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posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:36 PM

Myself I'm not aware that barium is naturally recurring in nature or in what form it takes.

The Tripartite countries (US/UK/CAN) all sprayed vast areas of their respective countries with a Biological Warfare simulant during the Cold War.

The BW simulant of choice was a fluorescent powder, Zinc Cadmium sulphide. The powder behaved in a similar manner to BW agents; was of the same size, between 1-5 microns (small enough to get past the body's natural defences and reach the deepest part of the lungs, the alvioli); and had the advantage of being fluorescent when illuminated by ultra-violet light.

This made it extremely useful for BW research. The powder fluoresced because another chemical was added during manufacture - Barium.

Perhaps higher than normal levels of Barium are being detected, because there is an increase in the amount of BW trajectory research?

zero lift

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:42 PM
Yeah thats possible, but if its known that they did that, then why would'nt they tell us that chemitrails are that. I dont think thats what it is.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:44 PM
I did a search, and that program did not leave long, blatant chemitrails!

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:11 PM
You should read this, it is a report on disinformation and Chemitrails:

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:34 PM
I found antother good website for chemitrails. If you are not familiar with the subject of chemitrails, then this is a suggested read.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 07:13 PM
This website lists the symptomes of chemitrails, and why you got them. Some of the stuff is'nt what I belive in, but most of it seems true.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Please read all the links that I have posted. They are all relevant to this subject. I want everyone to reply to this thread, even the ones that know nothing about Chemitrails, because I can help you understand Chemtrails

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 01:22 AM
Just recently heard a coast to coast am stream audio from a couple of months ago and George Noory had an airforce colonel on the show.

Chemtrails was a brief topic and the Colonel wouldn't go into it but he hinted that Chemtrails had something to do with the coming Bird Flu pendemic. He hinted that the chemtrails are to weaken the upper respitory systems because h5N1 specifically attacks the upper respitory system.

Maybe Chemtrails has to do with other stuff but I think that this idea is worth looking into. Chemtrails can't possibly help the environment or humans. I can't see spraying aluminum oxides in the air to fix the ozone layer help deter global warming.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
So you are denying that there is chemtrials?

It has been shown on the web already by numerous researchers in this field that the weather industry is to some degree in cahoots with this operation in the first place. At least at the highest levels meterology is believed to be part of the coverup.

Have a look at this link for an example of what chemtrails are:

Planes on fire or chemtrails?

The first pic is a USN E-6B Tacamo. If you look closely it's also been photoshopped. The "chemtrail" comes out of different places on either side of the plane, one of them from what appears to be a solid portion of the airframe.

The second is a regular contrail. The heat from the engines mixes with the moisture in the air but the contrail doesn't always appear directly behind the engines. Depending on the conditions it can appear back by the elevators in this picture.

Here are a few more.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

It has been shown on the web already by numerous researchers in this field that the weather industry is to some degree in cahoots with this operation in the first place. At least at the highest levels meterology is believed to be part of the coverup.

What you mean is, because meteorologists actually know what they're talking about, actually look at the sky all the time, can thus explain away all the so-called evidence of chemtrails, and find the idea of weather wars and the like totally laughable, then they must be part of the conspircay.

Oh gosh, guess I've been rumbled.....

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

BTW, where is Howard?

Right here, you old chemie, you.

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
watched two jets moving yesterday. One taking off from the airport going west and climbing rapidly (full throttle I assume??), annother jet circled around on level elevation heading east south east. The jet taking off had regular contrail which dissipated rather quickly.

The sprayer heading back to base in Maine eg. CIA run and military staffed out of abandoned base, had a contrail. The trail persisted for some time in the sky and slowly diffused while numerous other planes in the area, coming and going and passing over had REGULAR dissipating contrails.

So you admit that both planes were at different altitudes.

Maybe this should give you a clue as to why one contrail dissipated rapidly while the other persisted.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 08:45 AM
Nice to see you Howard!!
Usually It doesnt take you this long to arrive at a CHEMtrail thread.
Have you been ill or on holiday?

I heard they are going to spray the catalyst tomorrow; guess I better break out the old respirator.
And stock up on cranberry juice!

[edit on 8-4-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 08:54 AM
I've ben busy at work, and remodeling the house latley. I just put the 'puter back together the other day.

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Myself I'm not aware that barium is naturally recurring in nature or in what form it takes.

Barium is an element, so it is alway's naturally occuring.

A typical background level for barium in soil runs around 1000 ppm.

Barium is also a major emission product from the combustion of coal

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

Planes on fire or chemtrails?

The first pic is a USN E-6B Tacamo. If you look closely it's also been photoshopped. The "chemtrail" comes out of different places on either side of the plane, one of them from what appears to be a solid portion of the airframe.

That photo has come up before

The plane is dumping fuel.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:07 PM
Actually, it's not. It's a photoshop job. If you blow it up and look closely at it, the "chemtrails" start on solid parts of the fuselage, outside the vents.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by zero lift

Myself I'm not aware that barium is naturally recurring in nature or in what form it takes.

The Tripartite countries (US/UK/CAN) all sprayed vast areas of their respective countries with a Biological Warfare simulant during the Cold War.

The BW simulant of choice was a fluorescent powder, Zinc Cadmium sulphide. The powder behaved in a similar manner to BW agents; was of the same size, between 1-5 microns (small enough to get past the body's natural defences and reach the deepest part of the lungs, the alvioli); and had the advantage of being fluorescent when illuminated by ultra-violet light.

This made it extremely useful for BW research. The powder fluoresced because another chemical was added during manufacture - Barium.

Perhaps higher than normal levels of Barium are being detected, because there is an increase in the amount of BW trajectory research?

zero lift

Thanks for the info, I was ignorant to that. All the same I don't like the sounds of it myself. Do you know the actual reasons for this kind of spraying activity?

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
Just recently heard a coast to coast am stream audio from a couple of months ago and George Noory had an airforce colonel on the show.

Chemtrails was a brief topic and the Colonel wouldn't go into it but he hinted that Chemtrails had something to do with the coming Bird Flu pendemic. He hinted that the chemtrails are to weaken the upper respitory systems because h5N1 specifically attacks the upper respitory system.

Maybe Chemtrails has to do with other stuff but I think that this idea is worth looking into. Chemtrails can't possibly help the environment or humans. I can't see spraying aluminum oxides in the air to fix the ozone layer help deter global warming.

Interesting comment and very insightful..

when I first got into this I came across a site with heavy duty medical and scientific stuff in it...

anyways the gist of it was this: the US military had invested untold millions in germ and biochem warfare and a system that was proposed and certified as existing was called in slang 'lock and key.'

The idea of lock and key was this: man creates or mutates a deadly virus for human consumption in use for warfare etc.

This virus can be delivered many ways eg. watersupply, food supply or even sprayed.

The first world countries and areas that the military want to protect are sprayed with bio cocktail which in fact leads to a type of immunization against the virus. Like a needle you are in fact slight affected by the substance and build up resistance like any innoculation but there is a catch...

you need the key' genetic material to get given to you via injection to complete the innoculation against the outbreak via spraying...

in other words through selective means of who gets the 'key' they decide who can live and die even in the areas with some protection due to spraying.

You can imagine that in areas where there is no spraying presently (eg. contrails), that when the pathogen is sprayed they are gonners dead as ducks.

Haven't come across that since but somebody here may want to do some research on this.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Actually, it's not. It's a photoshop job. If you blow it up and look closely at it, the "chemtrails" start on solid parts of the fuselage, outside the vents.

Hmm the only photoshop job I see Zaphie is your avatar.

Still looks legit to me and you haven't accounted for the fact that smoke trails are not coming from ALL leading edges etc on the plane.

In regards Howard, elevation is not as important as conditions. But when elevation is increased one would tend to see less contrails rather than more.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Thanks for the info, I was ignorant to that. All the same I don't like the sounds of it myself. Do you know the actual reasons for this kind of spraying activity?

The Cold War Zinc Cadmium sulphide experiments were conducted to investigate a theory, promoted by Porton Down scientists in the mid 1950s, that a single line source of Biological Warfare agents (sprayed from an aircraft/ship/submarine/guided missile), could contaminate at least 10,000 square miles during a single mission.

Obviously the UK/US/CAN scientists couldn't use real BW agents, so instead they used BW simulants; particles which are of the same size as a BW agent and which act in a similar manner, but which are incapable of causing disease.

In the main these experiments were done to study the trajectories of parcels of air, and so enable scientists to calculate the ideal conditions for conducting real BW Large Area Coverage (LAC) attacks in times of war.

In the UK, later LAC experiments moved forward from using ZnCdS particles to live bacteria. Scientists from Porton Down (the UK CBW research establishment) sprayed vast areas of the UK with massive amounts of two types of live bacteria; E. coli MRE 162 and the anthrax simulant - Bacillus subtilis var niger spores (aka Bacillis globigii or BG).

If ZnCds containing Barium is again being sprayed over the US, I can only imagine that it has been decided to repeat the earlier Cold War experiments, but this time with more accurate sampling apparatus.

zero lift

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:53 PM
Look at the picture of the E-6B. If you put it in Paintshop, or Picasa, or your program of choice, and blow it up so you get a close look at the bottom of the plane, you can see the two black holes outside the wheel well area. On the right side, the "chemtrail" starts to the right of the vent, on the left side it starts IN FRONT OF the vent. Fuel vents are placed even with each other, so how is the fuel dumping from in front of the vent on one side, and beside the vent on the other? And from solid parts of the fuselage?

They don't come from the leading edges. They come from the exhaust of the engines, and only when conditions are right for it to happen.

[edit on 4/8/2006 by Zaphod58]

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