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posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Does anyone else have this thread show up 4 times in the MyATS page?

Yeah, me too. It has been getting on my nerves in a vague sort of way for a while now. I thought it was the government hounding me, and maybe it is.....

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 10:47 AM
Today i saw two aircraft in a row producing sudden changes in contrail lenghts, both roughly flying through the same space...

so, i consider me debunked for now.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 01:54 AM
chemtrails are real if you ever see the operation you will no that what there spraying is not normal contrails

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by CYRAX
chemtrails are real if you ever see the operation you will no that what there spraying is not normal contrails

What features should I look out for that are unique to "chemtrails" and differentiate them from contrails?

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 02:31 PM
"Contrails" - The regular well known kind you see in the WW2 documentaries when the bombers are at 30,000 ft .. leaving behind a long white plume .. that plume is made of ice crystals .. since its ice, eventually its dissappates like your breath on a cold winter day. When you were a child you (like many people) may remember seeing a fighter jet high up in the sky leaving a contrail behind it, but you may have thought (being young) that it was pulling a ribbon through the air because a CONTRAIL's tail end disappears (evaporates, melts - whatever) as the jet keeps moving and making more ice crystals. I still think it LOOKS like the jet is pulling a white banner or ribbon through the air even though now I know better of course. Anyways.. THAT is a CONTRAIL.. it GOES AWAY quite quickly after being MADE.

"Chemtrails" - The new kind. Sit there all day. They never dissappate. IN FACT they spread out .. and you'll notice that if there are a few layed side by side that they merge with each other and end up forming a "cloud cover" (more like a "crud cover") over your city and causing the entire sky to look "overcast" and just .. crappy. We're told however that these "Chemtrails" do not actually exist and what we are seeing is the above described "contrail" in what they call a "persistant" state... a "persistant contrail".

Thats the basics. All you need to look for is a lot of white lines in the sky that never go away.. end up blending together.. and making a mess in the sky.

The thing is.. "they" were PUBLICLY talking about ideas like these "chemtrails" in the 80s... how to fix the greenhouse effect which if you remember was something that was causing a lot of concern back then. All of a sudden it became a nonissue, just like that hole in the Ozone Layer.

I believe that its a climate control program, and I do not understand why they are not just up front and honest about it. They should open up about it already because I'm sure when people realize how serious the situation is, the populations will support the effort to stop these heat waves.

Also if you are looking for CHEMTRAILS right now? You might find it hard to see them as they appear to have stopped the program for a moment to see what happens... when they stop the program. 100 degree days is what happens. But I think they got the data and perhaps NOW you'll start to see them more commonly again. ACTUALLY.. the fact that you are almost telling me that you haven't seen any in awhile sorta answers my big question of the moment. Interesting.

(I'm not alone on this I don't think)

Anyways.. hope that helps.

If not here is more..

The section "one town stands up" is a very interesting case if looked in to in more detail.


PS: I'm still wondering.. ARE YOU seeing CHEMTRAILS right NOW in your neck of the woods?


posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 02:50 PM
Vis, what are clouds made of, and why don't they dissipate after a few minutes?

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:06 PM
Next time I am out in Souther Ok, Mangus or Altus OK I will definately get some pictures of the trails. Exactly described as a Chemtrail. I have seen more of them there in about 2 years of going up there and staying anywhere from 3- 10 days at a time. Quail hunting. It is amazing what you notice when you are on 20k acres following dogs aroudn trying to find birds, that could be right in front of you and you would never see them untill they fly. Anyways ... that is neither here nor there. But I have seen these things ... trails that stay around for long periods of time even whole days and they still have't disapaited at all. There have been times that I have seen these same trails in Texas .. Near Tyler when I was growing up but ... Now I don't live there anymore and I have not seen some of those in quite some time. Will deefinately see if I can take a picture next time I see them.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Deus, maybe you would like to give the question a try. What are clouds made of and why don't they dissipate in a few minutes?

[edit on 21-7-2006 by HowardRoark]

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:30 PM
I havent seen any in a while, I think that they are preparing to spray the reactant.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:37 PM
Can someone explain this to me. This picture was taken by my mother a few months ago. I saw the same thing that day. Here's the question...

If chemtrails are "water vapor/Ice crystals" from jet exhaust that comes from commercial aircraft, then why did these three "airliners" turn around and go back??? Did three people forget something? Do Airliners go back for people who forgot something? Can anyone tell me?... Especially all you scientist experts that say it is just "water vapor"... (BS... I may look dumb, but I'm not thaaat dumb)

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance
Today i saw two aircraft in a row producing sudden changes in contrail lenghts, both roughly flying through the same space...

so, i consider me debunked for now.

What kind of military planes? At what altitude?

As for contrails spreading out, I suggest you look up "Persistant Contrails" vis.

Persistent contrails form immediately behind the airplane in very moist air. These long-lived contrails will usually grow wider and fuzzier as time passes. Sometimes they will actually take on the characteristics of a natural cirrus cloud and no longer look like contrails after only a half hour or so. Persistent contrails can exist long after the airplane that made them has left the area. They can last for a few minutes or longer than a day. However, because they form at high altitudes where the winds are usually very strong, they will move away from the area where they were born. Often, when we look up into the sky, we will see old persistent contrails that formed far away but moved overhead because of the wind. An example of several very persistent contrails is shown in the S'COOL cloud chart. Persistent contrails are those most likely to affect climate.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Mordecai81
Can someone explain this to me. This picture was taken by my mother a few months ago. I saw the same thing that day. Here's the question...

If chemtrails are "water vapor/Ice crystals" from jet exhaust that comes from commercial aircraft, then why did these three "airliners" turn around and go back??? Did three people forget something? Do Airliners go back for people who forgot something? Can anyone tell me?... Especially all you scientist experts that say it is just "water vapor"... (BS... I may look dumb, but I'm not thaaat dumb)

They may have had a problem. They may have been military planes that were orbiting for some reason. They may have been in a holding pattern for the airport they were flying into for some reason. There are any number of reasons that a plane would turn like that, all of them perfectly harmless ones.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:46 PM
One day there were alot of "contrails" in the sky... I went out to my car to leave for school and my car was covered in what looked like white shavings. I touched them and they turned into a fine powder. I looked around and you could barely see this stuff falling out of the air, but it was quite a bit. I first thought it might be some sort of pollen or from someone cutting dry wall at a house in my neighborhood. So on the way to school I called my mom and told her to go outside and look at her car (she lives 10 miles from my house). She did and sure enough it was falling all around. So does anyone know what that might be??? It was lightly overcast that day, but through the real clouds you could see the plane tracks.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 03:48 PM
just another pic my mom took.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 04:04 PM
Looks like a holding pattern to me.

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 12:07 AM
Do you realize how far away anything would have to be sprayed to land where you are? Probably on the order of hundreds of miles at least. The winds up that high where contrails form can be insane. We had a bizjet get in the jetstream and get a 160mph tail wind. Anything that light would be blown for hundreds or even thousands of miles.

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Do you realize how far away anything would have to be sprayed to land where you are? Probably on the order of hundreds of miles at least. The winds up that high where contrails form can be insane. We had a bizjet get in the jetstream and get a 160mph tail wind. Anything that light would be blown for hundreds or even thousands of miles.

Exactly, but chemitrails are made up of heavier than Air matierials such as Barium oxide, which means it will fall faster than Contrails, but I agree with you that it will fly some distance before it falls to the earth, maybe thats why they are sprayed in rural areas, because they are compensating for the Wind, to hit thier intended target.

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by The_Time_is_now
Exactly, but chemitrails are made up of heavier than Air matierials such as Barium oxide,

Why would you think anyone is spraying barium oxide out of planes? You must have some clever equipment to have analysed the exhaust, especially from the ground.

maybe thats why they are sprayed in rural areas, because they are compensating for the Wind, to hit thier intended target.

I don't understand this.

[edit on 22/7/06 by FatherLukeDuke]

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Vis, what are clouds made of, and why don't they dissipate after a few minutes?

They dissipate just as quickly as they form, the crystals you see form a cloud one minute has radically changed a few minutes later. Speeding up footage of clouds quickly reveals this, looks pretty cool too

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by tomra
They dissipate just as quickly as they form,

Well it's pretty obvious that they don't, otherwise it would never rain.

Speeding up footage of clouds quickly reveals this, looks pretty cool too

Doh. You are watching something speeded up so it's bound to look like they are quickly forming and dissipating very quickly. Think about it.

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