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Cindy Sheehan will be at The State of the Union Address!

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posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The woman is a traitor. Back when America was great and actually had a backbone someone like this would have been executed without anyone batting an eye.

[edit on 1/31/2006 by djohnsto77]

I agree whith you totally

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 10:18 PM
Chavez should be painted as a total success story by the Bush Administration, they should be embracing him (see below what he has done) but they are not and I finally figured it out if they praised him they would have to tell why they are praising him and they don't want the word to get around that some Presidents and their governments actually do something for their people.

What Chavez has accomplished,
He has arranged for over a million children from the poorest villages to now have free education. Who does he think he is?
He has instituted a program that has taught 1.2 million illiterate adults to read and write. Disgusting.

He has made secondary education available to 250,000 children whose social status excluded them under the previous regime. He is destroying the status quo!

He has three new university campuses now functioning and six more are due to be completed by 2006. As if we don't have enough college educated Venezuelans already.

He brought in 10,000 doctors from Cuba, who have given medical treatment to over 12 million people, many of whom had never seen a doctor before. You mean he consorted with Fidel Castro?

He established 11,000 neighborhood medical clinics. The dirty socialist.

He has tripled the Venezuelan health budget. Yeah, but he taxed the rich to get that money. The lousy commie pinko!

He has distributed 2,262,467 hectares [2.5 acres] to 116,899 families under the Agrarian Reform Law. [quote/]

[edit on 31-1-2006 by goose]

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
She should be executed for the crimes she committed tonight, then she can join her son, maybe that'd make her happy. I know it'd make me happy.


The woman is a traitor. Back when America was great and actually had a backbone someone like this would have been executed without anyone batting an eye.

Comments such as yours are indefensible, crude, savage, and essentially everything America has ostensibly been fighting against with the WoT. You want to intimidate and brutalize Americans who don't agree with your politics, and that won't stand for long. Going so far as to suggest the state should murder peace activists is beyond the pale.

I think you'd be more comfortable in Russia, circa the late 1930's.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The woman is a traitor. Back when America was great and actually had a backbone someone like this would have been executed without anyone batting an eye.

[edit on 1/31/2006 by djohnsto77]

*cues Leave It To Beaver theme music*
Is this the America you are refering too

[Level II Sarcasm]Shame on her for getting out of the kitchen! I know June would NEVER speak about her feelings and her angst. Get back into the kitchen already woman [/Level II Sarcasm]

Its amusing to see the vilification of this woman who lost a son in the service of his country. Rather than accepting that she has a FUNDEMENTAL right to say how she feels she instead is subject to charecter assasination and
some sort of bizare historical death threat :shk:

[edit on 2/1/06 by FredT]

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 12:08 AM
She has a right to speak out against administration policy, but she doesn't have the right to prop up, defend, and glorify the declared enemies of the United States.

I wouldn't be surprised if her next international stop is a state-sponsored protest in Tehran with multitudes calling "Death to America, Death to the UK, Death Israel!" while burning all of our flags!

She's a traitor pure and simple and should be dispatched in the method most appropriate for traitors.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 12:39 AM
I'm sorry, but disagreeing with American policies during war is not giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Everyone has a right to have their own opinion and to tell that opinion to others.

As for the ban on protest in the Capitol building - it may be law, and I can somewhat understand it being there - but sometimes you just have to break the law to draw attention to something that's really important to you.

Now, I can't speak for Cindy Sheehan's motives, because I'm not her, nor do I know her... however, you cannot vilify someone because you think they're trolling for attention.

And finally, how disruptive would a t-shirt be, really? I mean, seriously. The government just doesn't want to be embarassed. Honestly, I find the standing ovation every five seconds to be far more disrupting.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 02:00 AM
I don't understand what so many of you have against Cindy Sheehan. I mean, yes she lost a son in the war. So did many others. So, you guys say (or imply) that none of the rest of them acted and spoke out like her. They just quietly accepted it.

Well, any movement or change takes at least one person with the courage to speak out and at least point out some of the facts involved, many that the others also knew, but yet did not have the courage to say or try to do anything.

A lot of you say that she is a fraud, that she had already spoken to Bush along with others who had recently lost sons and daughters in Iraq. I read the same stories. But, have any of you ever made a decision, then later obtained new information which made you take another look at things and perhaps then change your mind?

If her son had gone off to war, knowing not just thinking, that he was doing a noble thing and saving his fellow countrymen, and had died in the line of duty, it is quite possible that Cindy would not have reacted in this manner. However, after her son was killed, after she had met with the President, more and more information began coming out that discredited many of his initial reasons for going to war, and perhaps many of the reasons why her son enlisted in the first place. If he had known then, what the world knows now (no WMD, no grateful Iraqis to have been granted "freedom", Sadaam was hiding in a hole - huge threat :@@
, there's a good chance that he would not have thought the war to be such a noble cause, and therefore be alive today.

Now, I'm very fortunate to not have any children of age to be involved in the war. But if I had, and had had a similar experience, I never would have had the guts to do what Cindy did. I'd probably have a permanent ulcer instead. But, I don't know the woman, and everything that drives her. I'm just sick of people putting her down, when I don't see where she has done any harm to anyone, except perhaps annoy Bush's Crawford neighbor, and be a nuisance to Bush during his lengthy vacation.

But she certainly wasn't drafting anyone. All of her followers AFAIK, were there because the wanted to be. I don't believe that she "recruited" anyone who didn't want to be there supporting her cause. So, if you don't support her, then why bother talking about her. She isn't doing anything what-so-ever to disrupt any of your lives.

Maybe all the hatred and resentment towards her stems from jealousy? She's in the spotlight and you're not? (That was mean, I ought to delete it)

But regardless, comments such as that she should be executed are just beyond ridiculous. And why does anyone think that she is a traitor? I believe that a traitor is more like someone who pretends to be on the other side, and tells them our secrets - something like that. I don't think that she's done anything of the kind.

O.K. Attack me.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 03:52 AM
Good for her. I'm happy for her. I support her 100%.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by digitalassassin

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The woman is a traitor. Back when America was great and actually had a backbone someone like this would have been executed without anyone batting an eye.

[edit on 1/31/2006 by djohnsto77]

I agree whith you totally

You two must be more products of our failed Socialist public schools, you obviously have no grasp of American history, government, or civil liberties. Bush is the traitor, no American can be legally arrested for wearing a damned tshirt under our Constitution. When our country was great and still free, the original President Bush could be heckled by a crowd, and the only thing he could do was shout back at them! I didn't agree with the hecklers, being a Republican at the time, but I knew that was what made our country great, and always had, and I hoped always would. WTF is up with "free speech zones" to make sure Bush doesn't have to look upon a protester? The entire USA is a free speech zone.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 05:44 AM
So much for the right of dissent or freedom of speech, and we the American people paid for that building, it is ludicrous to think we don't have the right to freedom of speech there.
The T-shirt bore the words “2,245 Dead — How Many More??” in reference to the number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq, protesters told NBC News.[quote/]

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 06:19 AM
I think its time for Cindy to go home and get on with her life. There are thousands of mothers out there who feel as Cindy but they do not form a circus.

We all feel badly for Cindy. Enough is enough. Time to realize you are not going to singlehandedly change this war.

Go home and pray, Cindy. Its the only thing left.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I think its time for Cindy to go home and get on with her life.

If she feels it's time to do that, then yes. But until SHE makes that decision, then I support her to exercise her rights. It's not for anyone else to say what it's time for her to do. She's a grown woman with free will and freedom of expression.

We all feel badly for Cindy. Enough is enough. Time to realize you are not going to singlehandedly change this war.

It's obvious here that we do NOT all feel badly for Cindy. In fact, I don't feel badly for her. This isn't about feeling sorry that she lost her son. It's about supporting her rights instead of calling for her death because she's speaking out.

And I also think she's having quite an effect on the country's view of this war. That's what's got the pro-war crowd in such a huff. She IS making a difference.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 07:20 AM
BH, i agree with you, but i pray that she will get on with her life.

I am certainly for her to express herself in a free country. I am also aware that she has brought the war to the forefront.

I guess i wish her some peace within her soul soon. You are right, she will know when her mission is accomplished, i guess.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
And I also think she's having quite an effect on the country's view of this war. That's what's got the pro-war crowd in such a huff. She IS making a difference.

No, incorrect.

Ms. Sheehan is not causing any changes in the war plan, or changing public opinion to it. If anything she is helping people who support the war, by showing how emotion driven the anti-war people are. That is they are making their arguments based on an emotional reaction and not on the raw facts.

She is not making a difference. Can you list any changes she has made, or major spikes in a anti-war movement? No.

-- Boat

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Boatphone
Ms. Sheehan is not causing any changes in the war plan, or changing public opinion to it.

I didn't say she has made war plan changes or MAJOR spikes in the Anti-war movement. I said she's having an effect on the country's view of this war and making a difference. And she OBVIOUSLY is. She is making a steady, progressive, consistent, growing difference.

She is not making a difference.

Keep repeating that if it makes you feel better.

Can you list any changes she has made, or major spikes in a anti-war movement? No.

I love how you ask questions then answer them before anyone has a chance to give an answer you don't like!

The Sheehan Effect

"The effect of Ms. Sheehan is to guarantee that Iraq is in the news every day," he explains. "During the time that the media is focused on Iraq because of Ms. Sheehan, the news has been very, very bad, thinking in particular of that unit from Ohio [which lost 14 members in early August]."

It isn't just Cindy Sheehan anymore...

But what the president doesn't understand is this: She's not going to lose interest, and furthermore it isn't just Cindy Sheehan anymore. Parents of servicemen and women all over the country are beginning to see the little picture again. This is the tipping point, a showdown fueled by motherly devotion that will embolden other families to start questioning the integrity and fitness of this administration and this president: It's what I call the Sheehan Effect.

And that's the worst news ever for a man who can only see the "the mission," the big picture, and how noble it will look under "Bush, George W." in the history books.

She has made a difference

"I'm proud that Cindy's my guest tonight," Woolsey said before the speech. "She has made a difference in the debate to bring our troops home from Iraq."

The truth is that, like it or not (and I know you don't), Cindy Sheehan speaks for a large number of people in this country. And not only that, her courage to publicly 'fight against the machine' has given permission to many who, before her involvement, didn't feel they had the right or guts to speak out.

If she wasn't making a difference, BushCo and supporters wouldn't be so all-fired consumed with hatred for her. They wouldn't be calling for her death! She's seen as a threat to their agenda, pure and simple. They (you) want her out of the picture BECAUSE of her influence and effect on public opinion.

I don't agree with everything she does and says, but I support to the death her right to say them.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:27 AM
What good has she done for hte anit-war effort? Is she out campaining for body armor? better conditions? Is she working everyday packing boxes for the men and women over there fighting for what 'they' believe in? How many times has she visited her son since she has taken up this crusade?

Sorry, but she has been to busy on the talk show circuit, traveling to protests,bieng upset she was not on Larry King and demandign she talk to the president.. She wants to be the center of attention. I do not know where her right to free speech was violated either. Instead of creating a spectacle, she should have worn something semi professional and spoken to the crowds that were there. I equate the action she just commited to a KKK member appearing at a MLK rally with a "hang em high" t-shirt, or a group of thugs showing up at a local KKK rally. Either way you look at it, it is nothing but a recipe for trouble.

Cindy, you have way outlived your 15 minutes....

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The woman is a traitor.

Thats the most absurd thing I've read all day, and I've been on ATS for a while now today so thats saying a lot!

Back when America was great and actually had a backbone someone like this would have been executed without anyone batting an eye.

Has someone else gotten a hold of your account?

She's like the Rosenbergs

The rosenbergs were part of a communist spy network! Tokyo Rose worked for the japanese! And she was pardoned by a republican president!

Shehan is an anti-war activist, that's not treason!

Giving hope, and aid to the enemy

Er, no, she has not given aid to the enemy. Sorry, but being anti-war isn't treason. Claiming that it is is unamerican. Be an american and recognize that people have the right to disagree with the government, even if that means being against a legal congressionally declared war.

digital assasin
Any one else think she a bit COO COO

Who cares?

however an easy case can be made for giving her Enemies Aid and Comfort:

Preposterous. She met with chavez and supports him. Thats not illegal, thats not treason, the US isn't even at war with venezuala! This is utterly ridiculous. I completely disagree with shehan and loathe chavez, but to say she should be executed for disagreeing with any decision the government made, even if its a decision to go to war, is un-patriotic and un-american.

She has a right to speak out against administration policy,

Not according to you.

but she doesn't have the right to prop up, defend, and glorify the declared enemies of the United States.

She has not proped up anyone. She's an individual person, she can't prop up al-qaida or the taliban, and, agian, venezuala is not at war with the United States.

I wouldn't be surprised if her next international stop is a state-sponsored protest in Tehran

If that wouldn't surprise you, then you need to re-evaluate your basic grasp of reality.

I completely disagree with shehan's politics, but if people are going to start anything like what you and a few others are suggesting, then I'd completely support her politics and be more than glad to help out. What you are suggesting is a treasonable offense, trumping up charges against a fellow citizen, trashing the constitution and the very principles that this country was founded upon.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:45 AM

This is also not a Bush thing, seems Clinton's administration did it also at his impeachment trial. It is about keeping order and allowing people to speak during the proper setting, not disrupting the State of the UNion Address.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by goose
There are five different stages of grief and anger is one of them,

I personally think it is despicable that he can't take the time
to meet with her or any parent ....

Sorry goose, but this isn't exactly right.

Yes there are stages to grief. But your statement that 'he can't
take the time to meet with her or any parent' is wrong. He HAS
met with her. He has met with many of the other family members
as well. He took the time.

He is the President of the United States. He doesn't have time to
meet with her and hold her hand as she goes through each of the
five stages. He has a big job to do and constantly meeting with
her and the others at their whims isn't in the job description.
He already met with her. Now it's time for her to get some
mental health help. It's not his job to be her shrink through the stages.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Paul of Nisbis
You two must be more products of our failed Socialist public schools,

No .. if they were products of the failed socialist public schools they'd
sound more like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy instead of the 'communist
hunters' of the 1950's.

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