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Canada's Seal Hunt to Get Under Way

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posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by loam
You think I've been emotional about this issue???

No. I think it was me that it was directed at, loam.

Ok...we've depleted the fish stocks on the Grand Banks. To try and make the cod replenish themselves, we want to increase the seal cull. I understand your line of reasoning, but I think the cod aren't coming back because of the changes in the Atlantic current. The water is fresher, colder and contains less nutrient on the Banks. The cod aren't coming back and if we culled 60% instead of 6%, they still wouldn't come back.

If the seals were depleted, should we start culling more polar bears and orca?

Yes...I'm emotional over the subject...and it's not just the cod on the 'nose' and the 'tail''s the overfishing that's going on worldwide that has my tighty-whiteys in a knot.

Slaughtering 300,000 seals just for their fur is not my cup of tea either...but that is only because of my personal taste.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 10:44 AM
I've found two websites. One is the side of the Canadian government and one is from the side of the The Humane Society of the United States.< br />
There is conflicting information and I agree with loam, "Seems to me there is dishonesty on both sides of this argument."
That seems to be the case with all environmental issues.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000

No I was directing that mostly at Masqua and anyone else that is letting the "cuteness" factor play into their decision making process. I can think of a few more practices that are just as horrific, yet only PETA nuts are hollaring against it. I see it as a bit hypocritical of people who would normally be against the tactics and views of PETA, except when the "victim" is cute and cuddly. Your actually one of the few rational voices I've heard on this issue since this years hunt began.

Cuteness factor?

Please, direct me to where I stated that in this thread? Edit to add: alluded to me being against it because they are cute and cuddly.

I am a hunter and a fisher myself.

And, for the record, I think PETA is way too radical.

from the Canadian Gov't link...thanks Umbrax

Myth #4: The Canadian government is allowing sealers to kill thousands of seals to help with the recovery of cod stocks.
Reality: Several factors have contributed to the lack of recovery of Atlantic cod stocks, such as fishing effort, poor growth and physical condition of the fish, and environmental changes.

In addition, there are many uncertainties in the estimates of the amount of fish consumed by seals. The commercial quota is established on sound conservation principles, not an attempt to assist in the recovery of groundfish stocks.
(bolding mine)

[edit on 17-3-2006 by masqua]

[edit on 17-3-2006 by masqua]

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 10:53 AM

I am no fan of peta fruitcakeland. If the sugesstion is to cull the seals to save fish, then STOP fishing.

If the seals are out of hand its probably man at fault.

Can anyone tell me what happens to the MEAT? Is it just left on the ice?

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by thermopolis

Can anyone tell me what happens to the MEAT? Is it just left on the ice?

If you look at the US url that Umbrax provided, you'd find the answer... that they are taken primarily for their fur and also that there is a market in the Far East for their...ummm...penis. *shudder*

So, yes...their bodies are left on the ice.

BTW...if you live in -30 Cels. temps for much of the year, I can assure you there is nothing like sealskin with the fur on the inside for keeping warm and dry. I wore it myself when I lived in Yellowknife for 3 winters. Also, up there, wolfskin is preferrable for parka hood trim as the hollow hair does not freeze to your face due to the moisture from your breath. I've had icicles hanging from my eyebrows in those low temps and that is very unpleasant.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:19 PM
So nobody eats the seal meat? It just goes to waste? Why? Is it not tasty? They should pack it up nicely and ship it to the Chinese. They can cook anything to make it taste good.

[edit on 17-3-2006 by Beachcoma]

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by masqua
Uh...nobody starves in Canada...the social safety net is more than able to put food on the tables of the unemployed. That's just not the case at all. Besides, Newfoundland is doing quite well in the oil industry. When the forestry tanked and thousands lost their jobs, no-one starved to death then either.

As far as fishing or hunting game is concerned, I have no long as the meat is consumed by the fisher/hunter and not sold on the open market.

Uh what? Nobody starves in Canada? What a load of horse cr_p!
I know people, in CANADA, that dispite there best efforts must rely on handouts from generous neibours, fishing and collecting other woodland bounty. Unfortunately the social safetynet isn`t always there to catch you and employment insurance doesn't last forever.
I have familly who were raise on seal meat for that reason alone.

I know you won't change your mind as you sit at your computer eating one of those expensive Veggi burgers you have stockpiled in your freezer.
But i just hate it when people make assumptions and steriotype this not always perfect Canadian welfare system as the savior of mankind.

Let my cousins eat.......

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 01:56 PM
Check out my Canadian Seal Hunt thread. Yesterday I posted the spam mail I got from IFAW filled with lies, and some good links about the truth of the matter.

I hate how people refuse to kill things just because they're cute. If this was about hognosed snakes or eels, people would be all for it.

And YES people eat the seal meat, it doesn't go to waste. The inuit go as far as to eat all parts of the seal, including the eyeballs, etc. And then they use the bones to make jewelry and tools as well.

[edit on 17-3-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 08:13 PM
Whichever way you cut the cake this is an unbelievably shameful, cruel and despicable practice that should have been stopped years ago. The rank arrogance of the Canadian Government in ignoring the pleas from millions of people over years is hard to understand.

This has nothing to do with cuteness in my book this is to do with treating animals and defenceless animals at that with respect and in a humane way. This practice is neither respectful nor humane.

Shame – shame – shame..

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 08:24 PM
@ ^

sorta parallels jets flying at 1800MPH dropping smart bombs on Iraqi civilians in the name of American freedom and security.

All you can do is continue to voice out....but remember, The Canadian government doesnt give 3 berrols of cat piss what you or I think about the hunt.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by The_Voice
@ ^

sorta parallels jets flying at 1800MPH dropping smart bombs on Iraqi civilians in the name of American freedom and security.

All you can do is continue to voice out....but remember, The Canadian government doesnt give 3 berrols of cat piss what you or I think about the hunt.

(author shakes head then realizes "the_voice" is soaking his head in 3 barrels of cat piss)

How the "frak" did we get from seal pups to iraq?

Ok, thanks whom ever it was that pointed out the "hunters" waste the meat. That just makes this crap even worse.

With all the hunger in africa and elsewhere could you seal pup bashers please package the meat. Could be some profit there somewhere. A least pretend to be human.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 11:00 PM
How come most people don't bitch when it's an ugly animal geting turned into a burgar or pepperoni. Just another attempt to rally celebrity support from real terrorist organizations like PETA and Greenpeace.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
How come most people don't bitch when it's an ugly animal geting turned into a burgar or pepperoni. Just another attempt to rally celebrity support from real terrorist organizations like PETA and Greenpeace.

Many do and I am one of them and I have nothing to do with PETA or Greenpeace.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
How come most people don't bitch when it's an ugly animal geting turned into a burgar or pepperoni.

Because they are "turned into a burgar or pepperoni." The meat doesn't go to waste. As Yarcofin pointed out, not all the meat goes to waste. The Inuits use every part of the seal that has been hunted, but not all of it goes to the Inuit. If it were the Inuits doing the seal hunt I don't think they'd waste any bit of the hunted seals.

As it is, quite a sizable amount of the meat is wasted. And that is unacceptable. If they turned the seal meat into "burgers and pepperoni" than it's not such a shame. I wouldn't mind one bit if it the results of the hunt were turned into food products.

That's what I'm wondering, why isn't it turned into food products? Is it not tasty? Who here has eaten seal meat? Can somebody enlighten us to what it tastes like? What the texture is like? That sort of stuff.

At the very least, if you can't be humane, you can try to take a profit and not be wasteful.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 12:21 AM
You know, NF's seal hunt is probably one of the most regulated industries in the world. It's just too bad Paul Macartney married an airhead, because people depend on those seals for food, medicine, fur, and so forth. Nothing goes to waste, and the seals are eating all the fish because their population is x4 times the normal size. I say Canada shouldn't yield a finger. Today the seals, tommorow they will try to decide if you can eat meat. You think they don't eat the seals? Baloney- Newfoundlanders have dozens of seal dishes- seal flipper pie, seal filet fried up, and so forth. It's great btw (seal flipper pie is, first rate, trade my left **** for some right now

[edit on 18-3-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
You know, NF's seal hunt is probably one of the most regulated industries in the world. It's just too bad Paul Macartney married an airhead,
[edit on 18-3-2006 by Nakash]

An airhead? On what do you base this assumption? I don 't particularly like Heather Mills but you can hardly call her an airhead..

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 04:32 AM
People are very clear as to what their personal views are with respect to the Canadian seal hunt.

Nobody can change anybodys mind on this so I make a call to everyone to detach all emotion to this issue and carefully consider why it's being done.

It IS an industry. Real people rely heavily on this. The seal hunt is not by any means a kill for the fun of it event.

It is no more gruesome then a chicken processing plant. Trust me on this one...

IF everyone on Terra who opposed this hunt made contact withn the Canadian government then something could be done but for now....Nothing

For everyone who feels that this pratice should be suspended, remember that real people actually really do suffer and go without.


posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by The_Voice
It is no more gruesome then a chicken processing plant. Trust me on this one...
For everyone who feels that this pratice should be suspended, remember that real people actually really do suffer and go without.Peace

Any place of animal slaughter is a gruesome place. That is one of the reasons why I choose not to eat flesh of any kind. You are also right in stating that real people do go without and they do suffer, but that still doesn't make the massacre of defenceless animals right. There are others ways of meeting people needs without killing seals.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 04:57 AM
^ Any ideas that aren't too dreamy?

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
You think they don't eat the seals? Baloney- Newfoundlanders have dozens of seal dishes- seal flipper pie, seal filet fried up, and so forth. It's great btw (seal flipper pie is, first rate, trade my left **** for some right now

Really? Can you point me to some websites, preferably with pictures. I'm not trying to be a biatch here, with that standard "link please" response, but I really want to know.

Since you say you've eaten them before, can you describe how it tastes like? The texture and such? I'm really curious. Like I said before, I'm ok with the slaughtering of animals for food. It's the slaughtering of animals for pelt, skin, ivory, horns for such non-essential, decorative or obscure aphrodisiac purposes that I'm against.

And yes, I am a meat-eater. I'm fine with hunting for meat. I've even gone into the jungles on a camping trip and snared me some game (porcupine and mousedeer, not bad, but the porcupine was difficult to prepare...)

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