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Muslims protest Valentines's Day

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posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:03 PM
The religion of "peace" shows its face again...

(Its only a matter of time)

[edit on 11-2-2006 by C0le]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:24 PM
Hey We have our own groups protesting any holidays in these country and they are no necessary muslin, the difference is that is to much money in the US to make to allow violence involve.

Any way they can protest anything they want as long as the governments in the countries they are doing it, is allowing that kind of behavior.

But here in the US better leave it alone because Valentines is another of my favorites holidays to get something good from my husband.

Next target mother's day.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:29 PM
I think more people would have been more sympathetic to the Muslims cartoon situation should the protests have been peaceful. When I see the violence I don't sympathize with them at all. I just see a bunch of idiots rioting for no good reason.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:40 PM
Well, while we're on the subject of Valentine's Day, commercialism, and Muslim Mayhem, here's an informative article. Maybe we can find some clues here:

The Five Worst Valentine's Day Gifts

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:50 PM
I always get jewelry but I always get to pick what I want.

My mother told me once that "jewelry last forever" even if relationship don't.

Plus they are more valuable.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:07 PM
i dont know about u guys but but buying a card and some candy and some flowers for a sweet girl and seeing her face light up and smile makes me feel good as a person .

so if ur against it then plz have a goddamn good reason to other than its a waste of money and time..

as for these islamic idiots that are crying over it....plz stfu..
like previous posters have said "if u dont like it ignore it"

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:29 PM
That article mentions Hindus and Muslims.. There are more Hindus in India than Muslims. So why were Muslims singled out in this thread?

And it says two dozen Muslims... Wow thats alot

[edit on 11-2-2006 by shire19]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:31 PM
Assuming the veracity of this news item I concur with the absurdity of this kind of antagonistic behaviour - regardless of the race or culture of the perpetrators. Publicly protesting about the dislike of other cultures benign traditions, based ostensibly on an arbitrary dogma is both dangerous and illogical.

An analogy to illustrate why I think this is absurd is as follows:

Imagine I create a system of belief based on plastic garden gnomes who I imbue with supernatural powers and instil an implication of spiritual desolation in its followers if they do not obey the 'divine' rule of the gnomes. Through subjugation, the passing of time, and various nefarious means I create a powerful infrastructure based on this 'religion'. In order to ensure structure and compliance I create an illogical rule that consuming broccoli on Sundays is blasphemous to the gnomes. The indoctrination is so effective that non-adherence to that rule invokes hatred toward the perpetrators. An angry group of PGG (Plastic Garden Gnome) members attack local grocery stores demanding that broccoli sales be halted because it is offensive to the garden gnomes…Of course this all sounds silly; but replace the Garden Gnomes with a religion of your choice, the broccoli rule with an edict from a religious text, and its almost indistinguishable.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:44 PM
One day I think I'm going to open ATS and read "Muslims Protest Islam"

There is so much anger and fury in the world today, and people taking violent action, I really hate to see where this is going. Every day, there's another indication of lower and lower tolerance.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Big_BIRD
i dont know about u guys but but buying a card and some candy and some flowers for a sweet girl and seeing her face light up and smile makes me feel good as a person .

your lucky, you dates are well easy to please i mean

i like the gifts that start with Freakin' diamonds...and freakin' cars

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
i like the gifts that start with Freakin' diamonds...and freakin' cars

That is what I am talking about.
BTW my car is still on the assemble line.

But is coming.
For mothers day I hope.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

That is what I am talking about.
BTW my car is still on the assemble line.

But is coming.
For mothers day I hope.

ah...that reminds me ..gotta get me some Freakin' kids to start getting gifts from Mother's Day as

As to Valentine day, the TV remote has misteriously vanished, and will only be found after i see what lovelly valentine gifts i got ...

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
ah...that reminds me ..gotta get me some Freakin' kids to start getting gifts from Mother's Day as

As to Valentine day, the TV remote has misteriously vanished, and will only be found after i see what lovelly valentine gifts i got ...

M' lady obviosly knows what she wants and how to get it, very impressive and very reassuring.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:34 PM
America landed on Allah the moon God.

If the moon is so symbolic to Muslims as the have on mosques do we have a right to fly to the moon and land on it? America put its flag on it thats taking the mick.

What im saying what is next? We are not allow to impose western culture and yet they milk off it by mass imigration into these countries. We are not allowed to preach Buddism, jewdaism or Christianity and news reporters have to cover them selves up. Now we are not allowed to think what we like in our own countries.

If we let Islam rule we would be as opressed as they are. The only difference with democracy for them is that they can choose to be free. But also still hold onto the faith. Democracy could wake them up from the fact they have been brainwashed since little children that the world is a lot than a box in Mecca. I feel sorry for them.

[edit on 11-2-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:36 PM
Really, dont those people have friends? Its a friendship day.

Is someone forcing them to eat chocolates? Is our airforce dropping boxes of chocolate hearts in their streets?

Whaaaats the problem? They should be worried about more mundane things.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by marg6043

As to Valentine day, the TV remote has misteriously vanished, and will only be found after i see what lovelly valentine gifts i got ...
I love it. Why didnt i think of that?????

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 11:14 PM
Muslims, etc., seem very volatile. They don't seem to want equality, they are not tolerant of other cultures. They believe everything has to be the way their culture describes it and if it is not, they will act like a little two year old who cries until they get what they want.

What gives them to the right to protest valentines day? Do we (in north america) protest their 'special' days? Do I complain that muslims only eat halal meats?

[edit on 112828p://292911 by porky1981]

[edit on 112828p://555511 by porky1981]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by pepsi78

Where did you get your information?
Are you aware you are posting lies?

[edit on 11-2-2006 by pepsi78]

well, my lies came from watching the Iranian Pres's speach... as where we very clearly stated they are going for nuclear weapons and wheater we like it or not Israel should be blown off the map, once Holocasut never even happened... so..that where my lies came from

No, i wached the same speach, it was on CNN live, he keept mentioning that it's for energy, he repeted that over and over, he did say they denny the holocaust but he never said that they are building a nuke, he may be lieing just just like some do around here
, that i dont know, the fact is that he can be buying time, but one thing i dont do is disinform.
You hear what you wana hear.

[edit on 12-2-2006 by pepsi78]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:28 AM
Arent their marriages arranged? Ahhh, they're bitter because they are in all likelyhood going to end up with an unattractive woman with long flowing hair (not necessarily from the head) and they are jealous!!!

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:37 AM

Last week, Bal Thackeray said anyone wanting
to avoid violence on Valentine's Day should not celebrate it.

THIS quote says it all, doesn't it?
Do things my way or I'll destroy your property and/or kill you.
Yeah .... really peaceful, huh?

St. Valentine was a martyer for marriage. He was a priest who
married people in the christian faith when it was illegal to do so.
He brought families together, gave them God's blessing, and
was a prayerful and holy man. He knew it would be death for
him if he got caught performing marriages. But he did so ...
against a hedonistic and pagan society.

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