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Is islam the anti christ?

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posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by eazy_mas

1) In the books that came down to from God. The Ingel,Torah and Quran. But the Ingel and Torah was changed many time and the Quran is still the same from fist when it came down.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition (New York, 1911), Lor-Mec, pp. 401-2, MAHOMET:

"If the traditional dates assigned to the suras (chapters) of the Koran (q.v.) are correct, the earliest revelations took the form of pages or rolls which the Prophet was to read by the 'grace of God,' as Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon community, said of the power given him to read the 'Egyptian' characters on the gold plates which he had found. The command to read is accompanied by the statement that 'his most generous Lord had taught man by the pen (calamus) that which he did not know.' Waraqah, to whom the event is said to have been communicated by Khadija, called these communications 'the Greater Law (nomos).' The Prophet was directed to communicate his mission at the first only to his nearest relatives. The utterances were from the first in a sort of rhyme, such as is said to have been employed for solemn matter in general, e.g. oracles or prayers. At an early period the production of a written commnication was abandoned for oral communications, delivered by the Prophet in trance; their delivery was preceded by copious perspiration, for which the Prophet prepared (in accordance with instructions found in the Koran) by wrapping himself in a blanket. Trusty followers were instructed to take these utterances down, but the phenomena which accompanied their delivery at least in one case suggested imposture to the scribe, who apostatized in consequence. It is extraordinary that there is no reason to suppose that any official record was ever kept of these revelations; the Prophet treated them somewhat as the Sibyl did her leaves. This carelesness is equally astounding whether the Prophet was sincere or insincere."

Ibid., p. 403:

"The course adopted by Mahomet was retraction of those of his utterances which had most offended the Meccans, involving something like a return to paganism. A revelation came acknowledging the effectiveness of the Meccan goddesses as well as Allah, and the Meccans raised the siege. News of the reconciliation reached the Abyssinian exiles and they proceeded to return.

"By the time they reached the Arabian coast the dispute had recommenced. The revelation was discovered to be a fabrication of the Devil, who, it appears, regularly interpolates in prophetic revelations; such at least is the apology preserved in the Koran, whence the fabricated verses have been expunged."

Ibid., p. 404:

"The Jews met these advances by submitting him to examination in the intricacies of the Torah, and, finding him very poorly equipped, proceeded to denounce him as an imposter; one of his examiners is said to have even translated the Torah into Arabic with a view of convicting him of ignorance and imposture."

Ibid., p. 405:

"The prohibition of wine, which was enacted in A.H. 3, is said to have been occasioned by the riotous conduct of one of his followers when under the influence of liquor; Palgrave saw in it (perhaps with justice) a deliberate attempt to prevent harmony between Moslems and Christians, in whose most sacred rite wine is used. The Fast of Ramadan, in which food both liquid and solid is forbidden from sunrise to sunset, is said to be a pagan or semi-pagan institution; its importance for military training and discipline is not likely to have been overlooked by the Prophet."

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Paul of Nisbis]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 10:26 AM
Actually alcohol isnt forbidden. The Qu'ran states that Alcohol has its good and its bad sides. However there are more bad sides then good so it recommended not to drink alcohol.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by tomcat ha
Actually alcohol isnt forbidden. The Qu'ran states that Alcohol has its good and its bad sides. However there are more bad sides then good so it recommended not to drink alcohol.

Alcohol is forbidden from the person who is sell it to serving it and drinking it is all forbidden.

It is even forbidden in medication

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:17 PM
Blue, I'm telling you that your Mahdi is the Beast of Revelations, wise up now or face the deception. Your people's fate has already been written centuries ago, forget this false militarstic dictator who just want's to dupe you and have you as a pawn for a bogus claim over this Earth, go for the *REAL* god YHVH (not Allah), Go for Jesus Christ. Christians don't worship human beings, that is a piece of slander Mahomet invented ages ago. Christians worship THE WORD MADE FLESH, the angel of the Lord Malak YHVH who is like God himself but distinct at the same time (Jesus Christ, the passover lamb). Please understand this, nobody here's a polytheist or a fool worshipping human beings. Jesus was never a prophet, he always claimed to be the literal fullfillment of the Messianic prophecies and a sin offering as well as the son of God, he NEVER said "Follow Mohammed becuase the Jews will corrupt everything I say, he's better than me". That doesn't even sound logical- why would God have his prophet killed, his scriptures perverted (what sort of God can fail to protect his prophets? What sort of God allows his words to be modified by puny humans?) I suggest you open up that book of Daniel (also Revelations) and see Satan's plan for your people, he has plans for us as well, but since you believe your saviour is going to come BEFORE the actual Messiah you will play perfectly into his hands. This whole war against Islam by GW and his masters is probably just a big reaction formation scheme to set him up, Iran's president is clearly a puppet.

Blue, Read the bible a little- it follows a concise schemata and will make perfect sense, it is not corrupted, that is an EVIL lie perpetuated by the enemies of Christ to take you away from it.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
Blue, I'm telling you that your Mahdi is the Beast of Revelations, wise up now or face the deception. Your people's fate has already been written centuries ago, forget this false militarstic dictator who just want's to dupe you and have you as a pawn for a bogus claim over this Earth, go for the *REAL* god YHVH (not Allah), Go for Jesus Christ. Christians don't worship human beings, that is a piece of slander Mahomet invented ages ago. Christians worship THE WORD MADE FLESH, the angel of the Lord Malak YHVH who is like God himself but distinct at the same time (Jesus Christ, the passover lamb). Please understand this, nobody here's a polytheist or a fool worshipping human beings. Jesus was never a prophet, he always claimed to be the literal fullfillment of the Messianic prophecies and a sin offering as well as the son of God, he NEVER said "Follow Mohammed becuase the Jews will corrupt everything I say, he's better than me". That doesn't even sound logical- why would God have his prophet killed, his scriptures perverted (what sort of God can fail to protect his prophets? What sort of God allows his words to be modified by puny humans?) I suggest you open up that book of Daniel (also Revelations) and see Satan's plan for your people, he has plans for us as well, but since you believe your saviour is going to come BEFORE the actual Messiah you will play perfectly into his hands. This whole war against Islam by GW and his masters is probably just a big reaction formation scheme to set him up, Iran's president is clearly a puppet.

Blue, Read the bible a little- it follows a concise schemata and will make perfect sense, it is not corrupted, that is an EVIL lie perpetuated by the enemies of Christ to take you away from it.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Nakash]

You seem that you didn’t understand my previous post about what Islam says about antichrist.
Are you trying to convert me to Christianity !!

Ok .. it is my turn:

Mohammad didn’t create the Quran by reading the Bible or Torah. This is because of very simple fact. he was illiterate. He couldn’t read and write. This fact is well documented in history, actually Mohammad was called the illiterate Prophet. He received the Quran from God (revelation), and his followers wrote down the Quran which was preserved as it is from 1400 years. while the Bible was written hundreds of years after Jesus (The Human prophet from the descendant of Adam) died. the Bible was twisted , perverted and deviated several times. Also the Torah (book of the Jewish) was perverted several times.
The bible has so many versions, while there is one version of the Quran that is preserved for 1400 years.

While I believe in the Quran , what make me believe more in it is that every day we discover that the Quran predicted so many newly discovered scientific facts. we call these predictions as Miracles of the Quran. Also there are other predictions in the Quran that proves that it is the word of god
Check this site :

Or you can google it , search for Miracles of the Quran in google and you will find many sources.

Other Miracle of the Quran is related to Arabic language , you will not recognize this in the English translation of the Quran, but Arab people recognize that Miracle. The language of the Quran is very beautiful and so harmonic so that no Human can create it. every arabic word and every arabic letter in the Quran has its meaning. do you know.. if you change one line in the Quran it will be immediately exposed. This is hard to explain... you have to learn Arabic first so I can explain this to you. In short No human or poet in the history of Humanity can create something like the Quran.

Most prophets came with Miracles, The main Miracle of Mohammad is the Quran. and that Miracle still exists till these days.

C) Prophet Muhammad was foretold in the Bible :

Check this site:

Also you can google about this more if you want

D) about the Antichrist :

When I talked about the antichrist I made it clear that Al-Mahdi is not the antichrist. I said that Almahdi and Jesus are both Muslims. ALmahdi will fight the Antichrist , then Jesus will join Al-Mahdi to fight the Antichrist.
Also the antichrist is Jewish, this was prophesied by Prophet Mohammad.
The antichrist is Jewish and from the descendent of David, I think that makes sense because of the antichrist connection with The Illuminati and NWO.

You said that the Muslims are the followers of antichrist...tell me, Why would Muslims follow the antichrist? Why would Muslims worship a Jewish man? you don’t understand the idea of the antichrist .. the idea of the antichrist is to make people to worship him by dominating the world, Muslims will never worship a human being. we worship only one God , who is the God of ADAM , ABRAHAM , MOsa, Jesus , Mohammad .. and all other prophets. God is the creator of the universe, he is greater that place and time, he is eternal and cannot be described , he cannot be born. Muslims cannot worship a human, and they cannot accept antichrist as god.

I said that Jesus will kill the antichrist and that he is Muslim, because all prophets came with the same message which is Monotheism. I said that I fear that Christians may follow the Antichrist thinking that he is Jesus. I said that:
1- AL-Mhadi will come first
2- Then the Antichrist
3- Then Jesus.

(1) is not the antichrist. Christians may think (1) is the antichrist and that (2) is Jesus, but (3) will come later and kill (2). so how can (2) be Jesus if he is going to be killed by (3)?

I think I explained what I mean clearly.

I don’t like to debate religious believes but your post forced me to explain to you why my faith in Islam is unshakable.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Deep_Blue

Originally posted by Nakash
Blue, I'm telling you that your Mahdi is the Beast of Revelations, wise up now or face the deception. Your people's fate has already been written centuries ago, forget this false militarstic dictator who just want's to dupe you and have you as a pawn for a bogus claim over this Earth, go for the *REAL* god YHVH (not Allah), Go for Jesus Christ. Christians don't worship human beings, that is a piece of slander Mahomet invented ages ago. Christians worship THE WORD MADE FLESH, the angel of the Lord Malak YHVH who is like God himself but distinct at the same time (Jesus Christ, the passover lamb). Please understand this, nobody here's a polytheist or a fool worshipping human beings. Jesus was never a prophet, he always claimed to be the literal fullfillment of the Messianic prophecies and a sin offering as well as the son of God, he NEVER said "Follow Mohammed becuase the Jews will corrupt everything I say, he's better than me". That doesn't even sound logical- why would God have his prophet killed, his scriptures perverted (what sort of God can fail to protect his prophets? What sort of God allows his words to be modified by puny humans?) I suggest you open up that book of Daniel (also Revelations) and see Satan's plan for your people, he has plans for us as well, but since you believe your saviour is going to come BEFORE the actual Messiah you will play perfectly into his hands. This whole war against Islam by GW and his masters is probably just a big reaction formation scheme to set him up, Iran's president is clearly a puppet.

Blue, Read the bible a little- it follows a concise schemata and will make perfect sense, it is not corrupted, that is an EVIL lie perpetuated by the enemies of Christ to take you away from it.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Nakash]

You seem that you didn’t understand my previous post about what Islam says about antichrist.
Are you trying to convert me to Christianity !!

Ok .. it is my turn:

Mohammad didn’t create the Quran by reading the Bible or Torah. This is because of very simple fact. he was illiterate. He couldn’t read and write. This fact is well documented in history, actually Mohammad was called the illiterate Prophet. He received the Quran from God (revelation), and his followers wrote down the Quran which was preserved as it is from 1400 years. while the Bible was written hundreds of years after Jesus (The Human prophet from the descendant of Adam) died. the Bible was twisted , perverted and deviated several times. Also the Torah (book of the Jewish) was perverted several times.
The bible has so many versions, while there is one version of the Quran that is preserved for 1400 years.

While I believe in the Quran , what make me believe more in it is that every day we discover that the Quran predicted so many newly discovered scientific facts. we call these predictions as Miracles of the Quran. Also there are other predictions in the Quran that proves that it is the word of god
Check this site :

Or you can google it , search for Miracles of the Quran in google and you will find many sources.

Other Miracle of the Quran is related to Arabic language , you will not recognize this in the English translation of the Quran, but Arab people recognize that Miracle. The language of the Quran is very beautiful and so harmonic so that no Human can create it. every arabic word and every arabic letter in the Quran has its meaning. do you know.. if you change one line in the Quran it will be immediately exposed. This is hard to explain... you have to learn Arabic first so I can explain this to you. In short No human or poet in the history of Humanity can create something like the Quran.

Most prophets came with Miracles, The main Miracle of Mohammad is the Quran. and that Miracle still exists till these days.

C) Prophet Muhammad was foretold in the Bible :

Check this site:

Also you can google about this more if you want

D) about the Antichrist :

When I talked about the antichrist I made it clear that Al-Mahdi is not the antichrist. I said that Almahdi and Jesus are both Muslims. ALmahdi will fight the Antichrist , then Jesus will join Al-Mahdi to fight the Antichrist.
Also the antichrist is Jewish, this was prophesied by Prophet Mohammad.
The antichrist is Jewish and from the descendent of David, I think that makes sense because of the antichrist connection with The Illuminati and NWO.

You said that the Muslims are the followers of antichrist...tell me, Why would Muslims follow the antichrist? Why would Muslims worship a Jewish man? you don’t understand the idea of the antichrist .. the idea of the antichrist is to make people to worship him by dominating the world, Muslims will never worship a human being. we worship only one God , who is the God of ADAM , ABRAHAM , MOsa, Jesus , Mohammad .. and all other prophets. God is the creator of the universe, he is greater that place and time, he is eternal and cannot be described , he cannot be born. Muslims cannot worship a human, and they cannot accept antichrist as god.

I said that Jesus will kill the antichrist and that he is Muslim, because all prophets came with the same message which is Monotheism. I said that I fear that Christians may follow the Antichrist thinking that he is Jesus. I said that:
1- AL-Mhadi will come first
2- Then the Antichrist
3- Then Jesus.

(1) is not the antichrist. Christians may think (1) is the antichrist and that (2) is Jesus, but (3) will come later and kill (2). so how can (2) be Jesus if he is going to be killed by (3)?

I think I explained what I mean clearly.

I don’t like to debate religious believes but your post forced me to explain to you why my faith in Islam is unshakable.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But it is no secret that throughout history, many religious zealots took realizations from other beliefs and indoctrinated theminto their own. I'm sorry it is just the sugar-coat that helps the pill go down easier.

But if you want to do some real research (not that from a bios islamic webpage) those universal certainties that you claim were realized by Mohammad, actually came from the Eastern Yogis and old anchient Hindus (the same place Jesus found his belief system when he traveled the 30 years no one knew anything about him, other thanhis carpenter days) It was written in the Macabarratta (could be mispelled) which was the 6000 years old ancient text that most Hindus represent. Do you remmeber the Bagavadgita?

I want to add that like most religions, the principals to live your life are good. Although they are just One inch of the truth, and most religious zealots protect that one inch and will defend anything else to the death.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 08:43 PM
i'm not trying to change the subject. I just want to add a thought. I believe Islam is a major factor in the last days.

I understand that alot of people do not believe there is a rapture of true christian believers that is going to take place. I do believe this is going to happen. My reason for bringing this rapture point up is not to get a debate on the rapture started. There are plenty of other threads already started for that.

My reason for bringing it up is for this reason. Once true believers in Christ are removed there will be a huge vacuum that will exist. It could be possible that Islam will then be the dominant religious force left on earth. That will eventually be reversed again but for awhile it will dominate and be a beast.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 08:47 PM
yes but if islam is the dominant religion than that would put a stop to building of the 3rd temple. and with no 3rd temple no 2nd coming.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by plague
yes but if islam is the dominant religion than that would put a stop to building of the 3rd temple. and with no 3rd temple no 2nd coming.

Why is that? Why can't it be built before the rapture if one is to be built.

Also it's in the middle of the tribulation period that the antichrist breaks the covenant.

The temple debate is not something I keep up on. I've just seen many programs on it from different people with different points of view.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by dbrandt]

[edit on 3-2-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Feb, 4 2006 @ 10:31 AM
The Messiah of Islam is none other than Prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him. Any true Christian..Jew..Muslim..whoever will be able to reconize Prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him. Just don't get mad if Prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him doesn't the resemble the Prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him you have seen in movies and pictures. I sincerely ask everyone to pray to whoever you pray to and ask for guidance. Clear your egos .... and you will be able to see with the eyes of your heart. No need for any prophecies etc.. whatever is gonna happen .. will happen regardless if you know or not. One must prepare .. spirtually and mentally for what will happen.. as we know the end of times will be a struggle for everyone.. Prepare..Prepare..Prepare..

posted on Feb, 4 2006 @ 03:11 PM
The third temple will be rebuilt as the Al Aqsa mosque. Remember that there's nothing holy over that piece of real estate in Mount Moriah, and that even if it was rebuilt according to the Temple scroll it would still be defiled. This Mahdi antichrist figure of Islam will sit upon mount Moriah in the rebuilt Al Aqsa mosque (the current Mosque is said to be destroyed according to Muslim Hadiths). I was also considering the fact that Muslims say this Mahdi is chained somewhere and will be released. Abbadon anybody?

posted on Feb, 4 2006 @ 07:44 PM
Not all words in any context are always literal.

Just a thought - but perhaps the reference to 'one eyed' refers more to the fact that this supposed anti-christ will be closed-minded/one vision or focus.

Personally, I think Man is its own anti-christ. Just look around you at the world we live in and the violence, wars, evil that surrounds us all in our day to day lives, in ALL countries/religions. Its there, plain to see imo.
We're doing it to ourselves, people.

Heh, we don't need an anti-christ to $*&& things up - we're doing a great job alllllll by ourselves

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
The third temple will be rebuilt as the Al Aqsa mosque. Remember that there's nothing holy over that piece of real estate in Mount Moriah, and that even if it was rebuilt according to the Temple scroll it would still be defiled. This Mahdi antichrist figure of Islam will sit upon mount Moriah in the rebuilt Al Aqsa mosque (the current Mosque is said to be destroyed according to Muslim Hadiths). I was also considering the fact that Muslims say this Mahdi is chained somewhere and will be released. Abbadon anybody?

LOL.. one should know the diffrences of Masjid Al Aqsa .. and The dome of the Rock.. I hope you know that they are two diffrent masjids. The Mahdi peace be upon him will emerge from Makkah Sharif .. The anti christ Dajjal is currently chained. All you gota remeber is that The Anti Christ will be coming from Isfahan in modern day Iran.. He will emerge from that city with 70,000 jews (Currently Lots of Jewish People in Isfahan). As we know Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will arrive in what the arabs call sham. Modern Day Palestine..Syria..Lebanon.. not Khurasan which is in iran. It is very clear to understand .. who is who.. it won't take a genius to figure out. My brother Nakash .. please do tell the truth and don't mix and match things according to your whims and fancies. If anyone needs clarification on certain things about Islam.. please feel free to ask.

[edit on 5-2-2006 by XTasawwufX]

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 02:43 PM
Yet another similarity between the Antichrist and the Mahdi. Jesus Christ will seal 144,000 Jews for service to his eternal kingdom which Muslims will claim are the "servants" of the Antichrist. I see no difference over what's at Mount Moriah- if you claim it will be a rebuilt Mosque, it can perfectly well be Antichrist's seat of power (only difference is Christianity is expecting, though not requiring, that the 3rd temple will be rebuilt by Judaism. It makes no difference who rebuild's a temple over Moriah since it will be a defiled place over which the abomination of desolation will occur under Antichrist's rule).

The "one-eyed" claim is probably derived from....

"Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened." Zech 11:17

This verse *may* refer to the antichrist (a debate). We do know that he will receive a deadly wound in the forehead and then revive. Either way, Christians aren't expecting a one eyed human being as their messiah. Here's what (bible following) Christians are expecting:

19:11 I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called Faithful and True. In righteousness he judges and makes war.

19:12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has names written and a name written which no one knows but he himself.

19:13 He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood. His name is called "The Word of God."

19:14 The armies which are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen.

19:15 Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp, double-edged sword, that with it he should strike the nations. He will rule them with a rod of iron. He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty.

19:16 He has on his garment and on his thigh a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

19:17 I saw an angel standing in the sun. He cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the sky, "Come! Be gathered together to the great supper of God,

19:18 that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, and small and great."

19:19 I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse, and against his army.

19:20 The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who worked the signs in his sight, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

19:21 The rest were killed with the sword of him who sat on the horse, the sword which came forth out of his mouth. All the birds were filled with their flesh.

Sounds like some one eyed stooge with a few puny humans fighting for him? No. I do expect the false messiah Mahdi to get a wound in the forehead. Muslims will probably claim a Jew did it to try to deceive them into not following him by confusing him with the "real" antichrist (he will probably make the claim). You don't know the depths of Satan's deceptions, he is like a lion out to devour you completely.

[edit on 5-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 5 2006 @ 08:31 PM
LOL my friend your lost. Let us just wait and see .. :-)

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 10:50 PM
You are wrong my friend, yet we might be unfortunate enough to see the truth, Indeed we shall

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
Blue, I'm telling you that your Mahdi is the Beast of Revelations, wise up now or face the deception. Your people's fate has already been written centuries ago, forget this false militarstic dictator who just want's to dupe you and have you as a pawn for a bogus claim over this Earth, go for the *REAL* god YHVH (not Allah), Go for Jesus Christ. Christians don't worship human beings, that is a piece of slander Mahomet invented ages ago. Christians worship THE WORD MADE FLESH, the angel of the Lord Malak YHVH who is like God himself but distinct at the same time (Jesus Christ, the passover lamb). Please understand this, nobody here's a polytheist or a fool worshipping human beings. Jesus was never a prophet, he always claimed to be the literal fullfillment of the Messianic prophecies and a sin offering as well as the son of God, he NEVER said "Follow Mohammed becuase the Jews will corrupt everything I say, he's better than me". That doesn't even sound logical- why would God have his prophet killed, his scriptures perverted (what sort of God can fail to protect his prophets? What sort of God allows his words to be modified by puny humans?) I suggest you open up that book of Daniel (also Revelations) and see Satan's plan for your people, he has plans for us as well, but since you believe your saviour is going to come BEFORE the actual Messiah you will play perfectly into his hands. This whole war against Islam by GW and his masters is probably just a big reaction formation scheme to set him up, Iran's president is clearly a puppet.

Blue, Read the bible a little- it follows a concise schemata and will make perfect sense, it is not corrupted, that is an EVIL lie perpetuated by the enemies of Christ to take you away from it.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Nakash]

You show your extreme ignorance. Just because somebody has alternate beliefs doesnt give you the right to slander it. First of all if Islam was the Anti Christ then why would it acknowledge the Prophet Isa as the Messiah and why would it speak of the Dajjal? The Dajjal will rule the Jews and Jews do not believe in Isa so rule #1 out. The basica theme of the Dajjal is because the Jews didnt believe Isa was the Messiah duh. Then if the Quran was the Anti Christ why would it mention the end times? If it was the Dajjal it would not give any incite because that would mean the Dajjal is pretty much exposing his own plan. And why would the Quran admit that the Dajjal will be killed by the Messiah? If Islam was the Dajjal it wouldnt mention its imminent defeat to the Isa in battle. Why admit they will loose the war? They would hide that negative fact, the Dajjal is not going to give those kind of answers to the end times. Come use your #ing brains people!!!! You sound like your reaching for a reason to diss Islam. Its pathetic to me and Im not even Muslim.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Jehosephat
Islam is possible because they deny the God-man christ and demote him to a mere prophet to make room for Mohammad.

Thus Islam is a type of anti-christ

But most protesant religions belvie the Pope is the true Anti-christ

america claims its christianity all the while deny the god-man christ and demote him to a mere prophet. denies him in everything. putting thier government and judgments upon man above the govenment and judments of the creator. the anti christ will bring promises of peace thru a craft he has been perfecting for centuries. molding us every night right in our own living rooms to accept what he has in store. hes on the move belive that.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 09:19 PM

First of all if Islam was the Anti Christ then why would it acknowledge the Prophet Isa as the Messiah and why would it speak of the Dajjal?

That's easy- their Dajjal shows the quality expected of Elijah's second coming mixed with those of Jesus Christ. Understand that the Islamic Jesus is merely Allah's puppet, so he has a different role. The Islamic Jesus resembles the false prophet of the Book of Revelations to an uncanny degree.

The Dajjal will rule the Jews and Jews do not believe in Isa so rule #1 out.

TRUE! But the beauty of it is that the church will not be on Earth (or will have it's abilities severely handicapped) during the tribulation. During those 7 years a revival is expected to happen in Israel under the guidance of the Two witnesses (one being Elijah- the "Dajjal" of Islam). Elijah will appear in Judah just as the Quran predicted, he will lead 144,000 to follow Jesus Christ just as the Quran predicts. They will be the sealed servants of the "Dajjal" (Elijah) just as the Quran predicts. The tragedy is that Muslims will follow the fake, and the Jews will follow the real deal.

If it was the Dajjal it would not give any incite because that would mean the Dajjal is pretty much exposing his own plan. And why would the Quran admit that the Dajjal will be killed by the Messiah?

Elijah WILL be killed. He and the other witness (who's identity we don't know yet) will be slain by the Beast (ie: the Mahdi). Elijah and his followers will have the power to shut the Heavens of water if neccesary (just as the Quran predicts), turn water into blood, and vanquish any army until his task is done. He will bluntly make life extremely difficult for all those who follow the false Messiah (it is *his* task- God doesn't want people saying they were duped and had no warning on the last day, no excuses). Again the Quran predicts this (that all who cross the Dajjal's path will side with him, that the Dajjal will be invincible UNTIL a certain point, and so forth).

If Islam was the Dajjal it wouldnt mention its imminent defeat to the Isa in battle.

Again, that's irrelevant. The Beast (ie: Mahdi) ,or the false prophet, will be unable to kill the two witnesses who preach for Jesus Christ until their task is done. The Bible even has an allusion of an earthquake in Mecca after their death as a warning of things to come.

Why admit they will loose the war? They would hide that negative fact, the Dajjal is not going to give those kind of answers to the end times.

This is why the deception is so thorough, so horrid. Your Mahdi is the antichrist and he will have a fake prophet by his side to try to dupe the world to worship him. God is sending people to help you, people who will remain unconquered until their task is done. Satan is attempting to counter this by saying that after the two witnesses (Elijah in particular) are killed when their job is over, he's won, everything is over. Yet the worst is still yet to come. It is a Satanic attempt to turn people away from God's warnings, a preemptive strike. Won't work with me. That Earthquake in Mecca (if my theory is right of course) will be a stern warning not to heed Satan's bluff.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
That's easy- their Dajjal shows the quality expected of Elijah's second coming mixed with those of Jesus Christ.

Can you explain please who is Elijah? what is second coming that is mixed with Jesus ?! and how the Dajjal shows quality? and what is the quality?

Originally posted by Nakash

The Dajjal will rule the Jews and Jews do not believe in Isa so rule #1 out.

TRUE! But the beauty of it is that the church will not be on Earth (or will have it's abilities severely handicapped) during the tribulation. During those 7 years a revival is expected to happen in Israel under the guidance of the Two witnesses (one being Elijah- the "Dajjal" of Islam).

Can you explain please how the Church will not be on earth during the 7 years tribulation? Will the Christians be picked by UFO's or something.. I wonder if this myth originates from a prophecy that was exaggerated and twisted several times.

Originally posted by Nakash
The tragedy is that Muslims will follow the fake, and the Jews will follow the real deal.

You still don't see the truth, when you say "follow the fake" do you mean following the teaching of that man , or worshiping that man. In both cases Muslims will not follow the fake because:

1- Muslims only follow teaching of the Quran and Mohammad (Pbuh) and they will never follow the teaching of any other man, they will not even follow the teaching of Jesus or Al-Mahdi. In fact Al-Mahdi and Jesus in the End-times Islamic prophecies are only considered as Leaders (ex. Militaristic leaders) that will lead the Muslims to victory in final battles. There is no spiritual effect for Jesus or Al-Mahdi on Muslims.

2- From Islamic perspective: Jesus is considered as Muslim, so that both Jesus and Al-Mahdi are Under Islam faith and not above it.

3- From the Islamic perspective: Both Jesus and Al-Mahdi are not as important as Mohammad ,because Mohammad (pbuh) in Islam is considered as the greatest human being ever.

4- Muslims will never worship a human being, they only worship GOD.

5- The Idea of the Anti-Christ is to make people to worship him, now ask your self how will Muslims follow the Anti-Christ? Muslims will never worship a human being , while this is easier for Christians because they already worship Jesus. Now ask your self another question why would the Muslims worship Al-Mahdi while he is less important than Mohammad (pbuh) ? Muslims didn't worship Mohammad (pbuh) even that they consider him as the greatest human being for eternity, so why they go and worship Al-Mahdi?!!

I think I made my point clear, the Idea of Islam being the anti-Christ is impossible and cannot be. Satan wants people to worship the Anti-Chrtist , Satan wants people to worship a human being . Muslims will never do that ... and that's it .. end of story.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by Deep_Blue]

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[edit on 7-3-2006 by Deep_Blue]

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