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Is islam the anti christ?

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posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 05:02 PM
Now before I get blasted I want to first say that all religions can be benifical to the developing soul, although God did not creat religion, man did after the prophets died. Now the story of islam is traced back to Abraham and the covenant he had with God. God told him to have a child with his wife and that child should inherit the Earth. The wife couldn't concieve so she let Abraham birth a child with another woman. They had a child (Ishmial) and then like god said, the wife unxpectedly had Isiah. So Abraham, knowing that the true seed came from the unionship of marrage expelled the woman and Ismial and God said that they would inherit riches yet be surrounded by evil. Now Oil was discovered in the primitive lands of the middle east in the late 30's, so this follows the path of the prophecy, now the evil that it descibed is ever so apparent. Coukld it be possible that within Islam (Not the true beleivers in Love and Peace) will instigate the anti christ (so to speak) Any thoughts? AAC

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 05:57 PM
there is no anti christ. it is a conspiracy set forth by the writers of the new testament to control the masses and to put an end to all future, present,
and past religious movements, leaders, and followers.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:23 PM
Islam would make a fine Beast Empire. Check this out mate:

I'm buying this baby:

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 10:01 PM
Islam is possible because they deny the God-man christ and demote him to a mere prophet to make room for Mohammad.

Thus Islam is a type of anti-christ

But most protesant religions belvie the Pope is the true Anti-christ

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 03:02 PM
Yes... that's the problem. The Catholic church has an uncanny resemblance to Babylon and it's doctrines. However it's pretty tough to see a false Messiah coming from it (a dying creed, also this latest Pope though terrible is a step up from John Paul). Islam on the other hand has the Mahdi and the desire for a revived Caliphate. Only time will tell...

[edit on 2-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 03:15 PM
I think Islam is more like anti-freedom than anti-christ.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by plague
there is no anti christ. it is a conspiracy set forth by the writers of the new testament to control the masses and to put an end to all future, present,
and past religious movements, leaders, and followers.

If that is so... why isn't everyone controled ? because you wouldnt know the difference once you would be controled ...right ?


The AC is suppose to be an individual that will bring all wordl together in Peace...and no it's not Bono

The AC will supposelly show up and a time of great wars, worse than what we are living today, its not a politician, and he doesnt come from the Vatican either, because he will be able to bring ALL religions together as one. And that also disproves that Bush is the AC... he can hardly have 50% of his won country.

The AC is an individual... not an institution, or a group. He wont be a muslim either, because you see the entire world following a muslem ? or a Catholic or a buddhist for that metter.

The AC will claim to be the re-encarnation of all the spiritual messiahs religions ahev ben waiting for...the only one he WILL NOT claim to be is Jesus... but he will claim to be the real SON OF GOD, and know the REAL GOD.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 03:37 PM
Islam is not anti-christ but but to fix what went wrong.

In the bible there is many alteration for some reason and Islam came down to show the true path.

Muslims,Jewish and Christian belive in the same God.

Belive in all the prophet that God sent to the people.

That is a proof that Islam is not anti-christ

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 03:45 PM
The Mahdi of Islam will supposedly sign a 7 year treaty with Israel (and break it in the middle- Muslims say the Jews break it, I know better), destroy Jerusalem and rebuild the Al Aqsa Mosque (third temple of the abomination of Desolation?), lead the nations commonly denoted as Magog in the Bible into a final war, have a sidekick working to convert Christians (ie: Fake Jesus or the false prophet of Revelations), will supposedly punish the Jews for supporting the Antichrist (ie: the real Jesus Christ who is called the Dajjal in the Quran and Hadiths) , will head a revived empire that followed 7 others similar in character (the 7 mountains, the 8th that was and shall be), will impose Jizya and behead all those who don't pay it (mark of the beast), Will lead to a war between Jacob and Esau ( Jews and Muslims), and so forth. Too much of a resemblance. I'm keeping the possibility open.

[edit on 2-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by eazy_mas
Islam is not anti-christ but but to fix what went wrong.

In the bible there is many alteration for some reason and Islam came down to show the true path.

Muslims,Jewish and Christian belive in the same God.

Belive in all the prophet that God sent to the people.

That is a proof that Islam is not anti-christ

Proof? Man are you easily sold. Christians don't believe Muhammad was a prophet! Where did you get that info? Islam isn't recongnized as the pathway to HEAVEN! Plain and simple. So that proves that you are wrong, but it still doesn't prove much else. AAC

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by eazy_mas

Muslims,Jewish and Christian belive in the same God.

Belive in all the prophet that God sent to the people.

Judeo-Christian God calls Israel his land and the Jews his people.

Muslem God demands the death of ALL Jews, Christians and other sources of "Infidels"... now ,...does that sound like the same voice ?

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 09:07 PM
what Islam says about Antichrist :

I would like to go in details about what Islam says about Antichrist, but this could take too many pages , I will try to summarize it for you.

Antichrist in Islam is known as Dajjal , Dajjal means liar or fraud.

Prophet Mohammad warned Muslims from the Antichrist (Dajjal) that will come in the end times, he said that all prophets before him also warned their people from the Antichrist. Prophet Mohammad described the Antichrist to Muslims so that they recognize him when he comes out.

The description of Antichrist (Dajjal) :

Though not mentioned in the Qur'an, al-Masih ad-Dajjal is often mentioned in the ahadeeth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) described the Dajjal in great detail. Through his description we know what the Dajjal will look like, where he will first appear, who will follow him, what he will do once he gets here, and how he will be killed. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"I have told you so much about the Dajjal (Antichrist) that I am afraid you may not understand. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. If you are confused about him, know that your Lord is not one-eyed." (Abu Dawood)

We know that he will be a man. He will be blind in one eye. His hair will be curly and he will be short.

many other ahadeeth described the Antichrist. the most significant sign is that he will be a one-eyed man.

Also Prophet Mohammad described to Muslims what will happen before and after the antichrist appearance, I will summarize what I remember in my own words:

First Al-Mahdi will become the leader of Muslims, he will ally with Christians in some war (I don’t know exactly against whom but maybe against Russia or Iran) , the Muslims-Christians alliance will win the war , but after that the alliance will be broken (maybe they disagree about dividing the conquered land) , so All Muslims and Christians will fight each other , AL Mahdi will win the war and he will conquer Rome . At this point the antichrist will show up , and Muslims will pull back to fight him. The antichrist will have a global domination Except in Mecca and Madina he will not be able to take them. (I dont know what will happen to Al Mahdi , maybe he will be killed by the antichrist).

After the Antichrist dominates the world he will call him self a god, and almost all the world will worship him as God. 1/3 of Muslims will be killed by the antichrist, the other third will follow the antichrist , and the remaining third will be at war with the antichrist.

The remaining third of Muslims facing the antichrist will be surrounded by the antichrist on a mountain somewhere in Syria. At this point Jesus will come back from heaven to that Mountain and he will pray with Muslims. and in the next morning Jesus will lead Muslims in the Final Battle against the Antichrist , and Jesus will kill the Antichrist and defeat his army. Note that in Islam Jesus is considered to be Muslim , because all the prophets came with the same message of Islam which is monotheism. And Jesus in Islam is considered to be a Human prophet not the Son of God.

So the three main characters in Armageddon are: AL-Mahdi , The Antichrist , Prophet Jesus.

Now this is probable theoretical scenario:

A) According to Islam Al-Mahdi come first then the Antichrist then Jesus.
B) According to Christianity The antichrist will come first then Jesus will come next .

What will happen when AL-Mahdi Comes and forms an Islamic Empire? The Christians may think that He is the Antichrist (because he doesn’t worship Jesus) , then when the Antichrist comes the Christians may think that he is Jesus Christ. So they may follow the wrong Christ (Al Dajjal , the Antichrist) believing that he is Jesus and thinking that they are fighting the Antichrist.

Imagine this , following the wrong Christ (the Antichrist) to fight the wrong Antichrist. If this happens it will not be hard for the Antichrist (dajjal , liar) to make the Christians to worship him If they think that he is Jesus Christ and Christians already worship Jesus. While Muslims will never worship a Human Being , and they consider Jesus as Human being, which make it very difficult for the antichrist to persuade Muslims to worship him.

[edit on 2-2-2006 by Deep_Blue]

[edit on 2-2-2006 by Deep_Blue]

[edit on 2-2-2006 by Deep_Blue]

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 09:51 PM
The antichrist is a person, not a religion, but I'm sure that Islam is a product of the devil and Satan himself wrote the Koran. Mohammed could be the antichrist, or he could be someone who comes in the future who is Muslim or adheres to Islam.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 10:12 PM

As I said according to Islam the ANtichrist is described as one-eyed man:

Though not mentioned in the Qur'an, al-Masih ad-Dajjal is often mentioned in the ahadeeth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) described the Dajjal in great detail. Through his description we know what the Dajjal will look like, where he will first appear, who will follow him, what he will do once he gets here, and how he will be killed. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"I have told you so much about the Dajjal (Antichrist) that I am afraid you may not understand. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. If you are confused about him, know that your Lord is not one-eyed." (Abu Dawood)

We know that he will be a man. He will be blind in one eye. His hair will be curly and he will be short.

Now I came across this site which shows that the Antichrist is a one-eyed man from a Christian point of view.


To conclude our shocking expose' of "The Passion", we need to check an Old Testament prophecy regarding the future "Idol Shepard" -- Antichrist.
Before we show you this Antichrist prophecy, remember the facts about how Jesus' eyes are portrayed in this movie. Because of the beating He took from Caiaphas' guards in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus' right eye was totally closed for the rest of the movie. He could only see out of his left eye. Now, let us examine this prophecy:

"Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened." [Zech 11:17]

Therefore, this movie depicts a "Messiah" who is compatible with this Old Testament Antichrist prophecy and who is compatible with the One-eyed, Left-eyed CFR Antichrist!

There now can be no doubt. "The Passion" depicts two solid symbols of Antichrist and casts this "Jesus" as the one whom the Bible foretells shall come "in the guise of Christ" -- Antichrist.

The writer noticed the symbolisim in the movie "Passion of the Christ", where Jesus is shown as one-eyed because he was punshed repeatedly in the face:

" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is repeatedly punched in the face by Caiaphas' guards. After this savage fist beating, Jesus' face is swollen and very puffy. In fact, His right eye is completely closed. For the rest of the movie, Jesus is shown as being able to see only out of His right eye, as this picture clearly demonstrates. Right up until the time of His death on the cross, Jesus is able to see out with only one eye. In other words, Jesus is a one-eyed Messiah for the vast majority of this movie. Keep this deliberate wording in mind, for it shall gain greater significance later in this article.

But Gibson has placed even more emphasis on a one-eyed depiction because he has selected a human one-eye picture for his own business, Icon Productions. This picture shows a person's face in which the nose and the left eye are most prominent. You may view this symbol of Gibson's Icon Productions at:

In the movie, while Jesus is hanging on the cross, He turns His head slightly to the side and the camera focuses in on exactly the area of His face that is depicted in Gibson's symbol for his Icon Productions! Jesus' nose is to the lower left of the screen while His bloody eye is to the upper right. This camera shot lasted only a few seconds, but the scene is identical to his production company's symbol.

Even in the scene in the tomb, where Jesus is sitting at the foot of the crypt holding the collapsing burial cloths, the camera very carefully concentrates on only one side of the face, so that the entire depiction in the tomb is still of a one-eyed Messiah. I caught the ending of this movie again just today just so I could view this tomb scene, to make sure that I had seen it all correctly.

Therefore the question of the hour is this: why the emphasis in "The Passion" upon one eye? This movie strongly depicts Jesus as a Messiah with only one eye, and with His left eye being the undamaged one. Why?

Thats may explain why the symbol of the illuminati has all seeing eye on the top of the pyramid !!

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 10:12 PM
Absolutely NOTHING that any religion has ever predicted has come true.

NAME ONE!!!!!!

Now you sit here waiting for the end times and the return of some savior to deliver you from...what exactly?

God created man, Man created religion. It's a form of control, a brainwashing that keeps you safely within the flock of the spiritually decapitated.

NO, Islam is not the antichrist, there is no antichrist. There was never a christ.

You have never sinned against God. You only believe you have because someone else has told you that you have. Sin is a creation of man, Not of God.

Free the chains from your mind and the chains on your soul will melt away.

I am a spiritual Anarchist, I hope some day you will join me.

This is just my humble opinion.

Love and light,


posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The antichrist is a person, not a religion, but I'm sure that Islam is a product of the devil and Satan himself wrote the Koran. Mohammed could be the antichrist, or he could be someone who comes in the future who is Muslim or adheres to Islam.

Not only that, but also why would the Quran mention an Antichrist when they do not follow Jesus Christ ?
Shouldnt it be like an
"Anti-Mohamed" ??

Besides the Biblical Antichrist IS THE MUSLEM MESSIAH Iman Maddhi.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 12:26 AM
Another thing that I dont understand is, how exactly is this anti-christ supposed to get his deal started? As soon as he starts to unite people or whatever hes supposed to do, the jigs up!
I can see it now:
step 1.) WWIII
step 2.) Anti-christ appears "Behold!, *miracle - miracle*" people rejoice -end of WWIII
step 3.) "Wait a second...that dudes the anti-christ!"
step 4.) Anti-Christ: "JESUS CHRIST! Who told em I was comming...this blows"

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by eazy_mas

Muslims,Jewish and Christian belive in the same God.

Belive in all the prophet that God sent to the people.

Judeo-Christian God calls Israel his land and the Jews his people.

Muslem God demands the death of ALL Jews, Christians and other sources of "Infidels"... now ,...does that sound like the same voice ?

If muslim was to call out to kill all the jew then it would have happen long time ago. In the time of prophet there where jews living in Arab lands and around the middle east area some became muslims because of how they treated. actully the prophet neighbour was jew and became muslim because the prophet visted him during when he was sick and even he used to harm him.

Actullay for a muslim is okay to marry people of the book, "Torah" and "Bible" but not anyone else. In the Quran calles out the Jew by saying " Son of Israel" and for Jew and christian together " People of the book."

Here is thing that muslim must belive if not then his not muslim:

1) In the books that came down to from God. The Ingel,Torah and Quran. But the Ingel and Torah was changed many time and the Quran is still the same from fist when it came down.

2) In all of God's Prophet from Adam to Moses to Jesus to Muhammed. There is also Suliman, Jacope, Noah..etc

3) In Angles , Israfel, Mekail...etc

4) Gadar the good and bad. Is the thing that say everything is writen down for you from God but that does not mean to be lazy but if something happen and you tried your best just remeber its from God. In muslim this thing is very good thing because if something good have happen you thank God and if Bad you have patience

5) and of course in only one God.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Absolutely NOTHING that any religion has ever predicted has come true.

NAME ONE!!!!!!

To what time does this refer?

          "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan. 12:4).

One sign of the time of the end is that people will run to and fro throughout the world, and there will be an increase of knowledge. 

...Sir Isaac Newton said, "Personally, I cannot but believe these words concerning the end of the times.  One sign of the end will be a remarkable increase in methods of getting about.  Men will travel from country to country in an unprecedented manner.  There may be some inventions which will enable people to travel much more quickly than they do now."  Sir Isaac Newton believed it possible that, as the end drew near, somebody might invent a means of locomotion which would enable people to travel at the astonishing rate of fifteen or twenty miles an hour.

Voltaire said, "See what a fool Christianity makes of an otherwise brilliant man.  Here a scientist like Newton actually writes that men may travel at the rate of fifteen or twenty miles an hour.  Has he forgotten that if a man would travel at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, he would be suffocated?  His heart would stand still."

Skeptics also used to laugh about the whole world being destroyed by fire (instead of water as in Noah's day), until nukes were dropped on Japan.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Paul of Nisbis]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 05:15 AM
The Anti-Christ is writen in the Quran,Bible and Torah.

Before he comes out there will be some weird animals like pig with one eye and something like that.

He have a huge donkey that said to have from ear to ear 40m and he would calm it to be God.

He would calm that he is the prophet and show many Godly powers and will have many followers.

The person that will kill him is Jesus and it will be in Palstine

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