posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 12:36 AM
Epicentre, yes... but I found this interesting from blackboxvoting...
1. According to KTVU Channel 2 FOX affiliate, Alameda's new Diebold touch screens not working, they are scrambling to go to PAPER BALLOTS!!!!
I will be heading there ASAP!!!
2. This...I am afraid is the first of
Many many reports to come.
3. Now this begs the question: What did they change?
Since Alameda has been using touch screens for years, it makes you wonder why now, all of a sudden, they aren't working.
Do you think it could be because every hacker in California is gunning to compromise the system, and they finally tried to make it secure?
I'm wondering if this is just one polling place (seems likely) or more widespread. Let us know what you find out.
4. Well, given your interview with Rob, this isn't surprising... No ? These have been patched multiple times, but it looks like they never really got
to the bottom of the various "freezings" and erratic behavior of many of these TS systems... -C
5. Alameda County has Oakland (heavy minority population)
There is a pattern in the past of machines not working in minority areas, delaying the vote and disenfranchising those who must choose among: los job,
get pay docked, or vote.
This is because when the machines break down, the wait often becomes so long that employees must use up allotted voting time standing in line.
Little failures add up to bigger trends add up to total results.