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Muslims protest Valentines's Day

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posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Yes, but the REASON we used it was because we were
attacked, and the result of the use was that millions of
lives were saved. Sorry, but it just doesn't matter
in this conversation.

Your condescention is amusing.

Your point of view on this issue is just that. Yours. It matters in this conversation b/c it shows the world what we are capable of. Sorry if pointing that out is a thorn in your side.

I don't recall stating my personal position on that action, either. So keep dancing in the dark.

The problem here is that there are millions of these
Muslims out and about stealing, looting, rioting,
murdering, and threatening murder on a massive
scale all around the world, for every little thing.

Millions, eh? I think that is more than a little overstated. Where are these millions?

Some day, when you have the time, you should check out the number of gun-related deaths in the USA per year (for every little thing). And before you pull out your big bazooka to shoot me down on that, you should know that I fully support the right of Americans to keep and bear arms - legally.

And what of Rumsfeld who is all for and empowering our military to kill thousands of innocent Arabs? Collateral damage, they call it.

Let's quit with the generalising and the we're better than them BS. In the presence of GOD, we are equal and we will all be judged according to our sins. And none are without sin.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 11:13 AM

How many of my posts have you read?
Just exactly what 'kind of person' am I ??

enough to have come to a conclusion about you. The same way i have about skippy, LA maximus and others

You are just ticked because I know what a 'houris'
really is (BTS religion forum thread) and you don't.

i know what it is, care to enlighten me though, with your version of what you think it is?

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 11:16 AM

Was it you or some other member who came out with the wise words that the muslims are not actually a race? So how can that be racist?

might have been me and its true, you cant be racist against a religion, however, that part of YOUR post that i quoted before was racist, in the sense that it was a "send em back to their own country, they just sponge off the UK taxpayers" BNP there

Let us face facts, the likes of Abu Hamza want to do away with our way of life and everything we stand for.

Which is why the likes of abu hamza are detested by muslims in general here in the uk. Sure, he has a small number of followers, but in general, people were glad to see the back of him.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by geek101

might have been me and its true, you cant be racist against a religion, however, that part of YOUR post that i quoted before was racist, in the sense that it was a "send em back to their own country, they just sponge off the UK taxpayers" BNP there.

Which is why the likes of abu hamza are detested by muslims in general here in the uk. Sure, he has a small number of followers, but in general, people were glad to see the back of him.

I have no political leanings whatsoever. I am more than reasonably confident though that the vast majority of Britons feel the same way as I do.

I am very happy to accept someone who wants to integrate and contribute positively to wherever they choose to settle, but when they come in and do their best to undermine a longstanding way of life then I object.

If they want to join in, then great, I, and millions like me, would welcome that, but when they keep in their own areas, refuse to integrate, demand their own schools and refuse to speak the language of their host country, that is called taking the p^ss.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by geek101

And if the above comment of yours was not racist, then maybe i'm missing the definition of racism.

It's not racism. His comments weren't racist. Fight the good fight, geek101 -- use proper language and do it in style and grace, no matter if they get all hostile, just kindly point it out and continue the flow

I think the word you are looking for is bigot.

Merriam Webster Online

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
- big·ot·ed /-g&-t&d/ adjective
- big·ot·ed·ly adverb

As in bigoted comments or bigoted remarks from a bigot.

Another word you can use -- prejudiced.

Merriam Webster Online

Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Pronunciation: 'pre-j&-d&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae- + judicium judgment -- more at JUDICIAL
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

Bigoted comments and prejudiced remarks.

You can also call fundamentalist muslims bigoted and prejudiced.

So here we have a bunch of people from Kashmir, comprised of two groups, muslims and hindus protesting Valentine's Day.

So what is the actual issue here? How did this become another islamophobic display?

Could be the title. It singles out muslims. Why is that?

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 11:41 AM

It's not racism. His comments weren't racist. Fight the good fight, geek101 -- use proper language and do it in style and grace, no matter if they get all hostile, just kindly point it out and continue the flow

i appreciate your comments beachcoma and understand your point, but when someone is talking about a specific group of people (regardless of whether they are an actual race) and they say that they should go back to their own country, tells me that this person BELIEVES that this group of people ARE a race who dont belong here.

Still, ok, i take it back....point taken. Englishmaninspain....i apologise for calling you a racist

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:16 PM
Maybe some Western people should protest Muslim ways as anti west and it insults their Christian or Roman Catholic ways, hold riots and protest marches wooo burn middle east embassies down let go all Muslim on em woo hoo show em some same medicine..........


posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
the fact is that he can be buying time, but one thing i dont do is disinform.
You hear what you wana hear.
[edit on 12-2-2006 by pepsi78]

Well, i guess you didnt hear the same speech i did than.
and you admit you know or at least suspect the guy is buying time, still you choose to believe "its for energy"..yes of course... the same kind of energy that makes BUMMMM sounds.

Originally posted by dgtempe
Arent their marriages arranged? Ahhh, they're bitter because they are in all likelyhood going to end up with an unattractive woman with long flowing hair (not necessarily from the head) and they are jealous!!!

...hmmmmm... yeah, just because a girl is a cutie when she 9 doenst mean she'll be hot when shes 20

and the hair thing..... oy... i;ll be having nightmares for a while.

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Last week, Bal Thackeray said anyone wanting
to avoid violence on Valentine's Day should not celebrate it.

THIS quote says it all, doesn't it?
Do things my way or I'll destroy your property and/or kill you.
Yeah .... really peaceful, huh?

And thats why they are called Terrorists ... and obvioulsy it more than terrorims ...its genetic...its engraved in thier mind set. sorry .. call me whatver you want, but it ... as it is ....!

Originally posted by Amuk

that is down right cruel, you know it is impossible for a man to change channels without one, right? Unless you have kids of course, they work as well.

'Tis cruel isn't it? and the pleasure i take from it is Exxxcceellleenntt...

and of course we don't have kids, that would destroy the all joke

Originally posted by geek101
You've got people saying muslim women are unnattractive and "hags", you've got people saying...nuke them all, you've got people saying "send them all back, its not THEIR country"....?????

oohhh... we are so horrible aren't we ... Good thing we haven't started transmiting beheading on national TV... or group rapes... but we may just be working on it !

As to the women...i have to say, some of them are probably very hot looking... thats why their pig-headed husbands and fathers force them to wrap themselves, so noone else can take a look... out of jealousy ... and dont even try to tell me " its for their own protection"... thats what wife beatters over here say .. "oh ..I lock her home for her own protection"....

Can you people, just for once, stop before you write these things and imagine substituting the word muslims for "jew" or "black".

Oh, we don't have to... for that you just neeed to read THEIR newspapers
You can add the word "Christian" and "infidel" to your equasion

Some of you people make me sick to my stomach. Its nice to see your true colors come out though

Good... that way you can get ready to read worse

You must suffer of some form of stockholm syndrome. So you have no problem with WHAT THEY DO, but you have a problem with some of the silly jokes and very TRUTHFULL comments on this thats NOT funny

So we are all eveil, but they are all good... poor "freedom fighters"... I'm so sad for them, so much compassion...

So they can violently protest whatever they want whenever they want, but God forbid anyone says a word against it...?

Silence is agreement, the reason why they are put all in the same is becasue they proceed as if they are in the same bag. Where is the outrage whithing they're own people ?? There is none because the MAJORITY agrees with the violence.

It would be the end of the world if we decided to protest the Ramdan and trow porkchops at the muslems celebrating it ... We could do that, but we don't, because we give them the enough respect to celebrate their religion, but we DONT GET THE SAME RESPECT BACK !

I have idea why would there be Hindus in there, once Hindus and Sikhs have been victims of Muslem hatred as well.

As to your comment about generalizing, let me ask you something ... do Muslems make a difference between a good Jew and a bad Jew ? a Good Christian and a bad Christian ? a good Infidel and a bad Infidel ?

Now please... lets stop the "Save the Muslems " drama and campiagn... they are far from beeing an endagerous species !

And there were around TWELVE muslims there.....!!!!!!.....

Twleve muslems did all that ??? WOW ..they are way better than i thought...

Originally posted by Beachcoma

The Propaganda at Work - Classical Conditioning

You've all been soooo had

Propaganda Schmanda !... What is true is true ... the sad thing is these ppl cause all kinds of problems, but they don't ahve to worry about consequences because there will always be one or two HIGLHY INTELLIGENT AND DIPLOMATIC ppl around to defend them and whipe the mess they make, under the excuse of propaganda... thats how many rappers obtained their "victim" status as well. there will always be a superiorly intelligent man or woman with a Great heart ready to defend criminals.... and the rest is history.

I'm sorry but i don't accept anyone who calls for the death of another group based or hidding behind religion... the same goes for hate criminals like Pat Robertson....... and ANY AND EVERY MUSLEM who does not speak agaisnt the riots or beheadings of hostages.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:45 PM
I remember that when Muslims went on a torching spree against Synagogues and churches in Canada, some idiot went to a Mosque, torched it down, and to add insult to injury, wrote "Jesus Rules" over the Imam's Quran or Alter. Let's NOT do this sort of thing.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

And thats why they are called Terrorists ... and obvioulsy it more than terrorims ...its genetic...its engraved in thier mind set. sorry .. call me whatver you want, but it ... as it is ....!

and thats where you show your ignorance. Bal Thackary is a HINDU, not a muslim.
Call you whatever i want?'re an ignorant bigot

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:50 PM

: Originally posted by FlyersFan

"Last week, Bal Thackeray said anyone wanting
to avoid violence on Valentine's Day should not celebrate it.

THIS quote says it all, doesn't it?
Do things my way or I'll destroy your property and/or kill you.
Yeah .... really peaceful, huh?

you do know also, that you were talking about a hindu there dont you? now i guess we can expect a huge flood of threads about how hindus are terrorists and against freedom of speech, and blah blah blah....?

well?...let the hindu baiting begin.

[edit on 12-2-2006 by geek101]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by geek101

and thats where you show your ignorance. Bal Thackary is a HINDU, not a muslim.
Call you whatever i want?'re an ignorant bigot

Tka e a ride on History books... leanr somethinga bout Islam and its history before you make dumb statements. I could care less if the man is an Hindu or not... Hindus have not called for "my" death yet, Muslims did. Whenhindus become a threat to my and my family security than i'll take care of them as well, untill than i will concentrate on the true threat ... and if that makes me an ignorant bigot... so be it.

If i could, i'd buy you ticket and fly you to Syria or Iran, so you can live in Peace with your Peacefull Muslems terrorists...

yep... a case of Sthockolm syndrome indeed......

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:08 PM
OK, so Hindu's were present, as well as Muslims, this changes the fact that the Muslims present are idiots how? Before you go accusing me of being a bigot, the Hindus were/are idiots as well.

I hear/read people screaming for more tolerance on our part for belief systems different from ours. Fine, more tolerance is a good thing, but only to a point. These idiots, as well as the ones protesting the cartoons, have overloaded my tolerance point. Valentines Day cards, the stupidity is obvious to everyone except the morons doing the burning. What about the poor business owner? You apologists seem to be forgetting about him.
What did he do to deserve having his place of business ransacked?

People screaming for more tolerance, while in the same breath crying for the heads of infidels, or whatever is the height of hypocrisy.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by Beachcoma

The Propaganda at Work - Classical Conditioning

You've all been soooo had

Propaganda Schmanda !... What is true is true ... the sad thing is these ppl cause all kinds of problems, but they don't ahve to worry about consequences because there will always be one or two HIGLHY INTELLIGENT AND DIPLOMATIC ppl around to defend them and whipe the mess they make, under the excuse of propaganda... thats how many rappers obtained their "victim" status as well. there will always be a superiorly intelligent man or woman with a Great heart ready to defend criminals.... and the rest is history.

I'm sorry but i don't accept anyone who calls for the death of another group based or hidding behind religion... the same goes for hate criminals like Pat Robertson....... and ANY AND EVERY MUSLEM who does not speak agaisnt the riots or beheadings of hostages.

Yet when they do speak out against it it's not covered. When they do speak out against it nobody really acknowledges it. I have spoken out against it but due to your conditioning you subconsciously filter it out. If you had read my many comments you would have seen that I am one of those speaking out against these violence and at the same time I am speaking out against prejudices and bigoted attitudes.

That's what is causing all this nonsense. Prejudgements and preconceptions. Those nuts have been thought the west is bad and the western media has taught you MUSLIMS=EVIL.

Look before you leap.

seagull -- yeah I agree it's stupid. I have no idea what they hope to achieve except bad publicity.

[edit - response to seagull]

[edit on 12-2-2006 by Beachcoma]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
Tka e a ride on History books... leanr somethinga bout Islam and its history before you make dumb statements. I could care less if the man is an Hindu or not... Hindus have not called for "my" death yet, Muslims did. Whenhindus become a threat to my and my family security than i'll take care of them as well, untill than i will concentrate on the true threat ... and if that makes me an ignorant bigot... so be it.

If i could, i'd buy you ticket and fly you to Syria or Iran, so you can live in Peace with your Peacefull Muslems terrorists...

For God's sake, learn some spellcheck, will you? My editor eyes are aching!

Now what was it you were trying to say?:shk:

[edit on 2/12/06 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
For God's sake, learn some spellcheck, will you? My editor eyes are aching!

Now what was it you were trying to say?:shk:

[edit on 2/12/06 by EastCoastKid]

...hmmm...errr..... YES ! that was it ..

butifilearnspellcheckyouwonthavehalfasmuchfunasyoudowithmyposts !!!

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Tka e a ride on History books... leanr somethinga bout Islam and its history before you make dumb statements. I could care less if the man is an Hindu or not

i'm sorry....what dumb statement did i make??
When you made that comment about Bal Thackaray, you assumed he was a muslim....all i was pointing out, was that he wasnt and in that assumption of yours, you showed your bigotry.

You could care less if he was a hindu?....thats rather obvious to me, especially when you can pass him off as a muslim eh?

And for whoever said that it doesnt excuse the muslims who were doing it.....did i even say that?

I am trying to point out that although the article was more about the Shiv Sena hindu party....everyone here who made derogatory comments, made them about muslims.
Lets show a little equality here

And oh yeah....when have they been a threat to you and your family? this a personal thing, or is it just the general muslim boogeyman you're scared of?

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:04 PM
Last time I checked

-Muslims don't have to worry about being kidnapped in America
-Muslims don't have to worry about getting their head cut off in America

So I really don't get this "violence" that EastCoastKid is talking about. There's crime everywhere I agree but I'm talking about being the chances of being singled out for a violent crime because your race.

That nuclear bomb argument is bs. I had so many relatives killed by the Japanese in World War II. It was a war and the bomb was an option.
Maybe you should read about Nanking and educate yourself before using that sort of comparison. I'm not saying that using the nuclear bomb was right....but neither was the Japanese massacring millions of Asians.

Yes we should be critical of the Bush administration but at the same time we should be EVEN MORE critical of the violent Muslim/Islam groups and their supporters.

When I travel's not the Republicans that I worry about.

[edit on 12-2-2006 by hotsheets]

[edit on 12-2-2006 by hotsheets]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by hotsheets
I love Casino! That is one of my top 5 movies. Too bad they are tearing down the Stardust.

any good Muslim following the Q'uran would not be

-cutting people's heads off
-inciting violence
-burning embassies because of cartoon
-shoplifting valentine's day cards
-invading Kuwait

(not necessarily in that order)

There are good Muslims although I must say there's a heckuva lot of craziness committed in the name of Islam right now.

How often do we hear publicly

-Thanks for the help in the earthquake in Pakistan and Iran
-Thanks for the aid for food and medical that you send

Thank you to all the Imams out there that preach violence and Jihad instead of trying to push for peace and understanding.

How many Middle East based Islam humanitarian groups are there?

It just makes me laugh when they appeal to each other on the "Muslim Brotherhood." I'm sure Saddam showed much brotherhood when he invaded Kuwait. Or when Syria got involved in Lebanon.

[edit on 11-2-2006 by hotsheets]

[edit on 11-2-2006 by hotsheets]

[edit on 11-2-2006 by hotsheets]

Well said. It is time this madness stops and stops now. We MUST learn to respect each other or die in a nuclear inferno. Because right now we are looking down into an abyss from which there will be no return. We must draw a line and take action now to end the hatred, violence and racisim. Yes racisim. Because this is exactly what is happening right now. No one relgion is right. Christianity is no more right than Islam or Buddism is. We must start to let go of our world relgions.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by geek101

You are just ticked because I know what a 'houris'
really is (BTS religion forum thread) and you don't.

i know what it is, care to enlighten me though,
with your version of what you think it is?

1 - no you don't know
2 - I don't have a 'version' ... the truth of what 'houris' is
is found in the Quran
3 - you have already been told, although you don't want to believe
it because it doesn't fit into your sugarcoated version of Islam.
4 - Can't re-post same info because that's SPAM.
5 -

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