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China fears a US nuclear strike

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posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 11:05 AM
China is a very wise and old culture...with the exception of the last 50 years in which Mao murdered 80 million of his own people. China knows the numbers the US has over 10,000 nukes while the PRC has 200-250. The Chinese love numbers , you tell me would you initiate a nuclear war against a force "USA" built by the genius President Reagan and face sure obliteration over Taiwan.....i dont think so. There is "1" God-like power on this planet and that is the USA, the Chinese know this, but at the same time maybe the Chinese communist elite could care less about losing a billion of their citizens in a nuke war with the US.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 11:40 AM
nope, I think the chinese leadership might actually want to thin out their population some.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 11:50 AM
Well, both sides don't want to got to war with each other, much less a nuclear war. The implications of such a war on the global scale are huge. Its one of the reasons why the Chinese have not invaded Taiwan, if it wasn't for the US there would already be a PRC flag over Taipei by now.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 12:01 PM
you yanks scare me you really do.

thats why i don't think america deserves the right to have the word 'superpower' behind it, america is not exactly a world leader, its certainly not the best nation in solving global issues!!

all americans ever talk about is nuclear weapons - your the only country to ever use them and you'll be the only country stupid enough to use them again.

maybe an upcoming china will be good for the world.

Originally posted by beaburt
China is a very wise and old culture...with the exception of the last 50 years in which Mao murdered 80 million of his own people. China knows the numbers the US has over 10,000 nukes while the PRC has 200-250. The Chinese love numbers , you tell me would you initiate a nuclear war against a force "USA" built by the genius President Reagan and face sure obliteration over Taiwan.....i dont think so. There is "1" God-like power on this planet and that is the USA, the Chinese know this, but at the same time maybe the Chinese communist elite could care less about losing a billion of their citizens in a nuke war with the US.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 12:08 PM

maybe an upcoming china will be good for the world.

Actually you know what scares me, the mere fact that people think like this. The US is a saint compared to China, if China ever had the influence and capabilities of the US people would be thinking of the good ol’ days.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 12:11 PM
As an American citizen, England....lets not forget without US nuclear dominance and the will to use it Great Britain would have become the smallest province in the Soviet empire so have a little respect for the United States. Lets be frank without the USA it would have been either the Nazis or the commies who would have overtaken your island nation. I am of british heritage about 14 generations ago, so I am not anti British, but I am a realist.

MOD EDIT: Editing out attempt to bypass censors.

[edit on 2/18/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 01:28 PM
ohhh so your one of those who who say it was the US who single handly won WW2?

if thats the case why could you not win in vietnam? (a country with WW1 technology).

but about WW2 - britain is the only country (apart from germany itself) to fight in BOTH world wars from start to finish, for the majoirity of both wars britain was fighting the nazis all by ITSELF.

you forget one decisive factor about WW2 is the 'battle of britain' in which the germans lost - if the nazis invaded britain the war would have been lost - so don't make out america SAVED us like superman because you never

you watch 'saving private ryan' too much - a film about WW2 (world war) that means the WORLD IS AT WAR
- but in that ONLY america was mentioned!!

i don't want to get into a debating scuffle with anyone, i don't hate america i actually think america is a great country, but i don't agree with everything your govenment does on a global issue -

i don't believe nor trust your leader george bush either, all this nonsense about FREEING IRAQ, i like to think for myself and put 2+2 together america is not the force it once was 'financially' - i think the coldwar may have taken its toll just as it did with the USSR - it slowly losing its 'superpower' status (inwhich i think a lot of americans KNOW) due to all the china threads we are seeing

so in a last ditch effort (to save its LONG-TERM future) its trying to control the middle-east oil fields, we can see that from the 'food for oil' plan but i GUARANTEE more oil will go from iraq than we GIVE (iran and syria are next).

i don't just blame america for iraq though, my country britain is highly involved in it too!! - our govenment as saw a sitting duck in iraq and along with the US thought BINGO!! (money).

but all this i'm saying about america SLOWLY losing its 'superpower' status - america is still the most influential country in the world.

but 10/20 years ago people used to say if america sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold!! - i don't believe thats the case anymore, due to a stronger EU america's voice isn't the loudest on a global scale anymore.

anyway sorry for blabing along - but i stick with my statement that america would be the only country stupid enough to ever use them again, it wouldn't suprise me if you elect president arnold schwarzenegger too!!

(so if i'm right in what i'm saying about the middle-east) a country like that 'with nuclear weapons' is quite scary, yes!

WW3 just around the corner?

Originally posted by beaburt
As an American citizen, England....lets not forget without US nuclear dominance and the will to use it Great Britain would have become the smallest F'''ing province in the Soviet empire so have a little respect for the United States. Lets be frank without the USA it would have been either the Nazis or the commies who would have overtaken your island nation. I am of british heritage about 14 generations ago, so I am not anti British, but I am a realist.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Topic please people.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

maybe an upcoming china will be good for the world.

Actually you know what scares me, the mere fact that people think like this. The US is a saint compared to China, if China ever had the influence and capabilities of the US people would be thinking of the good ol’ days.

Well said WestPoint!

You all complain about the US, act like we are so ruthless and so evil. It will be interesting to see how the world views us if/when we are challanged by a nation such as China. I really can't wait for the free world to beg for The United States protection gain, just like in the last cold war. We are ALWAYS the ones to bail the world out, and yet no nation is less apreciated then we are.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:08 PM

Nothing like blind patriotism. The US has done a lot of good in the world but has also done some really terrible things here. I can't believe how well the Bush propaganda machine has been on the American people. Your foreign policy has been attrocious for many years. You've tampered with other countries around the world to suit your own political agendas and now wonder why there is such a revolt against the good old US of A.

Maybe if your government had changed its policy toward the Middle East and other muslim countries you wouldn't be fighting a war on terror right now.

I'm from Canada, and we take so much slack for not spending billions and billions to beef up our military to fight the war on terrorism. Well you know what we've never had a terrorist attack on our country. Why, because most of the world views us as a peace keeping nation. We took tonnes of flack for not signing up for missile defense. Well the only reason nukes would be flying over Canadian airspace is because they would be heading to the US from some country the US pissed off. Terrorists are not going to possess ICBMs so why waste our money.

China has a poor Human Rights record sure, there is no doubt about that. But the US record isn't all sunshine either. Look at the civil rights movement. How many people got beat down, killed or imprisoned for the sole reason of wanting equal rights as their white breatheren.

Stop toting the American party line, think for yourselves for a change.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by DEEZNUTZ]

MOD EDIT: Editing out attempt to bypass the censors.

[edit on 2/18/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:26 PM
To mention the human rights atrocities committed by China in the same breath as anything the US has ever done is MIND_DEAD....rediculous.....IGNORANT. Do you realize that Mao tortured and killed 80-100 million Chinese because they were teachers, or politicians or from an affluent family...Hitler in total killed 13 million people. You should be ashamed of yourself for making that ludicrous comparison. I like Canada but dont kid yourself, you are not immune from terrorism, just like you werent immune to communism during the cold war but thanks to the USA your country remained free, and lets be honest it wouldnt take much effort to conquer Canada, as a country Canada has a tremendous Ally in the USA. By the way part of my fam is from Alberta so I am a supporter.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:34 PM
It wasn't a comment on the scale of attrocities, it was a comment that the US doesn't always practice what it preach. Human rights are human rights? Let's not forget that US foreign policy in the Middle East has killed millions of muslims so that you can afford to drive your gas gussling SUV to work everyday.

The US is only a good ally to us when it suits their needs. We have been screwed over by the US so many times on trade issues it's not even funny. Outright illegal acts that have been ruled upon by the WTO and NAFTA Panels. If that is a good ally then do we really need it. The US view on Canada is very narrow, you think we're there to do your bidding whenever you ask and the odd time we don't agree with you, all of sudden we hate America. It's like that with any country that doesn't jump on the US band wagon.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by DEEZNUTZ]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:48 PM
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posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:54 PM
What country doesn't act in it's own interests? It's ridiculous to sit at your computers bashing the U.S. because it looks out for number 1. Your countries, wherever they are, would do the exact same thing if and when they were the world's most powerful force, some to an even worse degree. But right now, at this point in time, we are the strongest, so we are the most disliked. I'm sure that will all change eventually, and my son or grandchildren will be at their whatever the hell they will use at that time to anonymously bash others, bitching about the "bully" Chinese or whomever. Unless of course there's some sort of one world government, which may be what this world needs. It would actually be nice to do away with all this nationalistic garbage, like we're a different species or something. Come on.

Back on topic, so intrepid doesn't attack.

Everybody should fear a nuclear strike. I highly doubt the Chinese are willing to sacrifice their people, as it wouldn't just be the people, it would be their home. After a large scale nuclear attack, the smoke doesn't just clear and allow for rebuilding to start, it's ruined and deadly for a long time.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Its one of the reasons why the Chinese have not invaded Taiwan, if it wasn't for the US there would already be a PRC flag over Taipei by now.

I wouldn't count the chickens before the eggs have hatched...

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
Back on topic, so intrepid doesn't attack.

You reading my mind dude? That's exactly what I was thinking.

The topic is, "China fears a US nuclear strike." not the US foriegn policy.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
The topic is, "China fears a US nuclear strike." not the US foriegn policy.

Yeah, but it's hard to find any topic that doesn't quickly go to US foreign policy.

I think it's safe to say that the US also fears a Chinese nuclear strike. Nuclear strikes in general are pretty unpleasant. It's like starting a thread titled "I fear being shot in the head". It's pretty much a given, lol.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by 27jd
Back on topic, so intrepid doesn't attack.

You reading my mind dude? That's exactly what I was thinking.

The topic is, "China fears a US nuclear strike." not the US foriegn policy.

ok then back on topic, 'does china fear a US nuclear strike?' no i don't believe they do! - what reason have china to fear a US attack? (the relations between both countrys are good)!!

the main 5 nuclear powers (US, UK, china, russia, france) - each have enough nuclear warheads to end the world!! - their average nuclear warhead is 200 kilotons (hiroshima was 15 kilotons) and that killed over 200,000 people!! - so that gives you a scale of what 1 nuclear blast would be.

so the US who have an estimated (10.600 nuclear warheads) wouldn't need that amount to destroy a country, nor would china need all its (400-500) to destroy america.

thats one reason why the main military powers would never go into war with each other 'EASILY', if they did it would be WW3 and the end of the world (within weeks)!!

[edit on 18-2-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:40 PM
China has between 200-250 nuclear weapons.....a very small percentage of those are capable of even reaching the West Coast let alone a nationwide attack on US targets. The US on the other hand has thousands of ICBM's capable of hitting every major target in China in less than 20 minutes from launch, the Chinese know this. So the Chinese think to themselves yes we can obliterate Los Angeles and some other west coast cities, however as soon as the US detects inbound Chinese nuke missiles they and much of that region will no longer exist. Very unfortunately for any nuclear foe of the US it is a fact that we are light years ahead of any nuclear power including Russia, France etc in terms of sheer numbers of warheads and the highly advanced technology to deliver them. Please people lets be real here.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:45 PM
I don't know if I would use the word fear, but no-seriously folks- China does not want a war with the US, muchless a nuclear war.

China is not stupid.

What China wants/likes is to maintain the Status Quo-keep things just the way they are.

Another question, slightly off topic, is would China go to war/nuclear war with the US over oil/natural gas, hundreds of billions in signed energy contracts and finally specificly over "IRAN".

China needs these resources and may not take well to the US changing "their" status quo of energy inports.

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