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Stargates are real

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posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 08:06 AM
dam it, i missed a huage talk, and it invovled my love (stargate show) well im to late i think, but if you have any questions just ask me, the directors of stargate have openly said they got nearly all there ideas off current scientific and historical topics. the ancients, (atlanteans) atlantis (well..atlantis) and crystels to store infomation (plato said thats what the atlanteans used)

if you want to hear them say it for them self, its on season 9 box set, last disk, last episode, great show
truely great

o and im making a blog about each episode of the new stargate atlantis, so be out soon

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 10:47 PM
I found this image of a neolithic goddess found in the Balkans and remembered this image that has been floating around. They certainly look reptoid to me. I've always thought that "Thou shall make no graven images" command was a little silly. Now it makes more sense. If graven images were allowed it would have been more difficult to convice the human slave populations that they were created in god's image, don't you think?

[edit on 18-4-2007 by tungus]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by tungus
I found this image of a neolithic goddess found in the Balkans and remembered this image that has been floating around. They certainly look reptoid to me. I've always thought that "Thou shall make no graven images" command was a little silly. Now it makes more sense. If graven images were allowed it would have been more difficult to convice the human slave populations that they were created in god's image, don't you think?

that's provided you believe Yahweh was a slave master. i don't think He was.

Thanks for the other images, btw!!!

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by undo

that's provided you believe Yahweh was a slave master. i don't think He was.

Thanks for the other images, btw!!!

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

And yet, it was very important to Yahwew that there be no graven images. I guess, cell phone cameras are out of the question.

At this point I have no idea who was a slave master and who wasn't. Although I don't know if I would trust Enki, he is sort of a Prometheus figure-- Enki went around the orders of Enlil (who became Yahweh in the bible) and told one of the humans to build a boat for the upcoming flood. And before that Enki was also the one that upgraded the Adamu to be able to "know" their wifes, but with that came increased self-awareness among other things. Enlil certainly did not want humans to be self-aware. He wanted humans to be dumb (but not too dumb) and strong (but not too strong) to do the manual labor, not to ponder the meaning of life or searching for stargates.

I do not trust Enki - the upgrades we got were not to aleviate our lot, but for his purposes; he and the rest of the Annunaki were very careful not to give us too much. Oh, you know, things like longer lifespan and increased intelligence, to mention just a couple. I have more gripes about Enki and a long laundry list of abilities we were denied, but enough of this.

Also, wasn't Yahweh the one who mixed up our languages?

[edit on 19-4-2007 by tungus]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:46 AM
the no graven images thing was about not worshipping the created, but rather the creator. about not worshipping things. not worshipping stone, jewels, metal or wood, that can neither see, feel or hear. it has several different applications, as revealed in the body of the old testament and new testament. it's basically an attempt to define what is of value and what isn't. things have no value, because they can neither hear, feel or see. things have no sentience. things should not take precedence over living matter. money should not be more important than people, for example. when you put emphasis on the money, it becomes an idol, a graven image, that can neither feel, see or hear.

i have a big diatribe on that whole enki-enlil thing. i'll post it after i've had some time to coordinate my thoughts on it, again. stay tuned.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:05 AM
And here's yet another interesting set of images. The first picture is a very interesting montage that appears to be layered. One set of images is inset over another set, in the backdrop. Probably two different timeframes for the images: An older set of images was engraved and sometime after, new images were engraved over the older ones. Not all the older ones are effected however. Here's the big one (it's from Naqada, Egypt, which is basically the same area as Abydos):

and here's what's hiding in the backdrop, the older engraving that has been partially covered up. I've taken the liberty to tint the boat in a light brown, so it can be differentiated from the rider in the boat. Now lookie at the occupant of the boat. What do you see?

Close up of the newer pharaoh figure. head and hat. look at that face. yikes.

And here's an even older piece from predynastic Egypt, in the vicinity of Abydos. Check how they don't look very human.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:46 AM
Enlil vs. Enki, the results of my research

According to the pseudepigraphia of 1 Enoch, written by the hebrews and found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, the time before the flood was characterized by a few very unsavory events. Chief among these was the extent of damage caused to the human species before the flood. Other texts, such as the Rig Veda and the Mahabharata, outline similar events. This was achieved in several ways:

1. Humans were genetically-modified. Some to be hybrid rulers over the human slave population, and some as part and parcel of Enki's monsters.

2. The fallen ones, of which Enki was a primary leading force, took it upon themselves to teach humans civilization. What that translates to is, they took it upon themselves to enslave the human populace for the purposes of civilization building.

3. The hybrid rulers began to infiltrate the human populace, genetically, in the name of their progenitors. From the newly made second generation hybrid pool, they chose their priests, scribes, warriors and various other positions of prominence within the city-state they ruled over. This was a global event, as the Earth civilizations had grown to cover most of the globe, including areas we know today as India, China, Japan, Australia, Russia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

4. Wars broke out between warring hybrid rulers and their fallen progenitors. The end result was a severly damaged environment. Droughts kicked in as a result, droughts that spanned the globe. Plant life died. The animal genome had been so heavily tinkered with, that their meat was no longer edible. Starvation loomed. So the hybrid rulers began a campaign to subsidize the diet of their royal houses and armies, with human flesh.

5. As a result of the menu and the damage to the environment, humans were about to be snuffed out of existence entirely. At this point, Yahweh mourns the day He created humans because half of them are now hybrids and followers of the fallen, and the other half are being systematically excised from the planet as the main course at an endless survival of the fittest feast. He determines to save what is left of His original creation by having the remaining humans build specially-designed boats. He also has them select out any remaining, undamaged animals and the whole lot escape the devastation.

6. With the flood behind them, the surviving humans begin to take control of the planet. The hybrids are all but gone and the fallen progenitors have been either imprisoned for their part in the events leading up to the flood or kept at arms length by the free will of the human population, who decide they don't want anymore of that!!! That is, until Nimrod, who decides he wants to align forces with Enki in exchange for genetically modifying him to be a hybrid ruler, once again inviting the fallen to oversee the affairs of humankind on the planet via a hybrid. The idea becomes so popular, Nimrod ends up being the Emperor of the Known World. This jump starts the entire thing, all over again, resulting in the decisions we see discussed regarding the Tower of Babel (which was at Eridu, Enki's old city, btw).

7. As a result of the Tower of Babel fiasco, Yahweh and the angelic host, discuss what should be done about humanity, as it appears their free will has inherent with it, the capacity to make the dumbest decisions, most of which are inspired by the desires of the body, the natural man. They decide to let humanity have what they want, with certain provisos. A council of 70 gods is set up, and the nations are separated, based on that number. Each new nation is assigned a god to watch over and guide their affairs however they see fit but they are not allowed to reopen the gates of old, that is, until Revelation 9.

8. The hybrid rulers and scribes of Enki, throughout successive generations, became the sole proprietors and maintainers of the histories of their kingdoms. Almost all stories from sumer and forward to babylon, were Enki-based. The exploits of Anu, Enlil and Enki, were told and retold entirely from the Enki perspective, which was the mainstream view, as the hybrids were also the rulers and scribes who wrote the history to begin with.

9. In the meantime, the human slave population kept an oral history of the events, as they couldn't afford scribes of their own, nor were they allowed to write or read beyond what was necessary for their work as slaves. This is outlined in Deutoronomy,when Moses explains to the israelites that their forefathers had maintained an oral history of the past. It's also clearly established by witnessing the enslavement of the hebrews throughout successive generations. Each time they were enslaved anew, it was usually as a result of some corrupt king who ended up selling them off to the highest bidder. You can nearly set your timex by it - if a people were enslaved, it's more likely than not, that they were an isolated human cell in a field overrun by new hybrids that had come into power as a result of the events preceeding and following the Tower of Babel.

10. It's of interest to note here, that as a result of the Enki-based ancient history, there's really no way to tell what Enlil did or didn't do or if he was even good, bad or indifferent. It's all been jumbled up and mixed and retold in Enki's favor, so many times, that were it not for the oral histories of the human slaves, we would have no idea whatsoever, what happened back then.

And there you have the results of my research.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:57 AM
And now onto something else, the antiquity of the Giza Plateau structures.

There's been much argument and controversy over the age of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at the Giza Plateau.

I thought I'd share this little tidbit with you folks and see what you think:

1 and 2 are pyramids. 3, the sphinx

from this, the Naqada Label, dated to the time of the 1st Dynasty. 3000-28oo BC.


[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by tungus

And yet, it was very important to Yahwew that there be no graven images. I guess, cell phone cameras are out of the question.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by tungus]

A bit off topic, but that's not too much of a stretch. There is a fundamentalist Christian sect in Missouri who are similar to the new order Amish. While they shun most modern conveniences, they do own cars and tractors. Up until now, they've gotten away without having their picture on their driver's license under a religious exemption. That exemption is being removed compliments of homeland insecurity. The sect is now deciding whether to move to another state, or give up driving automobiles.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:41 PM
and in stargate gods of varios nations are aliens!wow i belive you now

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by tungus
If graven images were allowed it would have been more difficult to convice the human slave populations that they were created in god's image, don't you think?

Very good point! I never thought about that!

Originally posted by undo
that's provided you believe Yahweh was a slave master. i don't think He was.

Well he sure expects blind obedience... and if you don't, well lets just zap the whole darn bunch of em and start over...

Not very economical for a slave master...

[edit on 19-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:14 PM
um guys? graven images were allowed, everywhere. where do you think the statues and artifacts come from?

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:15 PM
Thats because people made the images despite the orders not to..

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Thats because people made the images despite the orders not to..

lol you think Enki told them not to make statues? oh boy.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by ignus
and in stargate gods of varios nations are aliens!wow i belive you now

KOOL Maybe we can start our own "religion" My daughter actually told her teacher that Stargate is her religion LOL...

Nothing radical... just a quiet following of believers...

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:25 PM
Think of the tax benefits and we could then demand the government let us us our stargate... religious exemption and all that..

BTW Beth I LOVE THAT VASE That is an incredible find

[edit on 19-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Well he sure expects blind obedience... and if you don't, well lets just zap the whole darn bunch of em and start over...

Not very economical for a slave master...

[edit on 19-4-2007 by zorgon]

Context is the answer to this, I believe. They had the exact same problems after the Tower event, as they did before the flood. The hebrew lineage had to maintain the human genome until the advent of Christ. This was the entire point of the scriptures. Everything culminates in Christ. After Eden, all thought went towards that one goal. The prophecies all point to that one event. It was essential that He be fully human, which was not an easy task in that timeframe. One sign that there was trouble in the ranks was if they started worshipping and/or sacrificing to the Anunnaki.

I need a bit more study on the topic of Enlil and Anu, but at this point I think Yahweh was Anu. I'm still missing the Ugaritic texts in my studies. Need to do that. Will get back to you if I find anything significant in that regard. Enlil's just a very confusing Anunnaki. I think that confusion stems from Enki's various priests, and that really Enlil was just another angelic seraphim type being who was attributed with some of the acts of Anu. Enki, likewise.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

BTW Beth I LOVE THAT VASE That is an incredible find

Yay! I was beginning to think I was the only one that found it exceedingly strange. Tails? Notice only the tall ones have tails and crests. The shorter ones look more like greys. I think what we're looking at is a bunch o' greys and reptilians. With maybe one or two humans in the bunch.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:17 PM
Comparison of the Book of the Gates, GATE, with serpent around the perimeter and, Enki's Abzu GATE (or Gilgamesh's gates of paradise, depending on who you talk to.)

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 08:17 PM
What you say chimes with alot of what I've been thinking myself. Just thought I'd offer a few explanations for some of the points brought up already....

If various governments can develop/aquire zero point energy a la Tesla, and keep it secret from the global population couldn't they 'accidently' trigger the opening of one of these gates. If what I've heard is true, then it could easily be just such technology that these ancients would have utilised. Enough energy from the vacuum to massively distort space-time, as evidenced by Nicola Tesla's apparently succesful attempts at instananeous energy transfer, and scalar physics apparently suggests that General Relativity may actually be missing the possibility of faster than light travel.

As for why a valuable 'slave race' would be abandoned, It may well be that activation of any of these portals is impossible for the present, and has been for millenia. The Earth's magnetic field is flipping at the moment. The solar magnetic poles (there are six) also flip on a much shorter cycle. Maybe it is neccesary to have these in a certain condition.

According to the canon of archaeology, Human civilisation ante-dates the last ice age, and yet we have maps that show land masses that haven't been above sea-level since before that time. There is an iron column in India that is over 10,000 years old, pre Iron Age, and of such purity and size that we couldn't cast such a pillar today. Some elements of stories in the sanskrit language appear to date from then, too, and it may turn out that until we can take marine archaeology seriously myths and legends may be the most acccurate records we have and we may have to take them a lot more literally. Its fair to assume that ancient civilisations would have followed our own propensity for coastal living and so would have had millions and millions of square miles to inhabit prior to the last Ice Age that was inundated when the ice melted. The parts that we inhabit have been scoured clean by glaciers, and would have been unconfortably high above sea-level anyway.

Also: I know people, especially religious people, like to think of Humans as special cases, but there must be some way to explain the fact that the Human brain TRIPLED in size and complexity in 3 million years. That makes us the fastest evolving organisms on the planet.

Besides, there is a way that the star-gates may well be active and working perfectly and could be overlooked by all but a few people. If they were electromagnetic in nature, then there wouldn't have to be any physical presence or travel involved. The Human brain endogenously creates '___', di-methyltryptamine, which is a neuro-transmitter secreted by the pineal gland (the old third eye). Under its influence, in lab conditions, users who ingested exogenous doses of '___' reported experiences ranging from alien encounter/abduction to contact with external intelligences intent on education and astral travel. The pineal can be induced to secrete massive doses of '___' in response to either large amounts of adrenalin or electromagnetic waves. In trials where subjects had certain waves directed at parts of their brains reported full-on mystical/religious experiences.

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