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Stargates are real

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posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 02:48 PM
I assume that the writing on the picture on the previous page is Latin. Can anyone read or translate this?

[edit on 4-4-2007 by JackCash]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:22 PM

all this info about stargates is EXTREMELY exciting me, and i 110% dig everyone's opinions about this,AND i totally believe stargates are real.

however. i was wondering something.

i just saw the Video that zysin5 Posted. and in it it said that Planet X (if Real)
is on a 3600 year orbit around our sun. and every 3600 years Planet X is close to Earth.

Well what if December 21st 2012 Is the time when Planet X gets close to us again and the Annunaki come back / give us Stargates Etc.

just a thought on my mind..

Nothin but Peace - Mayan

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:36 PM
The "Hall of records" under the Sphinx is something else that has been linked to the stargate conspiracy.

It has been confirmed that there is something under the Sphinx, but nobody has started digging.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Mayan2012

all this info about stargates is EXTREMELY exciting me, and i 110% dig everyone's opinions about this,AND i totally believe stargates are real.

however. i was wondering something.

i just saw the Video that zysin5 Posted. and in it it said that Planet X (if Real)
is on a 3600 year orbit around our sun. and every 3600 years Planet X is close to Earth.

Well what if December 21st 2012 Is the time when Planet X gets close to us again and the Annunaki come back / give us Stargates Etc.

just a thought on my mind..

Nothin but Peace - Mayan

From all of the research and such that is being thrown around in here I don't even know if I have the RIGHT to post on this thread. But of course it means I will.

To answer your question I believe that their calendar actually runs on a 3,600 year cycle. I know that that figure does indeed tie in somehow. Maybe it was something that Tsarion said in one of his lectures. I would have to research it but I think that, if indeed it is true, the 3,600 year cycle could indeed be up in 2012.

But I will leave that up to these fine 'learned' experts on this field. I'll keep on enjoying the ride myself.

Great work people and very interesting. Keep it up.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Sitchin's Nibiru cycle still places it some 300 years off for arrival in earth vicinity. I don't believe Nibiru is a planet, btw. It's one of those areas I disagree with him about. I'm more prone to believe that there's a massive mothership out there, on its way here, or hiding, cloaked, etc, and that sometime in the near future, it will be unexpectedly unveiled in earth orbit. The event, I believe, is outlined in Revelation and depicted as the arrival of Wormwood, which is not an asteroid, but an extra-terrestrial, pyramidal (mount shaped) craft, that plunges into one of earth's oceans and starts some kind of environmental disaster. The details of this event, as per my interpretation, are in my free e-book "Nibiru and Wormwood", which you can read here:

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:04 PM
anybody can write a book. i can write a book about aliens and tell you that they are real. but nobody would believe me without some really good pictures.

pics or it aint real.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by undo
Sitchin's Nibiru cycle still places it some 300 years off for arrival in earth vicinity. I don't believe Nibiru is a planet, btw. It's one of those areas I disagree with him about. I'm more prone to believe that there's a massive mothership out there, on its way here, or hiding, cloaked, etc, and that sometime in the near future, it will be unexpectedly unveiled in earth orbit. The event, I believe, is outlined in Revelation and depicted as the arrival of Wormwood, which is not an asteroid, but an extra-terrestrial, pyramidal (mount shaped) craft, that plunges into one of earth's oceans and starts some kind of environmental disaster. The details of this event, as per my interpretation, are in my free e-book "Nibiru and Wormwood", which you can read here:

Well you've cettainly have started some deep thinking Undo i applaud you once again no about this little snippet:
what you are talking about sounds like a spacship wich will run out of fuel and fall from orbit so does that mean that we should try to find it and fix it.
and could this possibly be the moon by any chance i dont really believe the standing theory of how it was created it should be a lot smaller in my opinion so maybe its a mothership thats been collecting dust all this time

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by JackCash
I assume that the writing on the picture on the previous page is Latin. Can anyone read or translate this?

Actually there are several languages in the chevrons... A little background...

A work often dragged into the Rosicrucian camp is the Amphitheatrum (the Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom) of Heinrich Khunrath. This was written before 1604 and a version containing the four circular diagram without the extensive text was issued in 1595, though only a few copies seem to have been printed. Only three copies of this edition appear to have survived (one in Basle, one in Wisconsin and a version with only two plates in the British Library.) The full work was published in 1609, with some additional large rectangular plates bearing symbolism which some writers have perceived as echoing that of the Fama - the heptangular fortress, the college of the mysteries, the gate of the Amphitheatre with a structure echoing the seven-sided vault.

"This is the Portal of the amphitheatre of the only true and eternal Wisdom--a narrow one, indeed, but sufficiently august, and consecrated to Jehovah. To this portal ascent is made by a mystic, indisputably prologetic, flight of steps, set before it as shown in the picture. It consists of seven theosophic, or, rather, philosophic steps of the Doctrine of the Faithful Sons. After ascending the steps, the path is along the way of God the Father, either directly by inspiration or by various mediate means. According to the seven oracular laws shining at the portal, those who are inspired divinely have the power to enter and with the eyes of the body and of the mind, of seeing, contemplating and investigating in a Christiano-Kabalistic, divino-magical, physico-chemical manner, the nature of the Wisdom: Goodness, and Power of the Creator; to the end that they die not sophistically but live theosophically, and that the orthodox philosophers so created may with sincere philosophy expound the works of the Lord, and worthily praise God who has thus blessed these friend, of God." The above figure and description constitute one of the most remarkable expositions ever made of the appearance of the Wise Man's House and the way by which it must be entered."

So basically its the Gateway to Heaven, to put it simply

Any more than that will take years of study... this is a very rare print that has been secret for a long time

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by dariousg
But I will leave that up to these fine 'learned' experts on this field. I'll keep on enjoying the ride myself.

LOL well this "learned one" doesn't buy into the end of the world in 2012 just because a calendar comes to an end of a cycle... The Mayans quite possibly have space connections, but a cycle is just that, it starts at the beginning. Even Sitchin does not say Nibiru will be back in 2012 I believe he doesn't give any exact date...

The other thing is that the Earth is supposed to cross the Galactic center on that date... well we crossed through the plane of the Galaxy 2 million years ago and are currently moving up and out from the rim... (we are 50 light years above the plane right now]

When I asked someone about this I was told the "galactic alignment" they refer to is an astrological one...

Besides... Nibiru means "crossing point" not "planet" IE a gateway

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by misterfantastic
anybody can write a book. i can write a book about aliens and tell you that they are real. but nobody would believe me without some really good pictures.

pics or it aint real.

Okay no problem I will just photo shop up a batch for you this afternoon

Oh wait I DO have this really awesome picture of Enki returned to Earth... I almost forgot... nope its gone from the hard drive dagnabbit

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:06 PM
moved post

[edit on 4-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:20 PM
Im truly starting to believe that Stargates must be the only way to travel between the vaster regions of the universe and inter- Dimensonal travel. Even at extreme hyper light speeds it would take hundreds of thousands of years to transverse to remote Systems. If ET/Ancients arent a relatively close neighbour than these are most likely their means of travel. How do they fold space or interface dimensions though is the big kicker and is travel instantaneous or is there a lag associated with Time and or Space/Dimensions and thereof?
Its odd that the show SG-1 has quite a few exotic science ideas that are turning out to be not so Sci-Fi today.
A very logical form of travel and quite basic yet genius in thought.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by VType]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by razor1000

Well you've cettainly have started some deep thinking Undo i applaud you once again no about this little snippet:
what you are talking about sounds like a spacship wich will run out of fuel and fall from orbit so does that mean that we should try to find it and fix it.
and could this possibly be the moon by any chance i dont really believe the standing theory of how it was created it should be a lot smaller in my opinion so maybe its a mothership thats been collecting dust all this time

Well essentially, this is all just my guesswork. but i connected the dots on the spaceship concept in a rather unexpected way.

The idea came to me while reading "The Legend of Re (Ra) and Hathor." it likens Ra to having skin like gold, bones like silver and hair like lapis lazuli, which i noticed was the exact same description as Enki's E.Abzu Ziggurat - gold outside, silver inside, blue lapis lazuli designs. It dawned on me that Enki, who was later called Enki-Ea, was Ra, and that Ra had basically been immortalized in the form of Enki's Ziggurat, his E.Abzu (gold on the outside, silver on the inside, blue lapis lazuli designs). Anyway,

while reading the story, I noticed it says Ra's Eye (which is the most powerful eye on the planet), becomes a weapon in the form of Hathor, it flys around, seeks out the people who have angered Ra, finds them wherever they are hiding, even in caves, and kills them. It does this presumably by heat seeking vision, ground penetrating radar type technology. In short, it sounds like Enki's E.ABZU is a spaceship that is also called Ra's Eye, later. One of the ways in which it does the damage has something to do with turning water into "blood," which I theorized may have been some toxic effect it had on water which also happened to turn it red in color. This, water toxifying red coloring is mentioned in two places in the bible. Once in Egypt, when Moses is attempting to get the Pharaoh to release the israelites, the water of the Nile is turned to blood color and the toxic effects kill the lifeforms. And once in Revelation, when the Mount on fire (I translate this to mean, glowing pyramidal or ziggurat shaped ufo) crashes into the ocean and turns the water blood red and toxic.

I believe Wormwood mothership has been here, all along, but has remained hidden in the neighborhood, either in earth space, moon space, or in the nearby planet spaces, or asteroid belt. Either hidden behind them or as a result of cloaking technology, or simply by operating on a different set of electromagnetic parameters so that we can't see it in our visible spectrum of light. In short, we are or may be hampered by the extent of the vision our eyes are capable of seeing.

Anyway, the connect the dots on this has two regular signatures:

Pyramidal/Ziggurat/Mount shaped flying things that turned water toxic and blood red.

As a side note to my post above about the Eye of Ra and Wormwood,
I thought i'd mention how this may in fact, tie into something completely different, as well (although it still needs more textual support)

Zorgon was toying around with the idea of some of the star gates being underwater, the gates of the deep as it were, and that part of the destruction of the flood was the result of a pair of gates (or more) being opened between an Earth ocean gate and Mars ocean gate. This would achieve more than one effect:

1. Coloring the water on Earth red, with stirred up martian sediments that were potentially toxic in combination with earth H20
2. Stripping Mars of water life support, flooding earth with more water than it could possibly need. Thereby destroying two neighboring planetary civilizations at the same time.

Since we don't know the extent of interaction between Mars and Earth in the ancient past, the idea does seem to have some merit, albeit rather unsubstantiated. At least we have some potential verifiers in the form of a water history on Mars. some vague indicators of ancient civilization on Mars, however distant or obscure.

There's one solitary reference in this section regarding Wormwood and the poisoning of the founts of the deep, which may very well be an ancient reference to more than simply underground rivers. The gates of the deep, founts of the deep. A relatively unrevealed and unexplored part of the planet, are our oceans, which could very easily hide gigantic star gates, capable of transporting any number of things, unobserved between planets/moons/or maybe even dimensions.

All hypothetical, of course.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 09:24 PM
i guess then the first place to start diggin r diving in this case is the mariana's trench since its the deepest and darkest place on earth if i were to hide something it would be there

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by VType
A very logical form of travel and quite basic yet genius in thought.

I was surprised to learn from the Air Force documents that they are talking not only point a to point b in our universe, but between universes, between dimensions and time itself...

I only have one problem still (and this may not be an issue once we understand the gates..) but current understanding is that your molecules are disassmbled, the data transmitted and then you get reassembled at the other end... Star Trek dealt with that..

So you literally die everytime you step through. I.m kinda hoping there is a way around that that we don't know yet

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 12:17 AM
I'd also like to add that Patrick Heron, in his book "The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse," believes that New City Jerusalem, described at the end of Revelation in the bible, is in fact a pyramid shaped city, not a cube. This lends credence to the idea that these flying pyramid and ziggurat shaped craft, discussed as far back as the akkadian text "Enki and the World Order", have similar technology, similar appearance and are from similar beings.

Dr. Heiser, a scholar, translator and linguist of many ancient languages from the middle and near east, refers to these similar beings as "The Elohim" (God and Angels) or "the elohim" (the gods) or simply as "Elohim" (God, singular). Enki would've been considered a member of the elohim and following the mesopotamian flood, also a member of the divine council. the akkadians, however, referred to him as a sumerian Anunnaki, which is essentially the same as a member of the elohim. later examples are seen in the pantheon of mount olympus. it's possible to follow the many "reincarnations" of Enki down through history, which is particulary amazing, although not everyone recognizes his new renditions, it is without doubt, the same member of the elohim. the reading on these subjects is fascinating. if you're interested, let me know and i'll provide a set of links for your perusal.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 01:08 AM
hey undo u really should have been part of all the UFO answer ats game i think you probably could have got all of hte questions right

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
hey undo u really should have been part of all the UFO answer ats game i think you probably could have got all of hte questions right

lol not hardly. i don't follow ufology. i just study where ever the study leads me. i use the biblical texts as a launching platform and off i go. it's been interesting, to say the least.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by undo
Sitchin's Nibiru cycle still places it some 300 years off for arrival in earth vicinity. I don't believe Nibiru is a planet, btw. It's one of those areas I disagree with him about. I'm more prone to believe that there's a massive mothership out there, on its way here, or hiding, cloaked, etc, and that sometime in the near future, it will be unexpectedly unveiled in earth orbit. The event, I believe, is outlined in Revelation and depicted as the arrival of Wormwood, which is not an asteroid, but an extra-terrestrial, pyramidal (mount shaped) craft, that plunges into one of earth's oceans and starts some kind of environmental disaster. The details of this event, as per my interpretation, are in my free e-book "Nibiru and Wormwood", which you can read here:

There is definatley something on a strange orbit around our solar system.
And it has a tremendous mass, like a planet. People know this because pluto and neptune have a strange wobble that indicates a gravitational pull from some thing else.
This wormwood has to be craft of some type......If it's real, if it hit earth before,it had the power to leave the atmosphere.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by jetflock
Maybe it was just a rip between dimensions, like the ones Aliester Crowley/Jack Parsons/The Philadelphia Experiment/Manhatten Project/ Nikoli Tesla supposedly had opened.
I do believe Iraq held some great secrets of humanity, not necessarily a Stargate though.
Ashame the U.S. is either stealing our history and/or carpet bombing it.
Edit: those symbols above are also referenced in Kabballistic/Knights Templar myths.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by jetflock]

what do you think the text meant when it said Enki's Abzu was connected to the Field Constellation?

what do you think the text meant when it said, gilgamesh had to prove he was capable of surviving a trip through the gates of Paradise to see the Noah figure? and that the trip through the gates consisted of a totally black tunnel at the end of which he emerged into a garden where the trees grew crystals instead of fruit?

and, lets add to this that there were guardians of the gates that you couldn't get past if you were a human.

And what in God's name do you really know? I was not attacking you, and you seem to be very harsh and defensive. ALL of this can be interpreted in different ways. And whats so different between the two anyway-especially from our standpoint. stargate or rip in time/space, its still a damned gateway-if such a thing were to exist. How are you so right?

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