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Canada's Seal Hunt to Get Under Way

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posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 07:26 AM
It's one thing to kill an adult Harp seal, skin it, butcher the meat and eat it, and another to kill a weeks old pup.

Just how much edible meat is on an animal like that, do you figure?

Not much...

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 10:16 AM
ah cuteness; the ultimate survival adaption

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Vegemite
ah cuteness; the ultimate survival adaption

Just how much meat do you figure is on a weeks old ugly seal pup?

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by masqua

Originally posted by Vegemite
ah cuteness; the ultimate survival adaption

Just how much meat do you figure is on a weeks old ugly seal pup?

Well probably more than a duck, which people have no problem hunting.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Vegemite

Originally posted by masqua
Just how much meat do you figure is on a weeks old ugly seal pup?

Well probably more than a duck, which people have no problem hunting.

I think you mean an adult duck, which has muscle meat from kinda flying around and stuff. I don't think you mean one of those ugly ducklings.

I'd still like definite proof that the meat from the annual harp seal cull is processed into food. As far as the fur is concerned, I don't care what kind of money the fashion industry rakes in from it...I don't care for it personally. Neccessity is one thing, high fashion is another...

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake
Whichever way you cut the cake this is an unbelievably shameful, cruel and despicable practice that should have been stopped years ago. The rank arrogance of the Canadian Government in ignoring the pleas from millions of people over years is hard to understand.

You should try living here! The government ingores all of us. HA. Not just whiny environmentalists without all the facts.

I live in Alberta, and Idon't know if any of you know about this place, but our provincial leader once walked into a homeless shelter, and threw money at the people inside, and yelled at them all to get off their asses and get jobs. He was a little drunk. We've voted this guy in for something like 4 terms. We like him, even though he is a dictator. Seriously. He puts topics to vote, we vote no, he does it anyways, and it works out. His name is Ralph Klien.

As for these seals? WE DON'T CLUB THEM. They are shot. SOME PEOPLE DO EAT THEM. I like seal meat. WE AREN'T ALLOWED TO KILL ANY, and I repeat ANY baby animals of ANY sort legally. NONE. Of ANY spiecies. And don;t talk to me aboout veal. I'm talking about wild animals that we hunt. Poachers? Thats a whole new thread. I'd like to string up a few poachers myself. Probably wouldn't do it though, I EAT WHAT I KILL. Or else why kill it? I loathe sport hunters.

I hate tree huggers. I love nature, I love animals, I love mountains, lakes, rivers, trees, clean air, and being able to see the stars at night. I HATE one sided people, who protest topics they only know one side of. I like what Greenpeace and PETA stand for, I agree with that. I hate the ignorant ****er's who don't get all the facts. I like dirty hippies, I hate uninformed dirty hippies that form opinions on subjects they know nothing about, but protest them, because the animals are cute, or the trees are old, or whatever. There is ALWAYS two sides to an argument. LISTEN TO BOTH or you will NEVER form an informed opinion on any subject.

****ing tree huggers. Go spike a tree and kill a logger, or maybe don a gas mask and fight with the cops about global economics, or power a boat infront of a military vessel. Anyone remember when the Canadian Navy blasted that Spansih fishing boat while poaching Canadian waters? Killed 6 people I think.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by GeoPetroEngGuy
I like seal meat.

Ok, you'll be the second person I ask this question (the first one didn't answer, just came in this thread to troll) -- what does it taste like? What's the texture like? I really really want to know.

I love meat, deer meat and rabbit meat being my favourite... always wondered what a springbok tastes like.. camel meat is not so nice, not lean enough, too fatty... horse meat is kinda tough, not very nice... pig and boar are out of bounds due to religious reasons... shark meat is pretty tasty, can't really describe it... but the texture is soft and fluffy, best part is none of those annoying tiny bones other fish have...

Yeah, anyway.. How is seal meat?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Beachcoma

Originally posted by GeoPetroEngGuy
I like seal meat.

Ok, you'll be the second person I ask this question (the first one didn't answer, just came in this thread to troll) -- what does it taste like? What's the texture like? I really really want to know.

I can only really compare it to a cross between fowl and bison meat? But a little more 'slick'? I'm no chef. I can't define the robust and full flavor of anything. I don't even understand how one can associate the word 'robust' with food. But seal meat is quite good.

Needless to say, it is quite tasty if prepared by someone with a little experience with it.

Now I know there are a lot of people getting sick by this, but I would like to say once again, I DON'T KILL BABY ANIMALS. So I don't eat them either. I don't even buy veal. I like beef, bison, pork, chicken, moose, elk, deer, duck, goose, and the occaisional antelope. Thats all I get to buy or hunt in these parts. And I eat EVERYTHING I shoot. I won't shoot coyotes or gophers or magpies, or anything else for that reason alone, even though they do mess with the farmers. I AM guilty of killing a few hundred gophers when I was between 10 and 16 years old though. But none since. So almost 10 years ago. It was about then that I decided to only kill what I would want to eat. Unless it was a dangerous pest, like a badger.

Actaully, I did eat a very small aligator while in Trinidad last year. It may have been a baby, I'm not sure how big they get in those parts. But it was very good. And I didn't kill it. One of the security guards in my compound got it in his back yard, so leave me alone on that one. We did eat all of it though, prepared by the guard with spices I didn't recognize, but it was very nice. Besides, in third world countries, anything you can eat is pretty much fair game. Sure, I could afford to go and buy food there, but he couldn't, and he wanted to give me something. If you can't accept that, then ****-off. I don't know what I did to deserve a gift, but that was all he had to give, and I was glad to accept. It was a strong sign of friendship.

As long as its food, and not something like elephant for ivory, rhino for its horns, or sharks for their fins. Once again, poachers and trophy hunters should be strung up. They make me sick.

Seal is good. Period. As for the fashion industry taking pelts? Well, I don't know much about that. I hate fur coats, I like fur lineing in coats, and leather jackets, but for some strange hypocritical reason, I hate full length fur coats.


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by GeoPetroEngGuy

As long as its food, and not something like elephant for ivory, rhino for its horns, or sharks for their fins. Once again, poachers and trophy hunters should be strung up. They make me sick.

Agreed. Though I have to say I have had shark's fin soup twice, but it also came with little tempura-covered fried nuggets of shark meat... I don't know whether they were from the same fish or not. Both times it was another person who offered (the fin soup). It's not polite to refuse such an expensive gift of food...

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by GeoPetroEngGuy
As for these seals? WE DON'T CLUB THEM. They are shot. .. LISTEN TO BOTH or you will NEVER form an informed opinion on any subject.

So everyone is lying? Get real. This isn’t some global conspiracy to make the Canadians look bad.
Whilst some might do the right thing and shoot baby seals I bet there are just as many others who don't. Happens everywhere so why wouldn't it happen there.

For the record I do listen to both sides of the arguments and I do my homework THANK YOU....

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:36 PM
Originally I posted this story to try to show the insanity of mankind. I have no issue with food chain animals, or hunting as long as the meat is used. It is not an issue of cute and cuddley. It is an issue of right and wrong. Hunting seal pups is just plain wrong no matter how the fur or meat is used. This is like hunting rhinos for horns, or monkeys for their hands. It is further evidence man has progressed technologically but very little spiritually in thousands of years.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 09:44 PM
fur sucks

here's a little game to warm up a bit

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:36 PM
Beachcoma, seal meat is nice and fatty, I especially like plump baby seal, the flippers melt in your mouth mmmmmmm. Got a problem with people eating meat? Too bad, this is America and not the Peta dictatorship. No seriously, Seal meat is good (if you can stand the fat- fry it outside) and tastes a little bit like....chicken/pork sort of. It's really soft and velvety,"bouncy" on the edges too. Question answered. Now please go back to distributing your meat is murder PETA **tard fliers. I use fur by the way, prefer it than freezing where I live. Thermo, no baby seals are clubbed, adult seals are shot in a highly regulated industry, don't bite PETA's propaganda, your way too smart for that. Also, Paul Macartney is not an ecologist who would say that the seal population is x4 times the normal size, no- just a wanker. Good day.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
Too bad, this is America

I thought this was Canada

Or did Newfoundland actually join with America in 1949?

Now please go back to distributing your meat is murder PETA **tard fliers.

Beachcoma is not against eating seals. He like most of the people on this thread have big problems with skinning the seal and leaving the meat on the ice.
Accusing Beachcoma of being a PETA member and intentionally trying to rile people up is not cool.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:27 PM
Hey Beachcoma...seal meat is very tasty. My Dad roasts it nice and slow and serves it with veggies and a mouth-watering gravy. The meat is very dark...and, yes, oily too. It needs to be soaked for a few hours in a water a baking soda mix...otherwise the fat can have a rancid flavor (sometimes). I know a lot of people who eat seal meat, from what I know the animal is not wasted at all. Myself, I take a seal oil supplement (capsule) daily as a source of Omega-3...and I know a lot of people who say that these pills have a very positive effect on joint pain.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 09:18 PM
It's not cool to insult people unprovoked either. Beachcoma started this first, if she has a problem with people eating seal meat than keep it inside instead of mouthing off at people. Also I'm tired of this baloney of baby seals being clubbed to death to extinction for fur :

A) Adult seals are killed

B) bullet (though clubbing is believe it or not more humane, this was a method developed in Scandinavia which assured the least pain to the animal)

C) Seal fur is banned in Canada

D) The seals are killed for food and also medicine (exactly, sick people can use seal oils for their illness). Seal meat is eaten extensively throughout Northern Canada, I already gave the names of a few dishes.

E) the seal population is way too high- other species are suffering because of it. Fishermen are going broke because the seals eat up all the Cod (their main income).

I find it despicable how PETA loves picking the easy convenient targets for their campaigns, how they use dishonesty and propaganda to rile people up as fodder for their ideology.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 09:37 PM
oh common folks .. what's wrong with you guys ..
let the babies slide free

my 2 clubs

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
Beachcoma started this first, if she has a problem with people eating seal meat than keep it inside instead of mouthing off at people.

Troll! I never said I had a problem with people eating the meat. I only have a problem with people killing the seals for just the fur and leaving the meat on the ice. Go ahead, find the bit where I said I had a problem with people eating seal meat.

I noticed you, Nakash, always do this -- read the part you want and leave out the rest. You need to improve your reading comprehension.

And for the record, I'm a guy.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Nakash

C) Seal fur is banned in Canada

[edit on 21-3-2006 by Kismet]

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:47 PM
Darn this quote button!!! Sorry, new poster.

Anyway, I was trying to say that I live in Canada and I know that seal fur products ( hats, jackets, boots, etc) are legally sold here. However, they are banned in the US.
Nakash, I agree with most of your other points though.

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