isn't it?? They are doing a lot of jobs that Americans have become too soft to do anymore.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 12:28 PM
Well, as far as I can tell...

The general consensus is that illegal immigrants are a weight on our economy, both tax wise and healthcare wise. On top of this, it is a HUGE security issue. Above all this, they refuse to assimilate into our culture (i.e. learn English, mingle outside of mexican communities, etc...). Keep in mind these are not my opinions...only what I gather from the little bit I and there...hehe.

IMO, if these are the average American's concerns, we should just streamline the process to citizenship. They can have rights and pay...we get respectable Americans. (Well, maybe we arent too respectable...but you get the idea.) Someone mentioned that we are overpopulated already...thats kinda funny. We may have overpopulated NYC, or perhaps LA, but we have not maximized our resources. The powers that be would rather you think we have. We dont have any real money. We are the peasants. We get the scraps that "they" kick down to us. There is plenty of money to feed, educate, and house us all...but it just bought somebody a new house in the Hamptons, or a new Ferrari, or went to some "cause" in Washington. The choice is ours. Will you trade your own greed, or the greed of those who control you, for the livelyhood of those who are unfortunate enough to be deemed disposable?

They have half of the country marching lock-step with the anti-Mexican march, yet most people have never bothered to do some independent reading into American involvements in Latin America's so-called American-influenced/backed democracys. It aint pretty, and it wont make you very proud to be an American...and I promise you won't bitch so much about the Mexicans flying their Mexican flags in the States, you will bitch that you have been just as mislead as they have.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 12:04 PM

A very likely conspiracy...but see any above post mentioning US "interests" in South America. Would you think me commie if I called it Imperialism? I know plenty of white families churning out hordes of little jesus freaks. Same for all races. Relax that one.

The facts are the facts.
The birth rate among native US families (of all races) is around 2 children.
The average among immigrant families is 7 kids.
It doesn't matter exactly how close we are to reaching the maximum sustainable population, people can't keep having 7 kids per family.
This nation and this planet cannot support the population that will result from families each having 7 children.

We need to get out of the feudal mindset, where half your kids would die before reaching adulthood. 99% of people don't own a farm that's survival depends on lots of kids to help out.

[edit on 9-4-2006 by Schaden]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Schaden

The facts are the facts.
The birth rate among native US families (of all races) is around 2 children.
The average among immigrant families is 7 kids.

Source please? I'm not saying its not true, but it seems a stretch.

It doesn't matter exactly how close we are to reaching the maximum sustainable population, people can't keep having 7 kids per family.

So, assuming that it is indeed the immigrants that are to blame here, we should govern how many children people have? There is plenty of money and resources to feed us all. Blame the system that has screwed us all, not the people trying to feed their families. We have more food in a Shell station than they have in grocery stores in South America.

The point I am trying to convey, is that there is plenty of money to cure these ails. Our economy is so unevenly distributed across the board, I dont see how anyone can possibly say that we are full, or unable to support a bigger population. We could, but it would come at the expense of someone elses greed. There is plenty to go around, but the elite would rather have us rats throwing each other off the ship, rather than asking why we are hungry, yet their belly's full.

Stop blaming fellow slaves for your hunger...blame your slavemaster.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:12 AM
Illegal Immigrants = Terrorists

I was thinking about this the other day And I find it to be perfectly TRUE.Terrorists try to get what they want by show of force right...Bombings beheading,hijackings ext. How are these Illegal Immigrant marchers any different they are trying to scare our government into them getting there way (Blanket Amnesty) by putting together I admit AWESOME amounts of people......And I thought about it,,its nothing more than Terrorism by Numbers scaring our elected officials by the fact of what COULD happen if this Mass of humanity did not get there way......basically CIVIL WAR. But we as a nation are supposed to NOT negotiate with terrorists we have not sold out our nation to Osama so why are we selling out our nation to Illegals by negotiating letting them have there way?Our elected Officials are selling out our nation for votes that should not even be counted.For people that should have NO RIGHTS under our Constitution or bill of rights but have layed claim to a birth right that is not there`s. Wake up Smell the Coffee These people are not Bombing or Beheading (yet) but they are a big or bigger threat to our national security and Sovrinty than any terrorist anywhere.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst

Originally posted by MauiStacey
Ugh, I get so sick of the "racist" thing.

They are bankrupting America. God forbid, don't say or do anything because all the soft hearted politically correct imbeciles will call you names or be offended.

Oh yeah, the PC bleeding hearts. Gotta love 'em. I too am sick of that race card. It wouldn't matter if we shared a border with Australia instead of Mexico!

First one - send them all back.
All the illegal ones..inlcuding the families with "anchor babies" Also, send birth control and food programs. Put a 10 year mortorium on ANY immigration until a solid immigration program is in place.

I think that's a great idea. Then after that, go back to quotas like we had before 1965.

I think there are a few solutions.

It would make a HUGE difference if we border Austrilia insted of Mexico.

Prove it, ok-NO PROBLEM!!!!

Look at the US Canadian Border.
It is the largest unguarded border in the world.
Why isn't it a problem?
Because Canadians who come to the US speak English, want and get jobs, don't just have baby after baby and expect US to pay for it food. medical and education.

Also we need to repeal the if it's born in the US from illegals it can stay. Start taking ALL ILLEGALS, reguardless of age and dump them on the other side of the border.

Next, lets guard our border with men armed with M-16's

As for the expected Mexican complainers, if they are here legally-fine-really.

If they are illgal , stop them or drop them, either way keep them out of the US!

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:34 AM
1.Wall over whole border.
2.Just because you drop out of the birth canal in America does not MAKE YOU AMERICAN. A Law should be passed if BOTH parents are ILLEGAL then the child is as well REGARDLESS of WERE you are born.
3.Stiff and sever penalties for Employers other than Farmers that employ these people Up to and including Prison time.
4.No more Aide for Mexico until they can get a reign on the people fleeing there nation ILLIGALY
5.Land mines and Snipers on the border.after the Fence just in case.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Truth_Hunter_1976
1.Wall over whole border.
2.Just because you drop out of the birth canal in America does not MAKE YOU AMERICAN. A Law should be passed if BOTH parents are ILLEGAL then the child is as well REGARDLESS of WERE you are born.
3.Stiff and sever penalties for Employers other than Farmers that employ these people Up to and including Prison time.
4.No more Aide for Mexico until they can get a reign on the people fleeing there nation ILLIGALY
5.Land mines and Snipers on the border.after the Fence just in case.

Brilliant idea, really-#4

The US taskes all money aid to Mecico and use it to stop illegals from coming here and removing those who are here already. That way there is no, we can't afford more border patrols-this needs to be NOW!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon

Look at the US Canadian Border.
It is the largest unguarded border in the world.
Why isn't it a problem?
Because Canadians who come to the US speak English, want and get jobs, don't just have baby after baby and expect US to pay for it food. medical and education.

Or maybe it is because we have let Canada develop on its own, without our "democratic/economical help." Canada's people arent starving.

Maybe you folks should snuff your torches for a minute and read a book. Study Americas influence in South America both financially and politically. You will soon realize that we play a much bigger role in the fiscal destruction of Mexico than Uncle Sam would have you think.

Or you can just give up cognition, and close your eyes...waiting for the spoon.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:47 AM
I like #2 as well the problem with sending back ALLOT of Illegals is that I would say maybe 45% or maybe much HIGHER of there Children are American Citizens by BIRTH even though there parents committed a CRIME by being here

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:54 AM
Hell the BIGGEST thing we could do would to be to adopt MEXICO`s immigration policy....Non-Mexicans can not Legally own ANYTHING in Mexico if you over stay you Visa or how ever long you say you are going to stay you are HUNTED DOWN and placed into a Mexican JAIL.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 07:50 AM
Yeah, we should adopt Mexicos policies...great idea.

You forget the reasons we are proud to be aint your American Idol and your friggin tv dinner, Bud.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Schaden

The facts are the facts.
The birth rate among native US families (of all races) is around 2 children.
The average among immigrant families is 7 kids.
It doesn't matter exactly how close we are to reaching the maximum sustainable population, people can't keep having 7 kids per family.
This nation and this planet cannot support the population that will result from families each having 7 children.

[edit on 9-4-2006 by Schaden]

Where the hell are you getting this info? 7 kids per family?!??! dude even us Legal hispanics can't afford 4 kids per family let alone 7, Now your telling me that illegals are having 7 kids per family in our country? You State it as a fact, Now either give us hard numbers From Respectable sources or begone with your Disinformation. Its crap like this that makes people believe that 2 out of 3 hispanics are illegal.

and if mexicans did want to start a revolution , woudn't it start in mexico? Its like saying i don't agree with my lifestyle in the U.S. so i'm gonna go to canada and start a civil war

[edit on 15-4-2006 by bordnlazy]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 01:53 PM
You didn't notice how the debate was over when I asked him for a source eh?

I am growing weary of this site....

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 10:44 PM
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the actual numbers of illegals as opposed to legal aliens in this country, Im speaking of the Mexican population or people from south of our border countries?

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 08:38 AM
I doubt you are going to get accurate numbers of that anywhere.

Unless they have somebody posted up at the border clicking a counter.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by caseythegeek21

it messed up that they come over here talking about how there countrys are so much better but they are living off the American people. Employers need to stop highering them.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:04 AM
Did you know that illegal immigrants pay taxes? Have you lived in mexico or are you just saying that mexico is a wealthy country? Try to put yourself in the shoes of an illegal immigrant and perhaps you can understand them better. Mexico is a corrupted country that at this time is dealing with a huge drug and kidnapping problems.

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