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posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 05:08 PM
i dont know alot about these chem trails but ive been watching from ware i work every day for about 6 of 7 month's and i have learned that when i see them in the morning , by the time i get off work the whole sky turns into a hazzy fog.

also noticed that on these day's that my satellite tv is all mesed up?..

could thay be blocking satellite transmissions ??

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:59 PM
possibly, but If you have direct t.v. then its not chemtrails. I never belived in that picture,but go to the Chemtrail data page at, it has a lot of pictures!

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:06 PM
I had witnissed one day looking to the sky and saw one contrail dart across the sky and no other plane in sight until one suddenly popped out of the blue and started a trail forming an X. Later it spread.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:13 PM
yeah, that probably was chemitrails, and it is true that all you have to do is look up to see them most times. It is wierd though, it just rained very heavy in the past couple of days, and now there is clear blue skies, and no chemitrails have been seen for 2 days now. Any thoughts?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
yeah, that probably was chemitrails, and it is true that all you have to do is look up to see them most times. It is wierd though, it just rained very heavy in the past couple of days, and now there is clear blue skies, and no chemitrails have been seen for 2 days now. Any thoughts?

-Perhaps the chems had mixed with the rain and fell to the ground
-Could be that there's too much moisture in the sky to spread chems any time soon

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:21 PM
Or it could be that they sprayed extra heavy during the rain, and if they sprayed any more, the dose would be too much, and we would notice the effects.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:29 PM
I live out in the country not to far from the city and I don't see a lot of these chemtrails spread across the sky over here, except I do see a lot of them dumped over the city. I am convinced there planned on a target - populated areas, one of many targets I'm sure. Could be to reduce the population with experimental chemicals.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:52 PM
all we would need is one air force personal whos "in the know" to come out with information and maybe some documents, and that would go a long way to prove/dis-prove the chemtrail theory, if they came out with documents, some independant scientists could verify the information.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
all we would need is one air force personal whos "in the know" to come out with information and maybe some documents, and that would go a long way to prove/dis-prove the chemtrail theory, if they came out with documents, some independant scientists could verify the information.

From my sources, that has already happend. That is all I can comment on - to that topic - for now.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:01 PM
could you send me some more info on that, I could put that on my website, because it would be an exclusive, but anywways, what kind of info are we talking about, documents, video, pictures, or just eyewitness, is he credible?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
could you send me some more info on that, ...

SIPL Feature on Chemtrails --

This story from an airline mechanic is similar to several other experiences of mechanics who have stumbled upon mysterious extra "plumbing" in aircraft that they are maintaining.....
This begs the question,,,,who is behind this "chemtrail" program and what is their agenda?
Any one who simply watches the skys overhead and pays attention to the high flying planes that spew out a white substance from their aircrafts would have to be brain-dead or blind not to see the clouding over of our skies soon after...... Yes there is a conspiracy going on and anyone who watched the chemtrail action over Vancouver yesterday and today and our resultant complete chemtrail cloud cover by the late after noon should be calling the authorities, or their neighbours, etc. to alert each other and to wake up.
For those of you so inclined to actually want to do something contructive about stopping this insidious chemtrail agenda, go to and then got to Don Croft
where you will see a multitude of ways and means to create your own items to combat the *$#@ chemtrails. (sorry for the language)

[edit on 10-4-2006 by 7Ayreon]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:24 PM
I have read that story, it is very intresting, and I think that it is a true story. Is that your source? is a very good website! I am glad you know about it!

[edit on 4/10/2006 by The_Time_is_now]

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
yeah, that probably was chemitrails, and it is true that all you have to do is look up to see them most times. It is wierd though, it just rained very heavy in the past couple of days, and now there is clear blue skies, and no chemitrails have been seen for 2 days now. Any thoughts?

Sounds like a frontal system came through - before it atmospheric conditions were ripe for lingering contrails, but once the front passed contrails quickly disperse again.

Meteorological explanations are always the simplest

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

In regards Howard, elevation is not as important as conditions. But when elevation is increased one would tend to see less contrails rather than more.

How do you figure that?

What is the relationship of the altitude to the relative humidity with respect ot water?

How about with relationship of altitude to the relative humidity with respect to ice?

What about ice supersaturated regions, do they form at lower or higher altitudes?

What is the temperature of a "standard atmosphere" at 35,000 feet?


read me

[edit on 11-4-2006 by HowardRoark]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 01:33 AM
EXCUSE ME!!!! But it does not matter how many qualified scientists you know buddy. Ignorance rules out possibilitys. If they have never seen chemtrails in real life, they are going to be skeptical. I however have seen grids and parralell lines MANY MANY Times in my town, with up to 10 jets in the sky at the same time leaving thick white clouds that expand. Grids that are formed spread out into one big cloud, and I have watched them for an entire day cover the sky untill there was nothing but white from horizon to horizon. This covered the sun completely and made it very cold out. It left me scared out of my witts and finally stopped making fun of my friend who believes in chemtrails and became a believer. Your scientists, as qualified as thier plaque on the wall may way they are, are not credible sources if they have not witnessed them.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by nuclearap0x
EXCUSE ME!!!! But it does not matter how many qualified scientists you know buddy. Ignorance rules out possibilitys. If they have never seen chemtrails in real life, they are going to be skeptical. I however have seen grids and parralell lines MANY MANY Times in my town, with up to 10 jets in the sky at the same time leaving thick white clouds that expand. Grids that are formed spread out into one big cloud, and I have watched them for an entire day cover the sky untill there was nothing but white from horizon to horizon. This covered the sun completely and made it very cold out. It left me scared out of my witts and finally stopped making fun of my friend who believes in chemtrails and became a believer. Your scientists, as qualified as thier plaque on the wall may way they are, are not credible sources if they have not witnessed them.

You've seen aircraft produce contrails which spread out to cover the sky.

That's not proof of chemtrails

And why do you think you see these and think it's odd, whereas trained meteorological observers see nothing odd at all?

Suppose you didn't know much about birds, but one day saw a strange one you'd not seen the likes of before and so thought it was a new species. Then an ornithologist comes along and tells you that actually that bird is quite common in your neck of the woods, you just haven't noticed any before. Would you disbelieve him? Would you continue to maintain you'd see a new species?

It's the same with chemtrails/contrails

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by nuclearap0x
EXCUSE ME!!!! But it does not matter how many qualified scientists you know buddy. Ignorance rules out possibilitys. If they have never seen chemtrails in real life, they are going to be skeptical. . . . .
Your scientists, as qualified as thier plaque on the wall may way they are, are not credible sources if they have not witnessed them.

How is it, then that only you can see them?

Scientists who actually study clouds and the atmosphere never seem to notice "chemtrails."

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:35 AM
It's possible the scientists that would normally notice and speak out about chemtrials are under VLF and microwave harassment to keep them from noticing.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by joepits
It's possible the scientists that would normally notice and speak out about chemtrials are under VLF and microwave harassment to keep them from noticing.

Very funny.

But seriously, Climate studies is a "hot" field right now.

Why do the international sceintists keep mistaking the "chemtrails" for ordinary contrails?

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 05:16 PM
I am very far from the only person who sees chem trails.
sorry if I made it sound like that. I'm just saying, different locations of the world see different aerial activity. There of which many meterologists may not have seen such activity. I am however a believer of chemtrails if you could not tell already. The idea of spraying chemicals over the Americas, by the Americas, was legalized for scientific research in '96. So it was happening, and if its not now then call me a paranoid.

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