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Paul McCartney died in 1966 - replaced by Billy Shepherd

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posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:15 PM
I was looking up Patti Boyd to see if I could find anything relevant about her.

Interestingly, down the page under the heading 'George Harrison' the article states that the dentist (John Riley) who introduced The Beatles to '___' was the son of a London police officer. That's all I can find out about him at the moment.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by The Gorn

Here is a Faulconandsnowjob comparison of Pauls mouth:

It's been proven by forensic science that Faul's mouth is wider than Paul's - & that's not something that can be changed w/ surgery.

... Gabriella Carlesi adds an additional element: "Compared to the previous picture, that of Sgt Pepper's show clearly that the commessura lip, that is the line formed by the lips of the two, it was suddenly stretched. Which obviously is not possible and that the whiskers can not camouflage. In other words, the phenomenon is all too frequently these days, the lips can be inflated and increased in volume, but the width of the lip commessura can not vary that much. May be slight, but this is not the case for the photos examined: here the difference between the before and after is too strong to have been caused by any surgery...


I'm really sorry that reality doesn't always jibe w/ people's beliefs.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:20 PM
Regarding allegations that Faul was Aleister Crowley's son, here is a photo of him at a young age, apparently ready for a Magical Mystery Tour of his own. Some might see a resemblance with Faul (which of course is not evidence of paternity):

Source: Wikipedia

The theory about Aleister Crowley, an agent of British Military Intelligence (called espionage in those days), gaining access to confidential US Army files and selecting Adolf Hitler, was that they bore a certain resemblance, at least one sufficient to fool those who didn't know Hitler yet.

Extension of this method to Paul McCartney:

Faul presumably resembled Paul prior to any substitution. Early photos show that aside from the unsurmountable height issue (who wants their leg bones sawed?) they had a number of corresponding features.

If he was indeed Crowley's son, we might wonder whether he wasn't an operative of the Tavistock Institute? These are of course two mutually dependent conditionals, implying that the likelihood of one would increase the likelihood of the other. A theory with 2 unknowns isn't less credible than a theory with only one unknown, only it requires a more structured form of preliminary examination of data.

Tavistock, in pure Crowley tradition, may have selected, among all the talented groups at that time of heightened creativity, The Beatles partly for Paul's resemblance to Faul. This would grant them the valuable 'insurance' of being able at any time to thus operate a SWITCH as deemed useful. This worked for them in the political realm in Germany in the 20's, so why wouldn't it some 40 years later in the realm of music and culture? Didn't their pet project, Nazism, electrify the German nation and stand the world on its head? The Beatles, in an Almanac of the 20th Century would be only a few pages after WWII.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by aorAki
So nothing is possible regarding PID theory?
Nothing is real...subtle clues could well point the way, but you have to be prepared to think outside the box and be open to information gathered from all over the place and compiled into something tangible...

If this is true then the cries of the deniers are cries for help, seeing as they can't accept even the possibility.

This is a fair question.

I became aware that there was a small, but very determined group of people who were absolutely certain Paul died and was replaced in late '66. They claimed they had photographic proof that was absolute. This was in 2004.

They are here:

After seeing what they had for 'proof' my head was spinning. I remember telling friends that this urban legend could really have something to it, and began to investigate for myself. I joined the forum, and began posting. Over time, I found flaws in logic that needed to be answered. What I and others soon found was that anyone who questioned "the story" was immediately banned. The explanation given was that we were diverting them from their important mission of getting to the truth.

Soon after that, a few exiles from TKIN found each other and started our own forum. In the last 5 years we have done extensive comparisons of everything we could think of. Our conclusion is a simple one (in our opinion). Paul did not die, nor was he replaced.

As for the "cries of the deniers", I believe you have it backwards. Paul is believed to be alive by the vast majority of people. We are simply stating that we believe this to be the reality. It is the PID believers that are crying to the world to believe "their truth".

I would be happy to share some of our findings here if anyone is interested. But as a new member, I do not want to flood this thread with images that are not wanted by the majority of the members here. I will end this post with a link where anyone interested can check out our site for themselves.
Thank you.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by The Gorn]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by The Gorn

Thanks for your post and reasoned response....

I'm still new to this idea (you have 5 years on me) and I have my own 'constructs' to work through and the problem, for me, is that I can see the sense of both sides...

Secretly I'd love it to be true as I love a good conspiracy, but I have to work out how much of my 'belief' is based on this and how much on the 'evidence'.

It does give an insight into an interesting alternate reality, if nothing else and I find it a fascinating subject, regardless of outcome!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by The Gorn

Gorn is that post serious about her claiming that all the Beatles were replaced? Holy crap.


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by brocket99


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:17 PM
* Preliminary Notification:

Regarding the PID debate - the subject of this thread - the following information is critical to understand the underpinnings of Tavistock activities during that time frame. Countless allegations have been made over the years that Tavistock had early connections with The Beatles. We are also confronted with a troubling "mind control" aspect of the PID case which cannot be dissociated from those who operated it from Tavistock.

It is quite possible that The Beatles were used as agents of 'leveraged mind control'. Fame, mass appeal and charismatic charm were key to changing mindsets, setting trends and modifying social perceptions. How better to 'shift' society than promoting a new pop culture by engineering cult veneration of a group of musicians and weakening the grip of Christianity by an anti-Messianic message?

Also, it could point to Paul as well as the other Beatles, including Faul or other doubles, being themselves subject to mind control by Tavistock. After all, they were playing a game for high stakes, designing the future of society and the psychological preconditioning of world populations for a planet in which tradition, religion and family have decreased importance. Value shift is what it was all about, within actors spreading the message as well as in the minds of those receiving it. I vote that Tavistock cannot be dissociated from The Beatles, and that it may be the key to PID.

Originally posted by switching yard
It has been theorized on this thread that the Tavistock Institute may have been secretly involved in switching Pauls as an experiment (perhaps in conjunction with the use of '___', as in MK-Ultra).

If you look up the Tavistock Institute on Wikipedia...

Kurt Lewin is an interesting one...

Another key player in the Tavistock Institute, John Rawlings Rees...

This story leading to Paul McCartney's vanishing and replacement by a double may have started well before 1946 with the Tavistock Clinic which was officially launched before the similarly meteoric rise of Hitler. Tavistock Clinic is the earlier name of the organization before the government public health department took over the civilian aspects of the clinic, calling it the Tavistock Clinic, i.e. a 'normal' loony bin where taxpayers directly fund clinical trials and shock treatment.

The Tavistock Clinic was the parent organization of The Tavistock Institute which continued its most secret work. To discover its full history and find for earlier data, you need to search under both names. It may be hard to do, as records tend to vanish as strangely as singers, one source describing the work of Tavistock Clinic staff member Ian Suttie stating: Unfortunately the development of his ideas cannot be fully reconstructed. His unpublished notes, texts of many lectures, and his plans for a second book were lost because a WW2 bomb destroyed the archives of the Tavistock Clinic and his widow left no papers."

But there is sufficient historical evidence to establish that the Tavistock Clinic was an early military initiative of Psy-Ops (Psychiatric Operations) from the onset between WWI and WWII. During the war they intensified their work and by the time The Beatles were emerging they had extended their activity to the USA in association with the CIA.

Thereupon, it is well worth taking a look at who was involved and what they were up to. Check out the credits and bibliography of William Sargant, master extender of brainwashing to the civil society active the UK and the USA working with the CIA:

To quote Wikipedia:
"Sargant was also heavily involved to the end of his career with the Intelligence Services, including the CIA Project MKULTRA."

The BBC refers to him as The Mind Bender "General", a military rank if I ever heard one. They did a broadcast last April about his activities during the 60's and 70's which is smack on the same time period our PID inquiry is focusing on. The BBC investigated his "controversial Deep Sleep Treatment in the Sleep Room of St Thomas's Hospital in London."

Unfortunately the interviews of his former unwitting patients are not programmed to be rebroadcast and they can't be heard on the web. To get an idea of what was going on when Paul and The Beatles were most likely crossing paths with these folks, if not more closely associated yet, skim through the Mind Control section of his Wikipedia page.

We remember the controversial statement made by John Lennon referring to Jesus, echoed by this one from Sargant:

"...Jesus Christ might simply have returned to his carpentry following the use of modern [psychiatric] treatments." - William Sargant

The destruction of Christianity, while it might seem like an instrumental target in order to weaken values and increase the vulnerability of populations to Big Brother suggestions and hypnotically induced lifestyles, it could be not a means but an end. Founder of Tavistock, Aleister Crowley, was also founder of the Church of Satan. Its objective could thus be closer to anti-Christianity rather than just a wish to sway men's souls. The connection between the CIA and satanic cults is already established by former head of FBI for Los Angeles, Ted Gunderson:

But let's not jump to conclusions. This doesn't mean that The Beatles or even "substitute Beatles" were either mind warpers or satanists. However it does imply that they were involved with characters who were. They were not bent on ending Christianity, not by a long shot. But they may well have been used for that very purpose to their own detriment. Maybe this is what Paul wouldn't go along with. Did the survivors including Faul speak out the only way they could, with images and hand signs and codified lyrics? There are many elements which individually offer no plausible explanation, but when put together seem to tell a coherent story.

Clues to Who Buried Paul?:

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by brocket99
reply to post by The Gorn

Gorn is that post serious about her claiming that all the Beatles were replaced? Holy crap.


Have you read through the whole thread?
do you claim to know how deep the rabbit-hole goes hence your 'crazy' claim?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by aorAki

I suggest anyone who is interested but undecided spend some time at these pid forums:

And also check out our forum in my sig. I feel it's important to get to know what people believe in on a variety of subjects in order to have a better perspective on their beliefs on specific subjects.

I'm more than happy to let the chips fall where they may.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by The Gorn

I've checked them out previously and must admit that it makes me flipflop!
There is such an amount of information that maintaining clarity is difficult.

....but yes, it's important to get the story from both sides because I want to make up my own mind.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Another Tavistockian was this fellow...

Psychiatrist John Bowlby was an expert in Maternal Deprivation theory and attachment theory.

Interesting coincidence that Paul and John lost their mothers in their teen years. Maternal deprivation was one thing they had in common.

John Bowlby also studied social attachment in group dynamics. These studies included separation anxiety.

The Beatles were a tremendously cohesive unit of four young men highly dependent on each other, some might say co-dependent, and balanced almost like four equal parts.

These Tavistock psychiatrists would have been very keen on studying the group dynamics of such a strongly bonded four as The Beatles. If they took one of the four away (kind of like splitting an atom --- what physicists do at CERN and Fermilab) in order to study the effects (separation anxiety, separation shock) then put the pieces back together again to reform the group into a new dynamic as strong as the old, I think they would have been interested in such an experiment.

Mind control (a UK version of CIA's MK-Ultra or perhaps an extension of the same program) could have been used for brainwashing. CIA had already used MK-Ultra on Oswald (or the person they arrested --- who might have been a double for the real Oswald) 5 or 6 years previous to the 1966 Paul switch, so they did have some experience. There is no doubt that one or more doubles for Oswald were used to frame him.

On another note, I was thinking today that Bill could have legally changed his name to Paul McCartney. I don't know the procedure in the UK. But what if this was done quietly, behind the scenes, but in accordance with the law. Imagine the famous person on the world stage who professes to be Paul McCartney might just be a guy who, years ago, legally changed his name from Bill Shepherd or Bill Campbell to Paul McCartney. This would explain how he could have been knighted Sir Paul because that's the fellow's legal name.

There are many layers to a glass onion. How far can we look through it?

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Also, it could point to Paul as well as the other Beatles, including Faul or other doubles, being themselves subject to mind control by Tavistock. After all, they were playing a game for high stakes, designing the future of society and the psychological preconditioning of world populations for a planet in which tradition, religion and family have decreased importance. Value shift is what it was all about, within actors spreading the message as well as in the minds of those receiving it. I vote that Tavistock cannot be dissociated from The Beatles, and that it may be the key to PID.

I agree that Tavistock is important to PID, but my personal opinion is that Paul, at least, was not controllable. If they couldn't control him, get him to go along w/ what they wanted, then it makes sense to get rid of a loose cannon... Things were pretty tense right around the time I think he disappeared, which was late Aug 1966 b/c of John's Jesus statement. Paul had pushed for the Butcher Album cover that, to me, seems to allude to Satanic ritual sacrifice of children. That album was released, but then quickly recalled & a more innocuous cover was put on it. What was that about? That album is completely bizarre... unless you start thinking in terms of the Illuminati. The intelligence services also will abuse people for mind control purposes. So, if we have a new context to put the album into, maybe it makes sense. Were the Beatles sending a message? Maybe *someone* was none too happy about it...

The destruction of Christianity, while it might seem like an instrumental target in order to weaken values and increase the vulnerability of populations to Big Brother suggestions and hypnotically induced lifestyles, it could be not a means but an end. Founder of Tavistock, Aleister Crowley, was also founder of the Church of Satan. Its objective could thus be closer to anti-Christianity rather than just a wish to sway men's souls. The connection between the CIA and satanic cults is already established by former head of FBI for Los Angeles, Ted Gunderson:

Yeah, I've posted about how the intel agencies will use Satanism as a cover. I think there's more to it than that, personally.

This doesn't mean that The Beatles or even "substitute Beatles" were either mind warpers or satanists.

No, it does not. "Lights" are to be extinguished, according to the Illuminati secret covenant.

Maybe this is what Paul wouldn't go along with...

Maybe... maybe he wasn't too keen on encouraging kids to take mind control drugs like '___', either.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
Mind control (a UK version of CIA's MK-Ultra or perhaps an extension of the same program) could have been used for brainwashing. CIA had already used MK-Ultra on Oswald (or the person they arrested --- who might have been a double for the real Oswald) 5 or 6 years previous to the 1966 Paul switch, so they did have some experience. There is no doubt that one or more doubles for Oswald were used to frame him.

Doubles... some people really don't realize how much they're used. It's a big piece of this puzzle. Here's a thread on LHO:

On another note, I was thinking today that Bill could have legally changed his name to Paul McCartney.

Maybe, but I'm sure "they" would have supplied him with all the necessary paperwork to assume Paul's identity.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
Clues to Who Buried Paul?:

The White Album - a lot of cultures associate the color white w/ death.

... In Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese tradition, white is the color of mourning and death.
In Indian tradition, white is also the color of purity and sacredness. It is also used for depicting Peace and Purity. However it is also the color of mourning. People wear white after death of any of their family members.

I suppose that could be just another clue to add to all the others that just by random coincidence appeared on albums & in songs - lol.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 01:48 AM
Living is easy with eyes closed,
Misunderstanding all you see.

As a wise man once said, but if only it were that easy to explain faulcon's behaviour. Her consistent selectivity in presenting her "evidence" can only be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to deceive.

Credible evidence might include things such as statements from those that were there at the time e.g. fans, EMI staff, restaurant staff, etc., or photos of unusual movements of Paul, Brian, whoever was involved in the murder/cover-up. But does faulcon even attempt to do any real research? No, all we get is the result of a few hasty clicks round the internet, filtered to fit with her story, and statements such as "his mouth is wider in this pic". Doesn't anyone ever smile in faulcon's world? I guess not; not surprising really.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by seaofgreen
... if only it were that easy to explain faulcon's behaviour. Her consistent selectivity in presenting her "evidence" can only be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to deceive.

... does faulcon even attempt to do any real research? No, all we get is the result of a few hasty clicks round the internet, filtered to fit with her story...

* NOTE: Dear Mods and Admins,

What does the quoted post have to do with PID ?

Is there an official research methodology or mandatory scientific protocol at ATS?

The above post seems to state that connecting the dots according to one's vision is not acceptable. What is the ATS official position regarding expressing one's personal concepts, insights and perceptions in ATS threads?

Is Paul Dead?

It appears that Paul took on the Satanists, a Christian combat if there ever was one. Alternative interpretations of the "butcher album" would be entertaining, but those who know the score (i.e. have witnessed such sacrificial rituals) will be able to see how the cover illustrates it eloquently (yes, to my misfortune I have).

Does having seen such horrid practices poison your eyes and make you see it where it is not? Perhaps. You be the judge if I am reading too much into a totally unrelated 'prank' using baby mannequins draped in blood and butchered flesh.

Does this point to a relation between Tavistock and satanism? No.
Does it provide evidence that the MI5 or the CIA was involved? No.
Does it prove that they murdered Paul and replaced him with Faul? No.

Plenty of other clues and presumptions do quite enough to paint that picture and point the finger(s) at an Elite satanic group embedded in the intelligence community. We don't need hard evidence to develop suspicion. Any good detective will agree that in a murder investigation, and PID is a murder investigation, everyone is a suspect until proven innocent.

PID dissidents: Take on your fair share of the burden of proof.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by Getsmart]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Originally posted by seaofgreen
... if only it were that easy to explain faulcon's behaviour. Her consistent selectivity in presenting her "evidence" can only be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to deceive.

... does faulcon even attempt to do any real research? No, all we get is the result of a few hasty clicks round the internet, filtered to fit with her story...

What does the quoted post have to do with PID ?

The clue's in the word 'murder' (which you conveniently deleted from the quote).

The above post seems to state that connecting the dots according to one's vision is not acceptable. What is the ATS official position regarding expressing one's personal concepts, insights and perceptions in ATS threads?

It's perfectly acceptable to go off on a flight of fancy. Faulcon however, claims that she knows PM was murdered, that she can prove that he was replaced, and that her evidence would be accepted in a court of law.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:34 AM
Disclaimer: Sometimes small clues are most revealing. This post is meant for speculative purposes, to stimulate thought with the purposely provocative association of events, documents, knowledge and theories.

Such as this picture of John disguised next to a sign saying:

The best way to go is by M&D C

Above that is a sign which reads:

"Extra (or Exit?)

Is is a coincidence that Brighton is the resting ground of Aleister Crowley where he was cremated:
Source: Allen J. Ottens, Rick Myer, Satanism: Rumor, Reality and Controversy, p.20

Montague Summers in his book The History of Witchcraft and Demonology on page 151 states:

The hideous cult of evil yet endures. Satanists yet celebrate the black mass in London, Brighton, Paris, Lyon, Bruges, Berlin, Milan, and alas! in Rome itself.

John Lennon is there himself, in a burlesque disguise, showing his authorship of any message in the picture.

Could it be in ritualistic punishment for this accusatory message that 13 years to the day of the release of this album a man with the initials M.D.C was presented to us as his assassin? These guys sure don't kid around.

Regarding The Beatles and this sixties cultural revolution, you will note certain similarities with the objectives of satanists, on the next link you can read the 9 Satanic Statements of the Church of Satan,] which was also closely associated with the Rat Pack as per Sammy Davis Jr.'s confession (just for the sex) which reads like a sixties counter-culture credo:

* Note to PID dissidents:

These links and ideas are tossed out there with no pretense of being statements of fact. No detective could discover the truth without first following numerous false leads, incorrect hunches and erroneously constructed scenarios. However, this does not make investigative leads false unless they are proven false. What they provide as further paths to investigate is often their greatest merit.

Those who think that obtuse clues and tenuous interpretations are in themselves evidence that none of this happened, that PID is a hoax, may ponder one moment to examine how safe it would be if it were true?

Making it known to the world would be an extremely dangerous game played against the most violent and ruthless characters walking the face of the Earth or haunting the depths of Hades. It is already almost reckless to have left as many clues as they did.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 09:14 AM
"Forensic science" has proved nothing. The people behind that article do not claim they have proven anything. In fact they said that other tests would be necessary to back up what was done.

It was not peer reviewed as true serious scientific work is. Also the photographs used were photo images from a PID website by a guy who claims "Faul" is the clone of a female WWII spy who was the real Paul's mother. This person has flipped and stretched photos to back up his outlandish theories. If the photos used were manipulated in any way, as has been shown that at least one was, then any measurments on the photos are worthless.

Also, as can be seen in any basic books on photography, if the pictures used in the comparisons were taken with different type lenses, that would render measurments worthless. Lenses can distort the subject of a photograph, and different lens types distort different ways.

If the "scientists" of that article don't claim it to be proof, how can anyone here? They can't.

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