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Stargates are real

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posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 05:54 PM
so is this the end of the thread i was hoping for more reading.
well anyway its been great fun

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by razor1000
so is this the end of the thread i was hoping for more reading.
well anyway its been great fun

who said its the end of this thread? lol

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by razor1000
so is this the end of the thread i was hoping for more reading.

Ummm this is news to me.... with the news coming out of the AFRL I think we are just getting started...

BTW Land of Legends will be down for a few days, but all the same Data is still at the mirror site...

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:13 AM
Probably the biggest difference between say, one version of the beginning and another is the effect the beginning had on the various social strata of the communities. For example, for a couple days, I debated Marduk in a different thread about the Genesis account vs. the Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian account of what really happened on the planet way back then.

The issue at hand was, why is the biblical version so similar to the officially sanctioned versions presented by the priests of Akkad and Babylon, if not for the idea that it was simply plagiarized by the biblical writers, whole cloth from the Akkadian and Babylonian texts. The answer I arrived at was not to Marduk's liking but the implications are profound:

There had to have been more than one version of the events, one maintained by the government of their time and presented by the priests of Akkad and Babylon, and another maintained at the street level, where the common people, mostly slaves, kept a wary eye and an ongoing record. Albeit the record was an oral tradition since they didn't have the time, resources or knowledge to create their own cuneiform cylinder seals until many years later, while in captivity in Babylon.

Still, the idea that the biblical texts, particularly the first five books, were merely copies of older stories, seemed narrow-sighted considering the circumstances. What we may be looking at, then, is not copies in the sense of copy and paste, but the same stories told from the perspective of the slaves of the "gods" of Sumer, Akkad and Babylon. This is substantiated by
various other passages, some biblical, some not. Such as the references in Deutoronomy to the maintaining of oral traditions from which the biblical stories were drawn, prior to the days of Moses. The slavery of the hebrews under the rule of Babylon and passages that point to the reality of this problem being directly connected to a problem that started way back in Eden.

So let's hop over to Eden for a moment and see what the skinny is there.

According to the biblical texts, the "Serpent" seed and the seed of Adam would always have enmity between them. Looking at this concept, you think of talking snakes biting feet and undulating through the dust, waiting for the moment to bite the next seed of Adam. Truth of the matter is actually much more intense than those simple concepts can accurately portray.

(hang in there, this is going somewhere interesting)

I considered these passages in light of the potential star gate information that I had been extracting from the Sumerian texts, such as "Enki and the World Order." After discovering that the only figurine or artwork depicting any kind of biped from ancient Eridu (Enki's city) was in fact a serpentine looking grey alien type, the evidence I'd been compiling started to make sense.

Enki was indeed the Biblical Satan. He was the Serpent in Eden. And here was a terra cotta representation of what he looked like. The idea floored me. Then, it put the rest of the ducks in a nice neat little row. I was looking at an alien, an extra-terrestrial, and an incredible likeness of the many attempts that have been made to portray grey aliens and reptilian type extra-terrestrials.

For awhile I didn't believe my own eyes. I kept arguing with myself that it was just too convenient, that after 6000 years, someone had managed to dig , out of the ground, the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, what were the odds! Too fantastic to be believed. But the more information I collected, the more it became exceedingly clear that this was indeed that infamous character who would later be known as Satan, the Devil, and so on. Corny, corny, I thought. Just too corny. That is, until Marduk linked me to images from Pre-Sumer that were also reptilian bipeds. It was at this juncture a new theory popped into my head:

Heiser (scholar of ancient languages of near and middle east), had uncovered that the Serpent in the Garden was in fact bipedal being, upright and perhaps serpentine in appearance, who interacted with Eve. And, furthermore, that Adam and Eve were not a single individuals, but many people, called The Adam.

Multipliers started running threw my head: If Adam was plural and Eve was plural -- So was the Serpent, so was Cain, so was Abel, so was Noah, Seth, Enoch, and so on. In fact, it appeared the pre-flood texts were discussing a huge amount of people, in fact, nations, brimming with people.

From here the ideas just flowed like niagra falls. if Enki was indeed an extra-terrestrial of reptilian and/or grey origin, so were the other sons of Anu (Anunnaki). And if the biblical connection could be made that these were the sons of God mentioned in Genesis that had impregnated the human women and created hybrid offspring, their offspring were also reptilian. The horrible truth was that David Icke had been right. This idea did not make me comfortable, as I had considered him to be a bit on the wacked out side. Truth of the matter is, he was right.

Sigh, I was irritated to have found this truth. It bothered me exceedingly to be in possession of an understanding of historical texts and artworks that not only proved the existence of Extra-terrestrials but Satanic extra-terrestrials to boot. And what bothered me even more, was to finally realize the star gates and all my theories connected to them, were intertwined into the entire Serpentine society, so tight they could not be separated from one another.

I thought, "Oh great. That's just great. I'm gonna look even more looney than I do now. Half the people that believe my star gate theories, are not gonna believe this at all, and the other half that don't believe anyway, are gonna toss me in the recycle bin with Icke. My hopes of ever reaching my audience with the truth on this was pretty much nil, blocked by years of being told the bible was a bunch of fairy stories. The implications were mind boggling. The extent of interaction and coverup necessary to do that much of a snow job on the only remaining evidence against the Serpents of Eden, made it even more ludicrious. The more I uncovered, the more depressed I got.

Suddenly, I began seeing images in my head of Icke's version of Prince Charles, scales shimmering into view on his cheekbones as his "shape shifting" disguise flickered. The new question was, just how much hybridization had transpired since Eden. Were the new hybrids of today, even remotely serpentine in appearance, at any level? Was shape-shifting even a necessary reality for them by now? Millenia of interbreeding with both humans and presumably other "serpents" had made it impossible to know without having some kind of scientific study (which of course, isn't going to happen any time soon since it appears the ancient texts point out repeatedly the hybrids have been put in place to rule over us in the name of their father progenitors for thousands of years and this has NEVER changed).

To make matters even more confusing: it appeared not all serpents were of the "evil" variety. Some were actually "good serpents". If you can't imagine such a thing consider the Seraph or Seraphim of the bible (a race of angels), who are undoubtedly the exact same beings as the "Serpents" and who were employed in various capacities for the good of humanity by Jehovah/Yahweh. It was only SOME serpents, who appeared to be "evil."

The next step was to figure out what determined "Evil" from "Good." The answer was undoubtedly if they interfered with the development of the human race, especially genetically. In other words, if they experimented on, tinkered with, had intercourse with, humans, or instituted their hybrid offspring as rulers over humans. And of course, the only capacity they appeared to be doing this interference in was in the creation of leaders, kings, and rulers.

Well, that was it. I considered sending Icke a "Thanks alot, Buddy! " letter

But ultimately it's not his fault.

I said all that, to say this: Stargate the movie and tv series, is more fact than fiction. Yeah, there, I said it. And frankly, it doesn't light my cannons. It scares the heck outta me, and depresses my view of reality into little compartments of terror and incredulity that constantly argues with the rest of my senses that have seen the evidence and read the texts.

Son of a ___________. Somewhere out there, the "Serpents" are laughing their darn fool heads off at us, using us up like the bags of carbon based water that we are, and completely convincing most of the planet that they don't exist at all.

Doh, just doh.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 04:31 PM
i dont remember the exact date bvut its pretty soon that the scifi channel will be doing a special on stargate called stargate and its mythology, i wonder what thats going to be about. i'd like to talk to the writer of the original movie and find out exactly how he came up with the whole thing. in the series they have slowly showed us how the human race could gain enough knolledge to begin building starships while at the same time keeping it secret from the general publi but i beliece that by the end of the series that the general public will find out about the stargate on the show. and if this show really is an attempt by the goverment to prepare us for what is to come the the day of disclosure is really closer than anyone thinks.

When it comes to genesis i really dont care about it, the fact is that were here now and we must find out were we are going will we remain on our little rock or find another world in another system to move to once this world cannot sustain us anymore. but at the rate NASA is going it will probably take 200 years to get anywere

Also the whole theory on reptialians is somthing i can begin to believe for there are numerous references even today to serpents in ancient times,

for example:
Connan who was an akkadian battled against the forces of seth (repitels who looked like snakes)
The stories of dragons from the darkages(reptiles who were elengated and could fly and breathe fire)ok so they got on spaceships and their ships opened fire on people.
also i remember a scene from that tales from the cript movie called demon knight when the knight is collecting some of jesus' blood on that key and theres some reptilian looking demons who are there trying to get the key from him.

if you think back to all of the demons they are reptilian in apearance and have wings so i believe this validates the existence of dragons in some form. so maybe what were dealing with here is just what everyone has been saying the whole time and those stargates are either working or they have managed to settle on another world in our system scary thought there as you think back at how many probes have failed to land or misteriously banished.

all legends have an origin and everything thats considered fantasy today was at some point real which means basically what that guy said

science is but an organized system of ignorance

[edit on 4/9/2007 by razor1000]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:33 PM

Probably the biggest difference between say, one version of the beginning and another is the effect the beginning had on the various social strata of the communities.

Very interesting post and actually not quite unique for my beliefs. I have often wondered on the serpent in the garden and had long ago figured on an alien "reptillian" appearing race.

I understand your occasional fears and such however, you must also remember the other side of the equation as well as the last chapter of the New Testiment. Now, I'm not saying that it will indeed happen as it is stated in the book because, as you well know, they have been tampered with in order to generate fear and manipulate the masses.

As for the other side of the equation, remember the 'angels' of God. They are still here as well. Sure, there is a group of people that truly believe they are the cats meow and that the rest of humanity should be either wiped our and the rest enslaved for their whims or simply wiped out. These are the decendants of the serpant and their followers. Now, take a little security in the fact that the other equation is still out there. They are watching to make sure the extremes don't happen. They want to see the race of 'Adam' succeed against their satan (adversary).

The end days (not the end as in 'no more world or people' but end of age) are portrayed as evil filled and terrible. However, there are other prophecies that state differently. They call for the overthrow of the evil doers via a uniting of man and brothers from above.

I have to run now but I wanted to respond to this post because it was well written. No, you are not a complete nut job for thinking this. Yes, many people will probably think so but know that there are also quite a few that already know or will realize the truth when it is presented to them.

Great post and I look forward to more of your insights and information.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:30 AM
off topic a moment, but I wanted to link you folks to my OOBE post.
i had a very strange experience about 4 years ago, and decided to
share it. you might find this interesting for any number of reasons:

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 10:17 AM
Hey Undo, this is a great thread. So far I am only on page ten though, so please bare with me if I bring up an already discussed topic. I did a research paper on the Book of Enoch a couple year ago, and tied it to some of the theories you have brought up. Really interesting stuff, and it's obvious you've put in a lot of hours of digging and connecting the dots. One thing that's always facinated me was the figure Lilith. So far I have only read posts bringing up Adam and Eve and the serpant, but I think she must play a huge role in some of your theories.

Lilith (Hebrew לילית) is a female Mesopotamian demon associated with wind and was thought to be a bearer of disease, illness, and death. The figure of Lilith first appeared in a class of wind and storm demons or spirits as Lilitu, in Sumeria, circe 3000 B.C. Many scholars place the origin of the phonetic name "Lilith" at somewhere around 700 B.C.[1] Lilith appears as a night demon in the Talmud and Midrash and as a screech owl in the King James Version of the Bible. Popular medieval Jewish lore depicts her as the first wife of Adam, who departed from Eden and Adam after a dispute, afterwards becoming a mother of demons.

Again, sorry if you've already brought her up. Can't wait to read your e-books.


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Undo, Thank you for hitting this subject as hard as you do. Forgive me if this has been brought up but have you ever read Michael Tsarion's "Alien Visitation and genetic manipulation?

It touches on almost ever subject brought up on this thread and he gives his own timeline interpretation of history. Very interesting and very close to what this thread has focused on. Alot of it revolves around Summerian text and pre-sumerian and altantis mythology and how it also plays out in today's world with the New World Order. Also touches on the alien/genetic link and why certain religions spin this out of ancient text. Unbelievable read I recommend it to anyone here. I will be purchasing your books before my trip to Italy UNDO, thank you.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Majorsetback
Undo, Thank you for hitting this subject as hard as you do. Forgive me if this has been brought up but have you ever read Michael Tsarion's "Alien Visitation and genetic manipulation?

It touches on almost ever subject brought up on this thread and he gives his own timeline interpretation of history. Very interesting and very close to what this thread has focused on. Alot of it revolves around Summerian text and pre-sumerian and altantis mythology and how it also plays out in today's world with the New World Order. Also touches on the alien/genetic link and why certain religions spin this out of ancient text. Unbelievable read I recommend it to anyone here. I will be purchasing your books before my trip to Italy UNDO, thank you.

Thank you but my books are free.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Here is a great site for info on Stargates.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by SG-17
Here is a great site for info on Stargates.

Thanks anyway but wrong Stargates...

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by strangefires
Hey Undo, this is a great thread. So far I am only on page ten though, so please bare with me if I bring up an already discussed topic. I did a research paper on the Book of Enoch a couple year ago, and tied it to some of the theories you have brought up. Really interesting stuff, and it's obvious you've put in a lot of hours of digging and connecting the dots. One thing that's always facinated me was the figure Lilith. So far I have only read posts bringing up Adam and Eve and the serpant, but I think she must play a huge role in some of your theories.

Lilith (Hebrew לילית) is a female Mesopotamian demon associated with wind and was thought to be a bearer of disease, illness, and death. The figure of Lilith first appeared in a class of wind and storm demons or spirits as Lilitu, in Sumeria, circe 3000 B.C. Many scholars place the origin of the phonetic name "Lilith" at somewhere around 700 B.C.[1] Lilith appears as a night demon in the Talmud and Midrash and as a screech owl in the King James Version of the Bible. Popular medieval Jewish lore depicts her as the first wife of Adam, who departed from Eden and Adam after a dispute, afterwards becoming a mother of demons.

Again, sorry if you've already brought her up. Can't wait to read your e-books.


I've done some research on that, but not alot. Mostly in relation to the idea that there was initially a strain of Adam that was purely serpentine (seraphim), as depicted in the pre-sumer figurines. Not that i actually agreed with that appraisal, but I had come upon that theory in another book called "Flying Serpents and Dragons", written by R.A. Boulay, which you can read here:

My initial reaction to it was that he was picking up on the lore of the nephilim hybrids and had misconstrued the creation of "The Cain" line as the original "Adam" . Currently, I'm theorizing that "The Cain" line was from Enki tinkering with "The Adam" populace. If that makes sense.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:22 AM
I've had some time to think about my post relating to Icke's research, a few posts back.

I need to add a proviso:

I don't believe today we should test people to find out if they're "serpent seed," as I believe when Jesus arrived, all that mess was rendered irrelevent. Some disagree with that appraisal. But seriously, if the difference between an Adam seed and a Serpent seed was genetic till Jesus, and had been previously differentiated by "hebrew" or "gentile", the point of having a distinction is gone after Jesus offers up the promise to anyone who wants it, gentile or jew. If the gentile races were all infested with serpent seed, offering them the promise is an olive branch, an opportunity to render any "serpent seed" blameless if they so wish it, at least, that's my opinion of the purpose of offering salvation to the gentile races. I think the texts indicate that as well. Just for the record.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by undo
I've had some time to think about my post relating to Icke's research, a few posts back.

I need to add a proviso:

I don't believe today we should test people to find out if they're "serpent seed," as I believe when Jesus arrived, all that mess was rendered irrelevent. Some disagree with that appraisal. But seriously, if the difference between an Adam seed and a Serpent seed was genetic till Jesus, and had been previously differentiated by "hebrew" or "gentile", the point of having a distinction is gone after Jesus offers up the promise to anyone who wants it, gentile or jew. If the gentile races were all infested with serpent seed, offering them the promise is an olive branch, an opportunity to render any "serpent seed" blameless if they so wish it, at least, that's my opinion of the purpose of offering salvation to the gentile races. I think the texts indicate that as well. Just for the record.

I'm not sure how Jesus' arrival takes care of the "serpent seed". How does a wish changes one's DNA?

I personally think that Jesus was set up. He was "special" for sure, starting with the AI (artificial insemination) of his mother, and all the miracle accounts and so on. However, as time went on, his message of love thy neighbor didn’t quite jive with the Annunaki as it was uniting the humans and the last thing they wanted, since the Tower of Babel incident, was united human masses against them. So he had to be disposed of. They had to be careful because he wasn’t your regular human slave that would follow orders (like Abraham, who apparently had no problem sacrificing his kid but there was no need for the act, so the order was recalled.)

Back to Jesus, now. Fast forward to the crucifixion. His reported last words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Finally, he caught on but it was too late. His fate was sealed and the intervention he was waiting for never came.

Now the resurrection. We know that the body was placed in the temp tomb with the rolling stone, there was noise in the night and lights (from they sky) but the Roman soldiers who were supposed to guard the tomb were scared and didn’t leave their tent. Maybe he was resurrecting and maybe he wasn’t. Maybe Joseph of Arimathea (the wealthy guy that paid for Jesus’ burial) had the body moved in the middle of the night because now all the people were guilty of sending an innocent man to the cross. By getting rid of the body nothing ever happened. No body - no crime. Better yet, there was no crime because the guy rose from the dead, see. Miraculously. And it was all part of god’s plan, too.

But let’s suppose all happened as the New Testament says it did and the crucifixion was part of the plan and Jesus was in on it and he went to the cross willingly because one day thousands of years later there would be billions of people saved. Never mind that the nobody took the crazy Galileans seriously for about three hundred years after the fact and if it wasn’t for the emperor Constantine Christianity would still be an obscure cult of Judaism, but alright, Rome wasn’t built in a day either.

The problem I have is mainly with Jesus’ track record of special powers. As far as I am aware the only miracles are walking on water, turning water into wine, bringing Lazarus back from the dead and maybe I’m missing a few examples but though sensational for the average peasant the miracles are trivial nonetheless and on individual or small scale. True, they are far better than my special powers (I have none). And after the crucifixion he restricts his appearances to dreams and burnt toast. Nothing on the resume (before or after the rising from the dead) involving DNA changing or battling the forces of Evil on a Cosmic scale.

And that is my problem.

undo, I have completely enjoyed this thread and I am blown away by your knowlege and ability to "connect the dots". Cont...

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:09 AM
Cont. from previous post:
to undo

I was saying that I admire your ability to connect the dots in a very interesting and unique way. My previoust post is not intended as an atack on a beleif system, I just wonder how can people put so much faith in Jesus. Not that he was a bad guy, or that I don't like his message, but he couldn't do much for himself here so why should I think that he would be able to do all that the we project on him. That's all.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:38 AM

Well that was a nice big post.
The only way we could have communion with God under the Old Covenant, in the Old Testament, was if the DNA was right. The DNA had to be human, this was the qualifier. We were supposed to be His people. But only if we were His people genetically, if you follow my meaning.

Human DNA had to be delivered to the advent of the Messiah. Once done, the real work began. The spirit issue still hadn't been dealt with. This was to be the work of the Messiah.

Old Testament was the perfected human body of the Messiah.

New Testament was the perfected spirit of the Messiah and anyone who wanted to take part in that spirit, would inherit the body, so to speak.

Together you have the whole being, as you become the "image" of the Messiah, not just in spirit, but in body.

This was the meaning of the Last Supper.

As far as the rest of your post, it'd take me days to list off all the miraculous events surrounding, leading up to, during and after His life. Not just miracles performed, but the incredible foreknowledge of His arrival.

If you really want me to discuss it with you, email me at [email protected]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:32 AM
There's news that they found a gigantic hole underwater leaing to the inner earth!

It could probably be the soruce of UFOs coming from.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 03:46 AM
(moved post)

[edit on 12-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 05:02 AM
(moved post)


sorry about that

[edit on 12-4-2007 by undo]

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